I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 87 - 87

Chapter 87 - 87: Arriving at South Honeymoon City

Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Arriving at South Honeymoon City

Translator: 549690339

“Did I seriously spend 110,000 Red Crystals for a puddle of piss?

In the command center, Wang Dezhen’s entire face turned green as he glanced at the video footage of the giant who has just finished urinating and was shaking it off. His hand was somewhat trembling.


Zhuge Shui comforted him, “It’s not the same, Commander. You have to remember. This is the urine of a War God, not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry’s piss…”

Seeing this, everyone else also chimed in to comfort him.

“Yeah, Commander. Only Du Gang could do something like this. Who else can?” “Let King Kong try to take a piss and see if that giant tiger would eat him.”

Zhuge Shui checked the time, which showed it was exactly at noon. He quickly said, “Commander, it’s twelve already, give the order. If we leave now and move quickly, we can reach Honeymoon City before dark.”


Wang Dezhen heaved a long sigh. He knew only Du Gang could achieve such an effect.

But he was still not comfortable. He had spent 110,000 Red Crystals, and had even prepared melon seeds and peanuts. This was infuriating!

Suppressing his discomfort, he issued the order: “Notify everyone to set off for Honeymoon City!”

Under Wang Dezhen’s command, everyone in the camp began to mobilize.

The first to move out was, as always, the military’s Road Hegemony Legion, responsible for opening the road.

The highway that connected both cities had been covered with weeds and leaves and required the Road Hegemony Legion to clear it again for the other people to move forward!

King Kong led a group of superpowered individuals from Divine Mystery Camp, following closely behind the Road Hegemony Legion, ready to deal with any potential dangers.


Covering a sneeze, he smiled naively, “Hehe, one of my pretty ladies must be thinking about me.”

He took out a small mirror to admire his dark face and sighed, “So damn handsome-4”

The Road Hegemony Legion had dozens of heavy-duty engineering vehicles like road rollers, bulldozers, excavators, and loaders, all put into action.

They only needed to make the road flat enough for a four-wheel vehicle to move smoothly. Hence their progress wasn’t slow.

Following behind the Road Hegemony Legion was a group of special superpowered individuals.

They were all kinds of Wood, Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Element superpowers.

The Earth and Wood Element superpowers had simple jobs: take care of areas left behind as not flat enough by the Road Hegemony Legion, as neat and tidy as possible.

Wind Element, on the other hand, had to scatter things that mosquitoes didn’t like, such as realgar, mint oil, essential balm, and mint leaves, along the sides of the road.

After all, the apocalypse, which was a disaster for humans and large animals, was an opportunity for these little insects—

Under the planning of many strategists, the entire northward-moving team divided into five groups during the migration.

The first group was the Road Hegemony Legion and some strong members from the Divine Mystery Camp for road construction.

Following them were the specialized superpower teams, responsible for road repair and driving away insects.

The third and fourth groups were the Pioneer Teams with the majority of the superpowers and civilians.

To ensure the safety of the larger group, they split the Pioneer Teams into smaller groups, ensuring there were superpowered individuals at every section, to respond to any sudden events.

On the bright side, the Nanyuan’s northward -moving team had not encountered many hostile animal attacks so far, and the few that had strayed into the camp were easily taken care of by the superpowers.

The once more evolved mosquitos and animals, which came into being due to the fear humans instilled in them due to their long reign as the dominant species, would take time to overcome this fear.josei

The fifth group consisted of the different teams and the command vehicles.

They were not at the rear because they were scared to die, rather to communicate to the civilians that they were not being left behind.

Besides, there were planes and helicopters patrolling the skies, tasked with spotting any potential threats on the ground.

“Armed Helicopter No. 2 reporting, N-MIOI is clear of any obstructions…” “Armed Helicopter No. 3 reporting, N-M102 is clear of any obstructions…”

“Armed Helicopter No. 9 reporting, N-M108 has collapsed. The Road Hegemony Legion are attending to it…”

This N-M shorthand stood for Nanyuan City and Honeymoon City, respectively, and the different road section numbers were assigned for clarity during the journey, so everyone knew where everything was.

There’s a vast open field on the southern side of Honeymoon City, designated as a self-driving campsite to welcome visitors.

With the apocalypse in full swing, the villagers around the campsite had vanished.

The survivors of Nanyuan were due to spend the night at the site.

Honeymoon City is a tiered water city with not many skyscrapers. Most structures are low-rise, and to boost tourism, many of the buildings are constructed of wood.

So, after careful consideration, the Nanyuan Command decided not to enter the city, choosing instead to camp outside the city for the night and continue the journey the following day.

Soon, the convoys arrayed themselves, following the layout calculated well before by the strategists.

There were tens of thousands of vehicles in the convoy, and it took a fair amount of time just forming a circle.

“Where are the Earth and Wood Element people? No slacking off, get to work!”

Not far from the scheduled campsite, the Earth and Wood Element superpowers cleared a vacant lot.

In the lot, there were holes roughly half a meter deep at intervals, each just large enough for one person to squat down. By each hole was a slender wooden pole with a squared-off tip.

Following them were a group of people with buckets of paint.

“Remember, one side red and the other green. Don’t get them mixed up! Also, put two bricks in each hole…’

“Captain, what’s this for?”

“The red flag means someone’s using the hole, and green means it’s free. What do you think the hole’s for?”

The last time the campers had to rush into the fields for two hours, the smell enveloped the entire camp.

Some had upset stomachs and couldn’t hold it in and had not so considerate alternatives.

So Wang Dezhen had his strategists come up with this solution.

“All right everyone, these public bathrooms can only be used after dark. Anyone who needs to go now, go further away and give the ‘fertilizer’ back to nature…”

‘Got it! Hahaha!”

Upon hearing this, the superpowers at work all broke into laughter.

At the same time, many low-ranking officers went among the civilians to explain or introduce the use of the bathroom.

“Red means occupied; green means unoccupied. Everyone, remember to cover the hole with the stick after you’ve used it…”

To solve this hygiene problem, Wang Dezhen had the strategists plan the temporary campsite within the scope of the Dawn Stone.

In addition, Wind Element superpowers were specially assigned to blow wind in the public hygiene area in rotation…

In this way, according to the well-planned beforehand layout, the entire camp was being settled and developed methodically.

And with people making merry, night gradually fell..

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