Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 127 - The Divine Pillar Became a Sword, What does the Demon Continent Become?

Chapter 127 - The Divine Pillar Became a Sword, What does the Demon Continent Become?

Chapter 127 - The Divine Pillar Became a Sword, What does the Demon Continent Become?

"Is that what you think, then?" Yun Xiao looked up at him.

"Ha! I must admit, it's a bit awkward for me to say, and it's a little unfair to the billion sword scars on the Sword Dao monument," Stray Dog said with a peculiar expression. "But it's what our people have been saying for generations. I've heard it so much that I've become quite conditioned to it."

Stray Dog hadn't expected that Yun Xiao, a Sword Cultivator, would be unaware of this piece of history. But on second thought, the Sword Realm had experienced an annihilation in the past. Now, with new inhabitants settling in this land, past animosities had long been washed away by the rains into the vast sea. What was the point of dredging up history?

Therefore, those higher up must have suppressed tales of these old events. And just like that, the resentment of a billion fallen heroes faded away, leaving nothing behind.

Yun Xiao was silent for what felt like an eternity. Finally, he said to Stray Dog, "Thanks."

"Just sharing what I know. No need for thanks," Stray Dog replied after a pause. "Let the past be the past. We need to focus on the present. Remember what I told you earlier? The War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm is approaching, and demonic prodigies will take the stage. Our Divine Dawn Empress's marriage decree will undoubtedly draw the most terrifying of demons to the fray."

"Though humans and demons can't produce offspring, think about it," Stray Dog continued. "She's a fifteen-year-old human prodigy and the Empress of our empire. If a demon were to legitimately marry her, wouldn't that be like trampling over our pride? And we'd have to kneel and humbly call that demon our Emperor Consort. If you were a demon, wouldn't that feel amazing? So, I've heard the entire Demon Continent is in a frenzy."

"Oh?" Yun Xiao's eyes narrowed. He shot a glance at Chen Xi, who was steering their vessel. She's not a Sword Cultivator, yet she's joining the War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm, under the title of the Forbidden Tower's holy maiden from the Sword Realm?

The Divine Dawn Empress herself was joining the battle! What could her aim be?

"Why the Divine Dawn Empress would make such an outlandish decision, we may never understand. But mark my words, this upcoming War of Immortals in the Heavenly Realm will be the fiercest clash of talents in the histories of both the Divine Continent and Demon Continent!" Stray Dog raised an eyebrow. "Given this backdrop, just ponder a moment: how sensitive will your participation be, as a Galaxy grade Sword Cultivator talent from the Sword Realm?"

"Had you only been some Lin Chen, your appearance would've stirred little more than a ripple. You'd go up there, the demons might have a laugh, wax nostalgic for a moment, and move on. But... you are the first Sword Emperor since the Sword Realm's extinction!"

Stray Dog took a deep breath, looking intently at Yun Xiao. "Look, I've read my fair share of history, and I've got a soft spot for Sword Cultivators. The Sword Realm and our Martial Realm share the same fiery spirit. That's why I've taken it upon myself to come up and lay out the stakes for you. After weighing all the facts, my sincere advice? Turn around, go home, bide your time, and for goodness' sake, don't march off to the Heavenly Realm to meet your doom!"

"Heh," Yun Xiao chuckled, shrugging. "Once the bow is drawn, there's no turning back the arrow."

"I knew it!" Stray Dog slapped his forehead. "What was I thinking, trying to get a Sword Cultivator hotshot like you to hold his temper? Impossible! If you backed down now, where would your fiery spirit be? A tempered Sword Cultivator might as well have a limp blade!"

"Regardless, I appreciate the sentiment," Yun Xiao said, genuine gratitude shining in his eyes. Were it not for Stray Dog's advice, his urge to join the War of Immortals might not have intensified to such a degree. He hadn't made a move, yet his sword already hummed in anticipation.

"One last thing, Dog Bro," Yun Xiao inquired. "Are there any other Sword Cultivators in the Heavenly Realm?"

"There are whispers of three lineages," Stray Dog replied. "Descendants of the ancient Sword Realm. Survivors who have kept the spark of Sword Cultivation alive. But they keep a low profile, rarely making waves."

Three lineages of Sword Cultivators?

Yun Xiao mentally bookmarked that piece of information. Just then, a voice, tinged with urgency, rang out.


"What is it?" Yun Xiao looked down.

"There's a Primordial Coffin trembling!" Blue Star declared.

After the emergence of the Heaven Burial Primordial Coffin, they still had nine of these Primordial Coffins left inside them, the most mysterious objects discovered before the fall of the Creator Immortal.

"Which one?" Yun Xiao asked.

"The Prison Warden!"

Yun Xiao remembered—it was a violet coffin, filled with an intensely ominous aura.

"Why's it shaking?" Yun Xiao pondered aloud.

"The only reason would be its proximity to a Dao Source!" Blue Star exclaimed excitedly.

"Like the Dao Source of the Divine Pillar in the Divine Continent?" A tremor rippled through Yun Xiao's heart. He knew well the colossal nature of the Divine Pillar.

"Brother!" At that moment, from a short distance, Stray Dog approached, pointing beyond the clouds, saying gravely, "Look there!"

Following his gaze, Yun Xiao saw through the mist a vast expanse of black and violet terrain. It was distant, but even from afar, one could feel the overpowering, eerie, and malevolent energy emanating from it.

"What is that?" Yun Xiao squinted.

An endless land of violet darkness?

"That, my friend, is the Demon Continent! A sudden and vast territory! It casts a shadow over the Divine Continent!" Stray Dog grumbled with a hint of animosity.

"Oh..." Yun Xiao lowered his gaze and inquired of the little black creature in his arms, "Demon Continent, is it the Dao Source?"

