Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Humans and Demons Can Coexist, But Divine Dawn Must Die!

Chapter 171: Humans and Demons Can Coexist, But Divine Dawn Must Die!

BOOM! The cobblestones on the main street burst apart, splattering with black peacock blood! In that instant, a hushed silence fell upon the crowd. Eyes wide, they shifted their gaze between Yun Xiao and the Divine Dawn Empress, hearts pounding. "Could it be...?"

The luminance of The Divine Dawn Empress' eyes bathed Yun Xiao's white robes. She asked, "Tell me, if people believe you've erred by openly consuming the bones and assimilating the flesh of a Demon Prince, what should you do?"

Yun Xiao lifted his head, his eyes aflame, and declared, "I'd consume the demon bones of his father and his backers too! I'd forge their bodies into a Sword Ring to adorn my Sword Soul! I'd lash their corpses night and day to silence those petty gossipers!"

This audacious proclamation made many a heart skip a beat. Upon hearing this, the twin princesses of the Violet Sky Immortal Empire plopped down, as if slapped repeatedly. Their faces flushed, but their defiant eyes seemed to scream—I don’t care, he might be senseless, but I’m the clever one!

From the heavens, the Divine Dawn Empress nodded in approval. "Well said! This wretched corpse is yours to disgrace with your Sword Soul daily. May it appease the myriad departed souls and warn malevolent demons. As long as your Sword Soul exists, it will serve as a reminder to our demon friends. The people of the Divine Continent and the Immortal Empire are our line in the sand. Anyone crossing it will pay dearly." Her proclamation shook the Heavenly Realm to its core.

Yun Xiao raised his sword to the sky, "May my Sword Soul shine as a beacon for generations! I pledge my life to safeguard the well-being of the Divine Continent!" Holding his sword, he saluted the souls, finally free, dispersing among the clouds from the ninety-nine tail feathers.

Once upon a time, like them, Yun Xiao's soul had been wronged and had sought the heavens. He knew. They surely witnessed everything that transpired. Bringing solace to the departed was the most fundamental creed of a cultivator. Farewell.

THUD! His sword plunged to the ground, the intent to kill, palpable.

With a flourish, Yun Xiao ignored the myriad of onlookers. The young man, gripping his sword, stepped on the corpse of the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor. Without uttering a word, he thrust the blade deep into the demon's marrow.

"Stop!" From the Grand Temple, a host of officials from the Immortal Empire, led by Grand Temple Sage and Han Jingli, approached the Divine Dawn Empress with sorrowful faces.

"Your Majesty," the Grand Temple Sage cried, tears streaming down, "By killing the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor, you've violated the peace treaty between humans and demons. This grave mistake, combined with this young man's desecration, might plunge our entire Divine Continent into irreversible doom!" The old man's voice trembled with emotion.

“Violate the treaty?” the Divine Dawn Empress chuckled. She glanced at the red-eyed Demon Saints from the Demon Continent and remarked, “Let’s not twist the truth here. The peace between humans and demons was a mutual agreement. Yet, this Eternal Joy Demon Emperor slinked into the lower realms and wreaked havoc on innocents. He's the one who broke the peace! In accordance with the treaty, I executed him, removing a blight for our demon friends, and restored righteousness to the Demon Continent. So, where have I gone wrong?”

“The Empress is right! The fault lies with the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor!”

Voices of outrage roared across the Heavenly Realm.

Those furious Demon Saints, like the Ape Saint, were stunned into silence by the Empress's words. What peace treaty? Before the Empress ascended, they ran amok in the lower realms with no consequences. Clearly, the interpretation of peace was in the hands of the powerful.

“Such parasites like the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor only bring shame to our vast demon friends. I will explain the matter to the other four Demon Emperors. Our peace is an unstoppable historical force, undeterred by such vermin,” the Divine Dawn Empress concluded, smiling at the Demon Saints. “I assume esteemed beings like yourselves wouldn’t associate with this kind of lowlife? Such a pest should’ve been eliminated by both our races. My apologies for acting impulsively.”

She then turned to Mu Tianshi, “Aren’t you arranging a feast at the Grand Temple to comfort our demon guests?”

Mu Tianshi looked down to find Yun Xiao had already absorbed the demon bones and was forming his Sword Ring.

The crowd of demons remained silent. With the four great Demon Emperors absent, they had no choice.

The Ape Saint, suppressing his towering rage, loudly said, “Thank you, Divine Dawn Empress, for alleviating the concerns of our demon race. We have no way to repay you but promise to give our best in the War of Immortals, hoping to bring a smile to your face.”

“I’m eagerly looking forward to it,” the Divine Dawn Empress nodded.

And so, Mu Tianshi led the high-ranking demons away.

At that moment, a gleaming, fearsome black Sword Ring materialized in Yun Xiao’s hand. The lingering soul of the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor was still present, fiercely howling in his grasp, a sight both ferocious and pitiful.

Two Sword Rings now dangled on Yun Xiao’s Sword Soul. One, a Fox Clan Saint Sword Ring, and the other, a pristine Sword Ring from the Peacock Prince.

“Wishing to reunite with your son?” Yun Xiao sneered. Wishful thinking! He removed the Peacock Prince's Sword Ring. He had long since served his use! He stored away the white Wind Fire Sword Ring, then took out the three other Saint Sword Rings he had collected earlier.

