I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 477 Spirit Slip

Chapter 477 Spirit Slip

Virala had eight partial transformations in total, derived from his Secondary and Tertiary bodies.

Secondary Body Stage 1—Tool!

In this partial transformation, he was able to condense a tool that gets built at the rear end of an Ewworm. At the Mystic Grade, the Ewworm was able to freely change the shape of the tool, allowing Virala to create any item he so pleased, given the tool growing on his Ewworm body had enough mass.

Secondary Body Stage 2—Tail!

In this partial transformation, Virala could grow a tail similar to the Ewworm and control it as he pleases. He could expand the tail to the maximum length of the Ewworm's body and contract it to the point it couldn't even be seen poking out of his butt. As the tip of the tail will have a tool, this partial transformation will be the most helpful.


Secondary Body Stage 3—Worm!

In this partial transformation, Virala could transform into a metre-long version of the Mystic Ewworm, thereby able to use the tiny body to hide and travel underground without leaving behind any large traces. It was perfect for stealth.

Secondary Body Stage 4—Mystic!

This was the last transformation. In this, Virala could transform into the mature version of the Mystic Ewworm. At present, his Mystic Ewworm body was akin to a newborn, hence there was no difference between his Worm and Mystic forms.

Tertiary Body Stage 1—Brangara!

This would be the most useful as a disguise, since in this partial transformation, Virala could assume the Boar King's human form. Not only would he obtain the Boar King's robust body, something that could fight an Empyrean Tusk even in human form, but he could also wield this condensed strength to run around at speeds the Boar King typically displayed.

Since the Boar King had two forms, his human form was considered as Virala's Stage 1 transformation. But in the future, even if his appearance would be that of the Boar King, his presence would be of Virala. It was because his Prana was his own.

Astral Weaponiser only granted him the body of the target and not their Prana signature or Nature. The only reason he was able to act as the Boar King at Varahan Mansion was by relying on the residue presence of the Boar King—after consuming him.

This was constantly being depleted, which was why he bolted out of the place the moment he achieved his objective and confirmed the formation of a foetus. Had he been there any longer, Yarsha Zahara would have sensed that he wasn't the real Boar King.

Tertiary Body Stage 2—Tusk!

In this partial transformation, he could wield the tusks of the Empyrean Boar King as a Spirit Weapon. Though they weren't as special as an Empyrean Tusk's tusk, they were still very tough, and able to be used as a powerful weapon.

Unfortunately, Virala no longer had Mystic Bone Art. Even if he tried his best, he was unable to remember it, for all the information about it in his mind had been used and influenced by the golden giant to create Mystic Nature Art.

Therefore, he was unable to morph the shape of this tusk.

The effects of Mystic Nature Art implied that Virala could use any of his body parts as a Spirit Weapon, thereby being able to improve his physical properties through the effects of psychokinesis. That was its advantage. For his current abilities, other than improving his body movements through psychokinesis, Virala could take advantage of Tusk and Tool partial transformations, using them as Spirit Weapons just like normal cultivators.

Mystic Nature Art had something called a Spirit Slip, an Information Slip condensed using Prana to resemble a Spirit Container. In terms of appearance, this was the same as the Spirit Container of a Free Human containing one unit of Prana.

As this is a Spirit Container of a cultivator at the Spirit Stage, it was extremely unstable, capable of shattering in a matter of seconds. Moreover, to transfer a large amount of volume, a cluster of Spirit Containers had to be condensed to form the Spirit Slip, which made them even more fragile and unstable.lights

As a result, information exchange was a weakness of Mystic Nature Art. Any information exchange had to be done gradually, using Spirit Slips made out of single units of Spirit Containers.

Mystic Nature Art too was a Mystic Grade cultivation technique. But it was undeveloped since Virala was the only one to possess it. This was unlike Mystic Bone Art and Mystic Mist Art which had been extremely developed over thousands of years, possessing an arsenal of Skills and Prime Skills to be used with them.

Virala had no Skill and would have to brave through the path alone. "But thankfully, I have this."

He stared at the golden giant, "I can extract the memories of others and use them as a reference to derive some Skills. This will shorten the process by a lot."

Tertiary Body Stage 3—Boar!

In this partial transformation, he could transform into a metre-

high version of the Empyrean Boar King. It didn't have the defensive strength as the original but was still tough enough for its size.Rather, with less mass weighing it down, Virala could move faster in this form.

Tertiary Body Stage 4—Empyrean!

This was the final transformation, one in which Virala could take on the form of the Empyrean Boar King in all its glory, reaching a height of two hundred metres, becoming a killing machine whose very appearance sent fear into the hearts of Empyrean Tusks.

He didn't have the Natures of both the Boar King and Mystic Ewworm, but their bodies alone were significantly useful. Moreover, he had the combined Prana and Lifespan reserves of the two, reaching a grand total of 18808 Prana—8408 for the Mystic Ewworm and 10400 for the Boar King—at maturity, and with a lifespan of twenty thousand years.

Unfortunately, only after getting it did Virala realise that the additive aspect of Astral Weaponiser had a limit—it was unable to go beyond the natural limit of Sumatra's power system. Meaning, his Prana and Lifespan couldn't exceed the limit that a Mystic Empyrean Tentacle possessed as an Expert Mystic Grade Pranic Beast.

As a result, his maximum values were now 18000 Prana and a Lifeforce of 10000 years. Had Astral Weaponiser been a Mystic Grade Nature, there was a possibility he could exceed this limit, but Virala let go of that possibility to strengthen Astral Weaponiser. His accumulations were only enough to stably develop it to the Gold Grade.

It was still an exorbitant amount, so he wasn't too concerned. Besides, this was for one body. Once Virala reaches the Life Stage and stacks more bodies, his Prana values will continue to increase to absurd amounts.

In his untransformed form, Virala had a body and mind at the natural limit of Sumatra—Expert Gold Grade. To improve his mind's processing power, he could transform into Brangara. But to exceed even beyond, he could transform into the Empyrean Boar King.josei

With that massive brain as a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast, Virala would be at his mental and physical best. He also could experiment with fusing the bodies of both the Empyrean Boar King and Mystic Ewworm at varying stages to see which combination works the best for which situation.

Reaching the peak of the Body Stage required him to mature both bodies. It was eight years for the Empyrean Boar King's body and 168 years for the Mystic Ewworm, adding to a total of 176 years. The only way to shorten this duration was to consume the bodies of Gold Grade Pranic Beasts, especially Empyrean Tusks and Empyrean Snappers.

"I should make preparations to head to the Gaja Enclave. But first," Virala sighed and stared at the golden giant, "I should figure out a way to bring this away with me. It's just a matter of time before Brandal Brimgan's son makes a trip here. Once he's alerted, it'll be impossible for me to bring the golden giant with me."

The golden giant was absolutely necessary as it was able to naturally influence his bodies and strengthen them functionally. This way, even when he transforms into the Empyrean Boar King, his body wouldn't collapse under its weight and wouldn't force him to maintain it by expending large volumes of Prana.

The Boar King's Natures influenced his body and maintained it to be structurally feasible, but without them, Virala could only rely on the golden giant's influence. Otherwise, he would be unable to unleash the true potential of his Empyrean Boar King body.

"Nothing's easy in this world." He muttered before laughing upon observing the condensed orb continue to shimmer brighter in his mind space, absorbing the golden giant's influence, "But that's why it's so interesting."

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