Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1841 (Raw 1852)

Chapter 1841 (Raw 1852): Danger Still Present

Chapter 1841 (Raw 1852): Danger Still Present

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and looked at Yan Chen beside him. “Little monk, go and take a look at the surroundings. This place might have some fortuitous encounters.”

“Fortuitous encounters? That might be true. This place is filled with Heart Force. Perhaps we can find the secret to comprehending Heart Force.”

Yan Chen thought for a while before nodding. “I have nothing else to do, after all. Even if there is no fortuitous encounter, it would be good to see if there is an exit. In that case, Big Brother, you should wait here first.”

After Yan Chen had gone far away, the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor’s playful laughter rang out in Xiao Chen’s mind.

Must we wait until this monk goes far away before we start?

The Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor did not care about this body of misfortune at all, showing disdain at the thought. However, Xiao Chen had to be cautious.

Xiao Chen did not explain much, skipping over this topic. Let’s begin. You can tell me the method now.

After a moment, an abstruse incantation appeared in Xiao Chen’s mind. This was the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor telling him how to use the Heart Force here to treat his injuries.

The incantation looked incomparably profound. However, once Xiao Chen comprehended it, he realized that the principle was incredibly simple.

It was just like absorbing the Spiritual Energy of the world. However, Spiritual Energy required the dantian to circulate it and absorb it into the body.

The absorption of Heart Force required the heart.

It sounded very profound, but the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor used an extremely simple method, as his method was not truly absorbing Heart Force.

It was merely absorbing the Heart Force into the body and treating Xiao Chen’s injuries, not truly possessing and controlling the Heart Force.

Xiao Chen’s current cultivation and comprehension ability were still far from sufficient for grasping Heart Force.

Even if they were sufficient, Xiao Chen would not be able to comprehend Heart Force so quickly.

By the time he comprehended it, his injuries would have already killed him.

Hence, the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor’s method was rather special and ingenious.

Following the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor’s instruction, Xiao Chen continuously emptied his heart, reciting the incantation from the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor. As his thoughts slowly ebbed away, his soul in the Soul Pool wavered slowly like a guttering candle flame.

He gradually entered a wondrous state. It was like being asleep yet, at the same time, not. There was nothing in his mind, and his consciousness floated about. He was like a dead person but with thought present.


Suddenly, the soul in Xiao Chen’s Soul Pool vanished like a candle dying out, and his entire Soul Pool turned dark.

The Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor, who was hidden in the 9-Star Primal Core, formed a mysterious hand seal. Xiao Chen’s paralyzed body started floating like a sponge in water.

The originally invisible Heart Force turned into thin halos in the surroundings.

As the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor kept forming hand seals, the halos continuously surged into Xiao Chen’s body and back out.

It was like using fresh water to wash out dirt. However, at this moment, it was the most mysterious Heart Force of the world that was cleansing the injuries of Xiao Chen’s body.

With the aid of this Heart Force, Xiao Chen’s shattered dragon bones slowly healed.

The Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor gently blew out pure scarlet Dragon Qi. Xiao Chen’s healing shattered bones immediately became fixed in place.

With this breath of pure Dragon Qi, the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor’s figure turned much weaker.

Although the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor had said that he was using Heart Force to treat Xiao Chen, the one who was actually doing it was the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor himself. The most important factor was that breath of scarlet Dragon Qi.

However, there was no need to tell Xiao Chen about this.

As the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor looked at the Demonic Qi Veritable Essence Energy and Spiritual Energy Veritable Essence Energy in Xiao Chen’s dantian, his expression appeared uncertain, his thoughts unreadable.

Xiao Chen had asked the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor why he had not appeared immediately after Xiao Chen broke through to Star Venerate.

However, the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor did not tell Xiao Chen the true reason.

Falling for the Demonic this the inescapable fate of all experts of my Azure Dragon Race? I hope that you will be more fortunate than I was.

The Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor shook his head and continued to focus on treating Xiao Chen’s injuries.

Four hours passed, and all of the shattered dragon bones in Xiao Chen’s body were pieced together and healed.

What remained was no longer a big problem.

By relying on the strong recovery ability of the Dragon Race’s bloodline, Xiao Chen’s internal injuries would recover quickly.

The Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor stopped, and the surrounding halos disappeared. Xiao Chen’s floating body slowly descended.

“Big Brother! Big Brother! There really is a fortuitous encounter!”

Xiao Chen, who was apparently asleep, opened his eyes and saw the little monk rushing over to him, wild with joy. It was like the little monk wanted to carry him up.


At first, Xiao Chen was startled. Then, he gently patted the ground and directly stood up.

“Hey! Big Brother, your injuries are healed?!”

Xiao Chen also found it strange. His dragon bones were intact once more, and most of his injuries were healed. This was really strange.

Xiao Chen wanted to ask the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor about it but found that the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor was already asleep.

This was truly surprising. Xiao Chen still had many things he wanted to ask the Blood-Soaked Dragon Emperor about. For example, the Black Dragon King in the underground dragon city. There had not been enough time for him to ask.

“My dragon bones are healed. As for the remaining internal injuries, all I need is time for them to recover. What fortuitous encounter did you discover?”

Originally, Xiao Chen just wanted to send the little monk away. Unexpectedly, the little monk really managed to find a fortuitous encounter.

“Come with me. There are actually some carved words on a stone pillar. I did not take a careful look before running over to let Big Brother know.”

The little monk turned around and led Xiao Chen over.

Stone pillars covered the entire floor, making it look like a maze. The two walked around the stone pillars and stopped before one in particular.

Xiao Chen considered the stone pillar. This seemed to be the one that had the divine flame.

