Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 134 - Time for the Celebration

Chapter 134 - Time for the Celebration

Chapter 134 - Time for the Celebration

At the heart of the Chen Heavenly Mansion, within the Dawn Pavilion, a delicate window framed a certain scene—a beauty, in the midst of her makeup routine.

Yun Xiao stood behind, watching her clad in scarlet, a bit dazed.

Her white tiger mask had been removed. Her hair cascaded like a waterfall, and those captivating eyes gazed deeply into a bronze mirror, shrouded in a mystic haze. At this moment, she bore no disguise, exuding the will of an Empress of the Immortal Empire.

Meanwhile, Yun Xiao folded the white attire gifted by Zhao Xuanran and carefully placed it into his Pouch of Holding. He, too, donned a red ensemble.

"Can I skip wearing this hat?" Yun Xiao fiddled with it, visibly frustrated.

"Wear it," Chen Xi replied, rising and moving towards him. Up close, her red gown trailed the ground, her lips flamed, and her eyes commanded—her presence was formidable!

Against her stunning appearance and demeanor, only the current Yun Xiao could hold his ground. The lad, with a touch of grooming, looked as charming as a prince; starry eyes, sword-like brows, and a posture as straight as a blade, his fingers long and dreamlike.

Chen Xi, with her long gown trailing, approached him, reaching out to help him with his groom's crown. Though silent, her actions radiated a domineering grace.

"This get-up feels uncomfortable all over; I'll wear it for just an hour," Yun Xiao declared. Apparently, he still preferred his Senior Sister Zhao's white robes—unrestrained, relaxed, without bindings.

"As you wish," Chen Xi replied, glancing outside where lights sparkled and drums resonated, bustling with excitement. She pursed her lips. "The hour is nearing, and the guests are almost all here."

"Indeed, but before the ceremony, I have two questions," Yun Xiao stated earnestly.

"Speak," Chen Xi responded, her cold eyes fixed on him.

"First question. What's the dowry? Is it payable now?" Yun Xiao asked.

"Dowry?" Chen Xi paused, bemused, "Money-mad much? There's no dowry!"

"No dowry? What kind of woman are you!" Yun Xiao scoffed.

Chen Xi was speechless.

"No dowry is fine," Yun Xiao peered outside, "I can vaguely hear that many have brought gifts. I demand half of them!"

"Keep dreaming, they're for my father!" Chen Xi retorted.

"Damn!" Yun Xiao exclaimed, ready to tear off his groom's attire. "I won't wed. Go marry a dog for all I care!"

"Wait!" Chen Xi bit her lip, eyeing him for a long moment before compromising, "Rest assured, I'll pay you afterward."

"After the wedding ceremony?" Yun Xiao questioned.

"After the wedding night..." Chen Xi replied.

"What...?" Yun Xiao blurted in a daze. Eventually, he broke the silence that had lingered longer than welcome. "After the wedding night...?" he repeated, incredulity plain in his voice.

Chen Xi responded with a sly smirk, "Exactly."

For a fleeting moment, he was lost for words. "Are you pulling my leg?"

"What did you expect?" Chen Xi replied with a mock exasperation. "Did you think I was in a rush to marry you because of some grand scheme?"

The thought had, indeed, crossed Yun Xiao’s mind. Perhaps the wedding was merely a ruse, a clever diversion leading to chaos and bloodshed.

"No schemes," she assured.

His skepticism evident, Yun Xiao questioned further, "Then why marry me?"

She met his eyes, her gaze unwavering, "If we don’t get married, how do we spend the wedding night? Do you think that’d be appropriate?"

He was struck dumb, and his face turned an amusing shade of red. Slipping outside, he whispered to his little confidantes, "Blue Star, Red Moon, you need to keep an eye on this Divine Dawn Empress. I have a feeling I need to make an escape."

The flabbergasted Blue Star responded, "Why?"

"I must protect my innocence," Yun Xiao whispered, as if revealing a state secret.

