I'm A Baller

Chapter 318 - Warhorses and Glaciers in Your Dream

Chapter 318 - Warhorses and Glaciers in Your Dream

For a large-scale event like today’s, the end of the main competition was only the beginning of more things to come.

The partners should be grateful, right?

The sponsors should communicate their feelings, right?

The livestreamers who worked hard to appease them should be rewarded, right?

Not to mention that there were still so many big things to do next, such as picking up the showgirls…

Er…that wasn’t the right word. He had to convince them to join the company.

In short, Wang Yan had a lot of things to do.

However, as he looked at the sleepy He Miaomiao and thought about the card, Wang Yan felt very distracted.

How about… going to sleep with her?

Eh, of course, they would sleep separately.

“Are you really not sleepy? Do you want me to accompany you upstairs and coax you to sleep?”

She was really tired. She did not bicker with Wang Yan and lazily waved her hand. “Go ahead and do what you need to. I can last for another hour or two.”

Wang Yan raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh, you’re being so obedient? You’re not secretly complaining that I didn’t take good care of you, are you?”

He Miaomiao looked a little more energetic and nodded her head seriously. “No, I’m not. Men have important things to do, and that’s a good thing. Stop wasting time and go do what you need to do!”

“You’re so obedient! Then come with me!”

Wang Yan was in a great mood. He patted her head, then stuck his arm out for her to hook onto his.

In fact, it was not necessary to walk arm in arm at such an occasion. It was not some fancy party.

However, He Miaomiao did not think too much about it. She wrapped her arm around Wang Yan’s and followed obediently by his side.

She wasn’t a sore loser and kept her promise to be a secretary, so she would do what he asked of her!

While Wang Yan chatted with a sponsor, Secretary He would just quietly stand by his side, look down slightly and not say anything.

This made all the directors and CEOs at the venue even more wary of Wang Yan.

How could that the willful young lady throwing money at livestreamers moments ago be so obedient in front of Wang Yan?

They had to be very careful, so they expressed their admiration as openly as possible.

Today’s event had been really successful.

Fish eventually announced that 12 million unique visitors had accessed the event. Of course, some of those numbers had to be fake accounts.

The entire livestreaming population of the country was probably less than 12 million, so the figure was definitely false.

Even if they gave only 10% of those numbers, having 1.2 million unique views was already considered a grand event in the history of livestreaming.

The advertising figures could only be calculated at a later time, but since the event was so popular, they definitely made a killing.

The sponsors didn’t lose anything on the sponsorship fees, and even received a surprisingly large amount in return.

So all the sponsors put in all sorts of good words and promised to sponsor the next event. They even promised to double their sponsorship.

Except for Beauty Ko, that is.

When Mr. Li shook hands with Wang Yan again, he had a complicated expression on his face.

“Mr. Wang, you are really… so young, but you are so unethical. Aren’t you afraid that your reputation will be ruined?!”

Wang Yan stopped acting like an ill tempered rich man’s son and smiled calmly.

“Do you think my reputation will be ruined?”

“Well…” Mr. Li was at a loss for words.


Of course it wasn’t ruined.

Not only was it not ruined, but Wang Yan had cemented his brand and image.

The saddest part was that a lot of this was thanks to Mr. Li’s own efforts. Those models were the best from his own company and they had been so close to stealing the limelight.

If only he hadn’t…

Damn it! Who would have thought something like that would happen?!

Since throwing nasty words didn’t work, Mr. Li’s attitude softened and he started using a sympathy card instead. “Mr. Wang, don’t you think that’s quite enough? It’s not easy for us to groom a model, so it’s not easy for your company to take on 50 models at one go too. Why do this to yourselves?”

Half of it was acting, the other half was sounding Wang Yan out from his reaction and attitude.

But he nearly fainted from Wang Yan’s response.

“Why do you say that? We’re helping your company to weed out the bad ones!” Wang Yan sighed and looked like he was truly concerned for Mr. Li.

“You see, we’ve picked all the girls who don’t like following the unspoken rules, so even if you keep them, you won’t get a lot out of them. So we’re not competing with you in any way.”

What the hell?! What insidious words!

Mr. Li was livid. “I hope you’ll still be as sharp tongued the next time we meet!” he spat sarcastically before storming off.

There was no point in sticking around. He might as well use the time to get work done.

But Wang Yan wasn’t feeling threatened at all. He had the upper hand and he was going to uproot Beauty Ko!

Miss He didn’t know that company was a bad one, so she frowned and asked, “Wang Yan, you’ve already profited from his company, so why did you say such things to agitate him further?”

Wang Yan smiled calmly, “The fact that we’re direct competitors is bad enough, so agitating him a little wouldn’t hurt. But of course, I said that just to gloat.”

Sober up!

In the business world, bickering was never taken seriously. One could simply shoot one’s mouth off and no one cared.

However, if one’s actual interests were at risk or were taken away, that was as good as stepping on someone’s tail and making an enemy out of them.

Since they were already enemies, then why not rub it in and make himself happy?

