Immortal Martial God

Chapter 692 Beef

Chapter 692 Beef

Chapter 692 Beef

"Dammit, why is it getting colder and colder in this blizzard?"

Xiang Nan walked alone in the vast snowy plains with a deep foot and a shallow kick. Looking back, the string of similarly lonely footprints behind him was quickly drowned by the snowstorm.

He raised his head and looked up into the sky. There was a vast expanse of snow and wind in the sky, and he could not see the sun's position.

The most unexpected thing happened to Xiang Nan. He discovered that he had lost his way!

Without the guidance of the sun and the stars, he couldn't find where to go. There were no plants in the snowy plains, and it couldn't be judged according to the direction of the plants and the tree rings.

He opened the storage ring and took out a compass. This compass was taken away by him when he was searching for Tan Bu Hui's storage ring.

However, the pointer on the compass made Xiang Nan feel the seriousness of the problem. The pointer was actually spinning wildly.

"The magnetic field here is extremely strange." Xiang Nan frowned, and then the needle froze.

He shook his head and put the compass back into his storage ring. He muttered to himself, "This place of cold winter should be blown by the north wind. Judging from the direction of the wind, it may be possible to judge …"

He walked forward against the cold wind and felt that his entire body was extremely cold, and even the circulation of Yuan Qi in his body was somewhat unsmooth.

He circulated the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill to resist the cold, but it didn't work!

"How could this be" Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat. The Nine Purities Cosmos Skill had never failed, and it could still play a role even in the face of the terrifying green fire poison.

And now, the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill could not be used to defend against a small frost! This situation made Xiang Nan feel incredulous.

Moreover, he felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and even his consciousness was a little blurry.

He hurriedly turned his Yuan Qi into flames and used it to roast his body, but the effect was still not satisfactory. The flames could make his body feel warm, but he didn't know what was going on inside his body, or was it just a single word, cold!

Within the boundless snowy plains, the sky gradually darkened. Xiang Nan's entire body was wrapped in flames as he advanced through the ice and snow. His body had already begun to tilt a little.

He felt his head hurt and his consciousness became a little blurry.

He was exhausted and felt a strong sense of sleepiness engulfing him. His eyelids kept drooping and he felt heavier and heavier.

He took out a bag of strong liquor from his storage ring and poured it into his mouth, but the wine bag was frozen hard the moment he took it out.

He simply tore the wine bag into pieces and burned the ice with flames. The melted wine fell into his mouth, and before he could swallow it, it condensed into ice.

"It's so cold" Xiang Nan hugged his shoulders and shivered. He took out all the robes he had prepared and put them on his body one by one.

He did not know how long he had been walking, but in the vast night, he was unable to distinguish the direction, nor could he see the path ahead.

Gradually, he couldn't hold on any longer. His heavy eyelids made him lose his resistance, and he slowly fell into the snow. His entire body trembled.

Half asleep and half awake, he seemed to hear someone talking. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but then he felt his body being dragged along.

Finally, Xiang Nan completely lost consciousness and fainted.

After an unknown amount of time, a strong chill woke Xiang Nan up.

He suddenly opened his eyes and found himself lying on a simple big bed.

This seemed to be an inn, and it was the simplest kind. This kind of inn had no guest rooms at all, only a large bunk.

It was a huge earth kang, on which all the innkeeper lay sleeping together.

Beside the kang was the hall of the inn. At this moment, there were more than thirty people sitting at the table eating in the hall.

"Eh? You're awake!" A girl wearing a fluffy coat ran over in surprise.

Xiang Nan felt an incomparable headache. He looked at the girl and asked, "Did you save me?" josei

"Yes, our team found you lying on the snow halfway, so they brought you over." The girl took off her hat and her long golden hair jumped out.

Only then did Xiang Nan realize that all the diners in the hall looked a little "strange". Their pupils were green, and their hair was either golden or red.

Xiang Nan struggled to support himself and said, "What kind of place is this?"

Not far away, a group of burly men were drinking around the table. One of them said in a low voice, "Young man, you're sick, but you're lucky. This is the only inn in a thousand miles."

"Sick? Who? Me?" Xiang Nan pointed at his nose in disbelief.

My dignified Heaven Origin Realm martial artist is actually sick?

Xiang Nan was stunned for a long time. A martial artist's body was extremely strong. A minor illness like a typhoid fever was impossible to appear on his body.

However, after thinking about it carefully, this was the only explanation.

Otherwise, how could the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill not be able to help him defend against the cold? That technique could heal injuries and expel poison. However, when the Heavenly Dao Old Man created this technique, he did not take disease into account, so it did not have the effect of treating illnesses.

No one would have thought that a martial artist who could cultivate the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill would get sick.

"What's going on" Xiang Nan frowned, unable to understand why he was sick.

The girl had already brought over a plate of steaming sauce beef and said, "Hurry up and eat it. It's hot."

Xiang Nan could not help but smell the beef. He hurriedly grabbed it with his hand and stuffed the delicious minced beef into his mouth.

The beef was delicious and chewy, and the rich juice left a fragrance in his mouth.

Xiang Nan had already forgotten that it had been a long time since he had felt this kind of hunger. He only felt that the beef was extremely delicious and wanted to chew his own tongue into pieces.

"Slow down, slow down." Seeing Xiang Nan gobbling down his food, the girl couldn't help but giggle. She brought another pot of wine and said, "No one wants to snatch it from you. If one plate isn't enough, I'll get you another plate."

"Quick, quick, another set, no, two sets!" Xiang Nan stuffed his mouth full of meat and poured a few mouthfuls of liquor into his mouth. The spicy liquor flowed down his throat into his stomach, causing Xiang Nan to shiver.

"This is a good Coldwinter Triangle Bull. Every one of them is worth a hundred gold coins when sold on the outside continent." The girl said proudly.

"Triangle?" Xiang Nan was stunned, "What kind of cow can grow into a triangular shape …"

"Pfft" The girl was also drinking. Hearing Xiang Nan's words, she directly sprayed wine all over Xiang Nan's body. She was out of breath and smiled, "What triangle? It's three horns!"

"Oh …" Xiang Nan felt extremely embarrassed.

Xiang Nan was satisfied with his food and wine, but his body was still weak. He took out a bag of gold coins from his storage ring and said, "There should be two to three hundred gold coins in it, enough to pay for your beef."

The girl was not polite either. She took the purse and said, "You ate less than a cow. The rest is for medicine. I'll cook some herbs for you."

Xiang Nan's mental state was much better. He immediately sat down cross-legged and began to slowly circulate the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill , trying to strengthen his body's resistance to the disease.

Not far away, those burly men laughed and said, "Little brother must not be a native. This place is cold and harsh, and the weather is extremely harsh."

"Most people who come to Beiyang Continent for the first time will get sick. This is not new."

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