Red Moon snorted with laughter. "Your innocence? It reincarnated ages ago!"


Meanwhile, the grandeur of the Chen Heavenly Mansion was on full display. The central hall, the most solemn and exquisite place in the entire mansion, opened its doors only for the grandest of occasions. The Chen Clan, a major family in the Heavenly Realm, had their roots deep in the fabric of the Immortal Empire. Their influence and alliances spanned generations.

Despite the sudden and odd nature of the wedding announcement, figures of power from across the Heavenly Realm arrived promptly, bearing gifts of great value. Exquisite gifts piled up, from elixirs and artifacts to precious minerals, arcane techniques, and ancient scrolls, attesting to the Chen Clan’s lofty status.

In a mere three hours, the hall swelled with ten thousand guests. Immersed in an aura of celestial energy, they resembled the very definition of immortals, radiating an otherworldly wisdom. josei

Distinguished officials from the Six Immortal Divisions, royalty from the Ancestral Temple, generals from the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, and heads of various major alliances in the Heavenly Realm—all were present. Their sheer number and the aura of power they exuded signaled the importance of this union.

It wasn’t just any wedding; it was the wedding of the Immortal Empire. The astounding part? It was all organized in just three hours. One could only imagine the influence of the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army.

The glittering array of gifts showcased the might of the Chen Clan. In the Heavenly Realm of the Immortal Empire, when it came to family heritage, only the Ye Royal Family could outshine the Chen Clan.

And now, as the hour approached, the central hall of the Chen Heavenly Mansion buzzed with excitement.

Clusters of guests huddled, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. The topic of choice? The gossip that was as spicy as the food.

"After Ye Xingchen's fall from grace, Chen Xi returned to the Heavenly Realm with the prowess of the Establishment Wind Fire Tribulation Realm and hurriedly arranged her wedding. She's looking to step on Ye Xingchen, the Grand Temple, and the Ye Royal Family," one guest whispered.

"Rumor has it the groom is just a Sword Cultivator from the lower realms, in the Early Sovereign Dragon Realm. If Ye Xingchen dares to show up tonight, oh, what a show that'll be!" another chimed in.

In short, everyone smelled drama and rushed to grab a front-row seat.

"The rupture of his Immortal Meridians! If the Ye prodigy falls, the humiliation would scorch deeper than before," someone mused.

Another scoffed, "The Chen Clan is truly savage. They plucked someone from the lower realm just to mock Ye Xingchen. Is this their way of proving that breaking off the engagement was the right choice?"

The murmur of opinions spread like wildfire, seemingly uncontrollable. Though hushed, the words were daggers, piercing hearts and stirring trouble.


At the head of the central hall sat the day's honored guests. The eldest brother of the Chen Clan, Chen Zhao, and his fifth brother, Chen Mo, played host.

Given the unusual circumstances of the day, many of the Immortal Empire's bigwigs simply sat in contemplative silence.

After some time, a dashing middle-aged man, dressed in luxurious robes, took his seat, guided by members of the Chen Clan.

"Minister of Rites, welcome," Chen Zhao greeted as he rose from his seat.

The Minister of Rites was one of the six leaders of the Six Immortal Divisions. He was in charge of the Ministry of Rites, which oversaw the empire's rituals. The Immortal Empire prided itself on tradition and etiquette. This Minister, Han Jingli, was a top figure in the empire. In terms of power and position, he was just a notch below the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army.

"Magistrate Chen, you honor me with your courtesy," Han Jingli said as he took his seat. With a perfectly poised smile and impeccable manners, he made one feel as if caressed by a spring breeze.

Chen Zhao, the eldest in his family, currently represented the Chen Clan at the Ancestral Temple, holding the position of Magistrate. The Ancestral Temple was an entity separate from the Immortal Empire's authority. It symbolized the interests of the Immortal Empire's major ancient clans. Presently, the Ancestral Temple was dominated by the Ye Royal Family, with dozens of other clans within its ranks.

