Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 402 Corrupted Celestial Vault

Chapter 402 Corrupted Celestial Vault

As West Two ventured closer to the Celestial Vault, the surroundings transformed into a haunting landscape, marred by the corrupting touch of the darkness that seeped from within. The once vibrant flora withered and twisted, their once vibrant colors replaced by sickly shades of gray and black. The air grew heavy and suffocating, carrying an acrid scent that permeated the atmosphere.

The very ground beneath West Two's feet seemed to writhe with unnatural energy, cracks snaking through the earth like veins of malevolence. The rocks and soil appeared desiccated, drained of life as if the very essence of vitality had been drained by the encroaching darkness.

Above, the once-clear sky darkened, the stars obscured by an inky veil that stretched and undulated, casting an unsettling gloom over the land. Wisps of shadowy mist slithered through the air, whispering eerie incantations that sent a chill down the spine.

As West Two neared the entrance of the Celestial Vault, the corruption intensified. The very architecture surrounding the vault groaned under the weight of the dark influence as if the stone itself recoiled from the touch of the encroaching malevolence. Cracks spiderwebbed across the walls, pulsating with ominous energy.

The proximity to the vault was suffused with an overwhelming sense of foreboding. It was as if the darkness, unleashed by the Council's rash decision, sought to consume everything in its path. Every step West Two took deeper into the corrupted vicinity heightened the sense of impending doom, a testament to the reckless actions of the Celestial Council.

The scene stands as a harrowing reminder of the dire consequences that accompany tampering with forces beyond mortal comprehension.

With caution and meticulousness, West Two approached the corrupted vicinity of the Celestial Vault. He knew better than to rush headlong into the unknown, understanding the potential dangers that lurked within. With each step, he observed the subtle changes in the atmosphere and monitored the reaction of the corruption to different magical energies.

First, he extended his hand, palm glowing with gentle azure light, and cast a simple healing spell. The corruption recoiled, tendrils of darkness writhing and retreating from the purifying magic. It seemed that the essence of healing possessed some power over the encroaching darkness, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the foreboding scene.

Curiosity piqued, West Two then invoked a barrier spell, conjuring a shimmering dome of protective energy around him. The barrier held strong against the malevolent forces, deflecting the shadowy tendrils that attempted to breach its defenses. It appeared that defensive magic could offer respite against the corrupting influence, at least temporarily.

Intrigued by the interaction between light and darkness, West Two summoned forth radiant beams of holy energy, channeling the essence of celestial power. The brilliant rays pierced through the oppressive darkness, momentarily dispersing its tendrils and revealing glimpses of the untouched world beyond.

However, the corruption proved to be resilient. As West Two delved deeper into his investigations, he discovered that more potent forms of offensive magic, such as fire and lightning, seemed to fuel the darkness rather than repel it. The shadowy tendrils thrived on the destructive energy, growing in intensity and expanding their reach.

Realizing the delicate balance between combating and inadvertently strengthening the corruption, West Two exercised caution. He refrained from employing further aggressive spells, understanding the potential consequences of inadvertently empowering the encroaching darkness.

Instead, he focused on observation and analysis, meticulously documenting his findings. He jotted down notes, sketched diagrams, and carefully recorded the reactions of the corruption to different magical forces. Each test was conducted with precision and a measured approach, ensuring that he gathered as much information as possible without provoking a catastrophic outcome.

As West Two continued his investigations, he remained vigilant, knowing that even the slightest misstep could have dire consequences. He understood that unraveling the mysteries of the Celestial Vault required patience, insight, and an unwavering dedication to protecting humanity from the encroaching darkness that threatened their existence.

After meticulously observing and analyzing the reactions of the corruption, West Two's extensive testing bore fruit. He had discovered a few methods to navigate the spreading darkness with relative ease, thanks to his innate Trait: 『Purity』. This unique attribute shielded him from the corrupting influence, allowing him to traverse the encroaching darkness unscathed.

With an air of confidence, West Two stepped forward, his very presence causing the corruption to recoil in fear. The tendrils of darkness writhed and shrank away, unable to withstand the purity radiating from him. His Trait acted as a powerful barrier, warding off the encroaching malevolence and granting him passage through the tainted landscape.

