I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 349 Mammoth Male x Cooter Female

Chapter 349 Mammoth Male x Cooter Female

Thump! Thump!

The hearts of both Inala and Wittral thumped as the Boar King held them in each of his hands. His Prana flowed into them, taking on a tangible form.

Astral Chart—Prana Shock X2!

Astral Chart—Bloody Affection!

Through the combined use of both, blood was being pumped through the arteries and veins, forming a solid network of Prana. The Boar King flicked his fingers once and severed all the connections leading to Inala's heart.

The Prana construct he created was now acting as Inala's temporary heart, responsible for the blood flow in his body. Once Inala's heart was successfully extracted, the Boar King performed the same for Wittral's heart.

After that, he swapped positions of the two hearts and caused Inala's heart to hover above Wittral's chest.

The tube of Prana bringing blood from a vein extended towards Inaka's heart and merged into it. With a snap of his finger, the Prana tube tugged itself and caused the vein to attach itself to the heart. Following that, the Prana tube vanished.

One after another, the arteries and veins in Wittral's chest cavity were connected to Inala's heart. For a moment, it struggled in the new environment, but since the bodies of both had already adapted to the presence—physical, chemical, hormonal, and bacterial—of each other, it adapted quickly.

The Boar King gently lowered Inala's heart into position in Wittral's chest.

Primary Nature—Voracious Nature!

The Boar King poured a whooping 4000 Prana in a single sitting, causing it to congregate in the heart and suck in Wittral's essence through his blood.

Voracious Nature devoured Primary Natures. And here, to devour Wittral's Primary Nature, it harnessed all the resources in Wittral's body through his blood.

Under the Boar King's intense focus, the Prana condensed everything it had drawn over, including traces of the thousands of Spirit Containers that Wittral had digested under the influence of Voracious Nature.


A Spirit Container formed in the heart, solidly rooting itself in position as Wittral's essence condensed in it, taking structure immediately after.

Primary Nature—Subtle Terrain Dominance!

His Primary Nature returned. But things didn't stop at that. Since the heart in him was Inala's heart, the power of the Boar King's Voracious Nature drew in all the traces of Inala's power that had been gathered to the heart over the months through the ingestion of Spirit Containers. And the result of it?

Secondary Nature—Royalty!

Inala's Primary Nature manifested as Wittral's Secondary Nature. A large volume of information seeped into his mind in response as Wittral fell unconscious, too exhausted for the time being. But since he now had one unit of Prana, his recovery was on the right track.

Though a paltry sum, the single unit of Prana would circulate through his body and mend his damage, allowing him to regain his strength eventually.

'I can feel a torrent of power gathering in his heart.' The Boar King observed, clearly able to feel the formation of a second Nature in Wittral. He closed the incision on Wittral's chest, allowing the latter to heal naturally after pouring the contents of a Prana Bomb into his mouth.

The Boar King had consumed many Zingers just to assist with this experiment and hence was able to create Prana Bombs as he pleased.

Now that Wittral's condition had stabilised without issues, the Boar King focused on Inala, repeating the same actions to fuse Wittral's heart into the latter.

Secondary Nature—Astral Chart!

The Boar King followed Inala's plea and also added in Prana influenced by his Secondary Nature, observing a spike in activity in the heart as a Spirit Container formed. His eyes glinted upon seeing changes different from Wittral, soon realising the cause.

'There was a Minor Treasure fused into Wittral's heart. Now, that has influenced Amita through my Astral Chart to grant the same power to her as a Tertiary Nature. This woman lucked out tremendously.' He smirked in realisation, 'No, she calculated this too. Only through my power can this be achieved.'

'Obtaining the power of a Minor Treasure as a Tertiary Nature, that's a first.' He smirked. But, what he didn't realise was that this was merely a cover.

The Prana containing the power of his Primary Nature of Voracious Nature worked on Inala in the same manner as it did for Wittral.

But the Prana containing the power of his Secondary Nature of Astral Chart acted differently. Yes, a portion of it acted on the Minor Treasure of Tangible Psychokinesis to result in what the Boar King had observed.

But the majority of the Prana containing the power of Astral Chart was absorbed by Inala's Primary Nature of Royalty when it formed. Thanks to the effects of the extreme condition and the genetic changes brought about by Wittral and the Boar King's Prana, the Primary Nature of Royalty expanded.

Like a chick hatching from an egg, Royalty developed two arms, with each arm encompassing a gender.

Inala's original set of powers, coming under his state of being as a Mammoth Clansman were shifted to his male gender.

Basically, the powers of Prana Bomb, Internal Inertial Gravity, and Spatial Immune System were now exclusive to his male gender.

As the extreme state and the genetic influence happened as he was a female, all the recent changes were enacted on his female gender.

In his female form, Inala now wielded the following set of abilities, having taken on the state of being as a Cooter Clansman.

Primary Nature—Royalty (Life Bomb)!

Secondary Nature—Subtle Terrain Domination!

Tertiary Nature—Tangible Psychokinesis!

Royalty was able stably maintain these two states all thanks to the effects of the most overpowered Mystic Grade Nature that existed on Sumatra—Astral Chart!

Now, Inala existed as two different individuals with distinct sets of powers in either gender. As a male, he was a Mammoth Clansman and employed Mystic Bone Art. As a female, he was a Cooter Clansman and employed Mystic Mist Art. action

With this change in his Primary Nature of Royalty, Inala could now exist as two different people. As a male, he was unable to use the three Natures of his female form. Similarly, as a female, he was unable to use the three Natures of his male form.

This was indeed a restriction, but it didn't matter, as he now had greater versatility. Of course, it also meant he would have to endure greater issues brought about by influences from his two distinct sets of identities.

'Hopefully, I don't go mad in the tug of war between the influences from the two genders.' Inala thought as he absorbed the vast sea of information that surged in his mind from the newly birthed Secondary and Tertiary Natures of his female form.

"Your mind is pretty strong." The Boar King commented in surprise upon seeing Inala maintain consciousness.

"It is." Inala smiled weakly, feeling trouble in his stomach. He had long exceeded the limit to maintain the stomach biome. And now that his female form didn't have Internal Inertial Gravity, his three Natures were beginning to treat the stomach biome as an intruder.

It was just a matter of time before his body exploded as the two sides faced each other. If he had enough Prana, the stomach biome would have been destroyed.

But as he only had one unit of Prana, the stomach biome was able to resist the influences brought by his three Natures. 'I need to become a man soon. Otherwise, I'm screwed.'

"Can we leave tomorrow?" Inala asked, staring at the figure of Wittral to the side, "I'll help him recover his eyes tonight."

"Alright, but I'm keeping the both of you sealed in this house." The Boar King said, doubling down on the Prana Bomb layer by activating a second Nature of Prana Bomb. He also added a couple more security measures to be alerted if anything tried to break through and left the house, casually entering the Dralh Sea to begin his hunt.

He had expended most of his Prana. So, he needed to recover as much as possible in a day.

Right after the Boar King left, Inala took on his male form, relieved to see the unrest in his stomach stop. He stared at the nearby mirror, observing a face sporting a wide smile, the widest he had ever seen, 'Internal Inertial Gravity and Subtle Terrain Dominance.'

"I can safely claim to be one of the strong now."

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