Immortal Martial God

Chapter 1813 Escape At Night

Chapter 1813 Escape At Night

Chapter 1813 Escape At Night

"What should we do? We can't escape. We'll die." Long Qian'er looked flustered. She had never seen such a scene before.

Xiang Nan strode forward and grabbed her arm. As he ran, he said, "Don't panic, don't resist. His weather will soon run out."

"Follow me! Don't be hit by his sword qi."

Long Qian'er turned around and panicked again. "Not good, they got in the car!" She said.

Xiang Nan turned around and saw that the black-clothed men were driving a few off-road vehicles to pick up Master Li and quickly chase after him.

Master Li stood on the roof of an off-road vehicle, his hands behind his back, his eyes shining with greed in the dark.

"Run, continue, speed up!" Xiang Nan pulled Long Qian'er's arm and increased her speed to the limit.

However, without spiritual energy as the driving force, their running speed was still unable to overtake the vehicle for a period of time. However, their running speed was indeed faster than the vehicle's speed.

Xiang Nan said, "Don't turn around. Keep running! They have no choice but to enter the mountain."

Long Qian'er panicked and said, "Why didn't that person release his sword qi?"

Xiang Nan said, "His sword qi is limited in flight. He can't hit us within fifty meters."

Da da da da da!

Suddenly, a dense rain of gunfire swept over.

Several bullets struck Xiang Nan and Long Qian'er one after another. Long Qian'er snorted and said, "It hurts so much!"

As she spoke, she subconsciously wanted to dodge.

Xiang Nan grabbed her shoulder and said, "Continue running in a straight line, don't move in a curve, or you will be caught up!"

"Don't worry, these bullets won't be able to pierce through our bodies. Hold on, there's no problem."

Long Qian'er was shot in the arm. She hurriedly raised her hand to look at her own arm. Sure enough, she found that there was no bleeding or wound on the spot where the bullet was shot.

This discovery surprised and delighted her.

"Knock them over!" Master Li stood on the roof with a gloomy expression and shouted, "No matter what, capture that woman!"

Da da da da da!

Intense sounds echoed out continuously. Scorching cartridge casings leapt out of the barrels of the guns with white gas, drawing soul-stirring arcs in the night sky.

After those bullets hit Xiang Nan and Long Qian'er, they were like flying stones that collided with rubber and were ejected again, unable to pierce through their skin.


At this moment, Li shouted angrily.

Xiang Nan's pupils constricted and he said, "Damn it, we have to dodge this time. This kind of bullet can affect us."


In the night sky, a crisp sound of a needle striking rang out.

"Get out of the way!" Xiang Nan pushed Long Qian'er away.

A high-speed bullet flew out from between the two of them.

"Very accurate." Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes and looked back. However, he saw a black-clothed man poking out of the window with a heavy sniper rifle in his middle hands.

These people were all brutally trained experts, and they were also very outstanding gunmen.

They were actually able to accurately aim at Xiang Nan and Long Qian'er in the speeding vehicles.


Another crisp sound of a needle striking.

Two snipers! Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, he had just pushed Long Qian'er away, and the two of them hadn't returned to each other.

A high-speed bullet accurately hit Long Qian'er's leg.

Long Qian'er staggered and fell to the ground. She quickly rolled over ten meters on the ground.

Xiang Nan quickly bent down as he ran, picking Long Qian'er up from the ground, and dragging her ashen face, he continued to run wildly.

"It's fine. Don't worry. It's just bruised. It didn't break your defense." Xiang Nan said hurriedly.

Long Qian'er was half dragged and half dragged by Xiang Nan, limping as she sprinted. She saw that the distant mountains had already been clearly outlined.


Another knocking sound came from the knocking needle.

Xiang Nan grabbed Long Qian'er's shoulder and soared into the air. A bullet flew away from his leg.

Ding! Ding!

Xiang Nan suddenly lowered his body when he landed. One bullet flew past his back, while the other passed through his armpit obliquely.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Every time the sound of the needle striking sounded, it was followed by the high explosive roar of the bullet leaving the barrel of the gun, and Pumbaa's voice was endless.

Xiang Nan tossed and turned, dodging all the bullets perfectly over and over again.

The black-clothed people in the car were stunned. The two men with sniper rifles also moved their eyes away from behind the scope. They stared at Xiang Nan, who was running ahead in disbelief. josei

"How did you dodge?" Long Qian'er's chin was about to drop.

Xiang Nan quickly said, "Don't dodge bullets, dodge the muzzle! You can't see the speed of the bullets, but you can see the direction the muzzle is aiming at."

Long Qian'er turned around and saw that in the pitch-black night, she could only see two sniper rifles aiming in this direction.

But, judging the direction of the muzzle? How could this be possible? The muzzle of the gun only needed to be deflected by a millimeter. When flying over a distance of a hundred meters, it could cause a large deviation.

It was simply impossible to determine the flight path of a bullet based on its muzzle.

Xiang Nan saw Long Qian'er's doubts and said, "Nothing much. You have experienced many battles in the future. You can also do this. Perhaps you can be even more powerful than me."

Long Qian'er was deeply shocked by the art of martial arts, and her heart yearned for the magnificent and brilliant world of martial arts.

"Don't be dumbfounded!" Xiang Nan shouted.

At this moment, a bullet shot towards Long Qian'er's back!

Xiang Nan abruptly knocked her away, and he was severely shot in the back by the bullet. At the same time, another bullet hit his leg.

Xiang Nan's right leg felt as if it had been heavily hit, and his entire leg suddenly rushed forward, causing him to roll on the ground.

"Ah!" Long Qian'er screamed in panic.

As Xiang Nan rolled, he shouted, "Leave me alone, run! Just run!"

He landed on the ground and picked up a stone. When he stood up, he turned around and threw the stone at an off-road vehicle with snipers.

Peng! Pu! Pumbaa!

This terrifying rock shattered the windshield at an astonishing speed, piercing through the sniper's chest, and then piercing through the back seat and body.

The sniper let out a miserable scream and lay motionless on the window.

Xiang Nan stood up and ran wildly. He picked up another stone and threw it at another car.

There was the last sniper in the car, and the jeep turned sharply, drawing a large arc and drifting towards the roadside, trying to dodge the rock.

However, the stone that Xiang Nan ran out of seemed to have been predicted in advance. Even though the off-road vehicle dodged in time, it still acted as if it had taken the initiative to welcome the stone. The stone shredded the windshield and smashed the sniper's chest open.

The vehicle floated horizontally, leaving behind two black brake marks on the ground. At the same time, the vehicle started to violently roll over and fell off the cliff by the roadside with a rumble.

However, these two strikes also slowed down Xiang Nan's running speed.

The distance was enough.


A sharp and swift sword qi pierced through the air!

This speed of deceleration was already at the 3rd level of the Xiantian realm, and it could be said to be astonishingly fast.

With Xiang Nan's lack of spiritual energy and body tempering state, it was simply not enough to dodge such a high-speed sword energy.

He had tried his best to dodge, but the sword qi still flew past his back.


A large cut was made on Xiang Nan's clothes, and a deep wound visible to the bones was left on his back!

Red flesh rolled out and fresh blood gushed out.

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