I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 715 - Expansion

Chapter 715 - Expansion

Chapter 715 - Expansion


Landon and his team drove out toward Baymard’s new territories excitedly.

And amongst was Prince Raul, who was King Micheal’s son.

Of course, he had been working under the ministry of agriculture since he came to Baymard.

He was using this as a learning experience or an internship before he finally left Baymard and aided Terique in improving its own system.

As of now, his father had gone out to fight Nopline alongside his mother, Queen Jasmine.

And while they were out, he and his little sister Krea stayed behind.

One should know that for this trip, all ministries had sent out their representatives to Baymard’s new territory... And he was amongst the selected group.

Of course, it’s been close to a month since Baymard had sent people out to begin developing these new regions.

And every now and then, they would inspect everything concerning their different ministries.

Be it whether the farms out there are profiting yield, or be it checking the death rate, birth rate or even making sure that everyone was healthy or safe... They all took their jobs seriously.

Even aquatic life or the state of the lakes or the newly discovered raw materials around were properly handled too.

Raul and the rest were very excited to put their knowledge to the task.

And while on the road, those within Landon’s vehicle also briefly highlighted the major points on their reports too.

Their first stop was Menda Town, so everyone gave reports concerning the town.


"Your majesty, from the reports, the new Farmer’s association has already been created within Menda Town.

And all farmers have already registered well."

"Your majesty, one of the estates there is currently being used as a school for the students there."

"Your majesty..."

"Your majesty..."

"Your majesty..."


Landon listened carefully to everyone and nodded in satisfaction.

Everything was going according to plan.

As for the new territories, it included 17 villages, 2 towns and 4 cities.

Heh... many would say that William was stupid for giving Landon so much.

But in truth, it didn’t take anything out of Arcadina’s landmass.

Take for example, the United States back on earth.

Just Washington state alone had a total of 281 towns and cities combined.

That was 281!!!!

And the US had 50 states.

Now, look at Canada.

Just within the province of Ontario, 173 towns, cities, villages and whatnot.

That was 173 different municipalities for heaven’s sake!

Not to talk of Hokkaido in Japan that has a total of 180 cities, towns and villages.

So when you really look at it, William just took a total of 23 municipalities out of a single state and handed it to him.

And with Arcadina’s landmass, it could have over a hundred states if it wanted to.

Therefore, if 1 state could have less or more than 200 different towns, villages and cities...then what the hell?

He couldn’t tell if William had given him these territories in pity or gratitude.

It was as if he was a beggar, and William had just thrown some peanuts at him.

Those 23 municipalities that William gave him weren’t anything to talk about when looking at Arcadina as a whole.

Nonetheless, he was still very grateful all the same.

What else could he do? josei

Beggars couldn’t be picky.


When Landon thought about it more, he felt like crying.

He was just too pitiful in this world.

More still, it was all the System’s fault!

Why did it deny him the glory of conquering different regions?

So what if he was just a worker under the heavens?

How was any of this fair?

The good thing about Arcadina was that it was very massive which made Landon feel extremely happy.

Just like back on earth, moving from town to town might require one to take a 1-hour or 2-hour drive between these locations.

Likewise, the same could be said about this place.

Some towns, cities and villages were very close to one another, while others were too far apart.

By horse, within 2 hours one could get to Riverdale city after leaving Baymard.

But after leaving Riverdale city, it would take another 9 hours to reach the next village by horse.

Following that, it would take another 3 hours to the next village, another 2 hours to the next village, 12 hours to the city and so on.

In short, these 23 villages, towns and cities were randomly placed haphazardly.

And from Baymard to the new border, it would take about 2 and a half weeks on horseback to move between these 2 points if one followed the main road.

But using the Baymardian vehicles, it was just a matter of hours before they reached their final destination.

Nonetheless, everyone was still happy about these new territories that had been awarded to them.



They drove to the outermost Town which would now be the main border town since it was the last settlement region closest to the border.

Menda Town!

They all stepped out of the vehicle and looked around in satisfaction.

Presently, several log cabin buildings were being built a little further ahead from the town.

Yes... these log cabins were for the border control team.

Again, they could also see several heavy machines fitting off the trees along the border.

Yes... Landon planned to build the Great Wall of Baymard all across his property.

One should know that the system wouldn’t allow him to fully develop these new territories if his technology could be easily stolen.

So the construction of the wall had to be done now.

Landon knew that it would take years for the wall to be constructed.

Nonetheless, he would still try his best to aid these people as best as he could.

For example, the schools that were opened up only taught basic Pyno language, reading, writing and basic math like multiplication, addition and fractions.

Things like the Timetable were things that were shared all around the Pyno continent.

So the students could have that, but they will no textbooks or libraries available until the wall gets done.

Anyway, once they master these basic theories, then they will get transferred to Baymard’s new Capital city... which was the old Baymard.

There, they could begin other subjects like Chemistry, biology and so on.

Again, a clinic had also opened within the town that only did basic things like first aid and also had a pharmacy section that prescribed and sold basic drugs for fevers, burns, cough and so on.

But if it was serious, then they would be referred to the main hospital in the Capital.

Even within the villages, log houses and other simple buildings were currently being created.

But there would be nothing as shocking as what was in Baymard’s Capital city... at least not until the great wall was created.

His task right now was to make the people’s lives as comfortable as possible until construction was done.... even if it took 3 to 5 years to complete it.

In the meantime, the construction team was tasked to build several 2 or 3 story wooden houses for each household during this time frame.

They had to have better homes in preparation for the winter.


Again, even their farm yields and other raw materials were constantly bought by Landon and his team... as some of the raw minerals and materials here weren’t found within the Capital (the old Baymard).

So these people now had jobs and were getting paid bi-weekly too.

In short, everything was supposed to be going according to plan.

But, some nobles were were still loyal to Alec had begun stirring things up.

They truly believed that Alec was still alive.

Landon stepped out of the vehicle and headed straight to the City lord’s estate.

He had already been informed with his Walkie talkie that some nobles were currently within the estate in large groups.

It seemed like they were still unconvinced.

Landon chuckled and marched into the estate calmly.

Hehehehe.... he wanted to see how mighty these protesters truly were.

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