Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 399 Mysterious Variable

Chapter 399 Mysterious Variable

As the clash between Alice and the Nightmare Incarnates intensified, the air crackled with raw energy. Alice's movements were a symphony of lethal grace, her sword Excalibur gleaming as it sliced through the darkness with precision and purpose. With every strike, she left trails of shimmering light, a stark contrast to the vile aura emanating from her eldritch adversaries.

The first Nightmare Incarnate lunged forward, its elongated, tentacle-like appendages flailing in a grotesque display. It aimed to ensnare Alice, seeking to entangle her in its corrupting grasp. But Alice, with the agility of a seasoned warrior, deftly sidestepped the onslaught, her blade slicing through the writhing appendages, severing them with calculated precision.

The second Nightmare Incarnate, its form ever-shifting, unleashed waves of dark energy, tendrils of shadow snaking towards Alice with malevolent intent. The very ground beneath her feet seemed to tremble with its presence. Undeterred, Alice twirled and twisted, her movements a mesmerizing dance, evading the creeping darkness with cat-like grace.

With a mighty roar, Alice unleashed a barrage of strikes, her blade a blur of radiant power. Each swing was met with a cacophony of clashing steel and the sickening sound of flesh meeting otherworldly form. Sparks flew, illuminating the chaotic battleground as she deflected blows with uncanny precision, her resolve unwavering.

The Nightmare Incarnates retaliated with ferocity, their dark essence pulsating with insidious energy. Tentacles whipped through the air, lashing out with unnatural strength, while waves of corrupting darkness threatened to swallow Alice whole. Yet she remained resolute, her eyes burning with determination.

Excalibur glowed with a flash of blinding brilliance, channeling her unwavering resolve into each strike. Its ethereal light clashed against the malevolent shadows, dispelling their corrupting influence. With every cut, Alice carved through the eldritch abominations, leaving trails of dissipating darkness in her wake.

But the Nightmare Incarnates were relentless, their resilience a testament to their otherworldly nature. As Alice fought on, she felt the weight of the battle pressing upon her. Fatigue threatened to take hold, her body strained from the arduous duel. Yet, she knew that retreat was not an option. The fate of her comrades and the camp rested on her shoulders.

Summoning her inner strength, Alice channeled her determination into a final, decisive strike. With a mighty leap, she soared through the air, her blade gleaming with blinding radiance. Excalibur descended upon the first Nightmare Incarnate, cleaving through its monstrous form with a resounding crash. The abomination let out a guttural shriek, dissipating into nothingness.

As the echoes of victory reverberated through the air, Alice's attention turned to the remaining Nightmare Incarnate. It thrashed and writhed, its form contorting with enraged fury. Sensing its impending defeat, it unleashed a desperate onslaught of tentacles and corrosive darkness.

Alice danced with death, dodging the onslaught with nimble agility. She pressed forward, her strikes unyielding, each blow infused with unwavering resolve. With one final, decisive swing, Excalibur struck true, shattering the abomination's form into a swirling vortex of dissipated darkness.

Breathing heavily, Alice stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, her gaze fixed upon the dissipating remnants of the Nightmare Incarnates. The camp was shrouded in an eerie silence, the soldiers watching in awe and reverence. Alice, the Sword Empress, had once again shown her skills as one of Humanity's pillars. Inspiring the soldiers around her and raising their morale.

As the dissipating darkness of the Nightmare Incarnates revealed the aftermath of their presence, Alice's eyes widened with both surprise and concern. Among the wreckage lay two figures, their forms barely recognizable amidst the chaos. It was none other than Lysander and Aries, two members of the Celestial Council, their bodies battered and on the verge of death.

Alice's heart wavered for a moment as she contemplated the weight of her decision. She knew the importance of the knowledge that lay within the memories of these fallen Celestials. It was an opportunity to gain insight into their plans, their motivations, and perhaps uncover a way to end the relentless conflict that ravaged their worlds.

With unwavering resolve, Alice reached into her well of arcane knowledge, drawing forth a rare and ancient art that she had honed over the years. The technique was delicate, requiring immense concentration and control, but Alice knew the stakes were too high to hesitate.

