I'm A Baller

Chapter 351 - Aggresive

Chapter 351 - Aggresive

“F*ck you! Are you the only one who can bully me, but I can’t fight back?”

But thinking about the current situation, he really didn’t dare to kill him.

He could only struggle with all his might and then admit defeat. “Drive properly, look at the road! I was wrong, I was wrong, alright?!”

Wang Yan was a person who knew when to stop. She had flirted with him for a while, but before she really got angry, she let go of him obediently.

However, after she let go of him, she placed the blame back on him righteously.

“What’s all the commotion on the road? What if we crash into a car? What if we bump into a child?”

“F*ck! Then don’t hold me down!”

“Then don’t bite me! If you don’t show off, do I have to?”

“Pretend to be my dad and take advantage of me first!”

“I’m not pretending to be your dad. What I mean is: even if you call me dad, I don’t have another eight million for you. Why Can’t you hear the main point?”

“B*stard! Do you believe that I’ll die with you? !”

“I don’t believe it. You still have so much money to spend, so many things to do, and you still haven’t called me father… You’re the one who can’t bear to die!”

“B*stard! Shameless! Stinky hooligan! Narcissist!”

He was almost driven mad by Wang Yan. It turned out that calling you father was my lifelong wish?

Can’t bear to die if I don’t call you father once? !

However, it didn’t hurt to pat her, and she didn’t dare to bite her again. The only thing she could scold people with was those two sentences: it wasn’t that she only knew those two sentences. There were many dirty words on the internet, but she couldn’t get over her heart and couldn’t scold them out.

In any case, there was nothing she could do.

She was extremely angry. She suddenly remembered something and her mood suddenly improved. She proudly announced, “Husky, you have no money!”

“What money?”

“A few days ago, didn’t you ask me: How much pocket money do you have? Are you in a hurry to use it? I knew what was going on as soon as I heard it. Your company’s business is too big and you lack liquidity, right? I originally wanted to lend you 10 to 20 million for an emergency, but now I have no money!”josei

The young lady was extremely happy. In the blink of an eye, she went from being in excruciating pain to being high and mighty. She looked at Wang Yan from the corner of her eyes.

“There’s no need to beg me. It’s useless to beg me! Just three words: No! Borrow!”

Young Master Wang’s expression instantly changed. There was frustration mixed with frustration. There was regret mixed with frustration. Besides regret, there was also a little bit of flattery…

He asked, “Then what if I call you my obedient daughter?”

“That won’t do either… F*ck!”

Miss he was halfway through her beauty when she suddenly realized that something was wrong. She glared at him angrily. “Husky, you don’t want money anymore, right?!”

“That’s right!”

Young master Wang’s expression changed again instantly, he laughed evilly. “I personally told you that I’m short of money? If I’m short of money, why would I give you the eight million? Previously, it was just Daddy’s concern for his daughter, okay! Did you see Conan’s stupidity? You’re always showing off your retarded reasoning ability…”


Once again, He Miaomiao was dumbfounded.

That’s not right. When we were chatting earlier, that damn dog clearly said that he was short of money!

Could it be… that I’m really overthinking things? !

When lady he started to doubt life and her intelligence, Wang Yan held back her laughter until she almost peed her pants.

No, actually, you’re not overthinking things!

Previously, I was indeed short of money. I planned to borrow some money from you temporarily in case the panda’s money didn’t arrive in time.

But don’t you know what it means to be in a different time? !

“I’m now rich and awesome! Are you trying to take advantage of me? Think about it!”


When one type of teasing was about to anger the other, another type of teasing would continue.

Young Master Wang’s word had made He Miaomiao completely shut down from teasing.

All the way until she got out of the car, the young miss did not say a single word to Wang Yan. No matter how Wang Yan honked… Sorry, I could not hear!

She got out of the car and rushed into the villa. With a bang, she closed the door and shut Wang Yan out.

“What happened? She was fine just now, but she flipped over while driving?”

Hei Hu’s face was full of confusion. He felt that He Miaomiao’s change was inexplicable.

“Princess sickness, just get used to it.”

Wang Yan calmly threw the pot. He was as innocent as he could be.

However, Hei Hu really believed him. He looked at Wang Yan sympathetically. “Your Highness the princess is hard to please. It’s been hard on you…”

Hard on my ass!

That guy enjoyed a lot. Hu Zi, you don’t know!

However, Hei Hu did not continue to circle around the issue of women. He leaned against the front of the car and lit a cigarette. Suddenly, he pulled back to the supercar club.

“Sigh, I thought about it carefully just now. You’re doing business in Shanghai, and you really lack a platform to expand your social circle. There are some people in the club who are pretty good and can help a lot. Why don’t you reconsider?”

“It’s not that interesting.”

