Immortal Martial God

Chapter 1221 Slow Canyon

Chapter 1221 Slow Canyon

Chapter 1221 Slow Canyon

Suddenly, a tree opened its large eyes wide, as if it was glaring at a diamond, and threw a vine at Xiang Nan "fiercely".

Xiang Nan flipped over and jumped, but for a moment he forgot the "slow" law here. His jump and dodge speed was too fast! So much so that he was directly smashed into the air wall and fiercely bounced back.

The tree vine didn't swing over very fast, but when it landed on Xiang Nan's body, it made Xiang Nan feel a heart-wrenching pain.

"My three-part dragon body!" Xiang Nan looked at his arm in astonishment. His skin and flesh had already been torn apart!


In this place, not only could he not move fast, he could not even circulate his Dipper Qi, his heart rate, blood flow rate, and breathing speed!

Xiang Nan used the normal method to circulate his Astral Qi. As a result, when the Astral Qi was traveling through his meridians, it encountered tremendous resistance, causing it to fail to complete its defenses.

The three parts of the dragon body were provided by the Dragon Blood Pill. That was true, but it also relied on the True Dragon Qi Art.

His Astral Qi was blocked, and the True Dragon Qi was unable to circulate smoothly. The three-part dragon body did not display itself, and its flesh was pulled open by the tree vine.

"Too strange."

The demon tree drew a vine towards Xiang Nan.

This time, Xiang Nan learned a lesson. He calmly circulated his Astral Qi to unimpeded flow through his meridians. Then, he reached out and grabbed the tree vine in his hand. Sure enough, the three-part dragon body worked.

A dragon was a thing that had just reached the sun, and it possessed tremendous restraint against monsters.

When Xiang Nan grabbed the tree vine with his right hand, the tree vine actually started to smoke. The demon tree shook in pain and let out strange screams like ancient bells.

Xiang Nan and his slow speed released a mo ke finger towards the demon tree.

The finger force Mo Ke pointed at had never been so slow before, but the vine itself could not escape too quickly. It also slowly dodged in one direction.

You're slow and I'm slow, but I'll start first. You'll hide later. I'll definitely be the one to arrive first!

The demon tree couldn't dodge and was hit by the slow Mo Ke finger. The finger force slowly penetrated the surface of the demon tree, slowly penetrated its trunk, and slowly penetrated out from the other end.

The Demon Tree opened its mouth and hummed for a while before withering.

"It's really strange." Xiang Nan rubbed his nose, "Master of the Void Realm, what's the point of creating such a slow canyon?"

"Is it just for fun? No, a Heavenly Tribulation Realm expert shouldn't have this kind of leisure."

"However, it's not certain. Every Void Realm master has a different temperament. If the master here is really an old naughty child, it's unknown."

Xiang Nan twisted a handful of soil from the ground and held it in his hand.

Xiang Nan thought to himself. There was indeed a small amount of Spiritual Qi in this soil, which meant that there was once Spiritual Qi in this Void Realm.

However, as the Void Realm Master disappeared, the spiritual energy in this Void Realm was slowly depleted. It might have been thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

After the Void Realm Master disappeared, the rocks and trees here were soaked in spiritual energy all year round, and they had already refined themselves into demons!

More and more demonic creatures began to spit out demonic energy, and then formed a large circle. This caused the spiritual energy to decrease and the demonic energy to increase, thus forming the current state.

Yes, it must be so. Xiang Nan nodded slightly, feeling that he had discovered the cause and effect.

As they advanced, the canyon was filled with plant-type monsters. Occasionally, a demon tree and a demon flower would jump out for Xiang Nan.

After the last time, Xiang Nan was already fully aware of the slow laws of this place, so he calmly killed off the monsters without any effort.

"This canyon must have some deep meaning, but I don't know yet."

Xiang Nan crossed the canyon and looked back.

He hadn't expected that he would be able to cross this region so easily. It was much simpler than he had imagined.

Then why did it exist? It can't really be for fun.

Xiang Nan didn't want to pursue it too much and continued walking forward.

After leaving the canyon, the slow laws disappeared, allowing him to move forward normally.

"This is … the power of divine lightning!" Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat. He could feel a clear fluctuation of the World Devastating Divine Lightning's power coming from the core region of the Void Realm!

The owner of this Void Realm had hidden a World Exterminating Divine Lightning here!

"This is the heavens helping me!" josei

He floated up and prepared to fly. Right in front of him was an ancient jungle. He didn't know what was inside, nor did he want to know. He just needed to hurry to the core region of the Void Realm to find the World Slaying Divine Lightning and absorb it.

Just as Xiang Nan was about to leap through the jungle, a strong light suddenly shot out from the dense jungle!

The bright light tilted upwards and accurately aimed at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan slapped the strong light away, then lowered his head to "see" what kind of monster was attacking him.

Before he could see it clearly, hundreds of strong lights instantly scattered towards him.

He directly condensed a Dipper Qi Shield to block all the strong lights.

Rumbling sounds echoed in his ears.

"How could this be?" Xiang Nan's heart sank abruptly. The intense light this time was much stronger than the first time.

Before he could think about it, thousands of strong lights were thrown out.

Xiang Nan hurriedly erected the Astral Qi Shield twice, and this time, the strong lights struck the Astral Qi Shield, causing a loud explosion.

Thousands of explosions occurred almost at the same time, causing Xiang Nan to vomit blood and fly back.

After landing on the ground, he suddenly covered his chest and felt extremely stuffy.

"What the hell? Something is attacking me. It seems like it can't fly anymore. Otherwise, it will be the target of all monsters."

At this moment, a red-haired monkey suddenly emerged from the forest.

One of the red-furred monkey's eyes seemed to have been blinded by something, leaving only one eye.

He imitated the human posture and pointed at Xiang Nan.

With this finger, a strong light shot out!

"So it's this thing." Xiang Nan pulled out his huge saber and sent the strong light flying.

He couldn't handle thousands of such rays of light, but he was more than enough to deal with one.

"Damn it." Xiang Nan spat, "I wonder what realm this monkey has reached. Its finger power can actually shake my Astral Qi defense."

As he spoke, he slashed his saber and a strong saber light flew towards the monkey.

However, the red-furred monkey chirped as it crawled back into the jungle.

Immediately after, a slightly larger one-eyed red-furred monkey jumped out.

This one-eyed red-furred monkey was only a full circle bigger than before. It also raised its right hand and pointed at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan raised his saber and chopped the finger force away. However, he felt that the finger force was even stronger than the little red-furred monkey's finger force.

Seeing this, the one-eyed red-furred monkey let out a chirp and went back into the jungle.

Immediately after, an even larger one-eyed red-furred monkey jumped out of the jungle! This time, the monkey stood on the ground and was about the same height as Xiang Nan.

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