I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter Vol 2 989

Chapter Vol 2 989: army vs army

Blood sprayed down in this space.

One by one, monsters roared and rushed towards Liangyi and Mi, and then—

The bone blade flew, leaving **** blades one after another in the air.

Monsters were cut and killed like straw.

Then the body was swallowed and absorbed by Liangyi and Mi passing by!

"Is this already the domain of another world? Does it no longer belong to the human realm?" Liangyi and Mi were thinking while killing.

Fighting like this, even if he keeps killing, he won't feel tired.

Although...the dead monsters invaded his mind while being devoured by him...but it doesn't matter—

His spirit is an indestructible temple!

There, there is a game called 'World', and countless shadows that can only appear in his mind are concentrated there. If someone follows the correct method, it only takes dozens of hours to make Liangyi and Mibu pay attention to his spirit Doing things for dozens of hours will probably be able to break through his mental defenses.

But—if it's like these monsters.

Running around irrationally, there is only one result.

That is to be suppressed to death by numbers more shadows than them—

The infinitely refreshed shadows are faster than Liangyi and Mi can kill these monsters—

That is to say, as long as Liangyi and Mi kill monsters slower than the speed of refreshing shadows in that hall...then it is impossible for those monsters to break through his hall!

Head-on combat is not his opponent.

He just needs to keep killing and devouring, and his body won't get tired.

And those monsters devoured by him cannot break through his palace.

Simply put...perpetual motion machine—

As long as these monsters don't die, he's like a machine that kills forever...until he gets tired of it...

But it's impossible - just kill them here...the more you kill on your side, the easier it will be on the other side...so kill!

kill! kill! kill!

Kill without stopping!


The blood-red spikes came out of nowhere and pierced Liangyi and Mi's soles, and pierced his knees!josei

chi chi chi chi——


Countless spikes pierced Liangyi and Mi's bodies, but somehow they didn't feel like hitting.

"I see."

Da da da-

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground, and the king on his back appeared in the battlefield.

Vlad III looked at Liangyi and Mi in the center of the battlefield, frowned and said, "Have you avoided it..."

It's not the so-called dodging his attack, but...all the places pierced by spikes, there is a hole in it—

That is to say... the flesh and blood of Ryogi and Mina did not exist in the first place, and naturally there is no penetrating feel.


The next moment, the flesh and blood that appeared suddenly crushed the countless spikes. Liangyi and Mi waved their hands slightly, and the bone blade in their hands shredded the two monsters. It flew to the ground and formed a puddle of minced meat.

"Lancer, Vlad..." Liangyi and Mi smiled and shook their bodies: "Just now I want to try the trick I thought before, and it seems to work well... Although it is a hit It’s okay to get hit, but this can also avoid unnecessary damage, your attack is not fast enough.”

"Yes, how about this?"


This time, there was definitely blood, and a blood thorn appeared on Liangyi and Mi's shoulders, piercing his neck suddenly, and the blood sprayed out from the wound.

However...it was just a small, imperceptible wound, the place where the sharp thorn was pierced was like being pricked lightly with a sewing needle, although there was blood, but it didn't flow out of the wound, The injury had already healed, and the blood thorn was naturally broken.

"Sorry I didn't say enough."

Liangyi and Mi walked towards Vlad, the body glowed slightly, it was a rippled light: "In fact, your attack is just a little itchy, especially now—I guess you even touched my skin this time. Can’t it hurt? The surrounding things too.”

Seeing the ghouls biting towards their body, Liangyi and Mi didn't fight back this time.

The result is also obvious, the tooth is broken and there is no bite wound on his body—

"Without enough attacks, it is impossible to cause any damage to my body now..."

Of course, the current Liangyi and Mi are ultimate creatures after all. If they need to be injured, it is still possible to imitate the weak, but now there is no need at all—

"Then the previous battle."

"Ah, it's nothing, I just want to clean up these monsters as much as possible, and wait for Chaldea's contact by the way."

Liangyi and Mi looked at his right wrist, where he used his own flesh and blood to wrap the communicator when the spirit son transfer encountered an attack - so as not to be attacked during the battle.

"But I really... still lack a large-scale attack method..."

Liangyi and Mi feel that they have killed a lot, but...the number of these monsters has not decreased at all...If they have a treasure Phantasm for the country or the city at this time...such a large group of monsters, all of a sudden Not sure how much to clear...

This is not the first time, he feels that he lacks this kind of means... Next, he must find a way to obtain such an attack method—

"However, since there is a leader like you, it's great." Liangyi and Mi said with a smile, and the next moment - they rushed towards him and bit him, even though their teeth were broken, they were still biting his food. The ghoul slowly merged into his body—

It was swallowed up by the cells all over his body!

"It's a little difficult for me to kill so many monsters... That being the case."


The ground slightly collapsed and trembled, and all the monsters around him were ignored by him. Anyway, these things couldn't hurt him at all, and they were no different from air to him - they would be swallowed up by him naturally as soon as they walked by Lose!

"Killing you should be a good choice—!"


Vlad III's pupils shrank!


Even as a Servant, he could only see an afterimage rushing towards him and - a large rain of blood all around!

And at this moment, he felt the wind pressure—

Something appeared in front of him, and the wind blowing towards his face was—the fist of Liangyi and Mi!

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