Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 406 Primeval Battlefield

Chapter 406 Primeval Battlefield

Amidst the ancient battlefield, the Human Army swiftly adapted to its new surroundings. Recognizing the need for organization and strategic planning, they established a command network to ensure order and effective communication.

Alice, West Two, Blake, and Mary led the efforts, drawing upon their experience and tactical acumen to devise a plan. They strategically positioned their forces, fortifying their positions with barricades and defensive structures. The once chaotic landscape gradually transformed into a strategic stronghold, ready to withstand the onslaught of the encroaching Nightmare Incarnates.

Within their makeshift command center, a network of communication was established. Soldiers relayed information, exchanged vital intelligence, and coordinated their efforts. They mapped out the terrain, studying every feature, seeking to gain an advantage in this unfamiliar battleground. The Human Army recognized that knowledge of their surroundings was paramount, enabling them to anticipate the enemy's movements and exploit any weaknesses.

Scouts were dispatched, venturing beyond the barricades to explore the battlefield. They returned with valuable information, detailing the lay of the land, potential hazards, and signs of enemy activity. This intelligence was meticulously analyzed and incorporated into their strategic plans, allowing the Human Army to adapt and adjust their defenses accordingly.

Patrols were organized to maintain a vigilant watch, ensuring the safety and security of their camp. Soldiers kept a keen eye on the horizon, ever ready to sound the alarm at the first sign of the encroaching Nightmare Incarnates. Preparedness became their watchword, and the Human Army remained poised to defend their newfound stronghold.

As the days turned into nights, and nights bled into days, the Human Army toiled tirelessly to improve their defenses. They constructed lookout towers, enhancing their vantage points and extending their view across the battlefield. Weapons were carefully calibrated, spells were honed to precision, and defensive formations were practiced relentlessly.

Leadership within the Human Army emphasized the importance of patience and meticulous planning. They understood that a hasty move could prove fatal in this precarious situation. Instead, they bided their time, studying the terrain, seeking weaknesses in the enemy's approach, and identifying potential advantages they could exploit.

Amidst the preparations, Alice addressed the troops, her voice steady and resolute. "We must remember that knowledge is our greatest ally in this battle. We must study the terrain, understand our enemy's movements, and use that to our advantage. Patience and discipline will be our guiding principles as we navigate this treacherous landscape."

Her words resonated with the soldiers, instilling in them a sense of purpose and resolve. Each member of the Human Army understood their role in this pivotal moment. They knew that their ability to adapt, strategize, and work as a cohesive unit would determine their survival in this hostile realm.

As the command network hummed with activity, the Human Army stood ready, fortified both physically and mentally. They had established order amidst chaos, barricaded their surroundings, and studied the terrain with meticulous precision. The stage was set for the impending clash with the Nightmare Incarnates, and the Human Army, united and determined, would face their enemies with unwavering resolve.


As the Human Army diligently fortified its base, West Two took on a crucial role in the defense strategy. Positioned at the center of the encampment, he focused his powers and released his Dream Law Domain, manifesting a shimmering dome of ethereal energy that enveloped the entire area.

The Dream Law Domain, a manifestation of West Two's unique abilities, radiated a calming aura that swept across the battlefield. Its influence extended beyond the physical realm, tapping into the depths of consciousness and weaving a delicate tapestry of dreams and illusions.

As the Nightmare Incarnates ventured closer, drawn by the malevolent presence that permeated the ancient battlefield, they encountered West Two's Dream Law Domain. The moment they crossed its threshold, a subtle shift occurred within their minds. The Nightmares, twisted embodiments of corruption, were momentarily ensnared in a hypnotic trance induced by the domain's enchanting power.

Under the influence of the dreamy hypnosis, the Nightmare Incarnates lost their focus, their destructive intent muddled by illusions and fragmented memories. They stumbled aimlessly, their aggression dissipating as they became entangled in a surreal reverie. The scouts, who ventured beyond the barricades to study the terrain, witnessed the Nightmares succumb to West Two's mesmerizing power, ensuring their safety and unimpeded exploration.

