I'm A Baller

Chapter 242 - Character Broken

Chapter 242 - Character Broken

“Hey, why are the two of you filming us?!”

He Miaomiao was very angry, so the moment she opened her mouth, she was very rude.

Wang Yan originally wanted to leave. The problems between girls would naturally be solved by the girls, but he Miaomiao wanted to intensify the conflict right from the start. He really couldn’t just leave without caring about anything.

Alright, let’s just watch the show and see.

Of the two girls, one of them was rather good-looking and had about 80 points after putting on makeup. The other one was very fat and looked a little fierce.

After being questioned by He Miaomiao, the two girls were very rude.

“Who took photos of you?”

“The phone is mine. I can take photos of whatever I want!”

Alright, they were b*tches. They were both not to be trifled with.

Wang Yan leaned against the door frame and stood quietly. He observed them carefully and silently assessed the two girls’ personalities and behavior patterns.

This was a habit that the young master had gradually developed since he gained [ Speaking with Discretion ].

To put it bluntly, it could be considered as the follow-up to [ Speaking with Discretion ] — [ Acting with Discretion ].

[ Acting with Discretion ] did not mean “don’t do it” or “do less.”. Instead, it meant to make sufficient preparations before dealing with things.

As the saying goes, If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

It was the same principle.

He Miaomiao obviously did not have the awareness and she did things based solely on her mood.

“One dares to do it but doesn’t dare to admit it. The other invades the privacy of others and is still so righteous. Why are the two of you so shameless? Quickly delete it!”

Fine, she directly intensified the conflict.

However, Wang Yan would not easily judge if He Miaomiao did the right thing. Only the girls knew about their previous grudges and arguements.

Women… They could not be understood.

As expected, the chubby girl exploded. Her temper was worse than He Miaomiao’s.

“He Miaomiao, I’ve tolerated you for a long time. Who do you think you are? You act high and mighty every day. Aren’t you just relying on your beauty? I can shoot whatever I want with my phone!”

80 points was a b*tch. Her words were sarcastic.

“Miaomiao, no matter what, we are in the same dormitory. We accidentally film something and you lost your temper. Why? Do you feel that what happened just now was embarrassing?”

He Miaomiao almost went crazy from anger. “Why am I feel embarrassing?”

80 points sneered. “You know very well.”

The chubby girl opened her mouth and began to talk nonsense. “You used your beauty to seduce the school hunk and stick to him. Weren’t you the one who did it?”

80 points continued to sneer. “That’s right. The first day Wang Yan started flag-bearer training, didn’t you start to have a crush on him? Don’t pretend like no one knows!”

“You pestered him to buy fruits every day. How many times have you mumbled about Wang Yan in the dormitory? Stop pretending!”

The chubby girl folded her arms, looking as sturdy as a mountain.


It could be seen that He Miaomiao did not have much experience in bickering. She was angry and anxious after being retorted by the two of them, but she could not think of a rebuttal.

In a moment of desperation, she might as well throw caution to the wind.

“I can whine all I want with whoever I want, it’s none of your business. Our business is our business. Anyway, you can’t film me!”

“Oh? You’re completely shameless, aren’t you?”

80 points tilted her head and glanced at Wang Yan. She was shocked by the young master’s cold and calm temperament. She had originally planned to involve Wang Yan in this, but she suddenly afraid to act rashly.

“Wang Yan has a girlfriend, and he has never hidden it from anyone. Everyone in class one knows about it, and there are many people in the academy who know about it. Why are you so shameless and insist on being the other woman?”

Ah? !

He Miaomiao was suddenly dumbfounded.

She was not very popular in class, and she did not pay much attention to any gossip. She did not know that Wang Yan had a girlfriend at all.

Little A and Little B did know, but why would they talk about this for no reason?

In fact, the two of them even hoped that He Miaomiao could take down Wang Yan. Everyone had the mentality of keeping the goods to themselves.

No matter what, Wang Yan was the flag bearer in the campus. His temperament and looks were unique, and it was not that he was not good enough for Miaomiao.

