I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 125 - Beautiful Heart

Chapter 125 - Beautiful Heart

Seeing Leon's hands covered in blood, Steffi then ran over to him quickly. She then carried out her duties as a good wife. She slowly cleaned the wound on Leon's hand without asking what happened, even though she could already guess that her husband was angry. After cleaning the wound on Leon's hand, Steffi then gave Leon an antiseptic solution to prevent infection before covering the wound with a bandage. Luckily, she had equipped his house with first aid kits so that Leon could immediately get help.

Leon just left when his hand was finished being treated by Steffi. He didn't say anything and immediately left the room to the first floor.

"What happened to you, Leon?" said Steffi softly. Her eyes still saw Leon's back which was getting farther and farther away from her sight.

Because she didn't want the broken glass scattered on the floor to injure her and Leon, Steffi was forced to clean the broken glass herself. She had not found a household assistant yet, as she was still looking for the best and suitable for her. The reason was that she couldn't bring along her domestic assistant in Berlin, because they had to take care of their house in German. With a special handkerchief, Steffi grabbed the broken glass one by one. Without Steffi realizing it, Leon had returned and stood at the door. He stared at Steffi without blinking, because she was already wearing sexy lingerie that exposed her body and arousing his lust.

"Leave it all," said Leon suddenly.

When she heard Leon's voice, Steffi quickly turned to the source of the sound and was surprised to see her husband was back in the room.

"Didn't you hear what I said, Steffi?" Leon spoke again in a loud voice.

"I-I hear you, Darling. I'll just throw away all the broken glass in the trash," replied Steffi haltingly.

Hearing Steffi's words made Leon smile. He then walked towards the bed and took off all his own clothes. Meanwhile, Steffi, who had thrown away the broken glass in the bathroom, immediately cleaned her hands and sprayed some perfumed on her body. She knew that her husband wanted her tonight, while she also missed Leon's touch that always made her crazy.

Steffi slowly got out of the bed. Her sensual smile even more seductive and made Leon's lust even more burning. One thing that Leon really liked about Steffi was that she was able to please his desires and satisfy the sexual fantasies he wanted. Steffi never refused him if he wanted to have sex in a different style every time.

Because the main lights in the room had been turned off and replaced with red lights, the atmosphere in the room became even hotter. Leon's passion really burned when he saw Steffi danced in front of him in lingerie that made her look even sexier. Her breasts moved beautifully up and down following the movements that Steffi did as she untied her lingerie. Leon could not help but got up from the bed and approached Steffi who was still standing in front of him, playing with her two breasts. He immediately devoured Steffi's lips greedily and squeezed Steffi's breast which made Steffi get even wilder. Without releasing his kiss, Leon then touched her vital area which was always well preserved.

"Ahh Leon."

"You're already wet." Leon said quietly as he played his fingers in Steffi's honey pot which was already wet with her love juice.

Unable to hold herself, Steffi lifted one leg. She positioned her leg above Leon's shoulder as usual during foreplay. After Steffi gave in, Leon lustfully fingering her vagina, which made Steffi scream with pleasure and aroused Leon's passion even more. Soon, Steffi reached her first climax. The love juice poured out of her honey pot and it made Leon happy. He then pulled his fingers out of his wife's womanhood, and pointed them at Steffi's mouth which she devoured greedily. Leon smiled when he saw Steffi sucked and cleaned his fingers that were stuck with her own feminine fluid. After his fingers were clean from her love juice, he then threw Steffi's body onto the bed. Roughly, he opened Steffi's thighs wide and without further ado, Leon immediately penetrated her womanhood, which was ready to receive his manhood without difficulty. Shortly afterwards, there were groaning sounds from Steffi, who was pumped roughly by Leon. Even though Leon fucked her in that way, but Steffi liked it. She was hypersexual lust just accepted any treatment from Leon, even though Leon hit her ass hard many times.

After making love with various styles for almost an hour, finally a loud scream was heard from Leon, who reached his peak. Steffi herself could only be silent as she enjoyed the warm love juice that Leon had just sprayed in her. She hoped that this time the millions of seeds that Leon had just shot would become the baby she had been expecting all this time. After making sure that no more liquid came out of Leon's manhood, Leon laid down beside Steffi's body which was drenched in sweat. Due to fatigue, Leon finally fell asleep while clutching Steffi's breasts which he really liked.

