I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1533

Chapter 1533: Succesful Infiltration!

Boom! The entire wall shook from impact from over 40 hits of all sorts. And the men were the least prepared for such a monstrous attack "Ahhhhh!!!, Several fell far down the walls to their deaths from the sudden strange force that pushed them back The sudden heat, coupled with gravity, was enough to make their legs, heads, and few body parts get turned into gruesome splatters of pace upon impact. The scene was just too indescribable! There was blood everywhere one looked, and the smoky mushroom only made the already dark night turn darker. Griffin hung on the side of a backup ladder, hearing the gruesome cries from his people. His face was now covered with ashes and cinder, and his body weak from the explosive effects that happened too close to his being. Blood dripped from his forehead downward, causing a very disturbing image. Griffin's face turned pale, feeling cold sweat form on his back 'How? How did this happen?' How can the enemy have such strange black powder weapons? No! It shouldn't be like this! They must've stolen Morg technology. And are probably here to find out what plans Morgany has for Titarian. 'Then I must get the word out and wam my superiors about Hamunaptra's wicked thoughts!' Griffin gritted his teeth and firmed his mind, planning to escape through any hidden tunnels and passageways, fleeing the fortress as fast as he could. It was just that he would have to head past the middle and innermost sector to flee the fortress. Indeed, he would love to stay back and fight these bloody sons of bunches. But he knew as per protocol that if something was wrong, he and 5 others were to immediately flee and pass things on, relaying all they knew about the 
First, he had to get the word across about thew strange iron boxes and their firing capabilities. 
He was sure the technology was stolen from their Morg continent. If not them, who else can accomplish such a feat? (?VW?) For Morgany, he had to leave now! But little did he )mow that things had indeed gone far out of his control than he thought. 
The outer sector's metal gate burst open. And in came the massive flock of iron boxes. 
"Run! Run! Retreat into the 2nd sector!!!" Someone exclaimed loudly as desperation stretched out on the faces of many. Never in their lives had they thought they would face such a gruesome level of pain. The metal boxes were vicious, shooting at every angle and every being without 
The explosion sent many flying high and fast, so much that they smashed themselves into the and wall, cracking their skulls hard in the process. And maybe even scarier was the thick fog that occurred after the thunderous sound echoed out. 
The fog was filled with screams and cries from the pits of hell themselves. It was such a monstrous sight that though those on the 2nd walls were blinded by the smoke, they still decided to grit their teeth and fire their stationed Ballistas in any and all directions, even if it meant killing their surging colleagues below. Well, they did give them a 10-breath window before closing the gates on the 2nd wall, no? 
At this point, those locked out were considered lost men though some were still alive. 
And wouldn't you know it, Griffin was one of them. 
Hammitt Hammitt Hammitt He was trapped! Trap led in here with nowhere to run! For the first time, his face distorted in horror, feeling death's claws suddenly too close for comfort. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock... 
In no time, his time was up. Boom!!!! The ground rose several feet high, many screamed, blood-splattered, body parts flew, and countless people closed their eyes for the last time. 
... Dead. 
Hamunaptra had struck again. 
Down below, the many women in captivity screamed and tightly held each other while listening to the many hasty footsteps ringing a mock in the underground maze-like palace. There were over 30o women, some on the brink of death, others injured with bruises, burnt and whip marks on their bodies, and some with nothing wrong with them. 
"Oh, will you just shut up? Cry, cry, cry! That's all you Imow how to do!!" 'Stop it! Don't attack her! Why do you have to be so mean all the time?" "The many women exposed their true natures in the face of danger around them. 
Some had been here for over 3 years and had never experienced what was going on here today. 
From the many footsteps one could tell the guards and the few conversations they locked up, it was clear an enemy was attacking the fortress. And from all the commotion, it seemed like a big enemy too. Now, they had several worries to fear. What if this enemy does worst things to them if they succeed tonight? For all they knew, it could be cannibals that ventured into the space. To many, better the devil they knew than the angel they didn't. With their luck, many didn't think it would be anyone better. Wanta and the other Baymardians undercover suddenly rose to their feet, walking towards the entrance of the sleeping space amidst everyone's grumbling. As planned, those above should have already crossed the 2nd wall by now. But for them, it was time to head to the hidden chambers and find all they could before the enemy destroyed anything beneficial when realizing their defeat was inevitable. 
"Hey!" Someone saw their suspicious acts of rolling up their pants and taking out a dagger from nowhere! pu*u) 
Weren't they all checked before being sent in? So where did these people get these daggers? 
And more still, why was one of them reaching for her hair? The woman watched the few Baymardian ladies lure the few guards closer, like honeycomb traps. Wait... Wait... Knife?... Guard?... The woman's hairs stood in fear, hoping it wasn't what she was thinking. "Hey! What are you guys trying to do? You'll get us all ki---" Slash!!!" 
Ivanka gripped the guard outside the door, first tapping his mute points before plunging her dagger into the back of his neck 
... Alright. They seemed to have gotten everyone's attention. ('O') 
1011 they ever find the truth about Hamunaptra? And what will the Morgs do then?heY Hellehehhe• The brain teaser will won become a reality. But not so soon, my Baymardians... First, we must give a big shout-out to first commenters: .FearlessCloudol 
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Please give me more motivation! Creation is hard; cheer me up! VOTE for me! Tag this book, come and support me with a thumbs up! Like it?Add to your library! 