Hei Hu was serious. Wang Yan talked to him seriously.

“I don’t make friends easily. People make friends when they’re in the limelight. You and I both know what kind of friends they are.

Now that the other party has a request from me and needs me to support the situation, it’s natural for the situation to be pretty.

“But I only look at people.

“I don’t like the things that young master Huang has done, so there’s no need for me to get involved.

“Do I have something urgent to ask him for?

“Not now, and not necessarily in the future.

“I’m on the rise, and that’s just a player who might not be able to defend Chengdu. It’s best to stay out of each other’s way.”


Hei Hu was speechless for a while before he shook his head and sighed.

“How old are you? How can you see through everything so clearly? If it were another second generation from the mining province, he would probably break his head and crawl into the club, right? That’s one of the best connections in Shanghai!”

“Connections are indeed useful…”

Wang Yan smiled leisurely and said very casually, “However, those who get along with each other are called connections. Those who don’t get along with each other are just acquaintances.”


Hei Hu was deeply shocked by Wang Yan’s maturity. It took him quite a while before he gave him a thumbs up.

“Alright, since you know what’s going on, I won’t persuade you anymore. I didn’t participate because I was afraid that you would get in my way. How bad would that be!”

After the serious business was over, they could start to argue.

Young Master Wang gave him a disdainful look. “What kind of misunderstanding do you have about yourself? Where did you get your face from?”

Hei Hu was instantly depressed. “F*ck, just you wait. Later, I’ll definitely hammer you until you call me daddy!”

Karma? It came so quickly!

Wang Yan did not have anything to say. He just needed to transform.

Looking at the time, he immediately did not delay any further and sent a voice message to He Miaomiao. “Hei Hu and I are going to the boxing ring to exchange skills. Are you going?”

Miss he might not pick up the call in a fit of anger. She would definitely listen to the voice message.

As expected, Wang Yan caught her red-handed. In less than five seconds, miss he replied excitedly, “How did you trick him into the boxing ring? Wait for me. Let’s go after we change!”

Hei Hu stood at the side. When he heard the voice message, his expression became suspicious.

Why was it a lie?!

Liar Wang did not give him much time to think. He waved his hand and got into the car. “Let’s go, get ready to set off!”

There were many martial arts clubs in Shanghai. Hei Hu was a regular customer of the family.

When they reached the place, the three of them entered the door. There were already quite a few friends waiting inside.

“F*ck, Hu Zi, why are you so slow? We have an appointment at noon. Look at what time it is now?”

A short-haired young man who was very fierce and fierce immediately started to scold Hei Hu. Hei Hu smiled and apologized.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I accompanied this brother to the car race track to put on a F*ck… Come, let me introduce you to Wang Yan, the god of Wangting Yule. I’ve mentioned him to you.”

In Hei Hu’s circle, there were three people who loved fighting. Two men and one woman. Each of them had a body full of tendons and muscles. They were not to be trifled with.

The youngest was called Xiao Long, who was only two years older than Wang Yan.

The oldest was called brother Bao, who was in his early 30s.

The girl was called Jian Jian, and she had the biggest background. Hei Hu introduced her as “An authentic Wing Chun disciple, a female self-defense coach.”

Wang Yan was filled with respect.

“A heroine! Traditional martial arts are not easy to practice. I admire you, I admire you!”

“Don’t listen to Hu Zi’s bullsh*t!”

Jian Jian smiled brightly. The moment she opened her mouth, she spoke with a big Dongbei accent, which even stunned Wang Yan.

Wasn’t Wing Chun a Southern style style style?

He had never heard of Dongbei having a heritage..

The Black Tiger laughed mischievously and revealed the answer. “Jian Jian is best at Reciting Wing Chun boudoir poems. The little train drives classics, so she is called Wing Chun’s successor!”


F*ck you!

Wang Yan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but when he turned around to look at the delicate-looking Jian Jian, he was surprised.

Indeed, one couldn’t judge a book by its cover. A delicate-looking girl could actually defile Hei Hu to the point of submission. That’s pathetic.

Xiao Long kindly reminded him, “Don’t underestimate Jian Jian. She might even be older than you if you took her out!”

“Fine, you three brothers of dragon, Tiger, and leopard plus one Jian Jian Jian. You can’t afford to offend her!”

“Come on, let’s talk in the ring. What are the rules?”

Wang Yan slowly walked up to the ring. He curiously looked left and right, as if he had never seen the world before.

At the end of the day, Hei Hu actually shrank back a little.

The key was that Wang Yan was too f*cking calm!

Based on Hei Hu’s observation of Wang Yan, that guy was definitely someone who wouldn’t take any losses. He wouldn’t easily do things that he wasn’t sure of.

Moreover, not only was Wang Yan Calm, He Miaomiao was even more abnormal!

