I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter Vol 2 1010

Chapter Vol 2 1010: third grail

"Senior, are you okay..."


Joan of Arc responded to Matthew's words: "According to the previous situation, it won't be long before you wake up, don't worry. Then...Miss Okita, what are you going to do?"


Okita Souji, who was walking towards the door, froze for a moment, and then said: "Go and find Nobu, in case she encounters any danger..."

"Don't worry, this matter has been entrusted to Mr. Liangyi, you just need to rest here."

"Ha... I see."


"Please come in."

Accompanied by Joan's words, a man in a suit walked in: "There is one thing I need to tell you."

"What's wrong?"

Joan looked at the man who claimed to be a "gentleman who traveled in time and space" and asked.

"There was a murder in the city, and Jack and his wife died."



"It's really worrying... Oda Nobunaga and the others."

Liangyi and Mi shook their heads: "I would have brought her here if I knew it earlier... No, I just took her out once, and there will be no next time!"

However, he always felt that he had heard similar words there.

Probably the parents took their children out to play, and then said to the mischievous children: "If you make trouble again, I won't take you with you", "Don't embarrass me..." and so on...

"Are you going to find them?"

Liang Yi looked at Liang Yi and Mi who sorted out their own situation and said.

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Liangyi and Mi sighed: "Let's not talk about Joan Alter, I brought nobu here. If he died here, I would be very sorry, and of course I will take him back. ...All the people in this singularity, and only I, can walk on that land unscathed? No matter how many Servants, no matter how many enemies are besieging me, as long as I want to , I can easily evacuate, as long as I think, I can kill the enemy army."

"What about this singularity?"

The two ceremonies were no longer about persuasion, but looked out the window, looking at this Salem.

"Who knows... the whole of France, and part of the surrounding country, only this small town is still alive. The number of people in stock... The previous statistics seem to be about 2,000... dead people Even if it is really dead, it will not be resurrected, even if it is because of the restoration of the singularity...and...it is not ancient like Uruk, hmph, even the restraint is a headache."

As Liangyi and Mi talked, they made up such a picture in their heads. The two restraining forces who had no personality were discussing the future situation of this world together.

Alaya: Gaia Gaia, what should I do? How can this matter be rounded off?

Gaia: Is this... Just ignore it for now.

Alaya: Ignore? Why?

Gaia: Anyway, it didn’t take long after the burn this time, and there are still frozen ones...afterwards, just cut it off, out of sight, out of mind.

Alaya: That's amazing, as expected of Gaia, so let's cut off this world line.


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Although it shouldn't be like this, but inexplicably thought of such a possibility.

Otherwise what should I do?

Anyway, he didn't know how to get around under such circumstances.


At this moment, Chaldea's communication interrupted Liangyi and Mi's thinking: "I just detected a high-energy spiritual base message in the east of Salem. It is a treasure! The treasure is released!"

"I see."

Liangyi and Mi nodded: "That should be where Nobu and the others are located. It seems that they are in trouble. I'll go there now."


"Damn it... just let me go." Jeanne Alter watched and pulled herself to run towards Salem, and at the same time kept pulling the trigger in her hand to attack them one by one over the flames. Oda Nobunaga killed by monsters.

"It's so long-winded! It's good to just stay here, I don't expect you to fight, but don't make trouble for me!" Oda Nobunaga gritted his teeth: "Just now I used my strongest treasure...there should have been Perceived, hold on, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

"You... have an unexpectedly good brain?"

"Are you trying to call me stupid?"

"..." Jeanne Alter took a deep breath and showed a distorted smile: "Really, I almost forgot."

As she said that, she closed her eyes, and the next moment, the magic power that was originally consumed by using the treasure was quickly replenished——

There are not two holy grails in this singularity.

but three—

One, now in the hands of Gilles de Rai, was also used to summon the giant sea monster, and then devoured the source of this world step by step.

One, in what is now Salem, was located under the protection of Joan of Arc and Martha, and was a vessel for holding holy water.

Used to protect the existence of Salem, Salem's enchantment also has the reason of the Holy Grail to a certain extent.josei

And the third one—is in the hands of Joan of Arc Alter!

The Holy Grail in her hand is the Holy Grail of the true Magic King, the Holy Grail sent to this era by Getia, the original distortion.

As for the next two...

One is related to evil gods, and the other is a manifestation of the world's self-inhibiting power to restore all these things.

Because she was in that place before, Jeanne Alter almost forgot that she also had the Holy Grail.

Joan of Arc, who had recovered her magic power, waved the holy flag in her hand, and the flames scattered around, and a golden cup appeared in her other hand: "Here you are!"

"Alas? The Holy Grail?"

"That's right, it's the Holy Grail!" Jeanne Alter said with a smile, "Thank you! Thank you for my generosity, and then use this Holy Grail to recover your magic power! Isn't this kind of thing easy? Who wants to die here! I don't want it Die here! I...I...I—! I want to live! I want to live even with this hatred!"

[Joan of Arc Alter fetters upgrade, current fetter 1]

Hearing the words of Joan of Arc Alter, Oda Nobunaga had such a picture in his mind, the bond experience increased, and he quickly reached the first level.

"Heh... The bond experience bar is really short."

This is only one attack, and after four times, it will almost reach the fifth level. At that time, Joan of Arc Alter will become her appearance.

Oda Nobunaga thought sinisterly, but at the same time he did not slow down the speed of recovering his magic power.

"Bond experience? What does this mean?"

Countless arquebus guns spread out all around in an instant, enveloping himself and Joan of Arc Alter: "Nothing! Then, get ready now! Breakout!"

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