He didn’t like the things that Beauty Ko did. If Mr. Li was unhappy about that, he could try fighting back! Humph!

Wang Yan was just done here when Wang Yunxi politely saw Mr. Li and his staff to the door. What a lovely way to end things.

It was always like this in the business world.

After a good meal, the hotel’s bus made two trips back and forth, sending most of the people back to the hotel. The event was finally about to end.

Before the fans left, they came to greet Wang Yan and the Princess to try and get to know them.

As long as they didn’t take photos, Wang Yan wouldn’t refuse anyone. He could chat with anyone.josei

He was approachable. There was no need to act. Wang Yan had always shown the source of his money great respect.

More than 70 fans surrounded him, so it took quite some effort to make small talk with all of them.

I Love Coriander and Iron Hand Bro didn’t have any personal grudge against Wang Yan, so they came over to chat as well, and agreed on one thing – they were joining the chatgroup.

The major livestreamers of the platform had their own private chatgroups, and the big contributors on the platform had one too.

Even though they didn’t all know each other or got along with each other, they were all big names on the platform, so they formed their own little community.

Even if they didn’t do anything, it was enough to show off their status, boast of their wealth and get some tipoffs. It wasn’t too bad.

Wang Yan agreed on the spot and waved the two livestreamers goodbye.

Lastly, Black Tiger Vanguard walked over and immediately started grumbling, “Dude, where did you get these showgirls from? Why are they so hard to pick up?”

Wang Yan laughed soundlessly. “Brother Tiger, you’re not sincere in picking them up. That’s not my fault.”

This fellow was always after a new girl and was just enjoying the process, so he wasn’t concerned with actually getting any of the girls.

Otherwise, given how rich and handsome he was, as long as he was sincere in wooing a girl, Wang Yan didn’t think many girls would bear to reject him.

The models that Wang Yan chose were the ones who weren’t desperate to find a man, so they weren’t going to be moved that easily.

“Sigh! But they’re your girls, so I really don’t dare to go too far…” Black Tiger sighed exaggeratedly, but he still had a cheeky smile on his face.

But Wang Yan raised an eyebrow. His girls? How interesting…

Wang Yan wasn’t sure if Black Tiger had noticed something, or if this was the way he usually talked. This man was a little difficult to read.

Since he couldn’t read him, he decided to just ask.

“Brother Tiger, what does your family do? Any chance for us to work together?”

“Processing, foreign trade, clothing, rent collection… they do anything that makes money, but refuse to hop onto the internet bandwagon.”

Black Tiger chuckled and his words were still hard to read. They seemed neutral, yet also seemed to be sounding Wang Yan out.

Wang Yan concluded that this man was a good guy, but had a cautious personality that didn’t speak too freely with strangers.

But since Black Tiger had no ill intentions towards Wangting Entertainment, they could keep in contact.

“Find a bandwagon and try it out then,” Wang Yan left the option open, then waved him goodbye.

“I’ve got a million and one things to handle, so I’m really sorry for not attending to you. If we get the chance, let’s meet up to do something simple and have a good chat.”

“Ok! Bye!”

After Black Tiger left, He Miaomiao went into teacher mode, “That guy was more interested in you than me. Either he’s a scumbag who’s used to flirting with girls, or he’s used to acting like a scumbag.”

It sounded like a riddle, but Wang Yan immediately understood what she was saying and nearly spat everything out.

“Where on earth did you learn all this nonsense?”

He Miaomiao was annoyed. “These are things foreign language magazines often publish! They are not nonsense!”

“Alright, alright, let’s go back and sleep!”

Wangting Entertainment’s staff could deal with the remainder of the event. If he didn’t have to stay, Wang Yan didn’t intend to stay.

He took a limousine with President Ai back to the hotel, so he had to go through another round of meaningless flattery.

There was a slight difference though…

Before this, President Ai respected Wang Yan because of Wang Yan had money, so he treated Wang Yan nicely since Wang Yan was considered a big client.

But now, he respected Wang Yan because he felt that Wang Yan was worth respecting.

The respect a rich and powerful person received was completely different from the the respect a capable and charismatic person received.

Wang Yan could sense that difference, and it made him even happier.

His appearance today had turned out to be very successful.

When they got back to the hotel, they went separate ways.

When He Miaomiao was about to step out of the elevator, Wang Yan suddenly called out to her and winked, “Secretary He, have a good dream!”

She pouted. “I’m done being a secretary already. From now on, please address me as Your Highness!”

Good heavens! Fairytales with princesses and knights were so lame and cheesy! Couldn’t she aim for something better?!

But there was nothing Wang Yan could do. The rest wasn’t up to him.

He could only… leave it to fate.

After returning to his room, he took a simple bath, dried himself, and laid on the bed.

He didn’t bother putting anything on.

Then, with a nervous and expectant mood, he activated the card that was about to expire.

[Warhorses and Glaciers in Your Dream]

[One-time Card]

[When you decide to use this card, you will definitely dream at night. The content of the dream is completely random, but it will be affected by what happened during the day.]

[After the dream ends, you will receive a random enhancement.]

