Immortal Betgod

Chapter 10 - March Passed Away

Chapter 10 - March Passed Away

Chapter 10: March Passed Away
Translator: Mo Liping
Proofread by Liang Yaping

Time flies in a blink of an eye. March was gone.

In one of the stone chambers, Ling Changkong sat cross-legged, with both hands making gesture during incantation, and the outside power of Deity Realm swarmed, with the light of Deity Realm flowing around his body.

After three months of cultivation, the aura around Ling Changkong was more mysterious. It reached the fifth stage of friar when he practiced the Fairy Hidden formula. That’s to say, he reached at least the eighth stage of friar.

As the cultivation increased, his temperament was gradually changing. He was no longer as humble as before, and he looked more and more handsome. Probably the reason for practicing the Almighty Incantation, he inadvertently displayed a sort of arrogant and potent domineering. But it was not loathsome.

During the March, except checking the cultivation of Ling Changkong every other day, Yu Zhencheng almost ignored Ling Changkong. Even so, Ling Changkong was also happy. Every day except for resting and eating, he almost practiced all day.

Apart from his cultivation, he often asked the Blood Drop some questions and the information of the outside world. Then he found out the world what the Blood Drop said about was completely different from what he knew.

If the world he knew was called the secular world, then the blood Drop’s was like the immortal world in which immortals, like pigs and dogs, could be seen everywhere. And above the immortals, were superior immortals…

This had to make Ling Changkong doubt the truth of what the Blood Drop said.

However, he did not care, and just took it as a joke. He still practiced when to practice, and rested when to rest.


At a certain moment, Ling Changkong’s body suddenly shook, and it seemed to be to shake the air around his body.


His eyes suddenly opened, but then he calmed down, took a long puff of turbid Qi and the body’s aura finally subsided.

“After this cultivation, my realm finally stabilized. At the same time, the first stage of the Almighty Incantation was also completed. The meridians completely adapted to the magic force, and could even freely transform the power of the Deity Realm and the magic force. ”

Looking inside the pubic region and the abundant power of Deity Realm, Ling Chang raised his mouth slightly upward, and said: “The magic body is really good. There’s no slight increase during the cultivation of other martial deity arts,but there’s rapid growth when cultivating the magic martial arts, and then, it is the second stage of the Almighty Incantation.”

In just three months, from one of the humblest first stage of Deity Realm, to complete the first stage of the Almighty Incantation, Ling Changkong became very confident of his crazily increasing strength.

In the past, his meridians were occluded, unable to cultivate, and bullied by others. He could only swallow the insults. Now, his meridians have been dredged by the Blood Drop. He can not only cultivate, but also can be faster than others. He believed that reaching the height of other people, or even going beyond others, was only a matter of time.

Ling Changkong closed his eyes again, calmly thinking, and suddenly the scriptures of the Almighty Incantation appeared in the eyes.He directly skipped the first stage and looked at the second.

“Compared with the first stage where the body adapts to the magic force, the second is to cultivate the flesh. It is unique, but indeed, the flesh of the friar becomes stronger, not only the meridians become stronger on bearing capacity of deity power.

With a light came into his eyes, Ling Changkong whispered to himself: “After all, the physical strength is enhanced, the meridians will also enhance the bearing capacity of the deity power, and the cultivation speed can be relatively increased.”

In this world, there is no such thing as a physical friar. Therefore, Ling Changkong did not know the term “physical friar”. He simply believed that practicing the Almighty Incantation to cultivate the flesh was only to assist cultivating the power of Deity Realm.

Of course, he still could understand the benefits of powerful flesh. The speed was fast like the wind, the power destroyed the mountains and seas, and all broke out in a small space. As long as it was near, the friar had nothing to do but wait! Only when the power became stronger.

“Start to cultivate the second stage.”

After reading the scriptures of the second stage of Almighty Incantation, Ling Changkong was ready to start practicing again. After all, his own life was still in the hands of Yu Zhencheng, and he was eager to improve his strength.

Only when the strength was improved, could he get rid of Yu Zhencheng and even kill him!


However, when Ling Changkong was preparing to practice, a loud bang came. Ling Changkong was shocked, instantly opened his eyes and saw that the stone door had been already opened. At the door stood a black man. It was Yu Zhencheng.

Yu Zhencheng came to check his cultivation again.

“Master.” Ling Changkong stood up in a hurry and saluted with joined hands, which seemed to be very respectful.

“Well, Ling Changkong, put your hand over, let me look at your cultivation situation.” Yu Zhencheng nodded slightly, came to Ling Changkong, and very naturally said to him.


Ling Changkong nodded, seemed to have expected, and stretched out his right hand. Yu Zhencheng checked his cultivation situation like this, which was not once or twice. Except for some tension at the beginning, it was already very relaxing.

Yu Zhencheng also stretched out a hand, grabbed the wrist of Ling Changkong, felt the pulse. A stream of deity power was emitted into Ling Changkong’s body, and then worked along the meridians.

To see a person’s cultivation, it only needed to be scanned by the almighty knower. But to look at the cultivation situation of this person’s specific method, it is required that the friar who practices the same method pour his deity power into that person’s body. It took a cycle to run in the meridians to know the situation. Yu Zhencheng checked the cultivation of Ling Changkong, which obviously belonged to the latter case.

Just in a cycle, Yu Zhencheng’s ugly old face suddenly took on a happy color, which made Ling’s faces lightly changed. He was always somewhat depressed when Yu Zhencheng checked his cultivation before. At this time, however … there must be something strange for the abnormal situation.

Shrinking his arms and trying to take back his right hand, Ling Changkong found that Yu Zhencheng clasped his wrist tightly at this time, and did not loosen it.

“Haha, well, well, the day finally comes.”

After a while, Yu Zhencheng finally reacted. Not only did he not let go, but he tightened it tighter, and at the same time he couldn’t help laughing.

“Oh no, Ling Changkong, his timing is ripe. Break away from his control!” Not only did Ling Changkong find it bad, but the Blood Drop also noticed it, immediately shouting at Ling Changkong.


When the Blood Drop reminded him, Ling Changkong completely confirmed, no longer hesitated, shouted, and the deity power rushed to split Yu Zhencheng, while Ling Changkong’s left fist smashed out to the big hand holding his wrist on.josei


When Yu Zhencheng saw Ling Changkong suddenly rise with fury, Yu Zhencheng looked severe, and snorted. The hand holding Ling Changkong suddenly loosened, then his back hand shot, directly flipped Ling Changkong’s fist.

Just feeling a sharp pain in the left hand, Ling Changkong retreated with pupils contracting.

“Oh, look at this, you have already known, but even if you know, now that you have completed the first stage of the Almighty Incantation, the fate is also already doomed.”

Looking at the frightened Ling Changkong, Yu Zhencheng sneered, no longer concealing. He had given the five stages of the Almighty Incantation to Ling Changkong just to confuse him. All he needed was only the accomplishment of the first stage.

Probably also because of this, he frequently checked the progress of Ling Changkong’s cultivation.

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