Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 361

Chapter 361: Eternal Sea of Flowers!

The moment Yun Xiao locked eyes with the four delegates from the Immortal Asylum, the fight immediately kicked off! One demon and one devil split apart to launch a fierce assault from all directions.

Leading the charge was Kun Jiang, his approach shadowed by the floating Dream Demon. Meanwhile, Mo Jianzhi and Shen Xiaochan, armed with sword and sigil, flanked from the sides.

Their eyes, cold and lifeless as those of dead fish, regarded Yun Xiao as nothing more than a slab of meat ready for the chopping block. Their attack was swift, precise, and ruthless, each move aimed with lethal intent.

Before their bodies could even reach him, the amalgamation of sword light, sigil inscriptions, demon magic, and devilish blood created a suffocating atmosphere of doom over Yun Xiao.

This onslaught forced everyone nearby to be thrown back as if the gates of hell itself had opened upon them.

Every attack aimed at Yun Xiao targeted his vital organs and etched a network of bloody marks across his skin.

Clearly, this quartet was a force to be reckoned with, far surpassing the duo of the Talisman Emperor and Wick Devil.josei

Once again, Yun Xiao found himself encircled by enemies. Amidst the brutal killing intent, his gaze turned icy, his lips sealed in silence as he dove into the most focused state of combat.

This was Yun Xiao at his most formidable—a man of few words, whose only response was action.

Although the Dream Demon and Kun Jiang took positions at the front and above, it was Mo Jianzhi and Shen Xiaochan who reached Yun Xiao first.

To his left, a sword soul shaped like a gray tower transformed into a Flying Sword, spiraling towards his ear with a piercing shriek.

All the cultivators in the Immortal Asylum immediately clasped their ears in agony, a testament to the devastating power of Mo Jianzhi's tower-shaped Flying Sword.

On the right, Shen Xiaochan slapped her Dark Devil Sigil onto a fan-shaped magic treasure, from which a grotesque devilish face twisted into being.

"The Shadow Moth Fan!" a trembling onlooker whispered.

ROAR! Shen Xiaochan unleashed a black storm with a fierce wave. This tempest, teeming with countless black moths enveloped in dark mist and sporting crimson maws, surged towards Yun Xiao like a toxic cloud, nearly reaching his face before he could react.

But Yun Xiao was unfazed, as the Prison Warden Sigil at his brow buzzed. It transformed into a violet torrent that swept down, incinerating the black moths upon contact and reducing them to ashes with the ferocity of a scorching sun.

The violet torrent then converged into Yun Xiao's palm, morphing into a Runic Umbrella that sprung open with a resonant hum.

In a flash, the world was bathed in a violet glow, and the youth seemed to stand in a divine light, as if an Immortal had descended to earth.

BOOM! The black tempest unleashed by the Shadow Moth Fan crashed against the Runic Umbrella.

With a flick of his wrist, Yun Xiao turned the umbrella, turning the incoming swarm of black moths into vapor, as if they'd met their doom in a blender, disappearing into a mist of violet and white.

Yun Xiao, with an umbrella in one hand, spun around and unleashed a slash with the other. The Heaven Burial Sword Soul cut through the fabric of space, blooming like a lotus that marked the end, locking the very essence of the universe around him.

KLANG! The three-foot azure blade met Mo Jianzhi's tower-shaped Flying Sword with precision. The Flying Sword wailed as it was sent skidding across the ground, sparking fiercely. Then, with undiminished force, it turned into a streak of cold light that pierced through several Inscription Cultivators, showing the fierce aftermath of their clash.

Mo Jianzhi's attack was too ferocious, and Yun Xiao, with a single slash, couldn't control its trajectory.

"Scatter!" Yun Xiao shouted, but before the echo died down, the zombie-like Kun Jiang appeared before him, brandishing two massive weapons—a blood-red axe surrounded by lightning and a black spiked hammer wreathed in ghostly flames, from which the cries of ghosts and howls of wolves seemed to emanate.

BOOM! The two weapons, charged with the force of thunder and fire, came crashing down on Yun Xiao like mountains, the very air roaring with their descent.

