I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 133 - 132

Chapter 133 - 132: The power generated by the strongest nuclear bomb explosion on Earth! (A 5200-word long chapter, please subscribe!)

Chapter 133: Chapter 132: The power generated by the strongest nuclear bomb explosion on Earth! (A 5200-word long chapter, please subscribe!)

Translator: 549690339

“Earth Element, Gold Element, seal the entrances and exits, reinforce the walls, and remember to leave a path for two people to pass through, we’ll be entering and exiting later…..”

After the war between the two sides formally started, someone was specifically responsible for ordering the closure of all subway entrances.

Thankfully, despite the Earth’s population being less than thirty million, courtesy of the group awakening plan, there were five million superpowered individuals at this moment. Although most of these superpowered ones were of poor ability only at Red Level and it was quite difficult for them to level up, the evolution still enhanced their physical fitness. Therefore, they were able to assist with this kind of work with no decrease in efficiency.

Besides, one after another, trucks filled with sandbags were driven to the top of the air-raid shelters and subways.

“Everyone, fill the sandbags and spread them on the ground…”

“Officer, why do we need to lay down sandbags?” Someone asked, confused.

A bespectacled military officer stepped forth and explained, “Sand is small pebble-like grains formed by the erosion of rocks, with a diameter less than 5mm. Its primary component is silicon dioxide and the average hardness is


Seeing the puzzled faces of the crowd, the bespectacled officer grinned saying, “A block of pine wood has hardness only up to 2HS, a copper coin only 5HS. Can you now understand how formidable the hardness of sand is?!”

An elder member of the crowd exclaimed, “Oh, now I get it! I often see in war dramas that the army uses sandbags as a cover during battle, so that’s the reason!”

The officer grinned again and said, “That’s not all, apart from its hardness, sand also possesses other abilities not found in single-medium materials. That is, since sand exists in granular form, any force penetrating a sandbag would disperse in all directions through the grains, thereby significantly weakening the impact force…”

“Most importantly, sand is abundant everywhere, we can take it and use it whenever and wherever we wish!”

Upon hearing that sandbags could reinforce the ground and add to defense power, resisting the possible force of nuclear explosions, everyone immediately hastened their pace and started working harder.

Within a short span of five minutes, all subway entrances and air-raid shelter entrances were fully sealed by sandbags, and superpowered individuals with Earth Element skills ensured that everything fit tightly together, making it very sturdy.

At the frontier Gobi desert.

At a place that looked like a desert, and indeed was one.

Suddenly, a sand dune collapsed due to a sinkhole, with countless grains of sand rushing towards the center.

Simultaneously, the ground cracked open, just like a giant monster opening its mouth.

Soon, a giant pit leading deep underground, a hundred meters in width, appeared.

Inside it were multifarious precision machines and equipment all made out of steel. However, in the middle of the vertical shaft, a vast space was left empty.

At the lower end of this pathway leading underground, a rocket measuring

56.97 meters in height stood, pointing towards the sky.

This was DF-66 and the “Fend for Yourself”!

Bear in mind, this most potent nuclear weapon, the “Fend for Yourself”, only has a mass of 37 tons, a length of 9 meters, and a diameter of merely 2 meters. However, this rocket stood 56.97 meters tall and weighed in at a whopping 879 tons.

This was because DF-66 employed cutting-edge technology, with a twelve-stage rocket propulsion system featuring four different modules, and a total of thirty-five liquid-oxygen engines of varying power.

That is to say, after taking off from the ground, this rocket would accelerate twelve times consecutively, until finally, only the “Fend for Yourself” remained, hitting its target at a maximum speed of 60,000 kilometers per hour.”

At this moment, this super rocket, under machine control, slowly entered into a preset orbit, preparing to initiate the launch procedure.

When Yao Zhenguo, who was thousands of miles away, pressed the nuclear launch button, this rocket was instantly activated. From the rear of the rocket, four enormous flames shot out, and using this propulsive force, the rocket, standing 56.97 meters tall and weighing 879 tons, quickly lifted off and flew towards a pre-set direction.