Those who knew did not tell, and He Miaomiao had never asked. So, it was only now that she heard about it for the first time.

In an instant, her heart was in a mess.

In fact, under such a complicated situation, it was normal for her to be shocked by a new piece of news.

However, He Miaomiao thought that it was because of Wang Yan.

In psychology, there was an academic term called the “Suspension bridge effect”. It was about the fact that in a slightly stimulating environment, people’s physiological heart rate would increase and project it onto their psychology.

To put it bluntly, the increase in heart rate due to danger and stimulation would be mistaken as the result of the person they happened to meet.

At this moment, He Miaomiao intuitively believed that the fact that Wang Yan had a girlfriend made her heart flutter and her heart rate unbalance. The more she thought about it, the more she began to suspect..


I like Doggie Wang?!

Of course, she couldn’t confirm the answer at this moment, but this suspicion was like a seed, deeply rooted in her heart.

After taking two deep breaths, she let go of the thoughts related to Wang Yan and firmly grasped that point.

“Don’t tell me those things. You just can’t film me. Milk Cow, delete it immediately!”

The chubby girl was nicknamed Milk Cow. In fact, she was one of the fiercest people who dissed Liu Li.

Of course, the current Liu Li was the best weapon to attack He Miaomiao.

“He Miaomiao, you’re really good at poaching her! Why don’t you ask her how beautiful and elegant his girlfriend is? She’s 100 times better than you!”

It was a bit ridiculous.

Liu Li’s temperament was the kind of graceful and rhythmic beauty that came from practicing dance.

He Miaomiao’s temperament was the kind of natural, naive, and straightforward.

The two could not be compared bluntly.

However, this kind of insult was vicious enough to make He Miaomiao clench her fists in anger.

80 points added fuel to the fire, “In the end, it’s because Wang Yan is rich, right? He always pretends to be aloof from worldly affairs… Tch!”


This was a little funny.

Wang Yan subconsciously looked at He Miaomiao. She was wearing a simple sportswear without a watch and a platinum necklace around her neck. The pendant could not be seen from her collar.

Overall, she was indeed quite plain and low-key.

However, this girl’s family background was definitely not bad. Wang Yan’s judgment was based on…

The dead skin on her elbow.

If a normal person stretched out their arm, there would definitely be a black mark on their elbow. That was the cuticle formed by long-term bending. It could also be called dead skin.

On the human body, there would be wrinkles and dead skin on the elbows, knees, and joints of the fingers.

Unless they could refine them… Ah, Bah, Bah!

Unless they persisted in maintenance for a long period of time, the skin there would still be tender and would not turn into obvious black color.

Pingzhi paid special attention to skin maintenance, but with her family background, she couldn’t be really meticulous.

He Miaomiao’s joints basically didn’t have any dead skin.

So her fingers were prettier than others, so her special score could reach 94.

If the previous special score explanation wasn’t adjusted, then there was a description of her skin condition.

Therefore, the conclusion was very simple — He Miaomiao’s family background was much more than ordinary.

However, her extravagance wasn’t on the surface. She was too low-key in her daily life, and those who weren’t high level enough wouldn’t be able to understand her at all.

This was funny…

A girl who was obviously much richer than me was mistaken as a gold digger who licked the rich. Was it really because my acting was too successful that everyone was fooled?

Wang Yan really wanted to laugh.

He Miaomiao finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. She took a step forward and clenched her little fist as if she wanted to… F*ck!

Little fairy, control yourself!

President Wang turned pale with fright and finally panicked a little.

In an instant, the image of He Miaomiao’s face when they first met appeared in front of his eyes.

Just as she was about to be hit by his own stride, she stood up straight with her chest puffed out. She raised her head slightly and her big eyes were filled with stubbornness…

Donkey temper!

Why are you clenching your fists? !

The chubby girl over there can beat down you three times!

Milk Cow was indeed not weak. She puffed out her chest and raised her head. Her body scale was astonishing.

