Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Give an Inch, Yun Xiao Takes a...

Chapter 167: Give an Inch, Yun Xiao Takes a...

Yun Xiao knew Chen Xi's intentions. By using her identity, she attracted countless demons to the war. For what? Simply to eradicate the demons on a just and open stage. She was fearless, even in the face of starting a war, and she aimed for total annihilation.

If she dared to plot this deep, what did Yun Xiao have to fear? Today, all he had aimed for was some wealth and a Saint Sword Ring. Although his subsequent actions were spontaneous, each step was calculated. Perfectly so. His declarations were a prelude, setting the stage for Chen Xi's upcoming maneuvers. Maybe at this moment, many would think he was just blindly spouting threats, but time, he believed, would reveal the truth.

As expected, when Yun Xiao uttered those bold words, the demons actually hoped that the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor wouldn't rush out to finish him off.

"Blowing your own trumpet much?" a voice sneered. "Forget five thousand, any slightly older prodigy from my Demon Continent could tear you limb from limb!"

"Yun Xiao, mark my words! The consequences of today's actions will haunt your descendants for generations to come!"

"Humans, just you wait!"

The demons had never participated in the Heavenly Realm's War of Immortals. But from that moment on, Yun Xiao had truly lit the fuse. Brave ones, step forward! Cowards, step back! You only live once, so why fear death? Why not embark on a thrilling adventure? A glorious death surely beats a life of mediocrity.

"Wait for it!" The demons, tears of blood in their eyes, roared in fury, their voices filled with pure malice, as they withdrew in anger.

"If many human prodigies die in the War of Immortals, it's all on your head!" the fifth princess snapped.

"No problem, just pin all their deaths on me!" Yun Xiao replied with a sly grin.

The entire assembly at the Violet Sky Immortal Palace was left dumbfounded.josei

"Magnificent! Truly touching!" Sword Saint Yu Qian of the Violet Sky Immortal Empire, shrouded in a black cloak, gave Yun Xiao a sarcastic thumbs-up.

"I must ask, sir, do you practice the sword or simply wield a cucumber?" Yun Xiao replied nonchalantly.

"Ha! Even the Sword Saint Sun wouldn't dare speak to me in such a manner," Sword Saint Yu Qian scoffed coldly.

"Lighten up a little! I'm just showing concern for my fellow man. I was afraid you mistook yourself for a dog chewing on a cucumber?" Yun Xiao remarked with a hint of amusement.

"Ha!" Sword Saint Yu Qian chuckled, shaking his head. "You're a character."

"Look, just get lost," Yun Xiao retorted.

"You've become quite the prize, but your head's too rich for my blood. Your fiery words might stir your own heart, but to me? You're just a naive pup barking in the wind," Sword Saint Yu Qian said, adjusting his hat. A glint of sword-light shone ominously from his shadowed eyes. "Soon you'll grasp just how cruel reality can be."

"I do hope you stick around long enough for me to see that," Yun Xiao responded with a smirk.

Sword Saint Yu Qian shot back a cold, mocking smile and turned away, making his exit and shielding the two human princesses as he left.

In the end, the bustling Spirit Treasure Palace stood silent. Only a band of humans remained, casting speechless glances towards Yun Xiao. Their fervor was replaced by the weight of reality, and deep worries clouded their gazes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for today's unexpected events. The Spirit Treasure Palace will be closed for three hours and will reopen thereafter. We seek your understanding," Zhao Xuanjian apologized to the attendees.


"Mister Zhao, maybe it's best to discuss the current situation with the young one."

"In this age, being hot-blooded alone won't cut it."

The crowd sighed in unison.

"I'm honored by your confidence, but I can't control him," Zhao Xuanjian confessed, shaking his head.

With one last mixed glance at Yun Xiao, they bid their goodbyes, and the palace emptied in a flash.


Fifteen minutes later, Yun Xiao and Zhao Xuanjian stood face to face in an opulent room atop the palace, the atmosphere thick with tension. Stray Dog crouched to the side, barely daring to breathe.

"Was this orchestrated by Old Chen?" Zhao Xuanjian inquired earnestly.

"No! My actions had nothing to do with the Chen Clan," Yun Xiao asserted.

"So, from the moment you asked me for that Saint Sword Ring, you planned to entice and kill the Peacock Prince? Your father-in-law wasn't involved?" Zhao Xuanjian stared, dumbfounded, at the audacious young man before him.

"Exactly," Yun Xiao nodded.