Gently placing her hands upon Lysander's and Aries' foreheads, she closed her eyes, delving deep into the wellspring of her magic. The air around them crackled with energy as Alice invoked the Arcane Art of Soul Extraction. In a swirl of ethereal light, she carefully extracted their fading souls, preserving them in shimmering orbs of luminescence.

As the orbs floated above her hands, Alice felt a sense of reverence wash over her. These were not just fragments of celestial essence; they were memories, experiences, and the very essence of these individuals' consciousness. With the souls secure, Alice knew that she held the key to understanding the inner workings of the Celestial Council.

Carefully cradling the orbs, Alice glanced back at her comrades, who observed the scene with a mix of awe and trepidation. The weight of the task ahead settled upon her shoulders, but she refused to falter. The knowledge within these captured souls had the potential to change the tide of the war, to offer a glimpse into the inner workings of the Celestials' strategies.

"We must return to headquarters immediately," Alice declared, her voice filled with determination. "These captured souls hold vital information. We need to unlock their memories and discover the truth behind the Celestial Council's plans."

With that, the soldiers rallied, their fatigue momentarily forgotten. The camp buzzed with renewed purpose as they prepared to journey back to the safety of their headquarters, where Alice would unveil the secrets held within the orbs.

As they made their way through the aftermath of the battle, Alice clutched the orbs tightly, her mind already brimming with questions. What secrets lay hidden within these captured souls? What truths would they reveal about the Celestials and their relentless pursuit of power?

She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but Alice was ready to embrace them. With the captured souls as their guide, she would delve into the depths of the Celestials' consciousness, determined to uncover the secrets that could change the course of the war and bring about a glimmer of hope for humanity.


In the confines of a secure chamber within the headquarters, Alice set up an intricate array of magical crystals and ancient artifacts. The captured souls of Lysander and Aries hovered before her, their luminous orbs pulsating with faint energy. With a sense of anticipation, Alice prepared to delve into the depths of their memories, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the Nightmare Incarnates and the darkness that had consumed them.

Closing her eyes, Alice focused her mind, channeling her magic into the delicate process of memory scanning. The orbs floated before her, emitting a soft glow as she began the intricate task of unlocking their fragmented recollections.josei

As the memories unfolded within Alice's mind, she found herself immersed in the celestial realm, witnessing the Celestial Council's descent into darkness. The Celestial Vault, once a repository of precious artifacts, was now a haunting labyrinth of shadows and malevolent energy.

She saw Lysander and Aries, their expressions filled with determination as they ventured deeper into the vault. Their hopes of finding powerful weapons to defend against humanity's forces were quickly shattered as they encountered a consuming darkness, a maddening force that clung to their very souls.

The darkness seeped into their beings, corrupting them with its insidious tendrils. Their once noble intentions twisted, giving way to a mindless and destructive existence as the Nightmare Incarnates. Their eyes glazed over, their forms contorted, becoming grotesque and nightmarish.

But the memories abruptly ended there, leaving Alice with a lingering sense of unease. The captured souls had lost all awareness beyond that point, rendering them mere vessels for the darkness that had claimed them. Questions swirled in Alice's mind as she pondered the nature of this sealed darkness, its origin, and its purpose.

Gently withdrawing her consciousness from the memories, Alice opened her eyes, her brow furrowed with a mix of concern and curiosity. The revelation both intrigued and troubled her. What was this darkness that had permeated the Celestial Vault? How had it become so potent, so corruptive?

Deep within her, a determination took hold. Alice knew that uncovering the truth behind this darkness would be crucial not only for understanding the Nightmare Incarnates but also for finding a way to counter their devastating presence. She resolved to dig deeper, explore ancient texts, seek out forgotten knowledge, and consult with the knowledge she gathered so far.

As she stood there, contemplating the next steps, a glimmer of hope flickered amidst the shadows. Perhaps within the depths of the celestial realm, a solution awaited, a way to cleanse the darkness and restore balance. Alice would not rest until she found the answers she sought, for the fate of humanity and the realms, hung in the balance.

With renewed determination, Alice gathered her findings, carefully storing the orbs containing the captured souls. She knew that there was much work ahead, but she also knew that the revelations held within these memories would be a guiding light.

"We need to be ready for these variables. I have to tell Mary and Blake about this." Alice murmured as she reached out to her comms.

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