80 points was a little cowardly. She retreated to the back, but she still wanted to say something.

“He Miaomiao, don’t think that just because all the boys in class like you, you’re really a princess. Don’t you have any idea what the girls say about you?”

He Miaomiao was really furious. She pointed at her nose and scolded, “B*tch, you’re gossiping behind my back. I’ve never been calculative with you. If you dare to post a video of me and Wang Yan today, I… I’ll sue you until you’re bankrupt!”

She turned around and pointed at the fat girl. “Are you going to delete the video or not? !”

Her imposing manner was shocking, but she was so childish that she was cute.

Wang Yan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Who would threaten people like you?

Take a break, I’ll do it!

The young master gently tugged at the little kitten that was puffing up its fur and smiled at her. “I’ll handle it. Calm down.”

He took a step forward and stood in front of the fat girl and the 80-point girl.

The two of them were more or less afraid of Young Master Wang.

When the young master was a flag bearer, he gave the image of a tough guy. He was dressed in branded clothes and drove a luxury car that cost more than a million yuan. He was definitely the top class in the school.

However, Wang Yan did not show any signs of falling out with them. He was very amiable.

It was not impossible to deal with a woman’s problem simply and roughly, but it was really damaging to his reputation.

What kind of status did he have to bully a girl?

No matter how one put it, it was neither nice nor pleasant.

Therefore, there was still a need to pay attention to the method.

“This matter has something to do with me, so I have to stand up and say a few words. You two should be calm and listen to me finish, okay?”

The two girls looked at each other and nodded nervously.

At the same time, 80 points took the initiative and said, “Actually, we don’t mean any harm, and the video will definitely be deleted. It’s just that Miaomiao’s words are too infuriating, so we quarreled with her because we were too angry…”


That was not the main point at all.

Could it be that without the video, it was impossible to create rumors?

As the saying goes, a blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword. If you want to attack He Miaomiao, you don’t need a video. You just need to spread the words.

What Wang Yan wanted to solve was not only the surface of the problem, but also the deeper core.

As he thought about it, his expression became more and more amiable, and his smile was like a spring breeze.

“Then I’ll thank you both for being reasonable first, and then make it short.”

“Yes, yes, class monitor Wang, go ahead!”

The two girls suddenly had the tendency of being little fangirls, and they nodded repeatedly.

Best actor Wang officially turned into the Manager Wang of the neighborhood committee, and started his persuasion work from a strange angle.

“First of all, my relationship with Miaomiao is not important. It doesn’t matter what you think or even what you say.”

“In essence, it won’t affect us at all.”

“That’s why I’m going to tell you a few facts that have nothing to do with today’s conflict.”

The two girls were immediately dumbfounded. What was the beginning of this?

The next part was even more strange.

“The first thing is my car isn’t just worth more than a million yuan. It’s a 2015 limited edition car, worth more than five million yuan.”

The two girls widened their eyes in shock, and their pupils dilated rapidly.

Wang Yan smiled and helped them to calm their emotions. “Right now, only the two of you know about this. Please keep it a secret for me. Thank you.”

They nodded blankly.

“The second thing is, I just used my pocket money to buy a villa. It’s decorated with more than eight million yuan. After it’s done, you’re welcome to come and play.”

“I’ll definitely invite Miaomiao anyway. When the time comes, you guys can come and have a party together.”

Their pupils constricted rapidly, and they were at a loss.

“I’m saying all these was to tell you that I might be much richer than you think.”

“And, more capable than you think. I’m actually the one who pushed the school’s private air-conditioning policy.”

“But I definitely didn’t mean to threaten you. You girls can solve the girls’ problems on your own.”

The young master’s attitude was too sincere. His smile was warm, and his gaze was clear. He was like the most cultured second generation.

His persuasiveness was simply amazing.

The two girls instantly accepted everything Wang Yan had instilled into them and firmly believed in it.

Then, Wang Yan suddenly brought up an even more irrelevant topic.

