I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter Vol 2 31

Chapter Vol 2 31: showdown

"Hey hey hey hey—what, you don't look much better than me—"


Reiner, who had just been 'carried' in, stared at Jike who was 'sitting' there, his eyes widened: "Jike...warrior commander."

As he said that, he also saw a woman sitting next to him: "And...Pike...Why are you here?"

"Ah... It's been five years since I said it." Jake looked at the ceiling and said: "Five years. You have no news at all. Marley is in a hurry, so he sent us to investigate, if You can get the power of the original giant by the way...but-"

Looking at the soldiers of the Survey Corps in the room, Jike gritted his teeth and said, "As expected of the descendants of demons, they are simply a group of monsters, especially the one named Levi..."

"What's wrong with me?" Levi sat down beside him and said.

"Haha, you are the monster among those monsters!" Jike laughed loudly, wanting to ease his current mood, he was completely captured...

Not only him, Pique was also captured... and not long after Reiner came in, Ani and Bertolt also came in.

All of them had their limbs cut off, and there were still traces of giantization on the face. It seemed that they had just been transformed into giants and then forcibly dug out.

Seeing this situation, Reiner remained silent, and the development inside the wall was unexpectedly fast.

Especially that thing called 'Thundergun'...even his armor was blown away!

Plus so many soldiers from the Survey Corps, and Captain Levi...

However, there are five holders of the power of giants on their side. If they can transform instantly, it is not certain who will win!

Moreover, with such a close distance and a closed room, Bertolt only needs to transform himself, and the aftermath can kill everyone.

"Okay, it seems that the first batch of spectators have arrived." Han Ji looked at the list in his hand, and then said to Ani and the others: "You should be able to control the wound and prevent your hands and feet from growing out, right? I suggest you do this...Because just in case, when your arms and legs grow about halfway, we will cut them off again depending on the mood. In short, there is no way you can become a giant situation."

"It depends on the mood...it's really scary."

"Really?" Han Ji smiled: "However, we are all Eldians after all, and we may not be enemies in the end...Although, you destroyed the city wall."

Hearing such words, Reiner and the others lowered their heads.

"You know so much..." Jike said in surprise: "And it doesn't seem like the three of them told you... Was it Marseille? That man in Marseille has his own opinions and knows something... .If he becomes a traitor to Marley...well, it's not inconceivable."

"Marseille... Marseille is dead." Bertolt murmured, "Because..."

"Because of saving me, I have been eaten by giants." Leiner gritted his teeth and said, even now, he often dreams in his dreams at night, dreaming that Marseille was eaten by giants in front of his eyes, dreaming Lima Sai apologized to him...

"Already dead..." The holder of the giant car's power, Pique slowly raised his head: "We will not recover from our injuries, so why did you bring us here? What's matter?"

"There are indeed some things, but it is not the time to announce it, and the audience is still missing a few."

At this time, there was a loud noise outside.

"What the **** is going on?" Jean muttered to himself in puzzlement while looking at the soldiers of the Survey Corps in the gendarmerie uniform, because he didn't have the energy to retake the battle of Troost District, and Marco didn't die.

So he finally joined the Gendarmerie and fulfilled his original wish.

It's just...not long after I joined the Gendarmerie, I received the current mission and was temporarily transferred to the Survey Corps...Of course I won't go through the investigation outside the wall, just let him come to this place...Temporarily obey the Survey Corps The command.

"Jean? Why are you here—?"

"Huh? Allen?" Jean who heard the voice hurriedly turned his head and saw a face that disgusted him: "Huh!? But you, why are you still alive?"

"What did you say?"


Allen gave Jean a headbutt directly: "It's you coward! Didn't you join the Gendarmerie in the end!?"

"That's better than you, a **** who is rushing to die!" Jean finally backed up and said, "A person like you will definitely die in the next investigation outside the wall!? Ha, don't worry, at that time Mikasa Just leave it to me to take care of it!"

"Ellen? Jean?"

The two people who heard the voice turned around and saw Mikasa and Almin, Marco, Christa, Sasha, Ymir and others walking over...

"You guys are here too..."

"Not good—I'm not late, am I?" Connie said, running up panting.

In the comics, he was originally going to join the Gendarmerie, but because of Allen’s talk, he decided to join the Survey Corps. Later, he chose to join the Gendarmerie because he saw the horror of giants in Trost District, and then joined again because of fear. Survey Corps...

In short, because of various factors, he and Jean are the only two members of the protagonist group who have joined the gendarmerie.

"Well, it's not late yet... but it's almost the last batch."

Isaac said to several people: "It's almost there, everyone is waiting for you to come in quickly."

"I see-!"

Allen nodded, and a group of people walked in.

"Tch...Damn it!" Jean patted himself on the head, and then asked Isaac: "Hey, do you know what's going on this time? Why did you call us all over? It seems a little strange ah..."

Jean walked towards the interior of the room, and at the same time looked around, a person came over, and some of them seemed to be the training soldiers of the 104 area like him, but they were not the training soldiers from the south, but the 104 areas from the other three directions. .

He knew two of them, after all, they were members of the Gendarmerie at the same time...

Unlike other corps, in the first phase of the Gendarmerie, only forty people can join at most, which are the top ten in the four regions...that is to say... there are not many people at all.

It's just... It's a little different from the gendarmerie in his impression.