[The enhancement possibilities include all the abilities you have now, including the unused items and cards in the inventory.]

[Note 1: On the same day, you will definitely pull a member of the opposite sex into the dream. Both of your consciousness will interfere with and modify the dream together.]

[Note 2: Said member of the opposite sex in the dream must have at least 90 points in good looks, and have a favorable impression of you above 60 points.]

[Note 3: When the dream ends, she will also receive some kind of strengthening, but it is only limited to the body.]

[Note 4: Remember, the dream does not have logic and reason, do not try to control it.]

[Note 5: this card can only be kept for 30 days.]

In a small mountain village at the border of the Chedan Empire, the rising sun woke the rooster up. The rooster cried out loudly, “Get the fuck out of bed, you bunch of lazy bastards!”

Wang Ergou yawned as he got up from the hardwood bed and began to put sackcloth on his body.

His clothes were revealing but he didn’t bat an eyelid. He simply wiped his face, picked up the hoe, and walked out of the house.

Er Ya, who lived next door, heard the commotion and hurriedly ran out. She shouted, “Brother Ergou, when are you going to have a baby with me?”

Er Ya was young and beautiful. She had a pair of blue eyes and a good figure. Her tattered clothes barely covered anything.

Wang Ergou waved his hand impatiently. “God Crab! What nonsense are you talking about? Did you not go to pray yesterday?”

Er Ya replied aggrievedly, “But I have been praying for months and the Oracle has not come. What can I do? You mean we can’t have children without the Oracle of the God Crab?”

“I’ve told you many times to be pious!”

Wang Ergou widened his eyes. He was very dissatisfied with her shallow belief and utility.

“We’re not praying for the sake of having children. We’re showing the God Crab our sincere respect. We’re grateful to it for protecting us from the Black Fog!”

Er Ya pursed her lips. She could not hold back her curiosity.

“Brother Ergou, what’s inside the Black Fog? Everyone in the village says that you’re the descendant of a warrior. Your father once fought in the Black Fog.”

Wang Ergou looked into the distance with a conflicted look in his eyes.

The sky was blue, and the sun hung high in the sky. However, the mountain village was surrounded by a thick black fog. It was like a wall, firmly blocking the youngster’s yearning for the distance.

“It’s probably some man-eating monsters…”

The disappointment only lasted for a moment. Soon, the youngster’s expression became resolute again.

“But it doesn’t matter. My family’s secret technique, the Great Secret Earth Battle Domineering Force Quiet Men Crying Women, will soon reach the great success stage. At that time, I must break through all barriers and see the legendary sea!”

Er Ya’s eyes sparkled like the stars in admiration, but she couldn’t help but comment, “The name of your family’s martial technique is really strange…”

Ergou was a little embarrassed and indignant, so he let out a cold snort to protect his pride.

“You don’t understand. That is a secret technique that can kill gods. The Sun Goddess was once defeated by my ancestors, so the Sun’s bloodline flows in my body!”

“Oh…” Er Ya nodded in confusion. She followed behind Ergou and asked, “So, when will you pass on the Sun’s bloodline to me?”

“Humph, stop dreaming. The Oracle told me to be a Shenhao with positive energy!”

“What is a Shenhao?”

“It means to be the hero of the gods, the most powerful and most capable fighter in the world!”

“But you’re already the most capable fighter in the village now.”

“There are other villages outside the village. The world is so big, so there are at least a few dozen villages that correspond to the gods in the sky. You only care about having children, so you’re so ignorant!”

Er Ya was indignant. “Who said that? I can even grow crops!”

They walked all the way until they finally came to the field.

Wang Ergou looked at the golden flower field in front of him and was in a good mood.

“Who can be better than me at growing crops!”

Er Ya was extremely envious and nodded repeatedly. “Yes, yes, Brother Ergou. We worked hard and could only grow copper coins. You didn’t even water yours every day, but you could actually grow gold coins. That’s amazing!”

Shiny gold coins were contained in the middle of every flower in the field.

Ergou took a deep breath of the flower field and blew out again. The gold coins swelled in the wind and ripened.

He picked two of them and gave one to Er Ya. “Here, eat some!”

Er Ya took the gold coin and wiped it eagerly. She immediately put it into her mouth and ate it happily.

“They’re so delicious! Brother Ergou, I want to have children with you even more than before…”

Wang Ergou didn’t like this topic and quietly ate his breakfast.

After chewing dozens of gold coins, his belly was round and his body was full of strength.

What should he do next?

The crops were growing so well that he didn’t need to do anything at all. So, should he sleep for a while?

When he thought of sleeping, Wang Ergou suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. It was as if there was some kind of energy stirring within him.

While he was in a daze, a person suddenly rushed over from afar. He was running desperately and shouting away.

“Something bad has happened! A convoy has rushed in from outside the Black Fog. The leader claims to be some tax officer. He wants to collect taxes for the Princess!”

Who were these people? Were they tired of living? He had put in so much effort into growing these gold coins…wait a minute.

If these people were from outside…

Did that mean one could travel through the Black Fog?

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