“Big Brother, take a look. The words are here.”

A careful look found that it was indeed the case. There were many words carved on this stone pillar, densely packed together.

“I researched Heart Force for a thousand years. In the end, I had to acknowledge that there is no way to pass down Heart Force; there is no way to teach another. Whether one can comprehend it depends on fate. However, I managed to leave behind some of my comprehensions. If you can see it, take it as fate...”

Xiao Chen and the little monk read the words carefully. They were both wild with joy. These were the Scarlet Blood Pirate King’s comprehensions on Heart Force.

Xiao Chen continued reading and started frowning, feeling vexed.

It turned out that the Scarlet Blood Pirate King’s comprehensions were very hard to understand, incredibly profound, and even harder to understand than the will of heaven.

“To think that this is a simplified version of Heart Force. This Scarlet Blood Pirate King is truly incredible. He knew that he could not pass on Heart Force. So, he used another method, leaving behind this Heavenly Heart Art. After cultivating it, one can use Soul Energy to simulate a simplified version of Heart Force.”

After the little monk finished reading it, he was impressed and revealed joy on his face.

“You can understand it?”

“It is very simple. It is easier to understand than those ancient scriptures in the temple. How can I not understand it? Big Brother, what’s wrong? Can’t you understand it?”

The little monk had a puzzled expression as he looked at Xiao Chen. It practically incited Xiao Chen to give him a beating.

This look seemed like a taunt: Feeling confused? To think that you cannot understand it!

Xiao Chen smiled in embarrassment. “It’s alright. I can understand some.”

“Oh, I thought that Big Brother could not understand it and was prepared to share what I understood. Looks like it is not needed. Usually, the abbot of the temple would ask me to explain some of the ancient scriptures.”

The little monk finished speaking with a smile. Then, he sat down cross-legged and started to cultivate.

The little monk could understand the ancient scriptures that even the abbot could not understand. If Xiao Chen had known that before, he would not have held back.

Xiao Chen felt depressed, but he had no other choice. He could only continue reading the words left by the Scarlet Blood Pirate King.

After reading through the words ten times, he finally understood a little. Now, he understood where the words “Heavenly Heart Art” came from.

After reading the words one hundred times, Xiao Chen revealed an expression of enlightenment. The Scarlet Blood Pirate King was indeed formidable. To think that this Heavenly Heart Art could simulate a simplified Heart Force.

Then, he thought about it in his heart before sitting down cross-legged and starting to cultivate the Heavenly Heart Art.

Xiao Chen’s comprehension ability was already among the best in the world, something rarely found. After he managed to comprehend the Heavenly Heart Art from the words on the stone pillar, his cultivation speed was rather fast.

In merely one hour, the Heavenly Heart Art managed to move the Soul Energy in Xiao Chen’s Soul Pool.

Four hours later, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and a pale-white flame appeared on his palm.

This was a Heart Flame, the Scarlet Blood Pirate King’s term for the simplified Heart Force.

True Heart Force was formless and invisible. It was also very versatile and could be infused into any Martial Technique.

Xiao Chen looked at the tiny Heart Flame in the hollow of his palm, feeling somewhat vexed.

How should I bring out the might of this Heart Flame to the best effect?

“Hahaha! Delightful!”

Just as Xiao Chen was feeling vexed, he heard the little monk laughing on and on. He saw the little monk jumping about the place, repeatedly pointing into the air. josei

Every time the little monk pointed, a figure shot out.

This figure was a gigantic finger of an ancient Buddha. A faint flame burned within it, the Heart Flame that the little monk just cultivated.

When Xiao Chen saw that, he felt horrified. What a fellow! To think that he managed to merge the Heart Flame with the Buddhist sect Martial Technique so quickly, producing a brand-new Martial Technique.

Constantly comparing oneself to others would only make one angry.

Xiao Chen looked at his palm, at the Heart Flame that he still had not figured out how to use properly. Then, he shook his head and put it away.

Originally, this achievement should have been something joyous. However, when Xiao Chen compared himself to Yan Chen, he could not feel happy.


Suddenly, the gigantic finger flying about messily struck one of the stone pillars by accident.

The ancient stone pillar instantly collapsed with a loud ‘boom’ and quickly fell towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen did not find this strange. In the time it took for a spark to fly, he got up and retreated, dodging danger after danger.

If he was struck, his freshly recovered physical body would not endure such a blow.

Even so, Xiao Chen could not avoid the dust.

“Hahaha! Big Brother Xiao, how is the might of the Heavenly Heart Finger that I just comprehended?” Yan Chen asked with a smile as he rushed over excitedly.

Xiao Chen was about to answer when he suddenly sensed a terrifying will of soul pass through the obstruction of the Heart Force and sweep towards them.

Fortunately, with the obstruction of the Heart Force, the originally incredibly swift will of soul slowed significantly.

Pulling the little monk, Xiao Chen quickly retreated behind the stone pillar of the divine flame.

“Those Sovereign Personages have not left yet,” the little monk whispered fearfully.

“That is logical.”

Xiao Chen showed no expression, not finding this discovery surprising, as he considered countermeasures.

With such great potential profits, how could the Sovereign Personages of the Demonic Dao sects leave just like that?

Not to mention the Faux God Flame that could stir Sovereign Personages into falling out with each other, any of those eight supreme treasures would be worth those Sovereign Personages waiting for more than half a year.

It was rather difficult to leave this place.

Right now, there was only one piece of good news. The terrifying Heart Force of this place deterred those Sovereign Personages from coming down to investigate.

However, obstructed by the Heart Force, the two could not execute their Movement Techniques, either, and would have difficulty leaving.

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