Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 130 - Nine Steps to Heaven, Cosmic Pagoda!

Chapter 130 - Nine Steps to Heaven, Cosmic Pagoda!

Chapter 130 - Nine Steps to Heaven, Cosmic Pagoda!

In the heart of a misty expanse, laden with an ambience of ethereal grace, the chiming of bells rang out, echoing a vast and profound aura.

Hidden within a veil of white fog stood palaces and pavilions, exuding an air of elegance, simplicity, and righteous aura. Every five steps revealed a new building, every ten unveiled a pavilion. Hanging within these structures were paintings and scrolls, while dignified scholars and artists, brimming with an Immortal aura, ambled through the corridors and courtyards. With every stride, they covered a distance of thirty feet, their robes fluttering behind them.

The courtyards showcased rocks, artificial mountains, and ponds, all radiating an air of deep knowledge and wisdom.

This place was none other than the Grand Temple, a revered and exalted location within the Heavenly Realm. It was the cradle of culture and knowledge for the Immortal Empire.

Young members of various noble families came here to learn the arts of cultivation and governance. Between the ages of ten and twenty, almost all influential scholars and warriors of the Immortal Empire would train at the Grand Temple, ensuring they walk a righteous path in both deed and spirit.

The strength of the Immortal Empire was rooted in its traditions and education. The Grand Temple was not only its sacred land of legacy but also a battlefield where the youth of noble families proved their mettle.

Those who distinguished themselves at the Grand Temple were bound to become pillars of the Immortal Empire, taking their rightful places in the Six Immortal Divisions, Ancestral Temple, Great Dao Pavilion, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, etc., shining bright for their homeland.

Now, the Heavenly Realm's War of Immortals hosted by the Grand Temple was imminent. The entire temple, from the teachers to the students, was abuzz, preparing for the influx of competitors.

However, within the vast temple grounds, one courtyard stood out, a haven of peace amid the hustle and bustle, like a serene stream.

Within this courtyard was a fish pond. Next to it, a reclining chair swayed gently. A young man in white lay on it. His eyes sparkled like stars, his face was radiant, and he had a handsome, carefree demeanor.

A straw dangled from his lips. He rested his hands behind his head, gazing into the distance, lost in thought. Suddenly, he reached out a hand. A radiant, nine-tiered pagoda materialized on his palm, its brilliance so dazzling that the space around it seemed to warp, clearly an artifact not of this mundane realm.

"Grandpa Pagoda, you there?" The young man shouted abruptly at the shining pagoda.

"Dammit!" From atop the pagoda, an elderly figure in gray robes materialized, looking peeved. "How many times must I tell you? I was in deep slumber! Deep! Quit bothering me!"

Amid the ambient sounds, the young man in white, who exuded a casual confidence, let out a chuckle. "Sleeping? You were probably daydreaming some inappropriate dreams, weren't you?" he teased with a grin.

"Get lost!" the old man in the gray robe retorted.

Chuckling, the youth spat out the piece of straw he was idly chewing on and said, "Enough joking. Here's the good news. I've fully integrated the stars of the first layer of the Cosmic Pagoda into my being. Now, assist me in unlocking the second layer's Martial Star. I'm ready to commence the second phase of the Nine Heavens Star Technique."

"That quickly?" The old man in the robe was taken aback. He thought to himself, "This kid is even more formidable than his parents anticipated. If he can cultivate the Nine Heavens Star Technique to the second layer, reaching unity with the heavens is a genuine possibility."

"Enough talk, open it." The youth's eyes sparkled as he held the stellar tower in his hands.

"Lil Chen!" The old man whispered, his voice heavy with concern. "Consider this carefully. Once I release the second layer's Cosmic Pagoda, it will immediately drain your magic power, rendering you a cripple again. With the upcoming Heavenly Realm's War of Immortals being of utmost importance to you, aren't you afraid of setbacks?"

"Relax," the youth stretched leisurely and replied with a carefree smile. "The Cosmic Pagoda's ability to alter time has improved. Inside, I have all the time I need for cultivation. As for the War of Immortals, I'll just lay low for a bit, making sure I don't miss the final showdown. The journey doesn't matter; all I need is the silent awe at the very end."

The old man in the robe shook his head in amusement. "Last time, when the Cosmic Pagoda manifested, you hit rock bottom and even got your engagement called off. Now, once you plunge into the abyss again, those demons and monsters you once trounced will probably come out to mock you."

"Heh. If they think they haven't been slapped hard enough, then they haven't seen anything yet." The youth smirked. "After absorbing the second Cosmic Star, I'll just claim I've lost my mind to demonization."

"You have an unyielding spirit that thrives in adversity. Your parents would be proud." The old man looked fondly at the youth. "After this ordeal and once you've assimilated the Cosmic Pagoda, your Nine Heavens Star Technique will progress further. By then, you might even rival the Divine Dawn Empress. Like you, she's undoubtedly a prodigy."

Speaking of the Divine Dawn Empress, a playful gleam appeared in the youth's eyes. "Yes, she's quite intriguing," he remarked, laughing lightly. "Certainly more so than that short-sighted marshal's daughter from the Chen Clan."

"She's already bruised and battered thanks to you." The old man laughed softly. "The Chen Clan, at least, were wise enough to recognize your potential. They labeled her a sinner and distanced themselves from her. Otherwise, they would've lost at least half their members this year. Your decisive and ruthless nature is something they've witnessed and are rightfully wary of."

"I heard her old man's still pretty stubborn. When I've merged with the second Cosmic Star, the first thing I'm gonna do is twist off the head of that arrogant Nine Heavens Immortal Army Supreme Marshal..." The youth in white declared, a nonchalant glint in his eyes.

