I’m Not That Kind of Talent

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: My Overly Competent Subordinates Are Driving Me Crazy (1)

The cube was completed. 

That is the best conclusion. 


Everyone inside the meeting room, including the Demon King, held their breath. 

‘A rough spin.’

That meant he was uncomfortable.

The Demon King carefully observed Deon’s face. 

As always, he had a blank expression, which made the Demon King more nervous. He couldn’t tell that he was thinking. 

However, the Demon King knew for sure that Deon was not in a good mood, so he opened his mouth as if to chase after him.

“Of course, I know what kind of battle you specialize in.”


“But, the demonic monsters have feelings as well. Rather, they are more driven by their emotions than those with intellect. So I’m sure your fighting style will work.”


Deon still didn’t respond. 

The Demon King, who was getting anxious, added slowly, looking into Deon’s eyes.

“Besides, you also wanted alcohol before, didn’t you?”


Deon’s hand that held the cube twitched slightly. 

At the same time, Deon’s expression cracked slightly. And what was revealed was an expression that seemed to convey a sense of unease and negative meaning.

In contrast, the Demon King’s face, which confirmed that expression, became bright with confidence that he had hit the mark.

“Aren’t you too pent up? Wouldn’t it be good to release it now?”


Was it too direct?

The cold silence, as sharp as a blade, spread in all directions.

The source of it, of course, was Deon.

Feeling that something more needed to be said in the current atmosphere, but already having said everything he needed to. 

The Demon King waited for Deon’s answer in the tense silence –

After a long while, Deon’s head, who seemed to have not moved for a lifetime, slowly shook up and down.


I shook my head slowly and calmly. I tried to interpret the Demon King’s words, which made no sense, but even after interpreting them from multiple angles, the conclusion narrowed down to one.

‘So, you’re saying I want alcohol?’

I barely stopped my hand that was about to scratch my forehead.

What a clumsy excuse. To be deceived or not to be deceived.

The Demon King is not foolish enough to use such a reason to push me around, he probably made a clumsy excuse on purpose.

So this is a clear indication of their determination to send me no matter what, even if I were to refuse. 

‘Haa… really.’ 

There is no other option. I forced myself to nod in regret, but even that didn’t last long.

As soon as I nodded my head, someone raised their hand in one corner of the table and stood up.

“Then I’ll support you too!”


I was a bit surprised when someone I thought wasn’t there stood up and raised their hand, but my tension lessened a bit when I recognized the familiar face. 

Lilinell, the 11th Corps Commander. She has the most reassuring appearance and every time I see her, she always takes care of me in various ways.

Of course, I know she has the most magic power after the Demon King, and I also know she is known on the battlefield as the Little Devil.

However, human beings are always caught up in a narrow mindset. Unfortunately, I was one of those people.

What’s so dangerous about such a little kid? I thought that way, but … she’ll support me? That kid? 

“There are four big cities. I heard that the number of demonic monsters approaching is increasing day by day.”

Velitan quietly nodded. 

Lilinell, who seemed to be encouraged by the silent affirmation, tightly clenched her small hands and spoke.

“So what we need is a Corps Commander capable of effectively protecting the four cities that are separated from one another.”

“Are you trying to say that it is you?”

“Yes! Valitan is a typical, no, an ignorant brute who wields an ax. And Lord Demon uses a sword.”

Just now, she called him ignorant…

I’m not the only one who heard it, right?

Looking at Belitan’s face, he was surprised to hear it, he couldn’t say anything and just opened his mouth in absurdity.

What, did something happen between you two? Why does it look like Lilinell is raising a blade against Velitan…

“It doesn’t matter how good your physical fighting style is, it’s all about defending the base you’re staying in.”

“So you, who uses magic, are going to step up?”


“Do you have no other-motives?”

“Of course, I do!” 



A sigh erupted among the Corps Commanders. No, it was not “sigh” but it was more of a “groan”.

Lilinell, unable to remain silent any longer, sneakily looked at me and then spread her shoulders wide, as if she had made up her mind.

“I will say it again, there are four cities. So, Valitan and Lord Demon can be in charge of one each, and I will be in charge of the remaining two. This way, Lord Demon’s burden will be…no, that’s not it.”



The Demon Lord shifted his posture, tilted his body and rested his chin, and softly closed his eyes towards Lilinell. His smile was so bright that it could fool anyone.

But I knew better. That smile was a bad one, used only before denying someone, to toy with their hopes.

Just as I was internally offering my condolences to Lilinell, who was about to be rejected.

The Demon King maintained his bright smile and spoke, a sentence so short it made one doubt if they had heard it correctly.

“Do it.”


“Do it. I permit it.”


The Demon King showed a benevolent expression toward Lirinel, who looked puzzled.

Surprisingly, she volunteered to help, so how could I deny her?

Of course, I know that it’s not from pure intention. It’s because she likes Deon.

However, that is merely idol worship. I readily accepted because I know she doesn’t have feelings as a member of the opposite gender, and she also provided a valid reason.

She didn’t insist on protecting the same city, she just said that she would be in charge of two cities by herself in order to ease Deon’s trouble, so how could I refuse?

If she had been overcome by her feelings and offered an unreasonable reason to protect the same city, I would never have accepted it.

Rather, I would have been angry.

“You want to ease Demon’s burden? Suit yourself.”

The main reason for sending Deon away was to let him relieve stress, so it would be problematic if he ended up becoming even more stressed as a result of having to manage multiple cities.

There’s nothing more dangerous than a stressed-out Deon, at least in the Castle, so Lilinell’s proactive attitude is greatly appreciated.

Therefore, the Demon King readily permitted the departure of the 11th Corps Commander, who’s primarily in charge of the Demon King’s castle’s protective barrier.

