Immortal Martial God

Chapter 916 One Last Shot

Chapter 916 One Last Shot

Chapter 916 One Last Shot

"Ah, what is that!" Xiao Wan pointed at the cave tunnel outside and shouted.

Xue Lu hurriedly ran over and saw a large amount of black gas gushing in from the entrance of the cave.

"Shit, it's poison! Close the door!"

Everyone panicked. The gate of the palace had already been shattered. Everyone could only bring the big bed over and seal the door.

The mad monk used his Yuan Qi to fill all the cracks. When the black gas arrived at the palace entrance, it would no longer be able to enter.

Xiang Nan whispered in the mad monk's ear, "He will definitely come in to inspect it later. When he finds out that there is a big bed at the door, he will destroy it and give him an unexpected blow at that time."

"Everyone, don't speak! Don't make any noise."

Xiang Nan stood behind the mad monk and channeled his power to him, while the mad monk condensed a mo ke finger, allowing the light to always condense at the tip of his finger without releasing it.

Everyone else covered their mouths, not daring to breathe a single mouthful of air.

The entire palace was extremely quiet. Everyone was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere.

Time passed, minute by minute. There was only one hour left until dawn.

However, everyone's mood became more and more nervous.

"The time for the Phaseless Tribulation Finger has passed." Xiang Nan put his fingers together and put on the shape of the Tribulation-free Finger. Black light condensed at the tip of his finger and did not dissipate.

The cave tunnel outside the door was also silent.

A few minutes later, a wave of Yuan Qi suddenly appeared outside.

"Now!" Xiang Nan whispered in the mad monk's ear.

The crazy monk grabbed Xiang Nan's finger and threw out the black light of the Tribulation-free Finger first. Then, he caught up with a powerful Mo Ke Finger that had accumulated strength for a long time and had reached its maximum power!

A strand of Dipper Qi shot in from the outside, directly destroying the large bed into countless pieces!

At the same time, the finger power of the Phaseless Tribulation Finger and the Mo Ke Finger brushed past the finger power of the Shadow Hunter who shot the big bed!

A miserable scream came from the cave, and then the miserable scream disappeared into the distance.

"Block the door!" Xiang Nan shouted.

Everyone moved all sorts of things and threw them towards the palace entrance. Mad Monk used his Yuan Qi to shatter those things and glued the fragments into a wall, blocking the entrance once again.

There was already some black gas rushing in. Xiang Nan asked everyone to sit down, then everyone held hands with each other. Xiang Nan used the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill to cross into one person's body and transmit it to the second person, the third person, and the fourth person.

Everyone was protected by the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill from the faint black gas.

After a while, footsteps appeared in the cave outside.

"Come out, you won't be able to escape!" The tall voice came in.

"Haha, come out by yourself. We can spare your lives. As long as you hand over the Void Stones, you can leave alive." Another person's voice came in.

Everyone was shocked. Indeed, the Tall had called for reinforcements!

"Bad, bad." Everyone's faces turned pale, knowing that a great calamity was imminent.

Jiang Xue Lu, however, did not panic in the face of danger. She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Since that's the case, why don't you rush in and kill us? Why are you shouting nonsense outside?"

"To tell you the truth, Xiang Bei's Prisoner's Mark has disappeared. He only wanted to kill you by moving his fingers."

"Haha, don't lie to me." Outside the door, the Tall sneered, "If his mark had disappeared, he would have rushed out long ago."

Outside, another short and fat Shadow Hunter also had the Heaven Scryer First Stage. He whispered to the Tall , "Who is Xiang Bei?"

The Tall whispered, "I don't know, but that kid is indeed not simple. I can feel a hidden threat from him. If he really recovers his strength, the two of us may not be their match."

"Moreover, these two fellows can unleash the Tribulation-free Finger together."

At this moment, a panicked cry came from the palace, "You've seen through it! Don't come in, don't come in!"

The short and fat martial artist was immediately overjoyed and said, "The mark of Xiang Bei hasn't disappeared yet. Let's rush in!"

The Tall hurriedly grabbed the short and fat martial artist's arm and said, "Be careful of their tricks! That stinking woman suddenly changed her tone. She must have deliberately tricked us into going in."

As he spoke, the Tall shouted, "I know that you are from the General Clan. Actually, we don't need to fight like this. As long as you hand over the Void Stone, I will let you live."

"To tell you the truth, I will have a companion rushing over in a short while. Even if I want to let you go, my companion may not be willing to let you go."

Inside, Xue Lu shouted, "Then come in and get it. I'll put the Void Stone on the ground." josei

Xiang Nan and Mad Monk exchanged glances and both gave Jiang Xuelu a thumbs up.

Outside, the two Shadow Hunters also exchanged glances, both of them feeling extremely headaches.

The Tall 's expression changed a few times. He gritted his teeth and carefully walked towards the entrance of the palace. "Alright, I'm coming!"

"Alright, you do it!" Cold sweat broke out on Xue Lu's forehead.

"I'm almost there!" The Tall said tentatively. Although he was advancing, he assumed a posture that he was ready to escape at any moment.

"Alright, come in. The Void Stone is on the ground. It's yours." Xue Lu tightly gripped the corner of her clothes, her arms trembling, but her voice was incomparably steady!

The Tall finally reached the door, but he didn't dare to stand on the road. Instead, he leaned his body firmly against the rock wall and said, "I'm here. I'm going to open the door."

Xue Lu rolled her eyes and immediately pretended to be panicked. Her voice was filled with tears, "Don't, don't, don't come in. I was lying just now. Please don't come in."

"There's deceit!" The Tall trembled coldly and immediately retreated, his heart pounding.

Jiang Xuelu's tone suddenly changed. This made the Tall think that Xue Lu was deliberately pretending to be afraid so as to deceive him into entering the door and capture him in one fell swoop.

"This, this, this, neither is entering nor retreating. Could it be that I'm just wasting my time here?" The short fatty stomped his feet angrily.

The Tall took a deep breath and said, "I'm not afraid of wasting any time. As long as we have another companion, it's fine for us to barge in."

The short fatty said, "Doesn't that mean the credit should be divided equally among the three of us? How irritating!"

As time passed, the prisoner mark on Xiang Nan's forehead became fainter and fainter, leaving only a dazed shadow.

"Five minutes is enough!" Xiang Nan clenched his fists.

Suddenly, a shout came from outside the door, "I don't care anymore, I want to rush in!"

"Don't!" The Tall hurriedly said.

However, the short fatty didn't have that much heart and mind. He couldn't stand this kind of anger and rushed towards the door.

Seeing this, the Tall was helpless, so he could only brave the scalp and rush over with the short fatty.

Everyone in the palace had ashes on their faces.

Xue Lu was also stunned. She did not expect that there would be such an impulsive person in the Night Demon, but that impulsive person was right outside the door.

As long as the two of them rushed in, everyone in the palace would undoubtedly die!

"Little Junior Brother, I can only buy you three minutes! When I die, remember to take care of my wife!" The mad monk roared as he placed his staff on the ground, causing his vitality to soar!

His realm had crazily soared to the eighth level of the Heavenly Yuan Realm, and his entire body had turned blood red, and his eyes were incomparably red.

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