"Sleep, Dear, sleep. I know you're tired of what happened today. Calm down, Dear, I will always be by your side forever, accompanying you to build your new business empire in London. I love you, Leon, love you," said Steffi quietly, kissing Leon on the forehead softly. Because the air conditioner in the room was quite cold, Steffi then grabbed the blanket under her feet with her feet, because Steffi had propped her buttocks with a pillow. She hoped that this way, no sperm would come out of her uterus and she would get pregnant soon, so that her position as Mrs. Ganke would be stronger.

* * *

Meanwhile, Aaron, who had been at the flower shop since the afternoon, had been patiently waiting for Anne to finish work. Some of the buyers who arrived whispered when they saw Aaron's presence in Anne's flower shop. His good looks made the girls feel more at home in the flower shop and this made Linda happy.

"At this rate, we will get rich quick, Anne," Linda whispered softly, teasing Anne, who was giving the buyer change.

"Shut up, Linda," said Anne curtly.

"I'm serious, Mr. Aaron has been here for two hours and we have had more than thirty visitors and all of them bought the best quality roses. Isn't that great, Anne?" said Linda again.

"It's good, but this has nothing to do with Aaron's existence, it's because customers really want to buy flowers," said Anne again. action

"I'm tired of talking to you, Anne, you're so insensitive. I feel sorry for Mr. Aaron who approached you unsuccessfully, you are like a robot who can't tell which male likes you or who just wants to help you," Linda fiercely said. She was annoyed at Anne, who didn't realize that Aaron liked her.

After saying that to Anne, Linda then approached a buyer who wanted to ask questions about the carnations and baby's breath flowers that she would use as a hand bouquet on her wedding day. Apart from selling flowers for graduation ceremonies, office inaugurations and others, Anne also provided hand bouquet arranging services for the bride and groom, where she also arranges them herself. The buyers only needed to choose what kind of flower they wanted to use when their happy day arrived. Like the buyer Linda was currently serving, she was still confused about the type of flower she was going to choose for her hand bouquet. Because the flowers in Anne's flower shop were diverse, she became confused. This made the prospective groom who was accompanying his fiancé, looked confused.

Seeing the commotion that was happening before her eyes, Anne left her job at the cash register after she ordered Linda to replace her to serve customers who wanted to pay.

"Can I help you, Miss?" asked Anne kindly.

"Yes, I'm still confused about what kind of flowers for my hand bouquet, Miss," replied the female buyer who was getting married tomorrow morning.

"Actually, for the type of flower, it is up to you as the bride-to-be, but I have some references. Would you like to hear a reference from me?" asked Anne again.

"Yes, Miss, I have been with my fiancé for almost thirty minutes and honestly I was getting tired when I saw her confusion like this," replied the woman's fiancée in front of Anne.

Hearing the words of the groom-to-be in front of her made Anne smiled. She then explained the various choices of flowers that could be used for bridal hand bouquets. Those who listened to Anne's explanation were not only the bride and groom-to-be in front of her. Aaron also listened very serious to Anne's explanation about the various choices of flowers that could be used as hand bouquets.

"Yes, I just want to use baby's breath flowers for my wedding hand bouquet tomorrow," said the bride-to-be firmly. She was sure she chose the flower after hearing Anne's explanation.

"Well then tomorrow morning I will deliver the hand bouquet directly to your wedding venue, Miss," replied Anne quickly.

"Okay, should I pay for it in full or ...?" asked the buyer back.

"You only need to pay 3/4 of the price of this hand bouquet, Miss, I always give discounts to brides who bought their flowers for hand bouquets from my flower shop. Think of the rest as a small gift from me," said Anne with a smile. .

"Wow, you are very kind, Miss Anne. Aren't your shop losing money because of the discounts you give for the bride and groom who order flowers in your shop?" asked the bride-to-be.

"No, there is no such thing as a loss in doing business like this, Miss. Well, then you can settle the payment at the cashier. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to attend other buyers," said Anne kindly.

"I chose the right flower shop indeed, you are very kind, Miss Anne. Once again, thank you for your help and kindness, Miss," replied the bride-to-be.

Anne just nodded her head slowly responding to the words of the buyer who would be married soon. After which, Anne continued to attend to some other buyers, who again looked confused in choosing their flowers. Anne kindly served her buyers, even though it was already evening and it was nearly the closing time for her shop. From where he was sitting, Aaron continued to smile. He was really amazed by Anne's extraordinary kindness. He was even more convinced that he wanted to make Anne his woman.

To be Continued

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