I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 843

Chapter 843: There Will Be Time

Chapter 843: There Will Be Time

The class leader’s mom asked if I admired male celebrities and if I thought they should be forgiven for abandoning their wives if they meet a prettier woman.

Of course not, you just said it wasn’t good that my future aspiration was to be in the triads, and you also said being a celebrity (the kind that plays with women) was also not good. Even if I did join the triads, I would be very righteous and never leave any of my brothers behind in the battlefield.

Even if I became a popular movie star (one out of a billion chance), I will never abandon any of my wives and children.

Wait, there’s a problem with the way I worded that sentence. It kind of implies that I have a lot of wives and children… Fortunately, I didn’t say it out loud in front of Auntie Lin.


The sudden sound of a plate falling on the floor and breaking into pieces came from the kitchen.

I was surprised: if the person washing the dishes inside the kitchen was Gong CaiCai, then I wouldn’t be surprised even if all the plates shattered. However, the class leader was always quite careful and it was rare for her to break a plate.

“Ye Lin, can you come help me clean up?” The class leader asked me for help in the kitchen.

Auntie Lin frowned lightly and said with an expression that was like a smile yet not a smile, “I really didn’t think she would even be willing to break the dishes in order to cover for you.”

I got up and wanted to go help the class leader, but Auntie Lin stopped me, “Sha Sha, how can you make a guest work? If you’re afraid of injuring your hand, just leave it there, I’ll clean it up later.”

Then she used her gaze to force me to sit back down. josei

“Do you hate my daughter?” Auntie Lin asked me coldly.

“Why would I hate her?” I didn’t understand her question.

“Oh… if you don’t hate her, that means you like her.”

“Well, if you say I like her…” I hesitated and didn’t know what was the right answer.

Auntie Lin lowered her voice so her daughter wouldn’t hear: “If you really like my daughter, then I hope you don’t get too close to her, for her sake.”

Finally, she told me her real intentions.

“Due to their biological instincts, young girls tend to get hot-headed and become interested in boys like you who are physically strong and fight very well.”

“But that’s nothing more than a remnant of mankind’s primitive hunting society. In today’s age, relying on strength alone won’t lead to a good end.”

She said a few academic words that was quite befitting her role as a researcher.

“If you genuinely like my daughter, then you wouldn’t want to see her mentally or physically hurt because of you, right?”

The class leader was squatting on the kitchen floor to gather up the broken pieces, but she sneaked glances back at us from time to time. It was obvious she could no longer hear our conversation.

“Auntie Lin, where did you get that I would let the class leader get hurt.” I frowned and said, “There’s no signs that anything will happen nor has anything happened, as for the future…”

Auntie Lin interrupted me, “Didn’t something already happen once? You ran deep into the mountains without permission during the class trip organized by my daughter. You fell into a bear trap, and almost died, and my daughter even shed tears for you, right? Even though no one saw her cry, the tear streaks on her face wasn’t there because of someone else, right? “

She’s even investigated that? Objectively speaking, I did cause the class leader to be sad for me.

“Moreover, I also heard that you were fighting other ruffians over a rare butterfly that was claimed to be worth half a million dollars, which caused you to almost lose your life.”

To an outsider, that’s indeed what happened. If I wanted to explain myself, then I would have to disclose my relationship with Ai Mi and my grudge with Ai ShuQiao. I never told any of it to the class leader, so it’s even more unlikely for me to tell the class leader’s mother.

“You’re only 14 years old, and you’re already doing such dangerous things because you’re greedy for money. Do you think I can comfortably let you date my daughter?”

Auntie Lin asked me rhetorically.

In all fairness, from Auntie Lin’s point of view, with the limited information she has received, I really don’t belong to the type of person who she can comfortably let her daughter hang out with.

Seeing my eyes dim, Auntie Lin struck while the iron was hot and followed up with, “As you know, Sha Sha is now in her third year of middle school and is about to do the high school entrance exams. It’s a very crucial time, so if she is affected by any unexpected outside influence, for example, having a boyfriend or having to adapt to a new environment because of changing schools, it might cause her to be mentally exhausted which will lead to poor exam scores.”

“What’s more, there’s a good chance Shu Sha will attend high school in Shanghai. Although I haven’t told her it’s definite yet, that will be the most likely outcome.”

It’s definitely good for the class leader to be reunited with her family. I should be happy for her, but for some reason, there was lonely feeling in my heart that I couldn’t get rid of.

“I won’t disturb the class leader’s studies.”

My voice was a bit hoarse when I spoke.

“I’m even less qualified to say anything about which city the class leader goes to attend high school. Auntie Lin, you don’t need to reason with me anymore, I know what you want and I won’t pester your daughter.”

Auntie Lin was a bit surprised that I promised so easily. She looked at the forlorn expression on my face, then as if she realized something, she softened her tone a little.

