I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 422 – Damn Accomplice

Chapter 422 – Damn Accomplice

Chapter 422 – Damn Accomplice

He Ling was being unreasonable by asking me to treat her to a Western style meal and apologizing, but I could only accept for the sake of Auntie Ren’s necklace.

“Make sure you dress nicely for Friday.” He Ling ordered.

“Huh, I’m treating you to an apology dinner, not a date. Why do I have to dress nice?”

“Of course if you don’t dress nice, how would you show me respect and show me your sincerity?”

In this conversation, the reserved personality she usually shows to the boys in her dojo was completely non-existent. I’m not sure if it was because she already revealed her true self during our fight.

“Fine, I’ll make sure to dress a bit nicer. Don’t forget to bring Auntie Ren’s necklace.”

“Tsk, all you talk about is the necklace. It looks like you really like Ren HongLi’s daughter.”

It feels like I could hear a hint of jealousy in her voice. Since He Ling never meets any boys at a girl school, she might be thirsty for guys and gets jealous whenever other girls get a boyfriend.

“Not really...” I couldn’t really admit or deny that I liked Xiao Qin. Even I don’t really know exactly how I feel.

“Then it’s fine.” He Ling breathed out in relief, “I have to make it clear to you that I will never date you. I think it would be embarrassing even treating you as a younger brother with a face like yours. Make sure you don’t pester me afterwards, understand?”

Who even wants to be with someone as egotistical as you? If you didn’t have Auntie Ren’s necklace, I would never be coerced to agree to your unreasonable demands.

He Ling, who completely did not understand my inner thoughts, continued to warn me: josei

“Oh, and don’t think you can make a move on me just because Traktirr Pusksin has cubicles and poor lighting. The girls from Thousand Crane aren’t easy targets. Have you ever heard of the Rose Group?”

“If you’re worried about me doing something, then don’t choose a restaurant with cubicles and poor lighting! As for Rose Group, I have heard about them, why?”

“Hmph, it’s good if you’ve heard of them. The Rose Group is the self-proclaimed boss of the school, but they would stand up for any of the girls who gets bullied outside of school. You might think you’re good at fighting, but street fights are completely different than martial arts. I have connections to the higher ups in the Rose Group, so if you do anything to me, I’ll have someone take care of you.”

Wow, what a scary threat, I’m so scared to the point I want to laugh. What can you do to me even if the Rose Three has a lot of underlings at school? At most, you might know one of the members of the Rose Three, but I know their old boss sister Ren! If it wasn’t for the sake of uncle He, I might have told you Xiao Qin’s identity and scared you to the point you would deliver the necklace back by yourself.

Besides, just because Auntie Ren brought me along with her, it doesn’t mean I’m her disciple. I was introduced to martial arts through street fights and I’m much stronger in a fight with no rules.

I hung up the phone after finalizing my Friday night appointment with He Ling and I realized there were a lot more passengers on the bus. I didn’t notice we had passed a couple of stops and new faces had gotten on the bus.

I could kind of see a familiar figure through the cracks between the passengers, but I couldn’t be sure.

I originally thought I would be able to get home before 8, but the bus got stuck in a roundabout. Apparently caused by a female BMW driver who was trying to get ahead of someone else.

The passengers gradually lost patience as they waited for over 10 minutes, so some began to get off the bus to find another way home. The bus became more spacious to the point where the seats were filled and everyone had a seat.

After the crowd left, I was happy to realize the class leader was the one sitting near the middle doors by the windows.

A head of straight black hair hanging down her head. She had both hands on her knees and her back was straight as if she was listening to a lecture. It was completely different than my sloppy sitting posture.

I could see two heavy jugs of oil. So the class leader must have taken the bus to buy oil that was on sale. Why would you go so far to save a tiny bit of money. Your little sister... no, I mean your brother made a lot of extra income lately so two jugs of oil should be nothing. Even if Shu Zhe wasn’t willing to pay, he should at least go with his sister to help her lift it home.

How ungrateful. If I had a sister like the class leader, there’s no way I would let her lift something so heavy.

As I was planning to ask the class leader if she needed any help carrying the oil home (since the bus stop isn’t right in front of their home, and she needs to carry it up five floors), the bus doors opened and a few more passengers got on.

