Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 364 2nd Day

Chapter 364 2nd Day: Stairway To Heaven

"Good morning Ladies and Gentleman! How are you all doing!?"

Elise's question caused loud cheers and applause to erupt from the crowd. Their noise was so loud that it shook the entire stadium.

"Great! Glad to know that you all are so energetic today!"

As the second day of the Mystic Guild Tournament begins, the stadium is once again filled to the brim with excited fans and curious spectators. Today's event for the Mortal League is called "Stairway to Heaven," a challenge that will test the limits of even the strongest contestants.

The Stairway to Heaven is a Guild Artifact used by the High-Evolutionaries for casual training, and it's said that each step is at least a mile wide. As the contestants begin to ascend, they'll feel an overwhelming pressure that will test their resolve and strength. The goal of this event is to reach at least the 20th step, and only the first 500 people will proceed to the next round.

It's going to be a grueling challenge, but the contestants of the Mortal League are ready to face it head-on. Stay tuned, because the action is just beginning.

As the contestants prepare for the Stairway to Heaven challenge, the atmosphere in the stadium is filled with excitement and anticipation. The youth of the Mortal League, who will also be participating in this challenge, is already waiting at the foot of the stairs. The audience is waiting with bated breath to see how the contestants will perform in this challenging event.

Elise's commentary fills the stadium, "Ladies and gentlemen, the moment we have all been waiting for is finally here. The Stairway to Heaven challenge is about to begin. This challenge is not for the faint of heart. It will test the endurance, strength, and determination of all the contestants who dare to climb these stairs."

As the contestants start to ascend the stairs, the pressure begins to build up, making it harder for them to breathe. The higher they climb, the more intense the pressure becomes. The contestants begin to feel a burning sensation in their legs, and their muscles begin to cramp up, but they push on, determined to reach the top.

In the stadium, as well as the live broadcast, the scene of contestants' struggles was displayed for everyone to see. Judging from their expressions, this challenge wasn't easy to surpass at all.

Elise's voice echoes through the stadium, "As you can see, the contestants are struggling to climb the stairs, but they are not giving up. They know that only the first 500 people will proceed to the next round, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to be one of them."

As the contestants continue to climb, some of them start to lose their grip on the stairs, and they fall, tumbling to the ground. The audience gasps as they watch the contestants fall, but the other contestants keep climbing, undeterred.

Those who faced a setback weren't eliminated right away. According to the rules, only the first 500 people who reached the 20th Step will proceed to the next round. Until that quota was filled, they could try and try again.

Elise's commentary continues, "The Stairway to Heaven challenge is not just a test of physical strength, it's also a test of mental strength. The contestants have to overcome the overwhelming pressure and the burning sensation in their legs. They have to push through the pain and keep climbing, one step at a time."

As the contestants reach the higher steps, the pressure becomes almost unbearable. Some of them start to hallucinate, seeing things that aren't there, while others lose consciousness. The audience watches in awe as the contestants fight to stay conscious and keep climbing.

Elise's voice booms through the stadium, "The Stairway to Heaven challenge is truly a test of the human spirit. It takes more than just physical strength to climb these stairs. It takes courage, determination, and a never-give-up attitude."

As the first few contestants reach the 20th step, the audience cheers and applauds. They know that these contestants have passed the challenge and will proceed to the next round. The rest of the contestants keep climbing, hoping to be one of the lucky 500.

Elise concludes her commentary, "And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The Stairway to Heaven challenge has begun, and we are witnessing an incredible display of human strength and determination. Who will make it to the next round? Stay tuned to find out."

As the contestants started climbing the Stairway to Heaven, they felt an overwhelming pressure that they had never experienced before. The sheer size of each step, which was at least a mile wide, made them feel tiny and insignificant.

Some contestants began to feel dizzy and nauseous, while others found it difficult to catch their breath. The pressure was so intense that some contestants even felt as though they were being crushed by an invisible force.

As they continued to climb, the air grew thinner, making it even harder to breathe. Some contestants began to see spots in front of their eyes and felt like they were going to pass out.

Despite these challenges, some contestants pushed through the pain and continued to climb. They focused on their breathing and tried to ignore the pressure, determined to reach the top.


As they climbed higher, the view around them became more and more spectacular. The sky turned a deep shade of blue and the clouds seemed so close they could almost touch them. The contestants felt like they were ascending into the heavens themselves.

Despite the incredible view, the pressure remained relentless, making it hard for the contestants to take in the beauty around them. Each step felt like an eternity, and the pressure seemed to be growing stronger the higher they climbed.

As the contestants reached the 20th step, only a handful remained. They were exhausted, but the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. They had conquered the Stairway to Heaven and earned their place in the next round of the tournament.

Elise stepped forward and addressed the crowd once again. "As the second challenge for the Mortal League comes to a close, we have seen some amazing performances from the contestants of our Young Heroes.

Unfortunately, not all were able to make it to the 20th step of the Stairway to Heaven."

She paused for a moment to let her words sink in before continuing. "But don't worry, for those who didn't make it, we have a consolation prize for you. You will be receiving a special medal of honor for your bravery and determination in facing the overwhelming pressure of the Stairway to Heaven. This medal could be used to earn a free coaching session for Senior Members of the Mystic Guild."

"Their guidance will prove to be helpful for you so I suggest that you use it wisely. We commend you for your efforts and hope that you continue to strive for greatness in the future." Elise gave them a round of applause which was then followed by the crowd.

To the public, this consolation prize might not be much, but for these youths? This was already worth the effort they put in. The prize certainly dwindled their disappointment to themselves. So, even though they were eliminated from the tournament, they will be going home with a smile on their faces.

Elise then turned to the audience, a smile on her face. "For those who made it to the 20th step and beyond, congratulations! You have shown immense strength and perseverance. The top 500 of you will be moving on to the next round of the tournament."

The crowd erupted in cheers as the contestants who made it to the next round raised their fists in triumph. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation for what was to come in the next challenge.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Elise continued, "Before we move on to the second day of the tournament, I want to remind everyone that the Mystic Guild Tournament is not just about winning. It's about improving yourself and learning from your experiences, win or lose. So for those who didn't make it, I hope you use this as a stepping stone to better yourself and come back stronger next year."

The audience applauded at her words and the contestants who didn't make it felt a renewed sense of determination. Elise smiled at the response and added, "And for those who did make it, remember that this is just the beginning. The challenges will only get tougher from here on out. But I have faith that you are all capable of overcoming them."

With that, Elise announced the end of the second day of the tournament and thanked everyone for their participation. The contestants made their way off the field, some with medals of honor around their necks, while others held their heads high with the knowledge that they did their best.

As the sun began to set and the stadium emptied, the contestants retreated to their respective guilds to rest and prepare for the challenges to come. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone looked forward to what the next event of the tournament.

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