Just as the defense constructions were close to completion, an order from above suddenly came down, “All units enter the air-raid shelters and subway stations. In thirty seconds, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb will arrive here!”

Upon receiving this news, everyone, whether military officers or civilians, dropped what they were doing and rapidly went underground. The superpowered individuals with Earth and Gold Element proceeded to seal all entrances without delay.

Right at this moment, even the leaders in the command center also sought refuge in the underground air-raid shelter of the command post.

“29 seconds!” “28 seconds!”

“27 seconds!”

One officer kept his eyes transfixed on the electronic device, intently reciting the countdown without blinking.

At this moment, everyone listened quietly to the sound of his countdown.

These were the last few moments before DF- 66, armed with the “Fend for Yourself”, reached its target.

Even though its speed was as high as 60,000 kilometers per hour, the location where the missile was deployed was in the Gobi desert on the frontier, more than three thousand kilometers away from Nanyuan. Even at that speed, the flight still took over thirty seconds.

The underground air-raid shelter was the first thing to be built when the command post established its base here. Not only can it withstand the direct impact of a nuclear bomb, it also made a perfect connection with the equipment aboveground. This ensured that most of the electronic products could still be used in critical moments like this.

On the video device, the DF-66 was rapidly sped across longitudes and latitudes from the northwest toward Nanyuan with an unbelievable speed.

“It must succeed!”

Yao Zhenguo watched its trajectory, praying incessantly in his heart.

After all, the Hall of Gods possessed spaceships far advanced of Earth Civilization by many years, and whether they could intercept DF-66 ahead of schedule, he was uncertain.

The captain of the Hall of Gods’ four-star spaceship served as the temporary commander-in-chief of all spaceships.

“Report, an unknown object is approaching us at a rate close to the second cosmic speed!”

“What? Reach the second cosmic speed within a planetary body?”

The Commander was shocked. While achieving the second cosmic speed wasn’t impossible, it required continuous acceleration in space.

The experience of any spaceship reaching the second cosmic speed in space is utterly different from reaching the same speed within a planetary body!

Before the Hall of Gods’ commander-in -chief had time to react, his subordinate quickly reported, “The unknown flying object’s speed has accelerated!”

“Twelve kilometers per second!”

“Thirteen kilometers per second!”

“Two thousand kilometers away, fourteen kilometers per second…” “One thousand kilometers away, fifteen kilometers per second…” “Five hundred kilometers away, sixteen kilometers per second…”

“It’s approaching the third cosmic speed!”

All their ships could achieve this speed, but their weapons could not. Nalan Country, when installing weapons on their spacecraft, had not used the highest and most advanced technology!

“Damn it!”

Unable to contain his shock, the Commander yelled, “All fleets, activate the strongest energy shields, the fleet in the northwest, carry out a suicidal interception of the unknown flying object!”

At his command, thousands of spaceships activated their energy shields simultaneously.

Suddenly, a thousand transparent protections resembling eggshells rose in the air.

Meanwhile, under the command of the Commander, the spacecraft quickly retreated, forming a honeycomb-like defensive line in a semi-elliptical shaped, completely surrounding the 156 powerful individuals who were constantly refining Du Gang.

As these spacecraft approached, their energy shields merged instantly, transforming from thousands of different-sized protective screens into one massive shield.

On the outskirts, nearly a hundred one-star spaceships broke away from the main force, shooting northwest while releasing various onboard weapons. They were ordered to block the unknown flying object with their ships!

But it was too late…

The DF Express, absolutely reliable!

The spacecraft managed to fly only ten kilometers before they were directly hit by DF-66.

“Boom! Boom!”

One by one, hundreds of spaceships exploded!

Meanwhile, DF-66 carried on without stopping, flying towards its predetermined target.

“How is that possible?!”

Watching the rocket still heading towards them from afar, the Hall of Gods’ fleet commander was speechless with shock.

However, a hundred kilometers away at the Earth Alliance’s underqround base,

Yao Zhenguo wore a faint smile.

