I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1804 Landon's Little Adventure?

Chapter 1804 Landon's Little Adventure?

Chapter 1804  Landon's Little Adventure?

In no time, the Mirvs deboarded and were taken to a large military-grade elevator that could fit over 20 people in it. Group by group, they were brought on deck. Those who came in aircrafts not from the main ship, had to cross the bridge the Baymardians put up connecting the other ships to the main ship. Since it was their first time here, they would no doubt prefer to be together on the same ship.

So separating them, especially when some would like to have meetings with their Ruler, Tacholla, wasn't wise. They should be able to wake up and see their king without too much hassle, especially when in new unfamiliar territory. What's more, it was also efficient and better for all of them to be on one ship. This way, they can better serve and account for them. Bilthozar smacked his lips, still not understanding how such a massive ship could be built. He went towards the rails and shook them hard, before convincing his brain it was truly made out of iron. As expected of a place the Wind God approved of. "As Father, these Baymardians sure are a mysterious bunch." "Indeed," Tacholla nodded, sweeping eyes across the vast deck. There were 4 track lines for running, ample space for walking around and even outdoor activity spots for them too. N♡vεlB¡n: Unleashing Imagination, One Read at a Time.

The ship they were on was unlike the rest in that it was a Grade-A Military Guest & Rescue Battleship. It had the firepower of a battleship and a few luxuries of a cruise line ship.

Emphasis must be made on the Grade-A part. A Grade-D version has little to no real luxury rooms. Grade A was the best sort, with suits for royalty and other amenities deeply appreciated on cruise lines. There were also vending machines in the cafeteria, a small library site, a gym, a place to rent off Baymardian TV shows and movies during their trip, a lounge room and a game room for guests alone, which includes a small kid's adventure playing section. This much was nothing compared to what cruise lines offered, but at least, it was enough to keep the guests entertained.

If they are bored of staying in these places, they can always play tennis or basketball with the Baymardians who are off duty when their shifts are over. Despite their rigorous training style, many Baymardians still found time to play basketball or soccer at least once a week. They had their teams and played to their heart's content indoors. …

Water flowed out, instantly shocking Tacholla and his wives silly. josei

It flowed? It really flowed out? But how? What is the theory behind this? How did they get seawater pushed up to the 4th floor above deck? Knowing that there were many floors below deck, just imagine how much work it took to force the water up. He felt it required at least 10 horses just to get those little bits pulled and forced high up. So how did they do it?

No! Didn't you hear them? Hot water! Tacholla quickly placed his hand under, only to find the water getting hotter and hotter. "How is any of this possible?" He murmured, looking at the beautiful golden tap as though it had been accidentally dropped by the heavens. Having a bold and daring thought, he quickly sent a palm load into his mouth and was shocked but its normality. "No salty taste...it's not dragged out from the waters below?" The Baymardian smiled and said nothing. Of course, it's from the waters below. But they have their way of treating the waters and eliminating the sea salt.

The Mirvs already had their bags sent to their rooms. And after the Baymardians left, many stared at their rooms, still feeling it all surreal. Baymard… Baymard… Just what sort of place was it? ...

Like that, the Mirvs were finally settled in, leaving Landon more time to focus on other matters.

Tonight, he planned to Warp out for on little adventure of his own.

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