Why are you so excited?!

Why are you looking at me with that kind of pitying gaze?!

F*ck, did I really fall for it?

The so-called intelligence was being able to detect problems from the slightest clues.

The so-called caution was that once something was wrong, it was better to not make any mistakes than to fail.

Hei Hu was smart, but he was not cautious enough. The zodiac sign was a wave, and he cared about his face. Although he realized that he might not be so optimistic, he still planned to go head-on.

Jian Jian noticed that Hei Hu was a little uneasy. In the spirit of watching the show and not afraid of big things, she cheered him on.

“Brother Hu, what are you afraid of? The opposite side is a chick. You can crush him with your weight advantage! Watch your posture. Hei Hu, pull out your car! Watch your rhythm. One, two, three, four!”

Miss he glanced at him with a smile. She sat down in the viewing area and crossed her legs. She was extremely relaxed.

In terms of figure, Wang Yan was 178 and weighed about 145. He looked very thin.

Hei Hu was only around 176 and weighed at least 165. He was much sturdier than Wang Yan.

In a fight, weight was a huge advantage.

Wang Yan’s weight was just right at the upper limit of the middleweight category, while Hei Hu’s was the standard weight of the middleweight category. There was a difference of two whole levels.

A difference of 10 kilograms was enough to crush any competition of any level.

Therefore, none of the three little companions had high hopes for Wang Yan.

Xiao Long was also adding fuel to the fire. “Don’t hit your face. You can do whatever you want with the rest!”

Brother Bao was grinning even more unpleasantly.

“Brother, you have to wear a head guard, but there’s no need to wear a body armor, right? It’s not satisfying to fight!”

“You can’t hear the sound of fists hitting flesh, can you?”

Young Master Wang smiled and nodded indifferently. “I’m fine with anything.”

Hei Hu gritted his teeth. “Then don’t wear it!”

He immediately began to change his clothes and put on the protective gear.

Jian Jian was the referee, but he only read out the rules lightly.

“Free-for-all sparring is not limited to punches, elbows, knees, and other forms of attack, but you are not allowed to poke your eyes or bite… as both of you are handsome men, the above-mentioned forbidden sexual acts are invalid. You can hug each other to your heart’s content and do whatever you want!”


You are indeed a driver who dresses as a woman!

Wang Yan’s forehead was filled with black lines. He immediately signaled the staff of the sparring hall to bring me the best crotch-protecting shorts. This brother doesn’t lack money!

The full set of protective gear was not cheap. Wang Yan would definitely not use someone else’s. He would choose the best one and buy it for 8,000 dollars.

He might have been scammed… No, he definitely had been scammed. However, the young master did not care. After all, having fun was the most important thing.

He tidied himself up before coming out. His upper body was bare, and he wore a pair of big underpants. He wore protective gear on his head and a pair of open-fingered gloves on his hands.

A wave of strange exclamations immediately rose in the martial arts hall.


There were many muscular men in the martial arts hall. There were quite a number of young ladies who were not actually interested in martial arts. The reason why they were training so hard was most likely due to the muscular tough men who often had their shirts missing.

Wang Yan was not a tough man.

This was because the eldest young master’s figure was not trained. It was purely formed naturally.

It was smooth, firm, and just right. It was neither too hard nor too soft.

If one had to use the simplest and most straightforward words to describe it, there were only two words: Good-looking.

Miss he clicked her eyes and covered the lower half of her face.

Then she continued to click her big eyes and watched with great interest.

The members of the opposite sex who were exclaiming had the same thought: How could that young Hunk’s figure be so good-looking!

The natural golden ratio was completely different from the muscles that were developed after training.

Before they saw it, they thought that the more defined the muscles were, the more beautiful they would be. After seeing Wang Yan, they finally understood what it meant to have beautiful lines.

Hei Hu’s muscles were very well developed. Before Wang Yan came out, he was delightedly moving his pectoral muscles and posing in all directions.

Looking at Wang Yan, he silently put on his sports vest and then shouted in a bad mood, “Hey, that flesh-revealing devil, what are you doing? The rules of the competition require you to wear a vest!”

You’re really shameless…

For the first time, Wang Yan was a little convinced of someone. He shook his head, sighed, and put on his vest.

Hei Hu swished two jabs, followed by a swing, followed by an uppercut. His routine was very good, and his fighting style was very good.

It seemed that he was indeed a true fan of regular practice.

After showing off, he hooked his finger at Wang Yan.

“Come on, Baby, It’s show time! Please listen to the question: Who’s Your Daddy?”

Young Master Wang had never played Warcraft before, so he didn’t know what kind of old joke it was. Hearing this, he sneered and started to move his knuckles.

Sir, please lie down. Your Thai horse massage chicken has been delivered!

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