In that heart-stopping moment, Yun Xiao was reminded of someone dear to him, a vision of her wielding a giant axe and hammer with a delicate grace that belied the violence of her actions—a fleeting memory amidst the chaos.

But the deadliest threat was yet to come. As Kun Jiang's weapons thundered down, the elusive Dream Demon appeared above Yun Xiao. Its baby-like skin melted away, revealing a bat-like monstrosity with eyes like blood-red whirlpools, locking gaze with Yun Xiao.

"Sleep..." the bat whispered, its wings cupping his face, as a beam of light shot from its swirling eyes straight into Yun Xiao's.

"Sleep your mom!" Yun Xiao shouted, unfazed by the supernatural assault, his spirit undimmed by the looming danger.

Fourth Form, Soulfire Eye!

Just when Yun Xiao's eyes were clouded over, a violet pupil burst forth from his forehead like the first ray of dawn through a stormy night.

The Soulfire Eye's gaze shot a beam of violet light, striking the Dream Demon square in one of its ghastly eyes. The demon howled in agony, its face a twisted mask of pain as it clutched its bleeding eye, wings flapping in a futile attempt to shield itself.

With a fierce thrust, Yun Xiao's blade, a bolt of azure lightning, pierced the demon's belly and emerged triumphantly through its skull.

"Oh?" the Dream Demon sneered, even as it was impaled. Its body dissolved into a cloud of black smoke, escaping the finality of death.

Yun Xiao had no time to chase shadows; the very moment he skewered the Dream Demon, Kun Jiang's hammer and battle-axe bore down on him with the wrath of a tempest.

In the blink of an eye, his Prison Warden Sigil transformed, conjuring a Runic Umbrella to shield him once more.

BOOM! The blood-red thunderous axe shattered the umbrella in a deafening explosion.

"Die!" Kun Jiang roared, his flame-wreathed hammer descending with a fury that shook the very air.

In that heart-stopping moment, Yun Xiao planted his hand firmly against the ground, his left hand swirling to create a vortex, employing the Taiji Sword Art with his bare palm to meet the hammer's descent.

His hand, delicate against the brute force of Kun Jiang, seemed too fragile for the task. Yet, a miracle unfolded.

The fiery hammer halted mid-air, just inches from crushing Yun Xiao, who stood unscathed. The ground beneath him cracked open, fissures sprawling for yards, but his arm remained intact, unharmed.

Kun Jiang's savage face froze in disbelief. He had expected his hammer to turn any human to dust, yet here Yun Xiao stood, unmoved.

"How could his flesh be harder than demons and devils?!" The shock reverberated through the minds of all who witnessed this feat.

Before the crowd could grasp this reality, Yun Xiao's eyes, cold as winter frost, seized the moment of Kun Jiang's astonishment.

With the Heaven Burial Sword Soul in his other hand, he cleaved through the air, unleashing a sword strike with the force of a cataclysm.

With a resounding snap, Kun Jiang's brawny arm was severed, blood spraying like a fountain as his fiery hammer thudded to the ground.

Seizing the moment of weakness, Yun Xiao darted forward, a blur of white, and with a flourish of his blade, the azure Sword Soul blossomed into a sea of radiant sword flowers.

KLANG! KLANG! KLANG! Each strike was a bone-shattering symphony. To the onlookers, it appeared as though dozens of crimson blossoms had suddenly bloomed across Kun Jiang's body, each gash a petal in this macabre garden.

With a final metallic ring, Yun Xiao sheathed his sword, streaking past like a beam of light.

THUD! Kun Jiang's towering frame crumpled to its knees.

Apart from the initial dismemberment, there were no other grotesque wounds on him, just the delicate imprint of a thousand blood-red sword marks. Each was a macabre tattoo adorning his flesh, even decorating the orbs of his eyes with floral patterns.

To the untrained eye, such injuries might not seem lethal. Yet, Kun Jiang was undeniably dead, his body devoid of life, his usually cold gaze now empty.

"Eternal Sea of Flowers..." The Sword Warden turned to witness the scene, his face etched with astonishment. "This is the most elusive strike from the Ancestral Sword Tomb, the very essence of the Eternal Sword Prison's namesake. It may look like mere surface wounds on Kun Jiang, but internally, he's been pierced countless times…!"

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