Immortal Betgod

Chapter 3 - Enemy Pounce

Chapter 3 - Enemy Pounce

Chapter 3: Enemy Pounce
Translator: Peng Jia
Proofread by Liang Yaping

At the gate of Qishan School, there was a huge crowd of people at this time. No matter whether they belonged to Friars Realm, Deities Realm or Kings Realm, as long as they were not in secluded practice, they all were here.

And in front of all, Zhao Qian, the headman of Qishan School, stood with a sword.

Opposite them, the man in black stood in the air. He was impressively the man who went mad in practice before, and he lived in the cave thousands of miles away from Qishan School. And now less than a quarter of an hour passed, and he should have appeared here again. His superb cultivation and appalling running speed were evident.

“Yu zhencheng, you old thief, dare to come back. Today I am gonna eliminate your evil flesh and cultivation, for the integrity of Qishan School.”

Zhao Qian pointed his sword at the man in black with an angry face. He said savagely, and the breath of his body erupted, which was actually in a whiff of disorder. It can be felt that his hatred to the black man was enormous.

“This man should be…” Hearing the reproach of Zhao Qian, Ling Changkong was taken aback, looking at the black man in the air incredibly.

Both he and others were surprised. Although most of them had seen Yu Zhencheng before, they could not recognize him at all. There were great changes in Yu zhencheng, in terms of his breath and appearance.

Yu zhencheng was dressed in black, and his whole body was covered with black air. Although he concealed his face, the ugliness and sinister state of his face could be seen faintly. And there was no kindness which could be seen ten years ago.

“Haha, younger brother Zhao. Unexpectedly, you still remember your senior brother.” Yu Zhencheng did not care about the tension, looked up and laughed.

“Hum! I know a thief like you thoroughly who deceived his master, even if you turn to ashes.” Zhao Qian snorted and ordered: “All the disciples listen to my orders. Embattle Tian Feng sword lineup, kill this renegade!”

“Yes, sir!”

The friar in the Deities Realm and the Kings Realm all responded with a loud voice. Then their long swords came out of their sheaths, and they either flew into the air or wandered away, immediately forming a mysterious and powerful array of swords.

“Haha, why do you make such a fuss? It hurts our friendship. I come back this time, neither to fight with you for the position of power, nor to rob weapons. I just want a person. After getting this person, I would say nothing and turn my head away.”

Seeing Zhao Qian embattled the sword lineup to kill him as soon as they met each other, Yu Zhencheng did not care at all. He laughed, saying to Zhao Qian with smile on his face. It didn’t matter if he did not say so. But after hearing that, Zhao Qian became even angrier.

“What a thief! In the past you stole the top skills of Qishan School; now you should seem above board. It is impossible for you to get a dog from here, let alone a person.”

Zhao Qian cursed in rage. Then he waved his hand and ordered again: “Kill him!”

“Go, go!”

Thousands of friars shouted almost at the same time. Then a flash of fire came out from the sharp swords in their hands. The flames gathered in some obscure and mysterious way, and then they shot at Yu Zhencheng.

“Hum! Do you want to refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit? Am I really afraid of you?! Feng Yan Force!”

Seeing Zhao Qian resolutely attacked over, Yu Zhencheng snorted coldly. His whole body was ablaze with fire. He pressed against the void, and a phoenix of fire burst forth.


An earth-shattering blare came, causing the earth tremble and the mountains sway. The phoenix of fire thundered over many flames, quenching them all at once. Then, the spare power unexpectedly broke the Tian Feng sword lineup.

Thousands of friars were blown away by the phoenix of fire. They were all defeated.

“Dear me! This is the power of Emperor Realm!” Ling Changkong reluctantly steadied himself on the shaking ground, looking at Yu Zhencheng in the air, who did not move at all with a sharp edge in his eyes.

This was the power of Emperor Realm. He raised his hand and the world perished with thousands of men defeated!

“Zhao Qian, now I am not afraid of the Tian Feng sword lineup, for it seems ineffective to me. If you want to catch me, do it yourself. I can beat you with one move.”

Yu Zhencheng waved his big sleeves. His eyes swept across the people in a chilly manner, resting on Zhao Qian. Yu Zhencheng called Zhao Qian directly by name instead of calling him brother. It is obvious that Yu Zhencheng declared the war. And he was arrogant to say that although Zhao Qian was also in the Emperor Realm, he could defeat Zhao Qian with one move.