“I… I’m not trying to deprive you of all opportunities. If you really care, then you can can try to get the same high school entrance exam scores as Sha Sha, and then enroll in the same high school.”

A bitter smile appeared in the corner of my mouth, does she think I’m a bookworm? If the National Education Commission immediately canceled all liberal arts subjects, then maybe it would be possible.

The disappointment on my face couldn’t escape Auntie Lin’s eyes.

“You think high school is hopeless… then, there’s still university. I heard that your science scores are pretty good. If you’re willing to put in more effort during high school, then getting into the same university as Sha Sha wouldn’t be a pipe dream.”

“Going into the same university?”

“That’s right, going to the same university.” Auntie Lin nodded, “If Sha Sha still hasn’t given up her aspirations to be a police officer and enrolls in a police academy, then you can also enroll into the same police academy, that would be easier for you, right?”

I unconsciously began to think about this possibility: I’ve never paid attention to the police academy’s admission criteria and application process, but my physical fitness can definitely be considered an advantage, right? (As long as my heart problem is cured)

Wearing a police uniform together, going out on missions together, and even leading a police dog together… Even though I’ll definitely look like an undercover agent who infiltrated into the police, but it doesn’t sound that bad.

The fire of hope that rekindled in my eyes was likewise captured by Auntie Lin.

“How about it, do you want to consider my suggestion? Romance doesn’t necessarily mean pledges of love or sweet words, in the end it takes two people working together to make it meaningful. If you’re willing to overcome the difficulties and withstand the test of time, then I might change my stance and support you instead.”

It was hard to tell if she was speaking the truth together with her ever-present smile. It really made me a little puzzled as to what the class leader’s mom really had in mind.

Did she want me to eradicate my hopes of dating her daughter, or did she want me to focus on our first, then put in some hard work before we have a romantic relationship.

Auntie Lin felt that she had achieved her goals, and her tone became more sincere and gentle.

“In the end, a girl will eventually marry someone when she grows up… Although it is a parent’s obligation to support a child’s dream, but in my personal opinion, I don’t want Sha Sha to become a police officer. Do you understand?”

I nodded, since even civilian police may face knife-wielding criminals, let alone the more dangerous criminal police or special police.

“That’s why I sometimes think that it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Sha Sha had a husband who loved her so much that she would be willing to sacrifice her career for it and not go into dangerous police work.”

Auntie Lin’s eyes drifted to the class leader who was in the kitchen and almost done cleaning.

“Not to brag, but even if Sha Sha doesn’t work in the future and works at home as a full-time housewife, she’s still one in a million, and there will be people fighting over her, right?”

I agreed since just the class leader’s cooking skill alone was close to the level of a top-class hotel. Wouldn’t hiring a chef cost money, wouldn’t hiring a beautiful chef cost money, wouldn’t hiring a beautiful chef to warm your bed cost money?

“Precisely because my child is outstanding, I hope that the partner with whom she spends her life with is also outstanding.” Auntie Lin’s tone changed, “The current you doesn’t meet my standards, but if you are willing to improve yourself through hard work, then I might not try to obstruct you. After all, nowadays, love is free. It’s a private matter between two people, even the parents don’t have the right to intervene too much.”

“Whether it’s in terms of study or life, Sha Sha has always saved me a lot of heartache. That’s why after I heard Xiao Zhe talk about you, I felt it was very sudden and unexpected, and I couldn’t control my emotions. Don’t take it personally, at this juncture, I’m going to be angry with any boy who gets close to my daughter, do you understand?”

“I understand.” I nodded my head while pondering: was it Auntie Lin who first started investigating her daughter’s private life, or was it Shu Zhe who told her first. If it was Shu Zhe who told first, then I’m going to get my revenge…

As if she guessed my thoughts, Auntie Lin added: “It wasn’t Xiao Zhe who caused you to be scolded by me. I asked him for details, so he had to tell me. Did you know Xiao Zhe actually said a lot of good words about you? He said that you saved him under the bridge before, and that you also stand up for him when he gets bullied at school. What’s even more outrageous is that he also said that you have a very rich relative, so it’s possible you might inherit a large sum of money one day and that it would not be a bad idea to marry his sister to you…”

Shu Zhe, that’s enough. Is your sister an object you can use to climb the social ladder in your eyes? Since you know Ai Mi is my “distant cousin”, then you think there are rich people among my relatives, maybe I’m also rich, right?

Auntie Lin shook her head, “Xiao Zhe puts money in such an important position, but I don’t agree. If you really are the descendants of a rich and powerful family, I actually don’t want Sha Sha to get closer to you… I’m satisfied as long as my daughter can live a steady life. What makes me troubled is Xiao Zhe’s and if he will go after rich girls in the future…”

There’s no need to be troubled, your son is more popular than your daughter. Shu Zhe is now being pursued and fought over by four men as “Xiao Hong”. Auntie Lin, it’s better for you to accept that you have two daughters.

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