Immortal and Martial Supreme Master

Volume 1 1422 Scheming Dog

Volume 1 1422 Scheming Dog

Volume 1 Chapter 1422 Scheming Dog


After Big Yellow finished speaking, he took out a strand of soul essence from his mind and handed it to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun put his soul essence into his mind, and he immediately discovered that he had a trace of mental connection with Big Yellow.

"Quick, give me the demon core." Big Yellow hurriedly shouted. He was extremely excited, but an imperceptible cunning flashed through the depths of his eyes.

Qin Yun smiled and recognized the demon core in his hand to Big Yellow.

Big Yellow hurriedly opened his mouth and swallowed the demon core into his stomach.


As Big Yellow swallowed the Demon Core into his stomach, an incomparably powerful divine light surged out from his body. Then, a divine might surged out from his body, instantly engulfing the entire platform.

"Haha, that's great. My strength has finally returned. It's been 100,000 years. I've already lost 100,000 years of my cultivation. I didn't expect that I would finally regain my strength today." Big Yellow laughed loudly, his terrifying aura shaking the surroundings.

This powerful aura even caused fear to arise in the heart of Floating Snow City's City Lord Zhao Yuan.

"Big Yellow, you're my uncle's pet now. You have to listen to my uncle more in the future. Of course, you have to listen to me as well. Whoever I want you to bite, you have to bite. Do you hear me?" Zhao Hongxue said to Big Yellow.

When Big Yellow heard Zhao Hongxue's words, he suddenly turned his head to look at Zhao Hongxue. His eyes were extremely bright, like gemstones that emitted bright light, and his ferocious face was extremely ferocious.

Zhao Hongxue was immediately shocked by Big Yellow's terrifying appearance and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Big Yellow, what are you trying to do? If you dare to harm me, my uncle will definitely not let you off." Zhao Hongxue was frightened by Big Yellow's aura and said in fear.

Big Yellow grinned sinisterly as he looked at Zhao Hongxue and snorted coldly, "Stinking girl, you treated me like that just now. Now, I want to let you taste the feeling of being beaten up. As for your uncle, do you think he can completely control me after taking away my Soul Essence Mark?"

Big Yellow's voice was incomparably loud as he stomped down and the floor beneath his feet exploded.

These were all stone slabs with divine runes. Normally, Earth God Realm experts would not be able to deal any damage to these stone slabs, but in front of Big Yellow, who was at the Heavenly God Realm, they would not be able to withstand a single blow.

"What?" When the crowd heard Big Yellow's words, not only did Zhao Hongxue reveal a surprised expression, even Zhao Yuan and Zhao Ling revealed astonished expressions. Their gazes at Big Yellow became extremely serious.

If it was really as Big Yellow said, Qin Yun couldn't control it, then it would be really bad. This Big Yellow was at the early Heavenly God Realm, and even if they added them together, they wouldn't be a match for this Big Yellow.

However, Qin Yun maintained a calm smile on his face, as if he had already expected Big Yellow to repay him for his kindness.

"Big Yellow, if you dare to touch a hair on her face, do you believe that I will destroy your soul right now?" Qin Yun said to Big Yellow who was about to rush out from afar.

When Big Yellow heard Qin Yun's words, he turned to look at Qin Yun, and a cold smile appeared on his face. '"Alright, then you can make my soul dissipate. Don't forget, I'm a dog with two divine souls. You didn't take enough of the divine soul essence imprint from my body. I still have a divine soul in my demon core. Even if you kill the divine soul from my body, I can still survive, so you can't control me at all."

"Double souls?" When everyone heard Big Yellow's words, their hearts trembled.

It was only then that they remembered that Big Yellow had said before that he had two souls. Each of them secretly sighed in their hearts because of his carelessness. At the same time, they also felt that this dog was too cunning.

"Really? Do you really want me to shatter your soul right now?" However, at this moment, Qin Yun revealed a cold smile. Then, he stretched out his palm and a strand of the origin of the Divine Soul Mark appeared in his hand.

When Big Yellow saw the origin of the Divine Soul Mark, his eyes instantly widened like an ox's. The ferocious teeth he had revealed earlier also gradually disappeared. He said with a smile, "Don't, have something to say. Master, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again."

When everyone heard Big Yellow's words, they were all sweating profusely.

Now they only want to ask this big yellow dog one thing: Where is your integrity?

To be honest, this dog is too cheap.

If Qin Yun hadn't really left a hand and pulled out a strand of the Divine Soul Essence Mark from the Demon Core before coming out of the Demon Suppressing Stone Tombstone, he would probably have succeeded in this dog's crafty scheme.

"Kneel down!" Qin Yun fused Big Yellow's other soul into his mind and shouted at Big Yellow sternly.

This roar mixed with the might of the divine soul. At this moment, Big Yellow's two divine souls were controlled by Qin Yun. Hearing Qin Yun's roar, fear immediately surged in his heart. He sobbed and half knelt on the ground.

"Remember, as long as you are related to me, you are not allowed to have the slightest bit of disobedience towards them. If you dare to hurt them, I will definitely take your dog's life. Also, if Zhao Hongxue is in the future, it will be mine. Do you remember?" Qin Yun said sternly to Big Yellow.

This dog's temper was too wild, Qin Yun had to cast a magic spell on him, otherwise, he was really afraid that he would cause a big mess.

As for the sentence 'Zhao Hongxue's words are mine', it was naturally Zhao Hongxue who winked at Qin Yun from the side and asked Qin Yun to add it.

"Remember, Master!" Big Yellow said with an extremely aggrieved expression, as if he had suffered a great deal of grievance.

If someone didn't know the dog's nature, they would definitely think that it had been bullied by Qin Yun and felt pity for it.

Qin Yun shook his head helplessly. He was really impressed by this dog. He really didn't know why God Hidden Ancestor God had taken in such a cheap dog by his side back then.

"Alright, get up. As long as you don't harm the people around me, I won't make things too difficult for you." Qin Yun said to Big Yellow.

When Big Yellow heard Qin Yun's words, a smile immediately appeared on his face. He secretly rejoiced in his heart that Qin Yun had not punished him.

However, before he could stand up, he directly kicked him on the body and knocked him to the ground.

Big Yellow rolled to the side, revealing his fangs and looking fiercely at the person who kicked him. However, when he saw that it was Zhao Hongxue, he lost his temper and put away his fierce face.

"You're still fierce, still fierce!" Zhao Hongxue immediately cursed angrily, and at the same time, she continuously stretched out her foot to kick Zhao Hongxue.

Big Yellow was so frightened that he quickly turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot. However, just as he walked away, he heard Zhao Hongxue's order and had no choice but to walk back and continue to be kicked by Zhao Hongxue.

As a result, the barking of dogs could be heard from time to time on the platform.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yun shook his head with a bitter smile.

This person and dog were really on the line!

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