In his impression, the gendarmerie should be very casual, chatting and farting all the time, and leaving things to the newcomers themselves is the corps to pass the time...

But—it’s actually not the case, everyone is training hard...

"Leiner—are you—?"

"Reiner?" Hearing Allen's scream, Jean quickly looked into the room, where Reiner, who had lost his limbs, was in this room—Chapter 32 Animation = The Ability of the Progenitor Giant

"Lena—what's the matter with you?"

"Alan...is it..." Reiner glanced at Alan, then lowered his head...ah...it's over.josei

Be it a fighter or a soldier, it's all over...

The Survey Corps has already known their true identities...then the same is true for Allen, and those...so are those people.

"Bertolt...Ani is also here—" Allen took a step back slightly, looking at the three people who had lost their limbs and looked gloomy: "You...what have you experienced?"

Taking a deep breath, Allen saw a familiar person at a glance—Han Ji!


As he said that, he immediately walked towards Han Ji: "What the **** did you guys do!! What did you do to my partner!??"

As he said that, there was even a slight heat wave all over Alan's body, and his pupils were dilated, as if he would hurt himself at any time and turn himself into a giant!

Looking at the current situation, Ermin didn't say a word...

The three of Reiner didn't say a single word of defense at this time, they just kept silent without saying a word...

Even when Allen was yelling at Hanji...Bertolt had tears in the corners of his eyes...the other two were just holding back...as if they were going to cry at any time.

"Okay, go to your seat." Ymir stopped Rang who was about to say something, and said, "There should be instructions for this kind of thing later, since we are asked to come here."

"That's right, Alan, calm down." Han Ji waved his hand and said, "Besides, we won't provoke you on purpose, will we?"

"What the **** do you mean—!? Besides...Even if there is some misunderstanding...the limbs are lost, what can restore them—!"

"Okay, Alan, calm down." Levi's cold words brought Alan back to his senses: "Let's take a good look, if they want to, the injury may recover at any time..."


Allen froze for a moment, then looked at the three of them...

"Hey...Bertolt, what are you talking about!"

"I...sorry...sorry...really...sorry." Bertolt just kept saying that, tears flowing more and more.

"No way..." Alan's eyes widened, his anger had completely disappeared, and his face was devastated.


Who would be able to grow back limbs even if they lost...Needless to say, it must be someone like him...a person who has the power of a giant!

"It seems...you have a good life on this island." Pique looked at Alan in the room and other 104th trainees who were in a daze and said: "It seems that they should be your new partners... Arnie."

There was no answer, Ani just lowered his head, his body trembling slightly.

Although she has always kept herself as far away as possible, but at this moment...she really doesn't know what expression to use to face this companion who has lived together for three years.

"Okay, it seems that everyone is almost here." Erwin opened the door and walked in and said, "Everyone go to their seats, and your doubts will be answered little by little later."

So, a group of people entered the seats.

Ermin looked at this strange room suspiciously...

It's a windowless room, but it's bright, with weird... lights around the walls? It seems that there is no need for firelight, and there is a strange incomprehensible thing in front of everyone...

In short, this room is full of weirdness——

Suddenly, the people around covered the lamps with black cloth, and the room became completely dark...

No, it's not completely dark, the first row still has light—

Some people in the first row had little lights on their seats, illuminating it.

Take a closer look.

Reiner, Bertolt, Ani... and two people who don't know each other but have similar treatment are all sitting in the first row, but they are not sitting next to each other.

On both sides of them were soldiers from the Survey Corps sitting there.

Heavily armed Survey Corps soldiers.

"Alan...do you know something?" The room fell silent, and Elmin asked Alan beside him who had been out of his mind since the beginning.

"Oh... no... I... don't know..." He just knows that he has the power of a giant, which is what someone told him...

As for the details... Hanji just said, 'This is the strength your father left you, and I will tell you the specifics after a while...that's it. '

Then let him train as a giant.

After drinking some potion, he was able to harden it... He was very excited at one point. With this power, he was able to plug the hole in the Wall of Maria, and he was able to go back—

Back to the beginning of everything, your own home!

But...everything has changed...if he didn't guess wrong...Reiner who has always been like a big brother...and Bertolt, and Arnie who taught him fighting skills...all ...

All giants.

All traitors—

Ah...it's not true...absolutely not?

This kind of thing—

At this moment, the front lit up, emitting a strange light: "Oh? This is??"

Ermin also stared blankly at the scene in front of her, there were birds and clouds in the sky...then...the city wall—

And the huge palm that appeared from the city wall.

And in the following picture... the people who appeared... seem to be him, Alan and Mikasa...

"This...what the hell..."

【On that day, human beings finally remembered】

"Ermin? What did you say?"

"No... that... I... didn't say anything..." Ermin stared at the screen with wide eyes, the huge head protruding from the wall that could be understood even by looking at the picture —

Super giant!

【The fear of being dominated by them, and the humiliation of being imprisoned in a birdcage...】

"This is-"

"Is it the picture when Sigansina District was captured?"

"What is this?" Ymir looked at the picture in front of him in surprise, not for the content...she had seen the content before, but...what the **** is this? Devil's trick?

Not only her, but Lena and the others were also stunned.

Although they also understood the meaning of the picture at once, but...but what they understood was...what does this picture mean?

Why would the Eldians...have such technology inside this wall?

Could it really be...the ability of a demon?

"Is this the ability of the ancestor giant?" Pique's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but make a sound.

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