Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 396 Chased

Chapter 396 Chased

"Shit! What rotten luck is...this...?"

Ethan stumbled through the dense foliage, his breath ragged and labored. Pain seared through his body, each step intensifying the torment of his injuries. Cursing under his breath, he gritted his teeth and pushed himself to keep going, his willpower overriding the physical agony that threatened to consume him.

Looking back very briefly, Ethan felt chills as the malignant presence chased after him. He decisively shook his fright away and focused on his efforts in running. If he stops here, he will undoubtedly die, that's for sure...

Blood trickled down his face from the wound on his head, obscuring his vision as it streamed over his closed eye. The crimson stain on his clothes marked the toll the chase had taken on him. He could feel the weight of broken bones and fractured ribs, a constant reminder of the peril he had found himself in.

The forest around him seemed to close in, branches lashing out, their sharp edges grazing his already wounded body. He glanced back, catching a glimpse of the pursuing horror—a creature of twisted malice and darkness, relentless in its pursuit. Its grotesque form seemed to merge with the shadows, a nightmarish presence that defied comprehension.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as panic threatened to consume him. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he fought to suppress his fear, knowing that to falter now would seal his doom. His mind raced, searching for a way to elude his relentless pursuer and find refuge, even for a moment.

Though pain and fatigue threatened to overwhelm him, Ethan summoned his remaining reserves of agility and resilience. He darted through the undergrowth, his movements guided by instinct and the desperation to survive. The forest became a blur of green and brown as he weaved through the maze-like terrain, hoping to lose his pursuer in the labyrinth of nature.

Every step became a test of endurance, each impact reverberating through his battered body. The pain, however, fueled his determination, a constant reminder that he was still alive and fighting. With every ounce of his will, he pushed through the agony, refusing to succumb to the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole.

As Ethan's ragged breaths echoed in his ears, his mind raced with a singular thought—to find a temporary sanctuary, a respite from the relentless onslaught. But time was running out, his energy waning, and his strength dwindling. The pursuit was closing in, an ever-present reminder of the peril he faced.

Gritting his teeth, Ethan pressed on, the taste of blood mingling with his ragged breaths. He knew that every second counted, and that escape was the only path to survival. With his one good eye narrowed in determination, he pushed his aching body to its limits, desperately seeking a fleeting moment of respite in a world fraught with danger.

The chase continued an unforgiving battle between predator and prey, where only the strongest and most cunning would emerge victorious. Ethan, his body battered and broken, clung to the hope of eluding his pursuer, refusing to surrender to the inevitable. The will to survive burned within him, a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume him.

"Hah..." Ethan's breath was labored. He knew that he wouldn't last for long. That's when he suddenly heard a static sound on his earpiece.

Ethan's comms crackled to life, the sound cutting through the cacophony of his labored breathing. He fumbled with the device, his injured hand trembling as he brought it to his ear. Kaitlyn's voice filled his earpiece, her words laced with concern and determination.

"Ethan, do you copy? Are you still alive?" Kaitlyn's voice held a sense of urgency, a testament to the gravity of their situation.

Ethan clenched his jaw, fighting back waves of pain as he mustered the strength to respond. "Yeah, still breathing... barely. What's the plan?"

Kaitlyn's voice remained steady, her authoritative tone cutting through the chaos that surrounded Ethan. "Lead it to the coordinates I'm sending you. We have an ambush waiting. We'll take care of it, but you need to keep moving. You can make it, Ethan."

As Kaitlyn spoke, a surge of mixed emotions coursed through Ethan's battered body. Skepticism clashed with a flicker of hope within him. The distance to the rendezvous point felt insurmountable, his fatigue threatening to drag him down into the abyss of despair. Doubt gnawed at his resolve, whispering that he would never make it.

Yet, deep down, Ethan held onto a glimmer of belief. He wanted to reach that rendezvous point, to be reunited with his comrades and turn the tables on their relentless pursuer. The desire to survive burned within him, intertwining with a newfound trust in his team.

