I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 59 - Getting The Link

Chapter 59 - Getting The Link

After traveling with a lot of struggle due to continuous sneezing while driving, Anne finally arrived at her apartment. She immediately got out of the car with her washed laundry. She then went into her apartment building with a backpack, which was quite heavy, because she had previously stopped by a convenience store to buy some vitamins and cold medicine. She was afraid that she had caught the flu, as the cold water was poured on her when the weather was hot, and without changing clothes for almost 30 minutes made her feel very cold now. Even though currently there was no wind blowing. action

A security guard in front of the building felt pity seeing her carrying lots of things. He then offered to help her. At first Anne refused, but because the security guard insisted, Anne finally handed over her laundry bag to be carried by him into the building. ??

"Thank you sir," said Anne sincerely.

"It's nothing, Ma'am, be careful," replied the security guard kindly.

Anne nodded her head slowly in response to the security's words. Not long after, the elevator door finally closed and then it went up to the 10th floor. The floor where her apartment unit was located.

Tring! The elevator doors opened.

Anne immediately got out of the elevator and stepped into her room, because her room was at the end of the hall. Anne needed a little extra energy to walk. After a tiring struggle, Anne finally arrived at her door. She quickly entered the number combination that locked her residence. Actually, if Anne's condition was fit, she wouldn't feel this tired, but because she experienced a little dizziness, it took her a lot of energy.

After putting the bags and laundry bag on the carpet in front of the TV, Anne stepped into the bathroom. She had to take a shower immediately to relieve her headache. Anne thought that by getting her whole head wet she would be much better. Who knew where it came from at first. But it worked for her, thirty minutes later Anne came out of the shower in her bathrobe and a small towel wrapped around her wet hair.


"I'm really going to catch a cold if it goes like this."


Anne hurried towards her bed on the second floor. Luckily the stairs leading to the second floor had railings so that she could use it to hold on as she walked towards her room. If there was no railing, perhaps she would have fallen, because in other units, there were those stairs that didn;t have railings that could be used to hold on. After wearing clean clothes and laying on the bed without drying her hair, the dizziness in her head was unbearable.

Soon there was no sound in Anne's room, as she was already asleep, even though the sun was still very high for anyone to sleep. If she hadn't been sick, she wouldn't have been able to sleep that fast.

Connery Corporation

Aaron seemed to have finished his job way ahead of his working hours. He had also finished meeting and checking his managers' weekly assignments.

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon, I still have about an hour to get ready," Aaron muttered softly as he looked at his watch.

"But if I come at six in the morning, that would be too early. I'm afraid that Anne is not ready. Maybe I should come at seven in the evening, seven in the evening is the most appropriate time," added Aaron quietly. He spoke to himself again as he stared at his expensive watch on his left hand.

Daniel, who was still standing by the door, shook his head slowly when he saw Aaron talking to himself. He really couldn't understand his boss, who was getting weirder each time. This was the first time he saw Aaron very unfocused on meeting with employees, even though usually Aaron was a very serious person and didn't like to joke around when he was in meetings. But today he seemed to be very different. He was seen smiling to himself several times, while giving a presentation in front of several people and there was nothing funny to smile about. He actually smiled as if he was staring at something that made him laugh.

"I'm sure this must be because of Miss Anne. His attitude changed greatly when he found out about the girl's whereabouts," Daniel said softly, as he closed Aaron's door slowly.

Daniel decided to leave Aaron alone with his world and didn't want to bother him. Aaron would be very angry if he was disturbed. Therefore he decided to give Aaron some time alone, and Daniel's decision was right, because Aaron was seen looking at some flowers at a florist not far from his office via the florist's website. He intended to bring Anne flowers, but because he didn't know Anne's taste for flowers, Aaron finally decided to buy a bouquet of white roses. He believed that every woman must love roses, which were symbols of love and friendship that Aaron himself didn't understand. As he didn't understand the symbols of flowers, he knew and believed that roses would be liked by many women. Therefore, he chose roses to give to Anne.

"I'd better go to the florist now before they close," Aaron said quietly as he removed his tie and threw it on the sofa.

Aaron finally left the office alone without Daniel. He didn't want his assistant to interfere with his time with Anne. Driving his favorite car, Aaron went to the florist whose address he already held. It only took him about twenty minutes to arrive at his destination. His smile broke as he walked into the flower shop and saw various kinds of beautiful flowers in every corner.

"Can I help you, sir?" asked a shop attendant politely to Aaron.

"I'm looking for flowers, white roses. One medium size bouquet," Aaron replied confidently.

"How many medium-sized stalks do you want, sir?" asked the attendant again.

"I don't know, just an average sized bouquet, Miss," Aaron answered carelessly.

"All right, I will arrange it for you, sir," said the attendant with a smile.

Aaron nodded his head slowly. He then sat down in an available chair. The fragrance of various kinds of flowers blooming inside the florist calmed him down. This was his first time coming to a florist.

"It turns out that there is such a comfortable place like this in town," Aaron muttered softly. Being inside the flower shop made him feel like he was in a flower field. Very relaxing and fun.

Five minutes later, Aaron's flowers were ready. The attendant arranged his order very beautifully. Aaron was very satisfied with the work of the attendant, and as his gratitude, he gave the attendant a tip. At first the attendant refused, but since Aaron insisted, the girl finally accepted it gratefully. Aaron finally got out of the flower shop to his car which was still parked in front of the shop. He carefully placed the bouquet on the seat. After making sure the roses were safe, Aaron started his car and sped towards Anne's apartment.

When Aaron's car disappeared, Jack's Jeep was clearly visible, apparently Jack parked right behind Aaron's car. However, because there was a large pot blocking Aaron, he didn't notice Jack.

"Apparently you already have a girlfriend, Aaron. How interesting. It means you and Anne may not have a chance to be together, that's great," said Jack quietly.

Tring!! A notification came loudly to Jack's cell phone.

Jack slowly grabbed his smartphone to see who was calling him. He was surprised to see that Erick had sent him a message from Switzerland.

"Good job, Erick, it's not in vain that I hired you," Jack screamed with joy.

The message Erick sent was happy news for Jack, because the message contained information that Muller Finance International would cooperate with UAL.

"I'll find out what's going on at UAL, I'm sure I'll find your clue from the campus, Anne," Jack muttered softly.

For some reason, he felt that the Connery Corporation cooperation on the arts campus was a personal reason for the chairman, Aaron. Therefore, he was also interested in coming to the campus and now his plan was successful, because Erick had succeeded in establishing a partnership with that campus.

To be continued

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