Immortal and Martial Supreme Master

Volume 1 1698 Samsara True Meaning

Volume 1 1698 Samsara True Meaning

Volume 1 Chapter 1698 Samsara True Meaning

The Immortal City required every member to have a Fate Bug King when joining, the purpose of which was to gather fragments of the True Meaning Laws chain.

The purpose of gathering the chains of Laws was to better comprehend the true meaning of the Laws.

"When a person dies, the soul fragment transforms into a life worm. The life worm devours a person's lost life. In the end, the life worm replenishes the person and maintains the person's survival. Isn't that a bit of reincarnation?" The Immortal City's City Lord said with a smile.

"It means reincarnation." Long Chen and the others nodded and said.

"That's why I called the true meaning of this Pangu Gigantic God Samsara, and that's why I named it Immortal City. It's about jumping out of Samsara, not dying or getting old." The Immortal City's City Lord said with a smile.

Everyone around was dumbfounded, and then they came to a sudden realization.

It turned out that the names of Immortal Mountain and Immortal City came from such a long history. Jumping out of Samsara, this Immortal City's City Lord really dared to imagine.

In fact, both gods and humans were restricted by the Laws of the Heaven and Earth Universe, and everything was within reincarnation.

Qin Yun was also lost in thought. Did he jump out of reincarnation?

After thinking for a long time, Qin Yun felt that he did not jump out of Samsara.

Even if he possessed the Initial Universe and became the ruler of his own universe, in the real sense, he did not really jump out of reincarnation. Now that he was dead, his soul would still return to this world and become a part of this world.

Perhaps this was also the idea of Pangu Gigantic God. Jumping out of Samsara was the result he wanted.

Thinking of this, Qin Yun couldn't help but glance at Lin Ba at the side. Thinking of that skinny little man, wasn't this another way to jump out of reincarnation?

"Destiny Bug, Destiny Bug King, Lin Ba, Skinny Little Child!"

A flash of light flashed through Qin Yun's mind. At this moment, he seemed to have caught something. josei

Since the Fate Bug was formed from the soul fragments of someone who had died, then wouldn't Lin Ba and Little Skinny be another kind of Fate Bug? Looking at the Law Chain fragment on Lin Ba's forehead, wasn't this another manifestation of the Fate Bug King?

Thinking of this, Qin Yun felt his heart pounding non-stop.

"City Lord, where are the chains of law fragments taken from the Fate Bug King's body?" Qin Yun couldn't help but ask excitedly.

"Oh, these fragments of Laws are all on the comprehension platform. They are placed there for the members of the city to comprehend." The Old City Lord asked in surprise. He didn't understand why Qin Yun suddenly remembered to ask about these Law Chain Fragments, and he was a little excited.

"Can you show me?" Qin Yun also realized that his performance was too obvious, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

However, his performance was still seen by the Immortal City's City Lord and Black Underworld. Thus, the two of them exchanged glances and nodded.

Following that, Qin Yun and his group were led to the so-called Comprehension Platform by the City Lord of Immortal City.

This was a corner of the ship. This was an incomparably spacious open space. The surroundings weren't divine halls built from solid divine stones, but rather, the light formed from formations, showing a hemispherical shape. Through these curtains of light, one could see the original appearance of this Immortal Mountain.

In the middle of the enormous hemisphere was a circular platform about ten meters in diameter. On the platform, there were nearly a hundred pieces of Law Chain fragments floating.

Around the circular platform, there were dozens of people sitting cross-legged. These people were observing these chains of Laws with their divine senses, trying to comprehend the so-called true meaning of reincarnation from these chains of Laws.

"These are the chains of Laws that our Immortal City has collected." The Immortal City's City Lord said as he looked at Qin Yun's introduction. There seemed to be a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Qin Yun ignored the crowd and walked towards the fragments of the chains of Laws.

When the Old City Lord saw Qin Yun's actions, he seemed to want to say something, but Black Underworld stopped him.

"Let him go. He must have discovered something." Black Underworld said.

When the Old City Lord heard Black Underworld's words, he didn't say anything and silently watched all of this.

Long Chen and the others also looked at Qin Yun, as if they were curious about what Qin Yun had discovered.

Just as Qin Yun walked to the edge of the round platform, Qin Yun suddenly turned around and said to Lin Ba, "Lin Ba, come here!"

Everyone looked at Lin Ba curiously, and Lin Ba walked forward with a puzzled expression.

However, the moment Lin Ba stepped onto the round platform, the floating chains of Laws suddenly seemed to be alive.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

One after another, they flew out of the round platform and began to revolve around Lin Ba.

This scene left the nearby Immortal City City Lord dumbfounded. Those who had truly fallen into comprehension were also woken up, and they all looked towards this direction.


In the end, a portion of the Law Chains condensed in front of Lin Ba and merged into the space between Lin Ba's eyebrows, forming a closed circle between Lin Ba's eyebrows. The remaining dozens of Law Chain fragments flew back to their original positions and floated in the air.

"This … what's going on?"

Everyone was shocked and puzzled when they saw the Lifeseizing Ring of Laws between Lin Ba's eyebrows.

The Old City Lord and Dark Underworld were also shaken, and they didn't know what had happened in their hearts.

Only Qin Yun himself knew that Lin Ba was the key to connecting these chains of Laws. If the remaining fragments wanted to merge into one, he had to find the skinny child to fuse the remaining fragments together.

"Lin Ba, how do you feel now?" Qin Yun looked at Lin Ba with a surprised expression and asked.

"I don't feel it, but I seem to be able to control the patterns on my forehead." Lin Ba said. With that, he opened his hand and the circle of Laws between his eyebrows stretched out in his palm, forming a long chain of Laws that began to swim around him.

This scene shocked everyone in the surroundings. This kind of performance was after comprehending the chains of Laws. Could it be that this child had already comprehended the chains of Laws?

If that was the case, wouldn't it mean that this child would be able to walk out of the Immortal Mountain and the Giant God Demon Prison?

However, Qin Yun's next words caused everyone's hearts to instantly cool down.

"Looks like you only grasped this chain of Laws, but you can't really use the true meaning and profound meaning within it." Qin Yun shook his head and said.

Lin Ba also nodded and said, "Indeed, I can feel the power of this law, but I can't use it. However, as time goes on, I can gradually digest all of this."


Everyone in the surroundings was dumbfounded.

The Laws of True Meaning that so many of them had spent hundreds of millions of years on were like food in the eyes of this child, and could be accomplished by digestion alone.

However, in this way, wouldn't it mean that they would be able to walk out of this place as the child digested it?

However, Qin Yun was truly disappointed. Lin Ba could digest these fragments of Laws, but the time required was long. Other people could afford to wait, but he could not.

"Looks like I have to rely on myself!" Qin Yun said in his heart.

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