I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 305 Sandy-Grey Void Octagon

Chapter 305 Sandy-Grey Void Octagon

[If you're truly the son of a pig, come here. Let's chat, Brangara. If you don't…heh, heh! I have something with me that'll make you cry from painful nostalgia.]

"Fucking bastard!" Veins popped all over the Boar King's forehead as he heard the taunt. No one dared disrespect him like that, not after he became the Boar King. "Damn ant, I'm coming, alright."

"And when I find you, I'll clobber you." His figure flickered as the ground he stood upon formed a crater in response. Vapour cones were generated as Brangara assumed his Empyrean Boar King form and sped through the region, making a beeline towards the Dralh Sea.

'Okay, he's coming.' Inala let out a sigh upon sensing the level of fear he felt gradually grow stronger. His body began to faintly shiver in response as Inala took in deep breaths, exercising his utmost control to calm down.

In the meantime, the Inala puppet seated on the bed looked around and felt the vibrations coursing over the wall. The Cooter Clansmen and the Pranic Beasts had begun clashing.

But in the end, the goal of the Pranic Beasts was to flee. Hence, their priority was to continue fleeing. The ship was merely an obstacle in their way, one that became a cramped battle space as Pranic Beasts rushed in from all sides.

Of course, many Pranic Beasts were beginning to swim around the ship to flee further. But they had only moved a kilometre past the ship when suddenly, another wave of Pranic Beasts approached them from the front and pushed them pack.

Now, Pranic Beasts were rushing towards the ship from all sides, jampacking the centre to the extent the ship became stuck.

"What in the Dralh Sea is happening here?" Wittral stared in confusion upon seeing Pranic Beasts slam into the ship from all sides, causing it to creak in response. Many began to climb onto its deck before being flooded with attacks from the Cooter Clansmen.

With a thought from Wittral, a tornado formed beside him, thin, sporting a needle tip. It revved to a high speed before gushing across the deck, curving around like a snake as it accurately pierced through the Pranic Beasts like a kebab and lifted them.

Followed by a lash, the tornado threw the Pranic Beasts into the sea, clearing the deck. But only the area he was defending was safe. Beyond his Spirit Weapon range, the Pranic Beasts were already beginning to crowd the deck.

"No, wait…" He then noticed a group of them enter the ship's interior, marching through the narrow passage within as they attacked everything in sight. The Cooter Clansmen posted as guards there were overwhelmed in a matter of minutes.

'That's where Inala is resting at.' Wittral thought in alarm, 'It's too early for her to die. She has yet to cough up her secrets.'

"Nurnur, uncle, protect me," Wittral said as Prana gradually churned through his body, causing the seawater near the ship to churn in response, forming a vortex to become a hurricane. Bladed arcs of water splashed through the hurricane, dicing up the bodies of Pranic Beasts, turning the hurricane red with their blood.

"Heup!" He clenched his hand into a fist, gritting from the exertion as the hurricane exploded, resulting in a tsunami that sent large groups of Pranic Beasts splashing around like dust.

And as they fell, multiple hurricanes began to form. Wind blew, water churned, and the bodies of Pranic Beasts were ground to a pulp. It was a show of absolute dominance by Wittral.

"Haha, that's our Deity!" Nurnur roared in laughter, for Wittral's attack freed up the ship's deck and their surroundings of Pranic Beasts, allowing the Cooter Clansmen to begin erecting another cloudy barrier.

"Come, we need to ensure Inala is alive." Wittral recovered from his exhaustion as he downed the contents of a few vials and charged into the ship's interior, observing the bloody corpses that filled the place.

Their footsteps made splotching sounds due to the sludgy mixture coating the floor, formed by blood, body fat, and pulpy flesh. The scent was horrid, enough to make one wish to puke out their guts.

Sounds echoed from far away, showing signs of a battle deeper into the ship.

"Let's go," Wittral nodded at his two bodyguards and sped through the corridor, observing the large number of Pranic Beast corpses that littered the place. Occasionally, they would come across a Cooter Clansman corpse.

"They are heading towards the Free Human quarters," Nurnur said upon analysing the position of the Pranic Beasts in the ship, based on the sound.

"What about our people in the engine room?" Wittral didn't care about the fates of the Free Humans and instead was worried about the Cooter Clansmen situated deep in the ship, the ones in charge of rowing it primarily.

"They should be safe for now." Nurnur said, "We have two masters guarding the entrance to their working quarters. There are enough defensive arrangements there to last them a while.

"That's good enough," Wittral then stared at Zakzak, "Uncle, do you mind racing towards their location first? We'll be right behind you after rescuing Inala."

"Okay," Zakzak said and left two bodies behind to protect Wittral while the remainder, as a 4-Life Stage Zakzak, sped deeper into the ship using a nearby stairway.

Two Zakzak bodies sprinted before Wittral while Nurnur's body split into six, forming an encirclement around Wittral, just in case to tank any sneak attacks on Wittral with her body first. action

Soon, they arrived before Inala's room, noticing the Cooter Clansmen there were injured. Thankfully, none were dead.

"What happened?" Zakzak asked in alarm upon seeing their faces full of fear and noticing shredded corpses of Pranic Beasts in the area, too numerous to the extent they blockaded the corridor.

"I can guess what happened," Wittral said and peered through the broken door to stare at the figure of Inala clawing upon the walls with a maddened gaze.

"Come and die!" Inala roared and continued to cut the corpse of a Pranic Beast into smaller chunks, letting out maniacal chuckles.

"She let her influence consume her." Wittral sighed as his figure flashed towards Inala and punched the latter in the stomach, knocking her out. He carried her on his shoulder and accompanied Nurnur and the others to the quarters of their Clansmen that controlled the ship's mobility.

A minute after they left, the bed in the room shattered as the figure of Inala walked out, having reverted to his male form.

Stage 1—Jaw!

He used his sharp claws to form a line of cut on his face in the centre before peeling his skin off, his expression twisted with a sadistic shade. He then spat out a skin mask and sprinkled the Lifeforce-rich fluid from a Life Bomb onto it before slapping it on his face, making adjustments until it perfectly bonded to him.

He stared at a reflective surface in the room and observed the Boar King's face staring back at him, revealing a natural smile without an uncanny valley effect, "I'm ready now."

He took out his puppet and activated it, signalling Gannala to start their plan in earnest.

[I Am Here!]

"That's the signal!" Gannala said and peeked out of the Sumatra Ship, carrying the Sumatra Canon as she loaded eight Sandy-Grey Bombs in it. Pointing the Sumatra Canon into the sky, she launched the first shot.

Using her Internal Inertial Gravity to the limit, she remained absolutely stable in her aim, changing directions to shoot her second, third, and so on, until her eighth shot.

With each forming different arcs, the eight Sandy-Grey Bombs landed on the Dralh Sea surrounding the ship in the centre, forming an octagon, with the distance between each vertex spanning an exact four kilometres.

All eight Sandy-Grey Bombs slammed into the Dralh Sea at the same time, and an instant later, they exploded.

"What the fuck?" The captain of the ship screamed in horror upon seeing eight pillars of night explode to reach the sky. Immediately in response, the pillars of night extended towards each other, forming an octagonal wall that cut off the area of the Dralh Sea within it with the rest of the world.

Sandy-Grey Void Octagon!

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