External attacks could be dealt with ease, but nothing would be more difficult to deal with than allies causing internal trouble.

“But before you leave, make sure to secure the defenses of the castle.”

“Yes! I’ll make sure it’s safe for at least the next 100 years!”

…Stay out for 100 years?

The Demon King just smiled.


After the meeting, everything went smoothly.

As for what that means…

“Everything is ready, *Sir Demon.”

[*”Sir Demon” & “Lord Demon” both refer to Deon Hart/Demon Aurt and are interchangeable.]

“Are you sure you have everything ready?”

“Yes, it’s ideal.”

“But, just in case, think about it carefully. Are you certain you haven’t forgotten anything?”

“There is not.”

“Well, memory isn’t always something you can rely on…”

“I had asked Sir Demon’s subordinates to tell me more about what you may need. There is nothing missing.”

It’s perfect. It’s so perfect that I’m going to cry.

Eventually, a voice close to a whisper came out of my mouth.

“Isn’t that too fast…”

“Apologies, my lord. Since it’s been a while since you last went out, I thought it would be best to prepare as quickly as possible.”

That’s not it. That’s not it.

Why is my subordinate so capable…?!

While the 6th and 11th Crops are still preparing, our Corps is already ready and waiting outside.

With this, my day of death has come even closer.

As I was laying on my bed in frustration, Ed approached me with a black robe from somewhere.

“You don’t need to wear bandages since we’re going to stay within the Demonic Realm.”

I guess so. Without the sun, there’ll be no harm.

But whenever I go to the Human Realm, I always wrap bandages around all the exposed areas of my body and put on a robe. 

I even cover my face with a mask or the hood of the robe to be extra careful.

‘It’s a bit frustrating, but… I can’t help it.’

I can’t help my body being so weak.

My eyes and skin are sensitive to sunlight, so I have to cover up as much as possible. Even with the robe on, I still have to wear bandages to cover any exposed skin on my hands, face, or arms. It’s not ideal, but it’s the safest way to protect myself.

‘Frankly, wearing a robe isn’t really necessary within the Demonic Realm, but it’s a kind of symbol.’

It became a symbol because the ‘Zero Corps Commander’ always wore a black robe on the battlefield.

I wonder how I even got the nickname ‘Reaper’.

In fact, there was the adjective ‘crazy’ in front of it, but I will remove it voluntarily. Other things may be different, but that certainly originated from a strong misunderstanding.”

“Sir Demon?”


With my chin resting on the bed sheet, I only opened my eyes and stretched out my hand to receive the robe. As I did, the robe moved away from me.


Despite the annoyance, I reluctantly raised my head. I could see Ed still holding the robe.

I extended my arm again and gestured to open his palm, but there was no response. Even after waiting for a while, the robe did not land in my hand. 

I was annoyed, but I didn’t have the strength to express my annoyance to Ed, who was a Corps Commanders candidate, so I eventually suppressed my annoyance and spoke in a stiff tone.

“…Please give it to me”

“I’ll put it on for you.”josei

“Ed, I say this every time, but you don’t have to…”

“It’s because I want to.”


I feel burdened. Can you leave me alone, please?

Ed is the most capable Commander Aide among all the others.

Since he was a candidate for the Corps Commanders in the first place, his value is clear enough without me elaborating.

How do I feel about having to have such a talented person as my subordinate?

He’s good because he’s capable, and he’s also kind, but somehow every day feels exhausting. Especially when I have to order him something.

It’s something like that.

‘What if he tries to kill me for making him work too much?’

Or in the distant future, when it gets discovered that I’m weak and useless.

‘He might try to kill me, for having been bossed around by someone like me.’

So I try to give him as little work as possible… But if that b*****d doesn’t work, he might get a disease that causes thorns to grow out of him, and he’ll just find something to do.

From going to the Human Realm to buy a new puzzle or cube to minor tasks like helping me with putting on clothes.

‘Please just rest, you b*****d!’

My conscience and survival instinct are screaming at me like hell that this talented person is helping me with something as trivial as putting on clothes.

But Ed’s persuasion was faster than I could open my mouth to say no.

“When I look at the other Corps Commanders Adie, they’re all half-dead and carrying around paperworks. They can’t let go of the paperworks even when they’re eating. But here I am, watching everything with a clean face and empty hands, not even a single dark circle under my eyes. How do you think that makes me feel?”


It probably makes you feel happy?

But that’s not the answer he wants.

Keeping quiet, Ed let out a faint sigh. He then gently lifted the robe he was holding and spoke.

“This is something I have to do, otherwise, I feel like I’ll have no other purpose. Can you please allow me to put it on you?”

“…Do as you wish.”

It’s not really a request, I don’t have a choice.

Taking a deep breath, I accepted Ed’s request to put on the robe on me… But just then, there was a knock on the door.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I quickly got up and headed towards the door.

“Looks like someone is here.”

“I’ll go.”

Ed picked up the robe and placed it on the bed before heading towards the door.

Meanwhile, I quickly put on the robe and felt satisfied with how fast and perfect my dressing was. 

But it seems like that wasn’t the case for Ed.

“Sir Demon, the 12th Corps Commander has come to visit… Did you put it on by yourself?”


“Haa… It’s a mess.”

Shit, did I put it on too hastily?

On second glance, the robe was all over the place. But it’s not so bad that I can’t fix it… A sigh?! Was that a sigh?

With a barely audible sigh, Ed approached me again and started to fix the wrinkled and disheveled parts of my robe.

While tying the straps to keep the loose robe from slipping down, he resumed the words he was about to say a moment ago.

“The 12th Corps Commander is here. Would you like to meet him?”

“The 12th Corps Commander…?”

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