I'm a Model that's Undercover as The School's Nerd

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Alarms were never my favorite sound in the world especially when they continuously go off after a late night. I was exhausted and hearing the sound of beeping was enough to annoy anyone this early.

I was up until two o'clock hanging out with West last night, so hearing that beeping wasn't exactly my favorite thing to hear three hours later. Therefore, this morning was starting off like hell already.

West knocked a few times, entering my room with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Ah, rise and shine." He looked all sweaty, probably from his morning jog.

I pouted. "Where's mine?"

He chuckled, ruffling my already bedridden hair. "In a container waiting to be made."

In response, I threw a pillow at him and started getting my stuff together for school. "What are you doing up so early anyway?"

"I have to make that stop and check on my mom's friend and get whatever she wanted to give me and then I have to catch my flight," he said.

I don't get why his mom's friend couldn't just mail whatever it is she's giving him, but since he got a nice visit here, I'd have to say I didn't really mind.

"I wish you could stay longer," I said sadly as I tried to brush out all the knots in my hair. He walked over and gave me a side hug, and I pretended to gag, pushing him away.

"Okay, you smell like sweat. You can go now," I said, plugging my nose and shooing him away.

He only chuckled. "That's what happens when you go jogging on a hot day."

I couldn't help the snort that came from me. "It's always a hot day in Long Beach," I said before walking into my closet and grabbing a pair of leggings and a long t-shirt to cover my butt.

When I walked out, my cousin moved to just sitting back on my bed with his phone in his hand.

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you mind?"

"Nah, not at all. Continue with your little morning routine."

I rolled my eyes, but still did exactly that, taking a shower, I quickly washed my body and hair before getting out. I knew I'd have more time to enjoy the hot water later after my jog.

I brushed out my wet hair and then blow dried it. Once it was completely dry, I got dressed and then headed out to my vanity, doing my usual braids and then the bun before putting on the wig cap and the wig.

I moved onto the nose part and easily put it on before I added my glasses just as my phone rang loudly throughout the room.

"Hello?" West said into the device, since it just so happened to be right next to him. I attempted to grab it out of his hands, but once he stood up, it was nearly impossible, even for me, being 5'10.

He pulled the phone away from his ear and covered it with his phone. "Clove, Tori said that the key's not in the rock. Therefore, you have five seconds to open the door before she beats your ass."

I punched his arm. "Well, go replace it and let her in, you idiot. What were you going to do? Take it with you back to Seattle?" I asked, shaking my head.

He only stuck his tongue out at me before telling Tori that he'd be down in a sec and hanging up the phone.

A minute later, my favorite brunette friend was in my room. "Hey, I thought I was driving today?" I asked curiously as I grabbed my bookbag and made sure my history book was in there since I forgot it yesterday.

"Yeah, I thought about that, but I didn't want to be without a ride if you got another detention," she said with a serious face, causing my jaw to drop.

"You bitch," I said, throwing a pillow at her.

She only burst out laughing. "Please, you know I'm only kidding. I just have my own shoot today so after I drop you off, I'm going straight there."

"Okay, well, I'm ready to go then," I said and she smiled, handing me my usual Starbucks drink. When I walked downstairs, I was surprised to see my parents sitting at the dining room table, drinking coffee. My dad wasn't talking as he read the newspaper and my mother was talking to West, who was seated right next to her.

Hearing me enter the room, my mother and West looked over at me, pausing their conversation.

"Mom," I said with enthusiasm that even a crazy person could see wasn't real.

"Hi, darling," she said, standing up and doing the faire la bise, the kiss on both cheeks. "How have you been? I called Mary; she said you've been late recently to your photo shoots." Her smile turned into a look of disappointment.

I frowned. Was she serious? She made it sound like it's a constant thing. It happened once.

"Nothing you should worry about. It happened once and it won't happen again," I said.

"I know it won't," she said, narrowing her eyes slightly before looking down at her wrist, showing off her expensive Apple watch. "Well, as always, I was only stopping in to see how everything was going and

to grab more clothes. Oh, and it was a pleasure seeing you again, Tori."

I watched as she picked up her purse and her suitcase before heading out the front door with a small wave.

"Hey, Dad," I said softly as I grabbed an apple from the bowl located on the table.

"I'm leaving as well," he stated monotonously. A sad smile appeared on my face and I couldn't find myself to speak so I only nodded, watching as he closed the newspaper and grabbed his briefcase, leaving in his perfect suit.

If anyone wanted to see what it's like to not live up to your parents’ expectations then my parents were the ones to have. My mom constantly traveled around the world to her many boutiques. She sold the best clothes, clothes everyone wanted. Clothes I've even seen people at school wearing. She was like the new Michael Kors or the new Coach. You just had to have her clothes. Now, my dad was a different story. He's a surgeon, so he didn't come home often. He was always doing surgery or he was always at the hospital doing paperwork. At least, that's what he said he did. I wasn't stupid, though, I know that a surgeon can come home eventually even in the busiest hours, but part of me knew he just didn't want to.

