I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 272 Please Die

Chapter 272 Please Die

"I am Ralral, leader of Leh Island." The Cooter Clansman seated in the leader's seat was a lean, bald woman, sporting black mascara that matched her black gown. She was at the peak of the Body Stage, the strongest in the region, and also the only one among the group of eight with Silver Grade status.

The Cooter Clan liked to call themselves immortals, despite possessing the same lifespan as all cultivators according to their Grade. The reason was due to their superior affinity to nature, able to control their immediate vicinity.

In their eyes, they were controlling the Sumatra Continent itself, even though it was an infinitesimally small portion. Hence, they addressed themselves as immortals, capable of leaving a mark on the continent. Because of the way they saw themselves, they considered everyone else inferior.

The fact that they didn't offer any seating arrangement to their guests was simply because they felt that even granting an audience to Inala was doing his group a massive favour.

Hence, even though the words of Tuktuk and Kaka were polite until now, their attitudes remained snobbish, treating Inala as an inferior creature. At least, they were subtle about it.

On the other hand, Ralral was open about her views, resting her chin on one hand as she arrogantly gazed at Inala, "I've been informed that you're from the Brimgan Empire."

"Show me the mineral in your possession," She said, "I'll make a judgement myself."

Inala took out the piece of Rutham and extended it towards Ralral, watching a mist cloud form under it and carry it towards her. She inspected it for a few seconds and commented, "This is indeed the real deal."

She stared at Inala, "How much of it do you have in your possession?"

"Enough to purchase the Influence Easing Elixir," Inala spoke, noticing that even he was feeling irritated by now.

"It feels your ears aren't functioning well," Ralral mildly lowered her tone, "I asked how much you have in your possession."

"Two cubic metres worth," Inala said, keeping calm, repeatedly messaging Gannala and Asaeya to remain steady.

"I see," Ralral nodded as the reception room was gradually covered by mist, reducing visibility. She blatantly used her Prana to probe Inala, Asaeya, and Gannala. While doing so, her attention fell on his Sumara Ship, Sumatra Canon, and Sumatra Lantern, feeling the presence of a superior mineral on it.

Cooter Clansmen dealt with minerals all their lives, capable of instinctively perceiving the quality of one through their Primary Nature. The stronger the Grade of their Primary Nature, the better their perception regarding minerals.

As Ralral was at the Silver Grade, she could feel that the mineral in these three items was vastly superior to the Rutham. There was no comparison. Rutham seemed like hot garbage before it.

'Both are at the Body Stage. Judging by their presence, Inala has built around a tenth of his body while Asaeya has barely built five percent of her body.' She thought and communicated with the other Cooter Clansmen through the mist.

[Is there anyone else from their side lurking on our island?]

[I finished scouting while Tuktuk and Kaka went to escort them. There's no one else on the island. Moreover, I sensed three Gold Grade Pranic Beasts near our shore, slowly circling our island. If any powerhouse is hiding in the sea, they would have sensed them already.]

[I tried to look for a ship, but couldn't find one. But since they are from the Brimgan Empire, they might possess strange Spirit Weapons capable of taking the place of a ship.]

'Is that what they are?' Ralral thought as she stared at the three items in Inala's possession. After some thought, she decided to take them for herself, 'But first, I must figure out their intentions.'

"Two cubic metres of Rutham isn't worth a single vial of the Influence Easing Elixir." Ralral spoke as she stared at Inala, "What else do you have? Take them all out." action

"Dad, I think this is the limit of my patience." Gannala sighed as she exhaled softly, unleashing a gale that sent the mist gushing out of the tower, clearing the reception room.

"She cleared my mist with mere air pressure…?" Ralral was stunned to see such a frightening level of power from a mere five-year-old girl. But then, she exclaimed in realisation, "You…!"

At a young age, in human form, and possessing an exorbitant amount of power, there were only two options here. But if she were a newborn Empyrean Snapper, then Ralral would have felt it long ago. But as she hadn't, then there was just one answer to Gannala's identity.

"You're an Empyrean Tusk!"

'I feared this would happen.' Inala sighed, mentally praising Gannala for having endured as long as she did.

Originally, Inala hoped to trade his way into acquiring both the Influence Easing Elixir and the various medicines Gannala needed to obtain her Tertiary Nature of Cultivator. But it was apparent that Ralral had no intentions to trade.

The Cooter Clansmen were snobby and considered themselves as rulers of Sumatra. If they wanted something, they would take it. No one had the guts to hold them accountable. After all, from the Dralh Sea, the aquatic region stretching through its eight Channels into other rivers and seas was all part of the territory where the Cooter Clan roamed.

The water was their domain and no force was strong enough to threaten them. Even the Boar King only attacked them once. After killing two Empyrean Cooters and obtaining his hands on the Mystic Mist Art, he returned.

He was a creature of the land. Hence, aquatic combat wasn't his speciality. Besides, he had no hatred towards the Cooter Clan.

Therefore, unlike the Mammoth Clan that had to constantly face the Boar King and be kept in check by him, the Cooter Clan grew unfettered. Moreover, unlike the Empyrean Tusk herd that split into two herds a couple millennia ago, the bale of Empyrean Snappers remained united, their numbers surpassing two hundred.

As a result, Cooter Clansmen were extremely arrogant, a tad more than Mammoth Clansmen. To date, they never had to and never needed to trade with others. Therefore, business with Inala was a one-time transaction.

In that case, why would Ralral part with valuable Elixirs when she could get them for free after killing Inala? The three mysterious minerals in his possession garnered her undivided attention. Moreover, accidents happened throughout Sumatra. Without a means to communicate, the Brimgan Empire wouldn't know if Inala was alive or not. And if he was dead, they wouldn't be privy to where or how he died.

Anything could happen. So, there would be no consequences to her actions if Ralral were to kill Inala and his group. But when Gannala revealed her identity, Ralral became nervous for a moment before grinning upon sensing the latter's strength through the Prana she emitted, 'Gannala has close to 600 Prana. Thank goodness. That's well within what we can handle.'

Even if Inala and Asaeya were Mammoth Clansmen who were capable of taking on three or four Free Human peers on the same level, it didn't matter. Ralral's side had greater numbers and superior strength individually.

Cooter Clansmen too were capable of taking on three or four Free Human peers on the same level. Therefore, the fight was easily in their favour. And if she manages to kill an Empyrean Tusk, she'll be regarded as a hero in her Clan.

"This is the opportunity of a lifetime," Ralral commanded her Clansmen to take action as jet-black smoke wafted out of her body, "If we manage to kill an Empyrean Tusk, we'll be heavily sponsored by our Clan to become powerful masters."

"That sounds amazing!" Kaka roared in laughter as pink mist revolved around her to condense into a giant cloudy hand that flew towards Inala, addressing the latter, "So, sorry about that, Mammoth Clansmen."

"Please die."

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