He vividly remembered the day of the broken engagement, the face of that man. Although he'd already crushed Chen Xi underfoot, this was far from over.

"By the way, Grandpa Pagoda." The youth turned to the old man in gray robes, "Once I've cultivated the Nine Heavens Star Technique to the second level, you'll finally tell me who my real parents are, right?"

"Ahem!" The old man in gray robes hastily shook his head. "They're just ordinary folk."

"Ordinary folk that can pierce through a pocket universe with a single finger?" The youth retorted. "Rest assured, even if I knew, I won't get all high and mighty."

"And why would you? Get arrogant and you'll be dead before you know it," the old man shot back, eyes glaring.

"Why's that?" The youth's eyes narrowed coldly.

The old man sighed deeply, staring at the youth for a moment before finally saying, "All I can tell you is they're in peril. They're being hunted down, on the run, with no time for you."

"Hunted?" Coldness flashed in the youth's eyes.

"Yes. You're their last hope. Stay here, grow strong, and I'll be with you every step of the way, helping you turn the Nine Heavens Stars and tread the heavens in nine steps."

"Is that so..." A fire ignited in the youth's eyes. "When can I join them on their battlefield?"

"When you've cultivated the Nine Heavens Star Technique to the sixth level," the old man replied.

"Alright, noted." The youth pursed his lips, looking into the distance. "Divine Dawn Empress? Interesting..."

Just then, a young girl burst in with news. josei

"Senior Brother Ye!!" The girl panted, somewhat displeased.

"What's up?" The youth, known as Ye Xingchen, put away his Cosmic Pagoda and stood up.

The girl pouted, disdain evident. "I heard Chen Xi's back!"


The Chen Heavenly Mansion, within its vast confines stood the grand hall known as the Chen Clan Soul Hall. Inside, the hall sprawled with expanses of white jade floor, surrounded by thousands of seats.

At this moment, the atmosphere inside the Chen Clan Soul Hall was solemn, an oppressive silence reigning supreme.

Yun Xiao stood by the entrance, his gaze stretching ahead. On the vast white jade floor, a young woman in a white dress, her face obscured by a white tiger mask, stood alone. She was the solitary focal point of countless eyes upon her.

High above, at the very front of the hall, sat fifteen elevated thrones. To their left and right were two rows of a hundred white jade seats, with thousands more filling the rest of the space. Most of these seats were occupied. All were of the Chen Clan from the Heavenly Realm.

Despite his distance, Yun Xiao could distinctly sense that the cultivation level of these beings from the Heavenly Realm far surpassed those of the Sword Realm. Wherever his eyes roamed, among the thousands from the Chen Clan, elders and young ones alike, none seemed ordinary.

Any of them, if placed in the Sword Realm, would undoubtedly be considered top-tier geniuses and mighty warriors.

Imagine the immense pressure from the combined magic power of these thousands pressing down on a single person—the weight borne by Chen Xi was almost unimaginable. Yet, through it all, not a single strand of her long hair fluttered.

A resonating hum filled the air.

The figure seated in the middle of the highest row of thrones slowly opened his mouth. Even before he spoke, the air vibrated, sending shockwaves rippling toward Yun Xiao.

This man, clad in golden armor, was tall and imposing. He wore a golden helmet, his eyes gleaming like that of a golden panther. The armor over his chest was engraved with the image of a fierce, golden, droopy-eyed tiger.

The Chen Clan was a breed of fierce warriors, every one of them fierce as tigers and leopards. Their blood seemed to run hot with ferocity, a trait carved into their very beings. So, it was no wonder that in the Heavenly Realm, the Chen Clan frequently produced top-ranking generals of unparalleled valor.

"Chen Xi," the imposing man in golden armor said, looking down at her with a powerful intensity.

"Uncle," Chen Xi replied, casting a fleeting glance at him before her gaze settled on the vacant throne beside him. "Where's my father?"

"Demons from the Demon Continent are amassing in great numbers. Your father is currently deploying the Nine Heavens Immortal Army and setting up defensive formations," the man in gold informed her.

"Oh. Well, then, get someone to notify him. Tell him to come back," Chen Xi ordered.

The golden-armored man remained silent.

"Enough!" Suddenly, next to the golden-armored man, an elder with a long beard, clad in dark green battle armor designed for Immortals, slammed his hand on the table. He glared fiercely at Chen Xi. "Banishing you from the clan was meant to offer you a way to survive! Now, at the cusp of the War of Immortals, an incredibly sensitive period, what on earth brought you back? And you expect your father to abandon his duties in such a crucial moment? Do you think the demon invasion is child's play?"

His words set the hall abuzz, and many from the Chen Clan whispered among themselves, casting sidelong glances at Chen Xi.

"The old Clan King and Ye Xingchen's grandfather were the best of friends, which led to their betrothal. They were a match made in heaven, but alas, Chen Xi couldn't see his worth. She's been a disaster," one whispered.

"Just last year, she embarrassed us all. I thought she'd have learned her lesson by now, but she's still as reckless as ever. Killing a few students from the Grand Temple was bad enough, but she even killed dozens of teachers! How will we ever explain this to the Grand Temple? And what about our clan's students studying there?" another hissed.

"She's just returned from the mortal realm. She probably has no idea how powerful Ye Xingchen has become in the year since she last faced him. Even some of the most esteemed elders in the Heavenly Realm aren't a match for him. Rumor has it he's close to rivaling the Divine Dawn Empress in talent," another remarked.

"The Empress stands alone, but behind Ye Xingchen is the entire Ye Royal Family. They have ruled the Heavenly Realm for longer than anyone," yet another voice chimed in.

"She's so short-sighted," someone concluded with a sigh.

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