I mean every surgeon has to come home for clothes eventually. That is, if they're even still at their so called "home."

He didn't want the responsibility of a daughter who did something as stupid as modeling. He wanted a daughter who was working hard in school, getting perfect grades, going to a school like Harvard or Yale. He wanted the child who would be worth talking about, worth seeing.

A daughter who wasn't me.

"Clove," Tori mumbled softly, pulling me into a hug.

I wiped off a tear that I didn't realize had fallen and pulled away from Tori. "I'm okay, don't worry about it," I said, slathering my own fake smile on my face.

"You know, you could always come live with us. My mom would love to feel like she has a daughter," West said, trying to make light of the conversation.

I chuckled, "No offense, West, but your mom is a little too crazy."

"Yeah, I'd say so," he said, and I grinned. West and his mom were the ones who actually made me feel like I was a part of a family. I should really visit them soon.

I glanced at the time on my phone and knew we had to leave now if we wanted to make it to school on time. "We have to get going, but I'll come visit soon."

He bobbed his head up and down. "Definitely." He gave me a hug and stole the apple from my hand, taking a huge bite out of it. "Bye, thanks for this," he said with his mouth full, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Bye, West," Tori said while sending him a wave as we headed out to the car. We both got in and buckled up and made light conversation the whole way.

"Wait, so you're telling me the Andrew Carter was in detention at the same time as you? You're so lucky, " she said with a look of veneration.

I raised an eyebrow. "He was completely drunk."

What was so great about sitting in the same room as a drunk idiot?

"I know, but he paid attention to you the whole time. That's a rare thing for him. He usually talks to the girls who will put it out just by him breathing as he walks past," Tori said.

I couldn't hold back a laugh. She had a point.

"Kind of like you?" I asked, causing her to look at me with a glare and smack my arm before focusing back on the road.

"Please don't let me die with my last conversation being about the school's player," I said, pretending to look up at the sky.

"You're a jerk," she said, shaking her head in amusement as we arrived at school.

Together, we walked up to the front of the school. No one bothered to glance in our direction, but I did notice Andrew was standing with Stacey, leaning over her, probably flirting endlessly.

"No," Tori said, quickly noticing where my attention was at. "He may be incredibly hot, but you're not allowed to even be interest in him. That guy will break your heart quicker than you can say sex."

I looked away from the couple and nodded. "I know. I just met the guy yesterday. I'm not interested in him, and I probably never will be. I have Damien, remember?"

"He barely counts as a boyfriend. I mean, long distance relationships don't work. You haven't seen each other in over a year," she said honestly.

"He'll be coming home soon," I said, letting the conversation end there.

He was only gone for training again. That's it. He'd be back soon.

But what about after training? He'd eventually be sent off somewhere else. I didn't mention that to Tori since she probably already knew. I seemed to be the only one denying it at this point, but it’s because I cared for him. He wasn’t just some random guy, though. He held a part of my heart and in some way, he probably always will.

"Listen, I'll see you at lunch. Keep your thoughts away from the gutter, aka Carter, missy," she ordered.

"The thoughts are long gone, Tori. Now, I'll see you later," I said, making her eyes narrow slightly, a sign she didn't believe me.

But it was true. I wasn't interested in Andrew Carter. He's just some delinquent.

"Goodbye, Tori," I said, not even looking at her as I reached into my locker to grab my last book and shoved it in my locker.

"Last time I checked, my name wasn't Tori, but I guess people do get that mixed up with the words tasty or talented when describing me," an annoyingly familiar voice said from next to me.

I jumped, hitting my head on the top of my locker. I squeezed my eyes tight and pressed my hand to the top of my head. Yeah, that hurt like a bitch. I opened my eyes and stepped back, looking at Andrew.

"Hey, babe, miss me?" he asked.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I asked, faking sincere curiosity.

"You know you do," he said, leaning against the locker next to mine. Today, he looked back to normal. Instead of completely wasted or hungover, he looked freshly showered and smelled a bit like mint instead of cigarettes and even like some Calvin Klein cologne.

"Sorry, I don't think I do," I said, continuing with the fake attitude as I now pretended to actually be apologetic.

"We spent time together in detention. Remember? You owe me because I didn't tell Stacey about you leaving early," he said, and I cringed.

It was impossible to forget about that, but I was hoping he was too drunk to remember. I didn't even tell Tori about it because I thought it would all blow over. Apparently not, though.

"I've never had a detention," I said as I closed my locker and focused my full attention on him, hugging my books to my chest.

"You're playing with me right now because I was drunk yesterday, right?" he asked, stepping away from the locker. "Mike," he called over his friend and I panicked. There goes my 'make him think he's crazy' plan.

"I'm going to be late to class. I hope you find the girl you're looking for, though," I said before heading in the opposite direction just as his friend from yesterday showed up.

I glanced back only for a minute and made eye contact with Andrew, who was looking at me with a smirk.

He totally knew I was lying for sure now.

I quickened my pace and got to Mr. Stark’s room before any of the bells went off. I took my usual seat in the front of the room. While I waited patiently for the bell to ring, I started on the homework.

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