Even though we were all stuck in traffic, it seems another bus heading in the same direction had stalled, so all the passengers who didn’t want to find another method home got onto our bus.

“Granny, you can take my spot.”

I heard the class leader’s and of course she gave her spot to an elderly woman. But after the crowd settled down, I realized the one sitting in the class leader’s spot was not the old granny, but a young man with a purple mohawk.

Damn, isn’t he the one who almost hit me with the motorcycle today? I don’t recognize his face, but I definitely recognize his hairstyle. What a small world, let’s forget the fact you almost hit me, but you’re even going to steal a seat from an old granny?

“Sir, the seat was for the granny, can you not steal the seat?”

Shu Sha said indignantly at Mohawk Head.

Mohawk Head checked out the class leader and made a vulgar expression.

“Huh, I just realized you’re pretty charming, what school are you from?”

28 Middle’s summer uniform is different than the fall uniform and it doesn’t make it obvious which school we were from.

A layer of ice coated the class leader’s face as she was publicly harassed and the surrounding temperature dropped.

“Please be a bit more respectful. The granny needs the seat more than you.”

The driver was emaciated middle-aged man who was afraid of getting involved. He pressed a button and a light lit up that said ‘Respect for the elderly and the needy is a virtue. If you have any old, sick, crippled, or pregnant people near you, please take the initiative to give them your seats, thank you.’

Mohawk Head crossed his legs, turned a blind eye and said: “If you’re old then you should just stay home, why are you trying to copy young people? I was the one who got here first, so the seat is mine.”

He then laid his eyes on the class leader’s body and said with a gulp: “Although the seat is mine, you can sit on my lap if you’re tired, I’m pretty generous.”

“You...” the class leader wanted to argue with him, but the granny grabbed her arm and said:

“It’s fine, I’m getting off after a few stops, so you don’t need to get angry for me...”

At this point, a woman with a red handbag got up and gave her seat to the granny. The granny told the class leader to sit, but of course she didn’t agree. The class leader still stood next to Mohawk Head and stubbornly wanted him to give out his seat.

“Hey, the granny already got a seat, so just leave me alone. Or are you interested in me?”

Actually it’s because the class leader has oil under the seats, so even if she stopped arguing, she would still have to stay close to the seat.

The woman with the red handbag who just gave her seat to the granny walked to last section of the bus. I beckoned to her to signal that I would give her my seat. I leapt up off my seat and rotated my wrists and neck.

The woman could tell I planned to fight, so she grabbed my sleeve and said:

“Don’t be impulsive, that guy has a knife in his pocket.”

I glanced at Mohawk Head’s pocket and couldn’t help but laugh: it was a fruit knife, at most you can use it to peel an apple.

So I said to the woman: “Don’t worry, I specialize against people with knives. There’s nothing to be afraid of since it’s not a gun.”

I headed directly towards the class leader and Mohawk Head. I coughed on my way there to catch the class leader’s attention. When she realized it was me, you could see the shock and surprise in her eyes, then reassurance... and finally a hint of worry.

Mohawk Head was completely unaware the class leader had reinforcements. When the class leader was distracted, he actually reached his hand up along her skirt and felt her thigh.

The class leader shouted out in surprise, then she backed up while holding down her skirt. The passengers saw Mohawk Head showing off his knife in front of his pants, so they couldn’t do anything buy shake their heads.

Wow, this guy really doesn’t want to live anymore. The worst part was that he only got the chance because I coughed, so it makes it seem like I’m an accomplice.

My berserk mode leaked out uncontrollably and my vision was dyed red.

I sneered as I stood in front of the class leader. Mohawk Head was a bit confused when he saw our similar uniforms, but he was still off guard as I grabbed his purple mohawk and pulled him off the seat.

“Oww, what... what the fuck are you doing?” Mohawk Head grimaced in pain.

“You!” I cursed and kicked him in the chest causing his back to collide against the side of the bus carriage.

The collision almost made him faint, but he realized he had a knife as he reached for his pocket. But I was already prepared and stepped on his right hand.

The wail he made as his fingers were crushed under my feet was quite pleasant to my ears.

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