Pushing back the doubt, Ethan drew a ragged breath, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll get there, Kaitlyn. Just... give me a little more time. I won't let you down."

Kaitlyn's response was firm and unwavering, carrying the weight of their shared mission. "We're counting on you, Ethan. Stay focused and keep moving. We'll be waiting."

With renewed purpose, Ethan clenched his fist, gritting his teeth against the pain that threatened to consume him. He pushed himself forward, his steps unsteady but resolute. Each agonizing stride brought him closer to the coordinates that represented salvation and a chance to turn the tide of their desperate situation.

As he navigated through the treacherous terrain, Ethan's mind battled against the physical and mental torment that threatened to overwhelm him. His skepticism, once a shield against false hopes, now teetered on the precipice of belief. The bond he shared with his team, forged through countless trials, fueled his determination to defy the odds.

Through sheer force of will, Ethan pressed on, the distance to the rendezvous point gradually diminishing. Every fiber of his being screamed for respite, but he refused to succumb to the lure of surrender. His body moved on pure instinct, driven by a desire to protect his comrades and bring an end to the relentless pursuit.

As the coordinates drew near, Ethan's steps grew more labored, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Doubt and fatigue threatened to crush his spirit, but he clung to the belief that his team was waiting, ready to face the looming threat head-on.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Ethan pressed forward, his willpower surpassing the limits of his battered body. The world around him blurred as pain and determination merged into a single, fierce resolve. He could almost taste the victory that lay within reach, even as the shadows of uncertainty lingered at the edge of his consciousness.

And so, Ethan trudged onward, his path fraught with obstacles and his body pushed to its breaking point. But in the face of adversity, he refused to falter. With each step, he embraced the flickering hope within him, his skeptical nature bending beneath the weight of possibility.josei



As the deafening roar of the pursuing menace echoed through the air, Ethan's heart sank. He knew he had run out of time, and his weary body could no longer offer any defense. Resigned to his fate, he closed his eyes, ready to face the inevitable.

But just as despair threatened to consume him, a symphony of clanking steel shattered the silence. Ethan's eyes shot open, and his gaze fell upon the figure of his captain, Kaitlyn. She stood tall and unwavering, a beacon of resilience, as she faced the malignant presence head-on.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to slow as Ethan watched in awe. Kaitlyn's eyes blazed with determination, her sword held aloft with unyielding resolve. Her every movement exuded unwavering strength as if she had become an indomitable force, standing between Ethan and the encroaching danger.

The sharp and dangerous entity halted in its tracks, its attention diverted by Kaitlyn's defiant stance. A primal growl rumbled through the air, reverberating with malice. But Kaitlyn remained steadfast, her unwavering gaze locked with the creature's malevolent eyes.

In that mesmerizing tableau, Ethan felt a renewed surge of hope ignites within him. The selfless act of his captain, risking her own life to protect him, shattered his doubts and rekindled his determination. He pushed aside the pain that coursed through his battered body, drawing upon reserves of strength he didn't know he possessed.

As the two formidable forces stared each other down, Ethan found solace in Kaitlyn's unwavering presence. He knew he wasn't alone in this battle, that their bond as comrades and friends would prevail against the encroaching darkness.

With a defiant glimmer in his eyes, Ethan mustered his remaining strength and forced himself to stand. His body protested, every movement laced with pain, but he refused to be a bystander in his own rescue.

"Ethan! Geez man, come on! Stay with us!" Rylan, one of his teammates snapped him out of his daze.

Next to him was Maya who was administering first aid as the rest of the team stood defiantly against the thing that did this to Ethan.

The air was tense as the team and the beast sized each other up. It was then that Kaitlyn asked:

"Ethan, where in this world did you find this thing and what did you do to provoke it?"

Ethan laughed dryly and said: "I didn't find it. It found me. And for some reason, it seems to have a personal vendetta against me."

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