Within the Dream Law Domain, West Two wielded profound control over the Nightmares. With a mere thought, he guided their perceptions, compelling them to forget their purpose and disregard the encampment as a potential target. Their corrupted forms dissipated into shadows, retreating into the darkness from whence they came.

Protected by the undulating energy of the Dream Law Domain, the scouts continued their careful study of the battlefield. They mapped out the contours of the ancient terrain, identifying natural chokepoints, hidden pathways, and potential advantages that the Human Army could leverage in battle. Their findings were relayed to the commanders, bolstering their understanding of the battlefield and informing their strategic decisions.josei

Amidst the hypnotic symphony woven by West Two's power, the Human Army stood unified and fortified within the protective dome. Their defenses bolstered by the lulling influence of the Dream Law Domain, they continued their preparations, knowing that they were shielded from immediate threat and free to focus on strategizing and coordinating their forces.

Throughout the night, as the scouts returned with valuable information, West Two's Dream Law Domain remained steadfast, maintaining its ethereal grip on the encampment. The hypnotic trance lulled the Nightmares into a state of torpor, keeping them at bay and safeguarding the Human Army's preparations.

With West Two's unique abilities fortifying their defenses, the Human Army pressed forward, confident in their ability to navigate the treacherous landscape and face the encroaching Nightmare Incarnates with renewed determination. United under the protective embrace of the Dream Law Domain, they prepared to repel their enemies and emerge victorious in the imminent clash that awaited them.


As West Two stood at the center of the fortified base, his Dream Law Domain emanating its protective embrace, he allowed his senses to expand beyond the present moment. With his innate connection to the realm of dreams, he delved deep into the history etched within the very fabric of the ancient battlefield.

Focusing his gaze upon the scattered remnants of rusted weapons and shattered armor, West Two extended a hand, his fingers lightly brushing against the artifacts of the past. In that touch, a subtle current of energy coursed through him, carrying whispers of the battles long gone.

The memories within these discarded remnants were fragmented, like scattered puzzle pieces waiting to be assembled. With each touch, West Two glimpsed fragments of the past, fragments that were imprinted within the material itself.

Some pieces offered mere glimpses, fleeting memories of battles fought and lives lost. The whispers of ancient warriors echoed within West Two's mind, their voices carrying the weight of valor and sacrifice. He saw flashes of courage, desperation, and unwavering determination.

Other artifacts, however, yielded more vivid recollections. They retained a stronger connection to the events that unfolded on this battlefield eons ago. As West Two focused his abilities, he delved deeper into the memories embedded within these relics, weaving the threads of history together.

In the echoes of a shattered sword, he witnessed the clash of blades, the roar of combat, and the faces of warriors locked in a dance of death. The grains of sand whispered tales of marching armies, their boots imprinting upon the ancient soil as they advanced toward an unknown fate.

Through the fragments he gathered, West Two pieced together a mosaic of the ancient battlefield's history. He saw civilizations rise and fall, witnessed alliances forged and betrayed, and beheld the resilience of those who fought for their beliefs.

With each memory he unearthed, the scope of the battlefield's narrative expanded. The tales of heroism and tragedy, victories and defeats, unfolded before West Two's eyes. He became a custodian of forgotten stories, a conduit through which the past could be preserved.

As West Two continued his study of the terrain, the memories within the artifacts painted a more comprehensive picture of the ancient battlefield. Each discarded piece of equipment whispered a story, and together they formed a symphony of valor, tragedy, and perseverance.

Despite his studious research, West Two was aware that the memories he got from the environment were nowhere near complete. If he wanted the complete story, then he'd have to search the entire battlefield for that, which is a challenging matter since his domain could only reach far and enemies are roaming around.

But then again, he doesn't feel the need to do that. In this research, he learned some important things...

One, the Nightmare Incarnates were nothing new. In fact, their existence might even go as far as the dawn of time itself. Similarly, the Abyss, as he called it, also shares the same history with these creatures. He'd even go as far as saying that the Abyss started this all.

And number two, Humanity being transported here wasn't a coincidence at all. This place, which he learned called the 'Primeval Battlefield' is where several races waged war against the Abyss.

Judging by how long this battlefield existed, it was clear that the Abyss does not simply go down. Humans are now facing this ancient entity and they have no way of knowing how this war will go...

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