"Have you completely given up on this world?" Zhao asked, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I follow the Heavenly Dao. Men can die, but their spirit must never waver!" Yun Xiao declared.

"The problem is... even if you just killed that Peacock Prince, your father-in-law could protect you on the grounds of a duel to the death. But desecrating his corpse in public? You've slapped the face of everyone promoting peace between humans and demons! No matter how eloquent you are, or how you cling to the excuse of avenging a wronged spirit, this changes the game for the higher-ups. It's awkward for everyone." Zhao Xuanjian sighed. "Kid, when we're the underdogs, we can't give our enemies an inch or a reason to rally against us. The human race must fight only righteous battles. Otherwise, internal strife, deceivers, rampant traitors, and schemers are more than enough to drown us."

"I know that! That's why I said all of this was my personal choice! It has nothing to do with the Chen Clan or any of you. If trouble really comes knocking, you can hand me over like those billion Sword Cultivators, offer a truce to the Demon Continent. I'm not afraid to die," Yun Xiao declared.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your father-in-law and I aren't from the Ye Royal Family." Zhao Xuanjian inhaled deeply, continuing, "The current issue is, if those demons decide to act shamelessly and come after you in the next few days, your father-in-law will have a hard time justifying protecting you. How's he supposed to stand against multiple Demon Emperors and 108 Saints on his own?"

"It's okay. To be frank, if you hand me over, it'll solve the problem. I've humiliated their Demon Prince; I'd be satisfied even in death! But if I couldn't insult him, living would be worse than dying," Yun Xiao countered.

"Why couldn't you have waited a few more years to humiliate him? You have so much potential!" Zhao Xuanjian exclaimed in exasperation.

"A few years? I can't even wait a day. If I hold a grudge but can't act on it, what's the point of a future?" Yun Xiao chuckled.

Zhao Xuanjian just stared, speechless.

"Bro, you're a true-blue Sword Cultivator," Stray Dog interjected with a grin, grinding his teeth, "At least to me, with that attitude, you could make it into the War of Immortals, right? According to its rules, if someone dies, everyone has to accept it!"

"Yes, indeed! Youngsters like you should just grow and thrive! Older folks like us should handle these matters... alas," Zhao Xuanjian gazed at Yun Xiao, a pang of pity in his heart. He understood better than anyone the storm Yun Xiao would soon find himself in, caught between the might of both the Divine and Demon Continent. That was a force magnitudes beyond comprehension.

How would a mere young man in white robes survive, surrounded by countless powerful foes? How would he endure?

"Uncle Zhao, all this talk doesn't do much good. I'd prefer something more... tangible," Yun Xiao said, breaking into a smile.

"What do you mean by that…?" Zhao Xuanjian asked with a jolt.

"My father-in-law once said..."

Before Yun Xiao could finish, Zhao Xuanjian quickly interrupted, his eyes widening in alarm. "You'd better keep that trap shut! Old Chen had a hard enough time raising a daughter. Don't drag him deeper into this mess!"

"Ahem." Yun Xiao grinned sheepishly, "Alright then, let me speak for myself. Uncle Zhao... how about handing over all the remaining Saint Sword Rings you have?"

"Hand them over?!" Zhao Xuanjian stammered, flabbergasted. "You've got some nerve! After playing the fool and snatching up all that loot from the Peacock Prince, you can't scrounge up 30,000 Saint Stones?"

"You have the audacity to say that? You placed secret bets on me, and the amount you won must have been astronomical!" Yun Xiao chuckled.

"Nonsense! My Spirit Treasure Palace closed for over three hours today because of you! Today was supposed to be our best business day, and you've cost me a fortune! Not to mention, I still have to pay taxes to the Immortal Empire!" Zhao Xuanjian exclaimed, almost pained.

"You think I'm a fool? The money you won from the bets is your personal wealth. The loss from the closure? That's the Spirit Treasure Palace's debt. Bottom line, you still profited," Yun Xiao ruthlessly pointed out.

Zhao Xuanjian was dumbfounded. Stroking his beard, he finally shook his head, "There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world. I can't. It goes against my business principles."

On hearing this, Yun Xiao unsheathed his Sword Soul, pointing at the Saint Realm Sword Ring on it. He smirked, "Well then, I'll just head out to the main street and announce that you gifted me this Sword Ring. Naturally, everyone will assume that your Spirit Treasure Palace was behind the murder of the Peacock Prince. Sounds plausible, right?"

"..." Zhao Xuanjian's eyes went wide.

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