HUM HUM HUM! In a succession of swift movements, three additional Saint Sword Rings materialized around Yun Xiao's sword. Before setting out, he had stripped them from his Sword Soul. But now that he was facing Demon Emperors, why would he bother with the pretenses? There was no need to hide his power any longer.

He now boasted four Saint Sword Rings on his sword and one Demon Emperor Sword Ring clenched tightly in his hand. Then, with fervent determination, Yun Xiao infused the Demon Emperor's Blood Crystal directly into his sword. The strongest and fiercest of all Blood Crystals erupted, forming a massive black-flamed Sword Ring that enveloped Yun Xiao's sword, causing the blade's dark mist to churn violently.

Five Sword Rings in total! The Heavenly Realm was in an uproar once again. Following the Divine Dawn Empress's display, countless shocked eyes now shifted to Yun Xiao. Whispers and gasps swept through the crowd.

"What grade would five Sword Rings classify under?"

"Is that still a Sword Emperor or something greater?"

The buzzing continued.

"What!" Sword Saint Yu Qian from the Violet Sky Immortal Empire looked as if his eyes might pop out of their sockets.

"Uncle Yu! Surely, he and the Empress are headed for a dire end, right?" the fifth princess asked, her voice trembling.

"Don't fret," Sword Saint Yu Qian replied, "They most certainly are."

The twin sisters exchanged a relieved glance, reassuring themselves of their superior insight.

"250 layers of Sword Aura..." However, Sword Saint Yu QIan's eyes conveyed deep concern as he observed the scene.

The various Demon Saints had departed, and for the moment, the Heavenly Realm seemed tranquil. But everyone knew that an even more explosive confrontation lurked on the horizon.

All eyes were on the young man in white. With a Demon Emperor Sword Ring adorning his blade, he had undoubtedly become the enemy of the entire demon race. His very presence was an affront and humiliation to every demon.

"While he has certainly attracted a great deal of animosity from the demons," someone mused, "why did the Empress add fuel to the fire? Can he truly withstand the upcoming challenges in the Heavenly Realm's War of Immortals?"

SNAP! Just like that, every ounce of loathing from the Demon Continent had focused squarely on him and the Empress. Was it bravery or sheer folly to draw the ire of countless demons onto themselves?

Everyone glanced upward. The Divine Dawn Empress had already returned to her palace, and a retinue of Immortal Empire officials followed her like loyal ducklings. The Grand Temple Sage, including Ye Qingtian, wore dark expressions, clearly far from done.

"Yun Xiao," Drunkard, the bald man in green robes, appeared before him, eyes twinkling with amusement.

Yun Xiao bowed respectfully. "I must thank you, Uncle Drunk, for saving me earlier."

The man chuckled heartily, "No need for formalities." He gestured with his hand, "Come, the Empress wants to see you privately in the palace."

"Understood," Yun Xiao nodded. And so, they strolled through the streets of the Heavenly Realm. Despite the watchful eyes of the surrounding demons, they marched proudly towards the palace of the Divine Dawn Empress.

Along the way, the Drunkard took a sip from his wine jug. With an introspective gaze, he remarked, "The days ahead won't be peaceful."

"Mhm," Yun Xiao agreed.

"How do you feel?" The man inquired with a playful smirk.

"About what?" Yun Xiao asked.

"Publicly executing the Demon Prince, absorbing the demon bones, and refining his flesh into a Blood Crystal," he elaborated.

"Exhilarating," Yun Xiao admitted.

"Did you hear some of the jeers?" the Drunkard asked.

"I did," Yun Xiao smirked, his eyes reflecting deep disdain.

The Drunkard chuckled. "Good, because those voices will only grow louder. Not just against you but the Empress as well. Rumors will fly, enemies will twist words, and if I were to guess, you'll soon be painted as a criminal in the annals of the Immortal Empire."josei

"Because the historians come from the Grand Temple?" Yun Xiao inferred.

"Exactly," the Drunkard spat with disdain, "They've long since chosen to side with the demons. Your actions, in their eyes, are an affront to their benefactors. These cowards are in cahoots with our enemies. To call them traitors would be kind."

Yun Xiao remained silent, contemplating the man's words.

The Drunkard heaved a deep sigh. "No surprises here, but you're about to face criticism as vast as the skies themselves. They'll claim that by your cruelty towards the Demon Prince, you're inciting demons to lash out and harm innocent folks. But they don't grasp a fundamental truth. In this world, demons kill, consume flesh, and drink blood without needing a reason. It's just their nature. Whether you're cruel to them or not won't change a thing. The only reason they've been behaving lately isn't due to any harmony between humans and demons. It's because they fear the Empress. When the Ye Royal Family ruled, those were the real dire days. These so-called scholars and holier-than-thou folks just conveniently chose to look the other way."

Dignity wasn't about a supposed friendship between humans and demons. It lied on the edge of a sword!

"She's only fifteen," Yun Xiao murmured, feeling a bit indulgent around her.

"Exactly! Fifteen! The root of recent conflicts stems from this very fact," the Drunkard said, eyeing Yun Xiao. "Think about it. If she's this formidable at fifteen, wouldn't the Five Great Demon Emperors of the Demon Continent fear her? Who knows what she'll become in a few years? Yun Xiao, do you know what rhetoric has been circulating from the Grand Temple lately?"

"What?" Yun Xiao asked, clenching his teeth.

"'Humans and demons can coexist, but Divine Dawn must die!'" the Drunkard said with a cold chuckle.

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