Chapter 1534: The Golden-Haired Man. 
Flwatj What did they just see? Everyone was more than taken aback by the boldness of the few women before them. 
And before they could reach, these women had not only knocked down the few guards standing by, but also began unlocking the many places across the barred door. 
With the trouble above, most of those guarding them had fled, leaving a mere 3 standing guard. 
But Ivanka and her girls didn't stop there. In a blink of an eye, 3 of them switched attire with the killed guard. Seeing all this, the many women were more than afraid of these strange pale-faced women... Especially after listening to the orders from the leaf one. "Ashley... You lmow what to do..." The one named Ashley nodded, knowing she and a few others would be in charge of leading these women out as planned. As for Ivanka and the rest, they were out to find all the information they could get. 
But for this, they couldn't do it alone. Ivanka looked at the 27-year-old lady before them. There were others older and maybe more experienced than this lady. However, through their little time here, they concluded that this woman posted more trustworthy attributes compared to the other older ones. "Are you sure you anew your way about these parts?" The ginger-haired woman nodded vigorously: "Yes... Yes!... I've served here for years and am one of the oldest survivors. It is near impossible for someone to last here for more than 5 years." "Good... Your service is much appreciated. But don't worry, nothing ill will come to you with no around." Ivanka assured. And though she didn't need to go into detail, anyone with a brain could see that the attacks from above might have something to do with them. Now, hearing her affiliation, the shifting ginger-head woman couldn't help but sigh with relief. Maybe it's because she always wanted revenge, or perhaps because she felt tonight the heavens were in their favor, that she boldly volunteered to show them the way. Over her time here, she had served the few most powerful men in this fortress severally. So she knew the path to take, even if her eyes were closed. And just like that, Ivanka's team left the site while Ashley's gang began their grand escape. Of course, some were unwilling to leave with this group, secretly an inn to alert any T.O.E.P men they met along the way. But after hearing that this place might get blown up with black powder after this... Who would want to stay any longer and risk getting buried to death? 
No way! Now, they only hoped these ladies could bring them out quicker! 
Din. Din. Din. Din. Din. Ivanka's gang stealthily rushed out, looking left and right at all times. "You there! Halt!... What are you lot doing out at this- - -" Fhup!!! Ivanka plunged a few pebbles onto the man's throat with her supernatural strength. And before the man could fall, he was caught by the other ladies. They dragged him to the corner and began taking off his clothes. "Quickly!" Ivanka urged. And soon, they were mining once more. And because of the chaotic enemies also running amok, they blended well into the scene, with the ginger-haired woman being the only one in prostitute attire. Anyone who saw this scene would think maybe on their way to bringing her to the big bosses for some fun, the attacks from above began. And now, maybe they were trying to keep her in another quiet corner until things calmed. In the end, the woman was escorted by many of their T.O.E.P men. So what harm could she cause? Many weren't focused on her but the constant cries for backup from those above. "Hammitt Who the hell dares to attack us so blatantly?" "F"king bastards! They've really hit us in a tight pinch." "Hurry! Hurry! Send all the barrels of black powder out!!!" (*rj*) 
Like so, Ivanka was ahead, but Lucy wasn't far behind too. What? A few standing guard at one of the tunnel exits into the fortress were shocked beyond belief, seeing the strange people storm in. 
But before they could smack their lips in warning, a sudden rush of pain flooded their senses. 
Peuu! Penu! Peuu!- 
Lucy's silencers went straight for the kill, taking down as many as she could. "Your majesty, 9 O'clock" Panan-
Lucy took care of the last one, nodding tactfully to her gang. Very quickly, some pulled the bodies to the sides, while others rolled to the corners, slowly inching their way forward with sharp vigilance. 
3 of the men leaned tightly along the stony walls, slowly crouching down and taking out compact mirrors to take a peek But though the many fire torches on the walls gave off dim lights, which should've been enough, the torch's reach created many dark comers along the paths... Especially with how they were strategically placed. 
So for all they knew, there might be hidden guards lurking in these shadows. 1, 2, 3... 6 spotted in the dark. Maybe the heavens bless his majesty Landon for inventing Heat vision technology. Pettit! Penu! Pam! Petal! What?!!!! Everyone happened so fast that those falling to their deaths felt it too surreal. What was fast? This was fast! 
They hadn't even heard the whistling sounds of an arrow to react and protect themselves. 
So how exactly did the enemy sliMin? Many didn't understand, struggling for air as suffocating quickly took hold of them. And soon, they closed their eyes for the last time. Dead. It had come too fast for these omnipotent T.O.E.Ps. Lucy kept her expression cold. "Let's go." Though they were winning, she wouldn't be so confident just yet. The enemy... The enemy might have a higher trick up their sleeves once they find themselves cornered. 
And sure enough, her guess was right because, at this very moment, a man with golden hair and a powerful aura listened to the reports with a calm expression. 
In fact_ one might any he was too calm.. 


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