I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Before Leanna could continue to think about it, Aidan was already leading her forward by the hand. "Let's go. We might be done here, but there is still something unresolved waiting for us."

Leanna collected her thoughts and lightly pressed her lips into a thin line upon hearing his words. She knew that Aidan was talking about Jethro.

With Leroy gone after he made his escape, Jethro was probably in Aidan's hands. Aidan soon took her to the VIP lounge not far from the banquet hall, where Jonathan was waiting outside. As soon as Jonathan saw the couple, he addressed them. "President Pearson, Miss McKinney."

"Is he still breathing?" Aidan asked.

"Yes, sir."

Aidan had given instructions before that they could get violent with Jethro if he resisted, so long as they didn't kill him.

Although Jethro didn't resist much, he had been yelling about all sorts of unpleasant things and even cursed Leanna out. To make him stop, Jonathan had a few men beat him up while they kept his head intact. He was still in there, yelling at this very moment.

The trio could hear his voice after Jonathan opened the door to the lounge.

When they saw Jethro, he was curled up on the floor, his hands clutching his stomach. He would let out

a moan or two from time to time. His cries only got louder when he raised his head to look in the direction he heard the door open.

Aidan started calmly, "You being able to make a sound now means that my underlings haven't been rough enough."

When Jethro heard these words, he immediately got up and forced a smile on his bruised and swollen face. "Hehe, we meet again, my wonderful daughter and son-in-law. I have missed you very much during this time."

It was Leanna's turn to peer at him with a frigid gaze. "I didn't think I would see you again," she hummed. "You should've died a long time ago."

"It's because I'm a lucky man! With how promising both my children are, it would be a pity for me to just die before I even get to enjoy the blessing."

"You are the most shameless person I've ever met in my life," Aidan couldn't help commenting.

Leanna soon continued, "Where is my mother buried?"

Ah! This question! Jethro showed another eerily smile. "Why would you need a tomb for a dead person? I had her body burned to a crisp a long ago. I also flushed her ashes."

Leanna only stared at him with a deep frown on her face for a long minute before she abruptly turned around. "I have no other questions."

She knew that Jethro would never tell her the truth. It felt pointless for her to ask about Louis.

Jethro proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs despite her showing no interest. "My good girl, you can't just leave me be! I even said good things about you in front of so many people! I have raised you for years, and now that you have money, you’re turning your back on your old man!"

Leanna only ignored him and left the room.

Aidan walked up to Jethro then, and he casually brought up his previous comments. "Remember what I told you."

Jethro's face immediately froze when he looked at Aidan; he felt a chill creep up his back. He quickly swallowed the words that were already forming at the tip of his tongue.

Aidan then turned on his heel, not forgetting to leave another instruction for Jonathan at the door.

"Take care of him."

"Yes, sir."

Another figure approached Jonathan again not long after Aidan left.

Like before, Jonathan greeted him with a nod. "Mr. Morris."

William nodded in return before he peeked at the room. "Can I take this person with me?"


"Good work."

After leaving the hotel, Leanna walked outside. She seemed deep in her thoughts as she looked at the night sky.

Aidan's long strides soon brought him to her side. "It's over," he informed her, and she softly hummed as a reply. "Yeah… It's over."

After a few seconds, Aidan told her again, "I'll help you with the moving tonight."

Hearing that, she couldn't help wondering, No foreshadowing whatsoever?

He went on and held her hand when they went down the steps. "Let's go home, Mrs. Pearson."

Her lips moved a few times when she heard that, but she couldn't get herself to talk back. She eventually decided to let him off the hook. Since she was too tired to deal with the man, she would let him talk all he wanted.

Aidan received a call on the way back to the Crossley Residence. After speaking into the phone, he turned to Leanna and told her, "Leroy ran away. Georgina has disappeared as well."

Leanna was taken aback when she heard that. "Didn't Oscar bring a group with him to go after Leroy?"

"He made his escape mid-drive. But don't worry. He can't get out of Highside."

"I only hope karma gets back at him so that my parents can rest in peace."

Aidan's tongue darted out the corner of his mouth after she said that. He seemed to have something to tell her, but he ended up not saying anything before Leanna asked again, "What about Georgina?"

"She has long gotten used to the life of a wealthy young lady. She can't hide for long when she is penniless and has her bank card frozen."

"Ah… What do you plan on doing when you find her?"

Aidan only replied, "She should pay for everything she's done."

Leanna pursed her lips and went quiet after that. Even though Georgina wasn’t good, her crimes were far from Leroy's. Leanna could at least not worry about Georgina when the law would take care of her.

Aidan's black Rolls-Royce slowly drove into the Crossley Residence half an hour later.

The situation there was not what Aidan described, where only one couch was burned. The fire was bad enough to cause more than half of the entire residence to be covered in ashes.

The garden where the neatly planted plants grew had been trampled into a mess, and all the servants were nowhere to be seen.

After Leanna opened the car door, she walked in to find the nearly undamaged living room, apart from its slightly gray walls.

It looked like the fire started from upstairs.

And so, she walked up the stairs to the second floor. The deeper she went, the worse the damage from the fire was. Many metal ores painted on the walls were piled on the ground like scrap iron.

She eventually reached Leroy's room at the end of the corridor.

She wanted to go in, but Aidan grabbed her hand to stop her. "You should get changed. Don't the clothes you're wearing now get in your way?"

Hearing that, she lowered her head, and he only realized that she was still wearing the evening dress. Not only that, the hem of the skirt had been stained black by the soot.

She let out a small grunt before turning to her room.

Just as she was about to close the door, the man suddenly tilted his body and slid into the room with her.

Speechless, she huffed after a while. "I'm getting changed. Why did you come in?"

"I haven't been to your room. I'm just looking around."

She snorted in reply as she walked a few steps inside. She noticed that her room had been badly burned, but fortunately, the closet was still intact. Even though it was suddenly filled with the smell of smoke, at least she could find some clothes to wear temporarily.

Hugging her fresher laundry, she was just about to walk to the bathroom to get changed when Aidan cooed, "Don't be a stranger, now."

"Oh, piss off!" Leanna finally exploded.


She shut the door, leaving the despicable man outside. After she took off her dress and put on her own clothes, she felt much more comfortable.

As soon as she left the bathroom, she saw Aidan, with a stern look on his face, holding his phone. She had a feeling that he had taken a call when she was inside.

Curious, she asked in a small voice, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." He looked at her. "Are you done changing?"

"Mhm, I'm done. I want to take a look at Leroy's room."

"Go ahead."


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