“This is the power of the Yu Min Configuration!”

Unlike the typical T-U configuration employed by other countries’ nuclear weapons, the Hua Nation’s nuclear weapon utilized the independently researched Yu Min Configuration.

The greatest difference between the Yu Min Configuration and other configurations was the detonation key: one utilized X-rays for detonation while the other utilized shorter-wavelength, ten thousand times more powerful Y-rays!

This meant that conventional weapons for intercepting nuclear bombs would not work, or rather, there was no weapon on Earth capable of intercepting this nuclear bomb. When the Hua Nation manufactured this nuclear bomb, one of its objectives was to make interception by other forces impossible!

Therefore, the reliability of the DF Express was not an empty promise!

“Maintain maximum power for the energy shield output….”

After the chief captain of the Hall of Gods shouted these words, the ‘Fend For Yourself’ with just about ten meters left of it, delivered by the DF-66, hit the gigantic, semi-spherical energy shield!


At the start of the explosion, a fireball with a diameter of over 10,000 meters appeared instantly, enveloping the energy shield formed by over a thousand ships in an instant.

A mushroom cloud with a diameter over 50 kilometers and reaching a height close to 100 kilometers abruptly rose.

If, at this moment, someone were viewing the Earth from outer space, they would find that there was a huge fire in one area of this blue planet. Simultaneously, a mushroom cloud broke through the atmosphere, tearing open a massive hole.

Keep in mind, this is the view of the Earth from outer space; what looks like a very small area from this perspective covers a vast area of the Earth.

For instance, from a cosmic viewpoint, the explosion of the Little Boy nuclear bomb produced such a minute red dot on Earth that it was insignificant compared to the entire planet.

But it’s different now. The explosion caused by “Fend For Yourself”, even when viewed from space, still appears as a colossal fireball burning fiercely.

Underground command center of the Earth Alliance.

All the monitoring equipment, at this moment, is entirely white.

All the people who were watching instinctively twist their heads away, or cover their eyes, not daring to face this dazzling light directly.

“Did the energy shield break?” Yao Zhenguo asked quickly after turning his head.

“Report, don’t know, currently unable to observe the situation at the center of the explosion!”

“Detect from the periphery, determine the specific situation!”

The command center had barely finished speaking when the underground command center began to shake.

Everyone immediately grasped whatever was around to steady themselves. “There’s a strong quake sensation over a hundred kilometers away….”

A seismological expert quickly stated: “We can be sure that at the center of the explosion, there was an earthquake at least equivalent to a magnitude of 7.2 to

Soon, the relevant technicians reported the situation of the explosion, while detecting from the outside inward.

“Reports, serious disruption of electromagnetic pulse waves within a 100 kilometers range from the center of explosion….”


A nuclear expert stepped forward and exclaimed in shock: “You know, the Tsar Bomba, ‘Tsar Bomba’, the most substantial nuclear bomb detonated on earth, only caused electromagnetic pulse disturbances within a fifty-five kilometer range….”

“Could the power of our explosion be twice the size of that time?”

Hearing this, Yao Zhenguo quickly said: “Report the data from the Tsar Bomba explosion at that time!”

Upon hearing this, the nuclear expert pressed down the excitement and began:

“Tsar Bomba, test exploded on October 30th, 1961 at 11:32 AM, the test site was

73.85 degrees northern latitude, 54-50 degrees eastern longitude….”

“The explosive force was equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT, which is more than 3800 times the power of the Little Boy explosion….”

“The explosive storm pressure reached 210920.86 kg/m2 , this strong wind was sufficient to collapse all houses within a hundred kilometers….”

“The atmospheric disturbance caused by the explosion, circled the Earth a full three times….”

“The light produced by the explosion, could be observed with the naked eye even a thousand kilometers away!”

“The heat wave caused by the explosion was enough to give people 50 kilometers away third-degree burns….”

Yao Zhenguo frowned: “Can’t you describe it from the inside out?”

