I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter Vol 2 986

Chapter Vol 2 986: Oda Nobunaga

Looking at the children who left, Liang Yi looked at Liang Yi and Mi in the room and said, "So... the time is up?"


Liangyi and Mi nodded: "It's time to start exploring the second singularity...just..."

"Don't you want me to go..." Liang Yi said and shook his head: "You...don't always think so much, and now I am stronger than you, right?"

"Haha, probably..." Without any excuses, Liangyi and Mi just sighed slightly: "Well, forget it... Anyway, I always feel that even if I let you go, you will follow me again Come here... There is no D4C, but it gives me such a feeling..."

In fact, she has indeed traveled across the world on her own.

Even if it happens a second time, it's not impossible...

"But it looks like you're not in a hurry, when?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning." Liangyi and Mi said, "However, this singularity is indeed dangerous, and I plan to take others there together."

"Hey~~ you, who are you going to bring there?" the two ceremonies said with some surprise.

"Oda Nobunaga."

Liangyi and Mi said the answer they had thought before: "Among all the Servants now, Oda Nobunaga should be the strongest one. After being strengthened in Mooncell, plus her own ability to Mysterious characteristics, and she has become more and more useless recently, should she get in touch with the battle to regain her appearance as the sixth-day demon king?"

"Is she... well, then, let's take Okita with me by the way."

The two men nodded and said: "Her strength has regressed a lot, really...I don't even have a pair to practice now, let her get back to her form quickly."

"I see."

Liangyi and Mi nodded: "Then, it's them."

From Ryogi Kazuya's point of view, if it was Oda Nobunaga who had just been summoned, she would be 60 points cute and 40 points majestic.

And now...she's completely changed—

There are only about 40 points for Moe, and only about 0.0000000001 for Majesty, and the rest... the rest are useless.

And Mr. Okita...

Although he still insisted on training at the beginning, he also had several competitions with the two ceremonies.

The number of wins and losses is uncertain...

But—the person next to him is Oda Nobunaga!

When she first woke up to exercise in the morning, Oda Nobunaga was playing...

When she was exercising after lunch, Oda Nobunaga was playing...

When she works out at night before going to bed, Oda Nobunaga is playing...

So... her exercise time has also been unknowingly reduced in the process... Although it has not reached the level of Oda Nobunaga, it is actually not far away.


"Huh? Go to another world?"

"Yes! How should I put it..." Liangyi and Mi said the words they had planned to persuade her before: "Just treat it as a real-life FGO game... how about it? Are you interested?"

"Oh, the live-action version!" Oda Nobunaga said with bright eyes: "Then, I can see the live-action version of my wife and husband?"


Okita Souji leaned aside to indicate that he didn't know her.

"Ha... haha... almost...By the way, who are your husband and wife?"josei

"Well, almost everything except Okita."

"..." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "Then, I've figured things out, this time the singularity should be very interesting, so I specially asked you to play, how about it!"

"Go!" Oda Nobunaga nodded hastily, stood up and waved his arms, and the wide pajamas on his body suddenly changed into his own costume of the Sixth Heaven Demon King: "Uh ha ha ha ha ha—I'll let you meet me..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, nothing, nothing, nothing." Oda Nobunaga shook his head hastily: "Anyway, the time is tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, we are leaving at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Before that, if you get up early, you can have breakfast. I will force you to wake up around five thirty."

"5:30..." Oda Nobunaga looked at the time: "It's not good—isn't it already ten o'clock? You won't be able to sleep for long at all!"

"Huh? Are you a Servant? You don't need to sleep, do you?"

"No, no, sleep is the pleasure of human beings. If I don't sleep for twelve hours a day, I won't be refreshed. Well...but just because I can see my wife and husband this time..." Oda Nobunaga paused while speaking: "By the way, can't the time be postponed?"

"No way, this kind of thing..." Okita said with emotion: "And just now, you must have...forgot something, right?"

Okita looked at Oda Nobunaga and said...

I always feel that her expression just now is a bit like the expression she had a year ago...she has been playing games for a week...

At that time... she forgot how to use Shuji.

Afterwards, it took me a few days without playing games before I got back the habit of using the sword, and once again mastered Shuji...

"Hahahaha—what are you kidding, I am the Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven, unlike you, I am a Servant!" Oda Nobunaga said with a smile: "Well, you can rest assured about this matter, just come to me as much as possible when the time comes gone."

"Well..." Liangyi and Mi nodded: "Then...it's settled like this, and you must not go back on your word...no, even if you go back on it, I will forcefully pull you over! "

"Then, I have to call other people to rest early..." Liangyi and Mi waved their hands.

"Huh? Anyone else? Who?"

"Ah, Ah Rong...she has been idle at home for a long time, right? Let's call her over too." Liangyi and Mi smiled and said, the singularity this time...may involve evil gods. ..so I called Ah Wing... No, it should be Katsushika, it should be good.

Her father, that is, the octopus has a good understanding of this aspect, and it may come in handy at that time.

Although he usually looks like an octopus, he may not be able to answer if you ask him...

"So that's it, that's it, I know." Oda Nobunaga nodded: "Then I'll go to rest!"

Seeing Oda Nobunaga Ryiki and Mi who simply left and said they were going to sleep feels a little strange... If the previous she should have passed the game all night before talking about it?

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