Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 393 Black Boxes

Chapter 393 Black Boxes

Alice sat in the makeshift command tent, surrounded by stacks of mission reports and maps spread out before her. The flickering light of a nearby lantern illuminated her focused expression as she meticulously reviewed each document, ensuring that the plan was being executed with precision and efficiency.

Her eyes scanned the details, absorbing the information with a sharp intellect honed through years of strategic warfare. Every move, every maneuver, had to be scrutinized and analyzed, for the stakes were too high to leave anything to chance. The fate of humanity rested on their success.

Outside the tent, the sounds of a bustling camp filled the air. Soldiers hurried by, their armor clanking softly as they prepared for the next phase of the operation. The distant rumble of machinery and the murmur of conversations intertwined, creating an atmosphere of controlled chaos.

As Alice delved deeper into the reports, her brow furrowed with a mix of concentration and concern. She made notes, marked important details, and devised contingency plans. Her mind was a wellspring of strategies and tactics, each decision weighed with the lives of countless individuals hanging in the balance.

In the midst of the organized chaos, Alice's presence exuded a sense of calm authority. Her unwavering determination and unwavering dedication to the cause inspired those around her, instilling confidence and bolstering their resolve. She was the embodiment of leadership, leading by example and ensuring that every aspect of the operation was meticulously planned and flawlessly executed.

Amidst the sea of paperwork, Alice occasionally paused to gaze out of the tent, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for something beyond the physical realm. It was a brief moment of respite, a chance to gather her thoughts and draw strength from the vastness of the sky above.

The weight of responsibility bore heavily upon her shoulders, but Alice knew she couldn't falter. She had a duty to her people, to humanity, to ensure that their cause prevailed. The sacrifices made thus far would not be in vain. They would fight with all their might, their determination unyielding until victory was within their grasp.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alice returned her attention to the reports, her mind sharp and focused. She knew there would be challenges ahead, unexpected twists and turns that would test their resolve, but she was prepared. She would adapt, strategize, and lead her forces toward the ultimate goal—victory and the restoration of peace.


In the camp of humanity, under the watchful eyes of their resolute leader, preparations continued unabated. The machinery of war churned, soldiers, rallied, and the determination to overcome the celestial forces burned brighter than ever. They were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, for they knew that the fate of humanity and the future of their world hung in the balance.

Just as Alice was immersed in the reports, her focus was broken momentarily by the sound of a communication device chiming. She reached for it instinctively, recognizing the incoming call from Blake, the leader of the assault on Inferno. A sense of anticipation mixed with concern surged through her as she swiftly accepted the call.

"Blake," Alice greeted, her voice laced with a mixture of relief and urgency. "How are things on your end? Are you and Mary holding up?"

The holographic image of Blake flickered into view, his face bearing a determined expression despite the fatigue etched on his features. Mary, standing beside him, offered a nod of acknowledgment.

"We're holding our ground, Alice," Blake replied, his voice resonating with determination. "The forces of Inferno have proven to be formidable adversaries, but we expected nothing less. Mary and I are coordinating our efforts, ensuring that the assault proceeds as planned."

Alice's concern softened slightly as she observed the unwavering resolve in Blake's eyes. She trusted his leadership, knowing that he would do everything in his power to achieve their common goal.

"And what about you?" Mary interjected, her voice filled with both curiosity and genuine concern. "How are things going on Paradiso? Have you encountered any unexpected obstacles?"

Alice's expression turned pensive for a moment before she replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of caution and determination.

"We've had our fair share of challenges, Mary," Alice admitted, her tone laced with an undertone of determination. "The capital city has been devastated, and we've suffered losses, but we remain resolute. Our forces are pushing forward, inch by inch, reclaiming what is rightfully ours."

Alice's voice carried a sense of urgency as she asked Blake, "Have the Black Boxes been successfully installed on Inferno?"

Blake nodded, a flicker of excitement crossing his features. "Yes, Alice. We've managed to discreetly place the Black Boxes at strategic locations across Inferno. The teams assigned to guard them are vigilant, ensuring their secrecy and protection."

Alice's eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and satisfaction. The Black Boxes were a formidable tool, a potent fusion of science and magic, crafted to extract and transfer Providence—the life force of the Celestials and Hypogeans. It was a means of leveling the playing field and exacting revenge for the atrocities committed against humanity.

"Good," Alice replied, her voice filled with determination. "The Providence drain must be gradual, and we need to ensure the secrecy of these boxes. The longer this war goes on, the more Providence we can siphon, weakening our enemies and strengthening our cause."

Blake understood the significance of the Black Boxes and the importance of keeping them hidden. "Rest assured, Alice. We've taken every precaution to ensure their secrecy. Only a select few know of their existence, and the teams guarding them are sworn to protect this knowledge at all costs."

Alice's expression softened slightly as she absorbed Blake's words. She knew she could rely on him to handle this critical aspect of their strategy. The gradual Providence drain would chip away at the power of their enemies, tilting the scales in humanity's favor.

"Our enemies won't know what hit them," Alice said, a touch of satisfaction lacing her voice. "We will drain their Providence, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. This war will be a prolonged one, allowing us to extract as much Providence as needed to secure our victory."

Blake nodded, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their mission. "We understand the importance of these Black Boxes, Alice. We won't fail in our duty to protect them and ensure the success of this Providence-draining strategy."

"'s a little lonely out here without you," Alice admitted, her voice sounding a touch too soft and endearing.

Blake and Mary's faces softened upon her admittance. No words needed to be said, Alice already knows that they too feel the same.

Taking a deep breath, Alice's face hardened once again, reclaiming the air of a true commander.

"Our casualties had been on the higher side, but nothing that exceeded our expectations. As we speak, some teams are already sending their remains back to our home. We will pay due diligence to honor their sacrifices. However, I'm afraid that it'll have to wait until this war was over."

Mary's face contorted with a mix of empathy and determination as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. She understood the stakes and the sacrifices made by their comrades in this war.

"We won't let their sacrifices be in vain," Mary stated firmly, her voice brimming with conviction. "We'll fight with everything we have to ensure their memories are honored and their deaths were not in vain."

Alice nodded in agreement, a flicker of admiration crossing her features. "You're right, Mary. We owe it to them to keep pushing forward, to secure victory. This war is far from over, but with each step we take, we get closer to reclaiming what was taken from us."

The connection wavered for a moment, a brief interruption caused by the turbulence of the realms they found themselves in. But the determination in their eyes remained unyielding.

"Stay safe, both of you," Alice said, her voice filled with heartfelt concern. "We'll continue to coordinate our efforts, support one another, and overcome the challenges we face. We will prevail."

Blake and Mary nodded, their eyes reflecting the same unwavering spirit that Alice displayed. They understood the importance of their roles and the weight of their responsibilities.

"We won't let you down, Alice," Blake vowed, his voice carrying the resolve of a leader determined to see this through to the end.

With a final exchange of assurances, the communication ended, leaving Alice once again surrounded by the reports and maps. She took a moment to gather herself, steeling her resolve for the battles yet to come. The war raged on, but with each check-in, each connection forged with her comrades, Alice's determination only grew stronger.

As they concluded their conversation, a sense of determination hung in the air. Alice, Mary, and Blake shared a deep understanding of the significance of the Black Boxes and the role they would play in the war. With each passing moment, humanity's revenge grew closer, and the weight of the battles ahead seemed to press upon their shoulders.

Together, they would face the trials ahead, united in purpose and unwavering in their commitment to restore peace and reclaim their homes. The path to victory would be arduous, but the bonds forged in the crucible of war would be unbreakable.

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