I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 706

Chapter 706: Don’t Block My Way

Chapter 706: Don’t Block My Way

I looked at the calendar on my phone and I noticed that today happened to be the Qixi Festival (It’s like Chinese Valentine’s Day).

The summer cram school that Gong CaiCai attends was closed for the day because the teacher was going out with his girlfriend for the holiday.

The McDonald’s near Qing Zi Academy also held an event where if a couple kissed for 80 seconds, they would get a free egg tart.

Zhuang Ni, who heard about the event, called the class leader and asked if she wanted to go and receive a free egg tart or something.

Are you kidding me? It’s true the class leader is frugal and really likes discounts and freebies, but she’s not going to kiss you in public for 80 seconds for an egg tart.

Also, would two girls kissing even count? Would the McDonald’s employee refuse to give away the egg tart because you two are the same sex, or would they be completely dumbfounded because of the passionate kiss between two long-haired beauties.

As for Zhuang Ni’s request, of course, the class leader did not agree. Zhuang Ni did not give up and said that if the class leader does not agree, she will have to find Gong CaiCai, because she had to spend Qixi Festival with a girl.

In order to prevent Gong CaiCai from being swindled again by Zhuang Ni (it would be a certainty), the class leader made the first move and asked Gong CaiCai out in advance.

So on Qixi day, there were many student couples on summer vacation, who were snuggling together and flirting. The class leader and Gong CaiCai were two girls who walked together in their white class T-shirt and they really stood out.

“Those two are so pretty, so shouldn’t they have boyfriends?” Someone whispered.

“Two girls shopping together on a big holiday, what a waste.”

“I think they could be a lesbian couple, otherwise there’s no way to explain why they are not together with their boyfriend on Qixi and why they are also wearing matching couple clothes.”

“That makes sense, the tall one with long black hair should be the top, while the one next to her with the huge breasts is definitely the bottom. Look at how the one with long black hair with sharp eyes looking around to stop others from getting close to her girl.”

“Hey, hey, it looks like the words behind the T-shirt says ‘we are together’, so they really are a lesbian couple. How bold, are they not afraid of their parents finding out?”

As the bored passersby were imagining about how the class leader was pushing Gong CaiCai down under her body, it suddenly began to rain.

Although the class leader listens to the weather forecast every day and has a weather forecast app on her phone, the weather is unpredictable. The class leader and Gong CaiCai, who did not bring an umbrella, were caught in the rain and had no place to go.

In order to avoid the rain, the class leader led Gong CaiCai into an ice cream store.

This store was very close to Qing Zi Academy, and there were many couples from Qing Zi Academy high school and even junior high school dating inside.

“Welcome.” The employee in a red and white uniform bowed slightly and said enthusiastically, “Please go to the counter to choose your ice cream, our store has various flavors…”

“We just wanted to get out of the rain for a while…” the class leader replied while squeezing water out of her dripping wet hair.

The employee’s face instantly turned and said coldly: “Then please stand to the side, don’t block other customers from entering.”

“How about, how about…” Gong CaiCai said weakly, “I’ll treat the class leader to ice cream, that way we can find a seat.”

The class leader shook her head, “If we immediately eat ice cream after getting soaked by the rain, we might catch a cold.”

“Then… I’ll call my aunt and have her drive and pick us up.”

Gong CaiCai cautiously suggested again.

“We don’t have to trouble our elders with little things.” The class leader turned her head and asked the employee, “May I ask where your restroom is.” josei

“It’s on the second floor.” The employee said indifferently, “But wait until the other customers finish using it first.”

“What kind of crap store is this where they treat you like god if you spend money, but treat you like shit if you don’t.”

Winnie appeared unexpectedly and barged in from outside, holding the wet dog Obama.

“This store does not allow pets…” the employee subconsciously wanted to stop her, but realized that Obama was a pure breed worth a lot of money. Although Winnie’s face was plastered with band-aids and her movements were unruly, she was wearing a Qing Zi Academy uniform, so she was mistaken as a rich person.

That was a mistake! The one who you treated coldly earlier was actually a rich person! If you can keep Gong CaiCai as a repeat customer, then who knows how much money you can make in the future!

“Um…” the employee immediately changed into a subservient expression and rubbed their his hands back and forth, “Do you want to go to the second floor bathroom first to dry your clothes, and for your dog, there are dryers in the bathroom…”

“Who wants to go to your bathroom?” Winnie waved her hand, although not intentionally, but the water droplets on her arm splashed on the face of the employee, “I’m not rich yet, so I’m not going to stay here to suffer.”

Then she pulled on Gong CaiCai’s arm, and called out to the class leader: “Let’s go, I’ll take you to another place to avoid the rain.”

