I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 126 The Supreme Tusk, Gannala

Chapter 126 The Supreme Tusk, Gannala

"Argh…ARGHHH! RAAAGHHHH!" Brangara bellowed in pain as his blood was extracted in large amounts.

A pipe was inserted into his mouth as the crushed pulp of Parute Fruit was inserted constantly. Standing beside him was Undrakha, controlling his body.

Since Brangara had learnt the Mystic Bone Art, Undrakha was controlling that now, activating it against Brangara's wishes as the Mystic Bone Art digested the Parute Fruit pulp and rapidly regenerated his lost blood.

And from time to time, flowing through the blood was his Spirit Containers that had been broken off from his heart. Undrakha was controlling everything to ensure he shed the Spirit Containers.

Through the consumed Parute Fruits, Undrakha built Spirit Containers in Brangara by controlling the Mystic Bone Art in the latter's body.

Since Brangara had learnt Mystic Bone Art, the only way for him to cultivate further was by using it. He could no longer learn any other cultivation technique, unless he were to abolish his cultivation and start anew.

Spirit Containers flowed out of his body through the extracted blood that was stored in a large container. Seated in the container was a Mammoth Clansmen couple. The pair of man and woman absorbed the blood and digested it, gradually acclimating to it.

It took them a decade to do so, a time period no different from hell to Brangara.

Once the couple had acclimated to Brangara's special blood, they were able to get a portion of his Natures, or rather, the power in them.

Following that, the couple mated in the container.

The man burned his essence during the mating process, transforming into dust once he ejaculated. All he sent in was a single sperm, full of the genetic material he had adapted to in the past decade.

The woman was calm throughout the ordeal, accepting his sperm as she focused, able to sense it slowly but surely approach her egg.

Both of them had the Fragment Disease. They were the 1st Empyrean Tusk's children.

They planned to birth an Empyrean Tusk that was significantly more evolved than the rest by absorbing the properties of Brangara's blood.

Brangara was only missing one or two steps before he became a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast. So, his essence was valuable, capable of evolving even an Empyrean Tusk.

"Demons! The lot of you are Demons!" Brangara shouted shrilly, "You've turned my race into a farm crop! And now, you're drinking my blood like it's water! Is this the famed Mammoth Clan's true nature? MERE! BLOODTHIRSTY! BEASTS!"

"You are pretty animated," Undrakha commented casually and ignored his screams, instead focusing on the woman in the container, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not sure if I can stay alive long enough to deliver the baby." The woman expressed her worries, "The energy condensing in my womb is beyond anything I've ever sensed in the women that birthed Empyrean Tusks."

"Tell me what you need." Undrakha commented casually, expressing words of one used to wielding absolute power, "I'll get you whatever you need immediately."

"Nutrient-rich food," The woman said as she felt the sperm enter her egg, "The nutritional value must be highly concentrated. After all, there's a limit to how much food I can consume. Even eating Paure Fruits nonstop won't suffice. I need something more richly concentrated."

"Hmm, will the heart of an Empyrean Boar do?" Undrakha asked, not even bothering with Brangara's despairing howls.

"That should do. But," The woman frowned, "It seems I would need too many. That might put a wrench in our plans."

"That doesn't matter." Undrakha commented, "If the need arises, we can drop half the herd. They can remain in Sumatra and continue to increase their numbers until they have amassed enough to make the trip in the future."

"The goal is to evolve. And if you succeed, we'll become ever closer to our goal."

That statement from Undrakha signed off the fate of the Empyrean Boars. For the woman's needs, all Empyrean Boars that were still alive were slaughtered mercilessly and their hearts were harvested.

Undrakha brought an Empyrean Boar's heart, frowning as it was the size of a room, "You can't consume something this big, right?"

"It'll take time, but I can do it." The woman said.

"Wait, you only need concentrated nutrients, right?" Undrakha asked, smiling upon seeing her nod as he glanced at Brangara, "I have the perfect filter."

"No! Stop! No! Please! STOP! ANYTHING BUT THIS! I beg you! Please!" Brangara roared, pleading desperately. But with a thought from Undrakha, his Mystic Bone Art flared up.

Brangara found himself transforming into his Empyrean Boar form, beyond his control. His mouth was forcefully opened as the heart of his brethren was stuffed inside.

Forced Cannibalism!

Brangara's mind snapped as he didn't even know what had happened. All he felt before the snap was an absolutely, irreversible disgusting sensation of digesting his brethren.

The Empyrean Boar's heart was digested as a torrent of energy filled Brangara's body. And the blood extracted from his body was no different from an Elixir. No, it was the highest grade of Elixir.

The woman relished the elixir-like blood, "This is better than I thought. I never knew such a concentration of Prana and nutrients could ever be attained."

"This is the result from stuffing a single Empyrean Boar heart down his throat." Undrakha smiled, "Wait until I stuff more of them."

For the period of the next nine months, all surviving Empyrean Boars had been killed. Their hearts were stuffed into Brangara and the resultant blood was extracted and consumed by the woman who finally gave birth to a human girl.

At her birth, all 188 Empyrean Tusks trumpeted in unison, expressing their joy. The 1st Empyrean Tusk proclaimed at that moment, transferring a lot of information to the baby.

[Her name is Gannala, the Supreme Tusk!]

In their language, Gannala translated to Supreme Tusk. Even though Gannala wasn't a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast, it seemed she had the potential to become one. A route towards Mystic Grade had been opened for her, something that wasn't available for the other Empyrean Tusks.

All 188 Empyrean Tusks seeped a bit of their essence into her, providing her with the wealth of information they had each accumulated.

The accumulation of each Empyrean Tusk varied due to the lives their respective Mammoth Clansmen lived. It was a collation of their thoughts, experiences, ideas, etc.

Gannala gained a portion from everyone, starting at a point way ahead of other newborn Empyrean Tusks, also sporting the longest road in terms of potential.

'You! YOU!' Brangara glared at the newborn Gannala, 'I'll kill you! You were born through the deaths of my race! I'll KILL YOU!'

Unfortunately for him, he was too outclassed in this place where the Mammoth Clan's power was condensed.

Moreover, the presence of Renduldu, the Mystic Empyrean Tentacle ensured he could never escape his plight which was worse than farm produce.

Renduldu casually walked past Brangara and lifted up Gannala, announcing excitedly, "It's unclear, but I can sense it."

"The route to Mystic Grade has been unlocked in her."

His announcement was the confirmation they were all waiting for, both Mammoth Clan and Empyrean Tusks.

Soon, Varahan Enclave was filled with the joyous trumpeting of the Empyrean Tusks.


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