He had already gotten used to his subordinates describing things from the inside out, so he didn’t feel too much about what this nuclear expert was saying.josei

The nuclear expert, understanding the method of description used by the previous workers, began: “To describe it from the inside out…”

“The Tsar Bomba, at the time, had produced a fireball with a radius of 6.1 kilometers, which means everything within this range on Earth, no matter if it’s people, things, buildings, or land, would be evaporated!”

“The moderate blast radius was as far as 32.6 kilometers, which means all buildings within a 3350 square kilometer area would collapse, and most of the people in this area would die. Only a minuscule part of the population hiding at least 30 meters underground may survive….”

“The thermal radiation radius reached as far as 73-7 kilometers, meaning that within a 17080 square kilometers range, people’s pain sensation nerves would be destroyed, resulting in severe scars or disabilities, and some of these people might even need amputations….”

“The flash explosion radius was 91.8 kilometers, covering 26450 square kilometers. Anyone who dared to directly view the explosion center within this range would inevitably go blind….”

Listening to this terrifying destructive power, Yao Zhenguo felt his heart palpitate.

You should know, the yield of the ‘Every Man For Himself’ they launched was even bigger than the Tsar Bomba detonated back then!

The entire Shuchuan provincial capital city vibrated for a full three minutes before the tremors gradually ceased.

After feeling the first shockwave pass, Yao Zhenguo quickly ordered, “Bring out those hidden metallic spheres to scout the situation at the blast epicenter!”

At this moment, satellite images were completely obscured. An area spanning tens of thousands of square kilometers was all engulfed in a mushroom cloud, leaving the specific situation unseen.

The only option was to probe using metallic spheres bought back from the alien planet.

Soon, the staff controlled the metallic spheres hidden outside to fly towards


At this point, they could finally see the situation on the ground!

The once perfectly intact modern city had been turned to ruins in this instant!

You should know, they were over a hundred kilometers away from the blast center!

Seeing such devastation, one could only imagine the consequences if people hadn’t evacuated to underground bomb shelters in time.

As the metallic spheres went on their way, they transmitted the scenes they encountered along the route.




Besides the apocalyptic scenes, there were no signs of life.

The entire world seemed to have turned into a black and red painting. Between the heavens and the earth, objects were either on fire, emitting a fiery red light, or had burnt out, turned into black ash.

Finally, in the silence of everyone, the metallic sphere arrived at Nanyuan province.

They finally saw the situation within the blast range!

At this moment, the energy shield made by thousands of starships had disappeared.

Only a few dozen three-star E-grade starships and one four-star E-grade starship were left in the field.

The other hundreds of two-star E-grade starships and nearly a thousand one-star starships had all disappeared.

They didn’t escape. Instead, they had been obliterated in the blast.

Even the remaining starships were burning non-stop. This demonstrated that E-grade starships of higher stars had better quality, thus a higher chance of survival.

The fact proved that the most powerful weapon on Earth, as long as it has enough yield, can destroy alien starships!

However, looking at the dozen or so starships, though damaged on the outside but structurally intact, you can tell how good the quality of these starships was!

You should know, they were right at the center of the nuclear explosion!

In the spot where Zeus and the others were originally protected, there was a massive pit over ten kilometers in diameter, so deep its bottom was unseen.

Without hesitation, the metallic sphere under the control of the staff swiftly flew several kilometers into the pit, where it finally spotted signs of life a few kilometers away. However, due to dust and smoke, the transmitted image was not clear.

“One, two, three…”


Yao Zhenguo began counting. Originally there were a total of 157 people including Du Gang.

But now, only 13 remained. His quick math instantly cheered him up.

This means Du Gang was still alive, and the other twelve were the twelve Main Gods of the Hall of Gods!

Everyone at the command center couldn’t help but sigh in admiration at this moment.

“These meteorite-level guys are really tough…”

However, they also gained a full understanding of the power of the ‘Every Man For Himself’, Earth’s strongest nuclear weapon.

It’s enough to destroy a meteorite-level, but incapable of killing a meteorite-level starship!

Just when they wanted to control the metallic sphere to go further and observe the specific situation, a surprising voice suddenly came through.


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