“Actually, this year’s new student representative should have been me. The school leaders had consulted me before.”

“But I just happened to have something to deal with at home, so I took a full eight days off. I didn’t have time to prepare, so I could only regretfully give up.”

The two girls nodded blankly. At the same time, they remembered that they hadn’t seen Wang Yan during several large classes, and they suddenly came to a realization.

“Then, the new representative decided to be Miaomiao.”

“Actually, if I hadn’t received the honor of being an outstanding flag bearer, I wouldn’t have been able to compete with Miaomiao. She would have been the true first priority candidate.”

“Do you understand what I mean?”

“Her family is actually much richer than mine. Furthermore, her father is from Star City.”

The chubby girl and 80 points were dumbstruck.

Wang Yan smiled magnanimously. “You guys don’t know, right?”

“So, saying that she’s sticking to me is completely wrong.”

“Let’s not talk about her influence, background, and connections in Star City, but only about money. My family is still far from them.”

“She’s going abroad soon, so she’s deliberately keeping a low profile.”

“I feel that some of your misunderstandings about her are completely unnecessary and very irrational.”

“Think about it carefully. Isn’t that the case?”

The two girls almost didn’t know how to think anymore. They could only nod obediently.

Wang Yan nodded as well, full of encouragement.

“To be able to live in the same dormitory is actually a rare fate. There are some parts of your personalities that don’t agree with each other. You guys just have to work hard to get along. My dormitory was the same in the beginning. Do you see how harmonious it is now?”

“Even if we can’t become good friends, there’s no need for us to become enemies.”

“I’m a very easygoing person. Miaomiao is also a very easygoing person, but her parents…”

“Of course, her parents are very nice. It’s just that as elders, they love their daughter dearly. Their thoughts may be different from those of young people. It’s understandable.”

The fear that flashed past the eyes of the chubby girl and 80 points did not escape Wang Yan’s observation.

Alright, it’s about time!

The young master smiled in satisfaction and clapped his hands.

“Okay, that’s all the nonsense. You guys go back first and calm down. I’ll persuade Miaomiao again.”

“I’ll bring you some fruits tomorrow. Everyone sit together and have a good chat. If there’s any misunderstanding, resolve it as soon as possible. It’s fine, trust me.”josei

Wang Yan smiled and nodded. He did not mention anything about the video again.

The two girls finally broke away from the state of being controlled and guided. Their aura was weaker than a house sparrow.

The chubby girl hurriedly unlocked her phone and deleted the video in front of Wang Yan.

“Class monitor Wang, I deleted the video. Look!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I believe in you.”

The young master didn’t even look at it. He comforted her gently.

The more he did not care, the stronger his confidence became.

The stronger Wang Yan’s confidence became, it meant that He Miaomiao had the same strength, or even greater strength.

He Miaomiao would not use her strength, but someone else would.

Such a hidden threat was far better than the sentence “sue you until you lose everything.”.

Wang Yan’s expression was too gentle. It did not stir up any rebellious mentality or impulsive anger. That was why they were able to think rationally and realize the threat.

80 points immediately gave in.

“Both of our emotions and attitudes are wrong today. We’ll go back first. Uh, Miaomiao, let’s have a good chat tonight!”

She dodged He Miaomiao’s gaze and nodded at her. She immediately pulled the chubby girl and fled.

The corners of Young Master Wang’s mouth curled up slightly. His smile was not arrogant, but had the bearing of a grandmaster.

Heh, so simple…

When he turned around, he noticed that He Miaomiao wasn’t in the right state.

The little fairy imitated Wang Yan’s earlier posture and leaned against the door frame, her expression half-smiling.

“19 years old, huh?!”

“Honest boy, huh?!”

“This is an illusion of bullsh*t… Heh Heh… Haha!”


His character was broken!

Young Master Wang realized the problem and suddenly felt a little depressed.

Why do I always end up in a dead end?

So what’s next?

Show my desire to survive?


Just… use force? !

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