“Okay, I would like to see how much progress you have made after secretly learning the Feng Yan Force.”

Seeing Yu Zhencheng broke the Tian Feng sword lineup with one move, Zhao Qian could not help being fearful with his pupils contracted, but he recovered soon. Zhao Qian shook his body and his power broke out. Soaring to the sky, Zhao Qian reached the same height as Yu Zhencheng did, where he was exactly in front of Yu Zhencheng.

The friar in the King Realm could barely soar into the air and only the friar in the Emperor Realm could fly in the sky.

“Go ahead, I’ll let you go first.” Yu Zhencheng said contemptuously and glanced coldly at Zhao Qian.

“Go to hell! Feng Ming Force conquers the world!”

Zhao Qian shouted in a low voice. Behind him came a shadow of fire phoenix, whose surrounding temperature exploded, which seemed like the dog’s day. Zhao Qian pushed his hands and the shadow of fire phoenix shot at Yu Zhencheng.

Whether Yu Zhencheng attempted to provoke or not, Zhao Qian did not dare to relax his vigilance. After all, when Yu Zhencheng betrayed Qishan School, he was just a little weaker than him. Now 10 years passed, Yu Zhencheng had succeeded in practicing the Feng Yan Force. It was absolutely not to be underestimated. So, Zhao Qian tried his utmost.

“Best move?! All right, I just get a skill recently. Let me practice it with you.”josei

Although Yu Zhencheng said it relaxedly, he exerted all his strength. His palm was light, containing an obscure and mysterious smell. The mysterious black air that gathered in his palms wrapped his right hand completely in an instant.

“The smell… ” Seeing this scene, all of the friars were in a fright.

“Is it… ” Zhao Qian was scared, but he still rushed to Yu Zhencheng. He could in no way retreat now.

“Terrible!” The rest of the friars were seized with a sort of terror which they had never heard of and seen, but it was terrible at the first sight.

“Familiar!” Compared with the fear in the hearts of the people, Ling Changkong was familiar with it. It was inexplicable.

“Go to hell!” Yu Zhencheng spit a syllable, and the palm patted out. A huge black palm print was shooting at him.


A loud sound came, and the black palm seal smashed the shadow of fire phoenix. The residual force directly blew Zhao Qian away.

“Actually… It was demoniac power. He should get a work of demoniac power. ”

Zhao Qian flew back to the gate, staggering and going back a few steps. He could not stand steady until someone supported him. An incredible look emerged on the face of Zhao Qian when he saw Yu Zhencheng in the sky.

It’s not that there were no friars of evil in the world, but only a few in the western states. However, there’s no denying that the friar of evil was stronger than the ordinary friar.

Yu zhencheng not only had practiced the Feng Yan Force, but also had been a friar of evil. Zhao Qian believed that he would fail if the war was going on. It was a threat to the whole Qishan School, even to his life. When he was thinking of this, his eyes flickered.

But Zhao Qian did not know that Yu Zhencheng did not feel well after using the demoniac power. He had been possessed by the Devil and he came here, although the injury did not heal. He broke the Tian Feng sword lineup at first. Then, he fought against Zhao Qian. The power in his body had been restless, and his complexion was also changing again and again. It took him a long time to suppress it.

That’s why he didn’t follow up.

“It’s getting worse and worse. It doesn’t look like it can go on any longer.”

Yu Zhencheng thought to himself. His eyes were still chill. Looking at Zhao Qian, he said: “I just want to take away a person. And it is harmless to accept him as a disciple. Why you disagree?”

“Hum! No one knows what you are thinking about. I would say it again, that it is impossible for you to get a dog from here, let alone a person”. He snorted bitterly. Although Zhao Qian gasped, his tone still seemed as tough as ever.

“Okay, very good. Since you do not agree, today I will slaughter the whole Qishan School to take that person away. I would like to see what you can do.”

Seeing Zhao Qian was so stubborn, Yu Zhencheng was too angry to restrain laughing. Zhao Qian’s face suddenly became gloomy. He started to hesitate.

One person, one School, which was more important?

The others also looked frightened. Was it a doomed day when the master could not cope with Yu Zhencheng?

“Uncle, can you tell me who you want?”

At this moment, a clear and cold voice spread, which let Ling Changkong’s and others’ heart jump. They turned their heads and saw a teenager in white.

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