The class leader said calmly: “The rain hasn’t stopped yet, if you go out immediately…”

But the impatient Winnie did not wait for the class leader to finish and pulled Gong CaiCai outside. Thus the rain poured down all over Gong CaiCai, and her white T-shirt was completely soaked.

The careless Winnie herself wore dark-colored clothes, so at most she would only feel wet, she did not think about how Gong CaiCai would look when she gets soaked while wearing a thin and light-colored clothing.

Originally, the class 2-3 shirt was a slim T-shirt, after being soaked, it immediately shrank and wrapped tightly around the upper half of Gong CaiCai’s body.

“So big.” There were two men and two women dating in the row of seats behind the class leader, one of them couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, then got pinched by his girlfriend.

Fortunately, the bra that Gong CaiCai wore inside was also light-colored, otherwise it would have shown both size and color.

Seeing Gong CaiCai immediately get drenched while still being led by the excited Winnie in the direction of the Qing Zi Academy, the class leader had no choice but to also open the door and go out.

“How did you find us?” While trying to use her arms to block some of the rain that poured onto her chest, the class leader asked.

Winnie laughed, “I came out to walk the dog and saw two people from afar that looked a lot like you guys, then suddenly it began to rain.”

“Um… the leash…” the class leader hoped she could take over Obama from Winnie, after all, there are extremely few cats and dogs who are not afraid of her.

Yesterday, I listened to Xiao Ding talk about how after the class leader returned from Cui Song Mountain , probably because she stayed together with Obama for a long time, she misbelieved that she would no longer be despised by small animals. Thus, she bought a lot of pet snacks, then went to be friendly with the pets in the cages at the pet hospital, but you can imagine the results.

The cats, dogs, and even hamsters all turned pale with fright. They jumped around and yelled in their cages because they thought the class leader was their to skin them alive!

The heart-broken class leader said she would never love again, then left the pet snacks behind and went home to cry alone (I’m guessing).

Obama was a super dumb dog, so if you had food in your hand, even if it knew you were going to skin him, he would try to eat the food first. That’s why Obama can become one of the few dogs that aren’t afraid of the class leader’s hunter aura.

“Class leader…” Gong CaiCai, who was being pulled along by Winnie, was already out of breath and she cast a a begging look at the class leader, hoping to get some help.

After hesitating for a while, the class leader finally gave in and chose to hold Gong CaiCai’s hand, so that she would not be dragged by Winnie without knowing and accidentally trip and fall, but then continue to be dragged by the unaware Winnie.

After switching to the class leader pulling Gong CaiCai, while Winnie was only pulling Obama, the three of them plus a dog soon reached the main gate of Qing Zi Academy, but then they were stopped by the haughty security guard who was wearing a beret.

“Stop, you can’t come any closer.”

Qing Zi Academy was worthy of being a private school, even the security guards were top notch. All of them had a beret, a taser, and they had swat boots.

The class leader wasn’t quite willing to enter Qing Zi Academy by pretending to be a student without a valid reason. She looked up and saw that the arched door can block the rain: “We can take shelter from the rain here for a while…”

“Who wants to take shelter from the rain here? Miss Ai Mi’s VIP building has everything you would need, and we can also go visit Ye Lin as well.”

The class leader pondered for a moment, “That’s true, we can visit him on the way.”

The security guards were staring at Gong CaiCai’s rain-soaked chest and took advantage of the situation, but the class leader alertly stood in front of Gong CaiCai. Then, Winnie, who was wearing the Qing Zi Academy uniform and had become a familiar face from passing through in the past days, also came into their view.

“Open the gates and let me and my classmates in.” Winnie shouted at the security guards without any politeness.

“If they are your classmates, why are they not wearing school uniforms and we don’t recognized them?” One of the security guard questioned.

“Why else?” Winnie said in a loud voice, “It’s because they aren’t students of Qing Zi Academy and neither am I.”

The security guard was instantly at a loss for words, “Um… if you aren’t students of Qing Zi Academy, why do you want to come in…”

“Hmph.” Winnie stepped boldly on a barrier post in front of the main entrance with rainwater dripping down the edge of her skirt onto her wheat-colored thighs.

She pointed at the security guards in front of her, “You aren’t students of Qing Zi Academy either, so why are you allowed to enter the school?”

The security guards were about to cry, “Because, because we are the security guards. We are responsible for protecting the safety of the students…”

Winnie crossed her arms and bellowed, “I’m a security guard too, I’m a security guard of Miss Ai Mi, a VIP student of your school. Also, your chairman’s son, Ren Peng, is my cousin, so don’t you dare stand in the way…”

She reached out and pointed to Obama, who was shaking off the water on his body.

“… of me and this dog, or do you still want to work here?”

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