"Absolutely!" Blue Star confirmed.

"Could it possibly merge with the Prison Warden Coffin, becoming something akin to my Heaven Burial Sword Soul?" Yun Xiao's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Again, absolutely!" Blue Star confirmed once more.

"Then I'll just go to the Demon Continent and absorb it, sending all the demons plummeting to their deaths," Yun Xiao said coldly.

"That won't work," Blue Star retorted.

"Why not?"

"Firstly, stronger demons wouldn't die from a fall. Without their land, most of them would land in the Divine Continent, infringing upon human territories," Blue Star explained.

Yun Xiao pondered. Raining demons from the sky... What would become of the common folk?

"Secondly, the Prison Warden Coffin is just beginning to shake. I need to study how to unlock it. It's incredibly enigmatic, even your past self previously couldn't decipher it," Blue Star added.

"So, what should I do to get this ?" Yun Xiao asked.

With a dismissive smirk, Blue Star quipped, "Patience, my friend. There's always a way."

"Ah, always in a rush. You never change, do you?" Red Moon sneered.

"And you aren't?" Yun Xiao shot back, an eyebrow raised. "Still thirsting for that demon milk?"

Red Moon huffed, "I've been with you all this time and not a single drop! You promised!"

"One more word, and by the end, you won't get even a sip," Yun Xiao warned.

Red Moon's eyes widened, resembling two swirling red saucers. For a moment, it looked like it had been hit by a bolt from the blue.

Yun Xiao then turned to Stray Dog to get a clearer picture of the Immortal Empire. The so-called Heavenly Realm was a unique world apart from the present one, often referred to as a pocket universe. Inside, spiritual energy was so dense, it felt almost liquid. It flowed with an even more potent aura, the aura of Immortals. The resources for cultivators in this realm were incomparably richer than anywhere else.

The Heavenly Realm was essentially the capital of the Immortal Empire, and the Divine Dawn Empress was its ruler and the Empress of the Immortal Empire. The most influential clans and factions of cultivators made the Heavenly Realm their training ground. josei

Beyond the Heavenly Realm, there were ninety-nine territories on the vast lands of the Divine Continent, including the Sword Realm and the Martial Realm. These territories were akin to provinces of the Immortal Empire, while those in the Heavenly Realm often referred to them as the lower realms.

An empire of cultivators, where everyone followed the path, was ruled from the Heavenly Realm. The Grand Temple Academy was a place for the next generation of cultivators. Apart from that, there were ten other powerful organizations, such as the Six Immortal Divisions, the Ancestral Temple, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Army. All functioned under the command of the Immortal Empire.

And atop this vast structure sat one supreme figure—the Divine Dawn Empress.

For Yun Xiao, this was where his destiny converged. With his newfound understanding, passion ignited within him. Ahead of their celestial ship, a magnificent golden sphere appeared, vast and looming outside the boundaries of their world.

"That... is the Heavenly Realm!" He barely got a look before streaks of alternating black and white divine lights roared towards them.

HUM HUM HUM! In an instant, overwhelming magic power halted the celestial ship, anchoring it like a ship caught in the mire.

BOOM! The ship trembled. Powerful figures descended from the heavens, landing atop the vessel. Their overwhelming energy felt like countless mountains pressing down, suffocating everyone below.

Lifting his gaze, Yun Xiao realized that these figures... they were all elders! Many appeared ancient, their presence undeniable.

Each of them bore a distinct characteristic—a profound depth of knowledge, the aura of seasoned educators, brimming with vast wisdom, possessing unparalleled talents... A pride typical of scholars, concealed deep within their chests. The Grand Temple! The premier academy of the Heavenly Realm in the Immortal Empire.

"So many daoists of the Wind Fire Tribulation Realm..." someone murmured.

"This is bad!" another exclaimed.

More than a dozen participants from various realms turned pale, hastily distancing themselves, all the while attempting to explain to the daoists of the Grand Temple.

"It was these two from the Sword Realm. They killed the Grand Temple's designated guides!"

Suddenly, the gazes of the numerous daoists converged on Yun Xiao and Chen Xi.

"Sword Realm?" some wondered, a touch of unfamiliarity in their voice.

Of the ninety-nine territories of the Immortal Empire, the Sword Realm might not be the least regarded, but it was certainly close.

"Is that teacher Chen Xuan?" someone whispered.

"For someone of his stature to personally attend... It speaks to the gravity of the matter."

"Of course it's grave. Students from the Heavenly Realm's Grand Temple went to the mortal world as a sign of respect. And what happened? They were killed!"

"In a mortal country, this would be akin to offing the Emperor's personal envoy without a second thought."

In such a situation, those daring enough to approach Yun Xiao and Chen Xi surely had powerful backers.

However, even under these circumstances, the man called Stray Dog turned to Yun Xiao and said, "Bro, I'm out of my depth here. Standing our ground might bring big trouble for my old man back home."

His concern wasn’t about the people before him, but rather the intricate web of powerful families and factions they represented from the Heavenly Realm, a vast ocean of power in the Immortal Empire.

"It's fine," Yun Xiao glanced at Chen Xi, "This doesn't concern me. I'm just here to pick up the scraps..."

Stray Dog, dumbfounded, muttered, "Isn't this the mess you stirred up?" For a beauty like her to stand up for you, and you won't stand beside her in life and death? While Stray Dog couldn’t see Chen Xi's face, his gut told him that with her demeanor, she couldn't be anything short of stunning.

At that moment, the foremost daoist, named Chen Xuan, took a step forward. Surprisingly, he gave a respectful bow to Yun Xiao and Chen Xi, saying, "I am Chen Xuan. Greetings to the two prodigies."

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