These clans formed a crucial component of the Immortal Empire. The Ancestral Temple had always been the left hand and the right arm of the Immortal Emperor... until the Divine Dawn Empress ascended the throne.

After settling in, Han Jingli gave Chen Zhao a knowing look and commented, "Magistrate Chen, after tonight, your Chen Clan is set to rise."

Chen Zhao replied calmly, "Minister Han jests."

"No," Han Jingli raised an eyebrow slightly, "With Ye Xingchen out of the picture and the Empress suppressing the Ye Royal Family, I believe their days of glory are numbered."

Chen Zhao's brow twitched, his voice low, "Master Han, be careful with your words."

Han Jingli chuckled softly, sipping his tea, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "In the Heavenly Realm's Ancestral Temple, which clan would be the foremost? I'd say, it's yours, the Chen."

"No, no, it should be your Han Clan. With the numerous prodigies from your family and three spots on the Grand Temple's list, who are we to compete?" Chen Zhao replied coolly.

"Magistrate Chen, having three spots means nothing if not on top. One hand of your Chen Xi surpasses all three," Han Jingli remarked, eyes narrowing, "With Ye Xingchen now a non-issue, Chen Xi is destined for the pinnacle."

"You seem more talkative than usual today, Master Han," Chen Lin interjected from the side.

"Is that so?" Han Jingli replied with a radiant smile, "I'm simply rejoicing for your Chen Clan."

Han Jingli, a renowned handsome man of the Immortal Empire, always wore a standardized smile. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, every member of the Chen Clan felt an overwhelming urge to punch him right in that too-perfect face.

Meanwhile, the auspicious hour was rapidly approaching.

A hush fell over the hall as Han Jingli gazed towards the inner chamber of the Chen Heavenly Mansion, where the bride and groom were about to make their appearance. "I'm quite curious," he mused with a glint in his eye, "about this new groom whom the Chen Clan holds in such high regard."

The mere mention of Yun Xiao caused a contemplative silence between Chen Zhao and Chen Mo.

"I heard he's a Sword Cultivator from the lower realm, at the Early Sovereign Dragon Realm," an attendant of Han Jingli remarked, an odd expression on his face.

"Oh?" Han Jingli responded with a theatrical gasp. "A hidden gem, I suppose? Perhaps his Sword Soul is in the Upper Nebula grade?"

This comment only deepened the perplexed looks around him.

Chen Zhao gently curled his hand around the armrest of his chair. "Master Han, would you care for some tea?" he offered, his voice dripping with unsaid implications.

The tension in Chen Clan's central hall was palpable.

As the auspicious time drew near, all eyes turned towards the grand entrance of the Chen Heavenly Mansion.

"No representatives from the Grand Temple or the Ye Royal Family?" someone whispered.

"And the three Sword Cultivation lineages are conspicuously absent."

Such absences dimmed the spirits of those who'd come hoping for a spectacle. "Guess we'll just have to settle for gawking at the Chen Clan's son-in-law," someone sighed.

At that moment, a man in white armor strode into the hall, taking his seat of honor amid a chorus of greetings.

"The moment is upon us!" the Master of Ceremonies announced.

In the side chamber, Chen Xi draped the red veil over her own head and took Yun Xiao's hand. "What's your father's name?" he suddenly asked.

"Chen Xiao," she replied with a soft smile.

"That sounds like our future son's name," Yun Xiao remarked.

"Yep, he'll take after his mother's surname. Speaks to my status, after all." Chen Xi chuckled.

"Wait... Let's talk this out." Yun Xiao hurriedly replied.

Unbeknownst to them, the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army in the main hall was utterly bemused by the couple's casual chatter.

As they stepped out, all eyes were on Yun Xiao. Whispers rippled through the crowd.

"This... this is the groom?"

"I get it now. Chen Xi, that sly fox, she's all about good looks!"

"I initially thought she'd marry any old schmuck from the mortal realm just to spite Ye Xingchen. But look at them! A match made in heaven—beauty and the beau!"

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