I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 686 - Connected

Chapter 686 - Connected


Jack, who was previously unconscious, immediately shouted Anne's name as his eyes opened. The nurse, who was beside Jack, was surprised and immediately pressed the button beside the bed to call the doctor. It didn't take long for two doctors and three nurses to arrive.

The two doctors immediately checked on Jack's condition. Very carefully, a nurse examined the surgical scar on Jack's chest.

"It's safe, Doc," she said quietly, reporting to the doctor who was examining Jack's open eyes.

The doctor nodded slowly and resumed his examination. Jack, who was not yet fully conscious, slowly closed his eyes again. Because the surgery he underwent was a major operation and quite dangerous, the doctors had to be extra careful when examining his condition. action

"If the patient is conscious, don't talk to him and make sure he doesn't move, the wound is still very risky," said Dr. Kang Yo, the best surgeon at Seoul University Hospital, to a nurse who was in charge of keeping Jack in his room.

"Yes, Doc."

"The patient's condition is getting better. Even though he has passed a critical period but we must not be careless. The operation he underwent was a very risky operation and again this patient is an important person, so we have to be extra careful with him. The good name of our country is at stake," added Doctor Kang Yo again. Even though he was a surgeon, he was very updated with important news happening in his country. Like the artificial island project that Jack and Aaron were working on.

Three nurses specially assigned to take care of Jack responded in unison to Doctor Kang's words. After making sure that Jack's condition was fine, the two doctors left the ICU to meet Aaron and Jack's other subordinates who had previously panicked when they saw the doctors and nurses entered the room in a hurry.

Just as the two doctors opened the door, Aaron and Jack's men, who were panicked, bombarded them with questions. Doctor Kang Yo and Doctor Shin Bi just smiled at the dozens of questions that were thrown from the six people. The two senior doctors knew very well what was going on in the minds of those who were still asking them questions at this time.

"Mr. Clarke is awake and in much better condition too, although we can't relax at the moment in treating him, as the internal wounds and stitches on his chest are still very wet. So we have to make sure that Mr. Clarke stays in a sleeping state, the medicine given to him has a drowsy effect which is great, so for the next few hours he will still sleep," said Doctor Kang Yo, explaining a little about Jack's current condition.

"That's why we, as the doctors who immediately intervened to treat him, requested that all of you don't insist on seeing him. We really took care of the wound to dry quickly. Due to the position of the wound being near the most vital area, Mr. Clarke has not been able to communicate to avoid reopening the wound. Therefore, we ask for your cooperation in following these guidelines. For the sake of Mr. Clarke's recovery, I hope that you will all be more patient." Doctor Shin Bi added to Doctor Kang Yo's words gently.

Aaron took a deep breath as he lifted his face up, thanking God. While Nicholas immediately sat on the floor, as having lost his first master Alan made Nicholas very scared. Erick himself was seen immediately hugging Alice tightly, the tears that he had been holding back for a long time dripped down his face.

"Thank you very much for the information, Doc. To be honest, we were almost crazy when we saw you enter the room in such a hurry," said Rose quietly.

"It's okay, Madam, it's very natural that you all panicked earlier. It's a normal reaction," said Doctor Shin Bi with a smile.

Rose then smiled back at the doctor and asked the two doctors to resume their work. Of all the people in front of Jack's treatment room, only Rose looked the most calm. Because she didn't know Jack very well, Rose's attitude was not like the others.

"Thank God, thank you, Master, for waking up," said Erick hoarsely as he wiped his tears after releasing his arms from Alice.

Alice smiled and helped wipe Erick's tears. "God loves us all, Erick."

"Yeah, you're right," Erick answered quietly.

"Do we need to tell Luis about the current condition of Master?" Nicholas asked quietly.

"Sure, tell him that Master is awake."

Nicholas nodded his head excitedly. He then took out his cell phone and intended to send the happy news to Luis. However, when he touched his cell phone, Luis' name suddenly appeared on his cell phone screen.

"Hello . . ."

Nicholas widened his mouth. His words cut off when Luis began to speak. Nicholas' whole body went limp again. Suddenly, his body fell to the floor because his legs couldn't support his weight.

Seeing Nicholas again sitting on the floor made Erick suspicious. He was absolutely sure that something was wrong. Erick quickly grabbed Nicholas' cell phone and put it to his ear.

"What's wrong, Luis?" Erick asked quietly trying to talk to Luis.

One second.

Two seconds.

Five seconds.

No answer from Luis, Erick turned to Nicholas who was still sitting on the floor with his mouth wide open. Because there was no sound, Erick turned off the phone and knelt in front of Nicholas.

Erick put his hand on Nicholas' shoulder and gripped him gently. "What are you doing? Why didn't Luis say anything earlier? What happened, Nick?"


Nicholas, who looked very shocked, tried to regain his senses, but he was still silent and didn't speak until Aaron finally came to give him a glass of his favorite coffee.

"Drink this, you'll be more relaxed, Nick," Aaron said quietly as he handed Nicholas a cup of coffee.

Nicholas, who was not yet fully aware, accepted the coffee that Aaron gave him with trembling hands and made Daniel, who had been silent for a while, intervened. Daniel immediately grabbed the coffee cup from Nicholas and placed it on the table.

"If you're not ready to talk, better calm yourself down first, Nick," Daniel said quietly.

Nicholas looked at everyone who was standing in front of him in turn until finally his gaze stopped on Erick, who was still kneeling in front of him. Realizing that Nicholas was looking at him Erick smiled. He patted Nicholas on the shoulder again. "What Daniel said is true, calm yourself first. Then talk."


Erick raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter with madam?"

Nicholas swallowed hard before he finally opened his lips again and said. "Madam was taken to the hospital because she was bleeding after falling in Christian's room, she is currently in critical condition."


The coffee cup Aaron was holding fell on the floor as soon as Nicholas finished speaking.

To be continued

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