As he walked deeper into the corrupted vicinity, the oppressive darkness seemed to part before him, creating a path free from the suffocating influence. The surrounding environment, once veiled in shadows, now revealed glimpses of its former splendor, as if the purity emanating from West Two cleansed and restored fragments of the tainted world.

His footsteps echoed with purpose, the sound reverberating through the solemn silence that pervaded the vicinity of the Celestial Vault. With each stride, he ventured further into the heart of the encroaching darkness, guided by a combination of instinct and the knowledge gained through his meticulous testing.

The corrupted tendrils, once threatening and consuming, now seemed to quiver and shrink back in the presence of his Trait. It was as if the darkness recognized the futility of its advance against his unwavering purity. The power of 『Purity』 acted as a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming darkness.

As West Two continued his journey deeper into the corrupted domain, he remained ever vigilant. He knew that even with his innate resistance to corruption, the dangers within the Celestial Vault could manifest in other ways. He kept his senses sharp, observing the surroundings and anticipating any potential threats that might lie in wait.

With each step, West Two embraced the weight of his purpose. He was determined to uncover the secrets of the Celestial Vault, to bring forth knowledge that could aid humanity in their struggle against the encroaching darkness. Guided by his Trait and driven by his unwavering resolve, he pressed on, ready to face the challenges that awaited him within the heart of the corrupted labyrinth.


Stepping foot into the depths of the Celestial Vault, West Two felt the immediate intensification of the corruption's influence. The air grew thick with a palpable malevolence, and shadows seemed to writhe and contort with a sinister energy. Though his Trait provided him with a shield against the encroaching darkness, he couldn't help but feel the weight of its suffocating presence.

As he ventured deeper, the corrupting influence seemed to claw at the edges of his consciousness, attempting to sow doubt and unease. Whispers of despair and anguish echoed through the labyrinthine passages, permeating the very fabric of the vault. It was as if the tormented souls of those consumed by the darkness reached out in a desperate plea for release, their cries merging with the haunting groans of the corrupted realm.

Yet, West Two remained resolute. He recognized the danger of succumbing to these manifestations, understanding that the corruption could easily manipulate the minds of those not protected by his unique Trait. He pressed on, his footsteps unwavering amidst the unsettling symphony of lamentation and delusion.

The further he descended into the depths, the more distorted and twisted the surroundings became. The architecture of the vault seemed to contort, merging into grotesque forms that defied logic and reason. Flickering shadows danced along the walls, taking shape as spectral apparitions that whispered of forgotten secrets and untold horrors.

Was it real, or was it merely a product of the corruption's influence? West Two couldn't be certain, for the line between reality and illusion blurred in the depths of the Celestial Vault. But he knew that he had to steel his mind and remain focused on his mission. The source of the corruption awaited him, and only by uncovering its nature could he hope to aid in humanity's fight against this insidious darkness.

With each step forward, the groans and cries grew louder, the torment of lost souls echoing through the twisted corridors. West Two's determination burned brighter amidst the cacophony, propelling him forward. He was driven by the knowledge that his presence here was not a coincidence, but a crucial part of a larger plan to understand and confront the enigmatic threat that loomed over humanity.

As he ventured ever deeper, the intensity of the corruption's influence reached its peak. The path ahead became obscured by a thick veil of darkness as if the very essence of the vault sought to impede his progress. Yet, his Trait held strong, pushing back against the malevolence that sought to ensnare him.

Unfazed by the surrounding chaos, West Two pushed through the final barrier. There, at the heart of the Celestial Vault, awaited the source of the corruption, shrouded in a miasma of unrestrained darkness. It pulsed with an otherworldly power, its presence casting a chilling aura that set even the bravest hearts aflame with trepidation.

Undeterred, West Two stepped forth, his resolve unyielding. He would face whatever awaited him, armed with his Trait and the knowledge that his actions here could tip the scales in humanity's favor. With each breath, he steeled himself for the inevitable confrontation, ready to unveil the secrets hidden within the heart of the Celestial Vault.josei

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