Immortal Space

Chapter 581

Chapter 581: ally

Chapter 581 Allies

Wang Hong did not expect that the extremely precious Zhuji Pill on the mainland of Hezhou could be bought in such an ordinary shop, and it was placed on the container very casually.

"Senior, do you need to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill?" Hearing Wang Hong's whisper, the shop waiter hurried up to greet him.

"I don't know the price of this Foundation Establishment Pill. If I want to buy more pills, are there any available?" Wang Hong asked tentatively.

"Of course there are goods, our elixir is directly supplied by Wanjia, a family of alchemists in Zhongzhou mainland, the supply is sufficient, and seniors can provide as much as they want.

The price of Jizhudan is ten middle-grade spirit stones per piece, and discounts are available for large quantities. "

The second store manager confidently assured that he felt that he might meet a big client.

"Okay! I'll look at other pills." Looking at the tone of the shop waiter, it seems that he has no worries about the supply of goods.

It seems that the Hezhou Continent has too little communication with other continents due to the Jue Linghai. The Foundation Establishment Pill, which can be bought at this small shop, has become one of the bottlenecks restricting the development of major forces in the Hezhou Continent. .

Wang Hong watched the store for a while, and found that the supply of goods here is indeed sufficient, and other kinds of second-order elixirs that are in short supply in Hezhou are sold here.

Third-tier pills are rare, only two kinds, but at least they can be sold. In the past, in Dongzhou, this kind of third-tier pills only appeared in small quantities at auctions.

A lot of information can be analyzed from these elixirs. First of all, having enough elixirs also means that other resources should also be abundant.

With a rich supply of resources, the average strength of the Fengwu Continent will definitely be much stronger than that of the Hezhou Continent.

What's more, the connection between Fengwu Continent and other continents is very close. Even such an ordinary store can get supplies from other continents. This can only be seen in the large number of ships entering and leaving the port. come out.

"Give me two Foundation Establishment Pills."

After looking at all the items in the store, Wang Hong decided to buy two Foundation Establishment Pills and compare them with the Foundation Establishment Pills he refined to see if there were any differences.

The clerk in the store was obviously stunned for a moment. Doesn’t this mean that you need to buy a lot, just two pills?

But he didn't dare to say anything more. When he opened the door to do business, everyone who came was a customer. The most important thing was that he couldn't beat him.

Wang Hong paid 20 middle-grade spirit stones and bought two foundation building pills. This price is much cheaper than that of Hezhou mainland.

After leaving this shop, he visited several shops, and the situation was similar. There was ample supply of all kinds of Tier 1 and Tier 2 spiritual objects, and there were also a lot of Tier 3 spiritual objects.

In this way, he will send people here to run shops in the future, and there is also a benefit, that is, they will not attract too much attention by selling some spiritual objects.

At the same time, a large amount of raw materials can be bought here to supply domestic needs.

The disadvantage is that the competition will be more intense when operating shops here in the future, and you need to stand out with better quality.

What makes Wang Hong feel a little strange is that many shops in Linhai City are actually opened by Yaozu, selling some Yaozu specialties.

Besides, you can often see monsters wandering around on the street, passers-by turn a blind eye to this, and there is no problem between the human race and the monsters.

Unexpectedly, the human race and the monster race on the Hezhou mainland are already at odds, but here is a scene of harmony.

Wang Hong bought a random item at a stall, and then pretended to be casual and said: "These monsters are not small, they often run here, and they are not afraid that we humans will kill them and eat them."

The stall owner heard Wang Hong's words, and quickly said: "Fellow Daoists, it's better not to think about them, the monster race has always been an ally of the human race, if the higher-ups know about it, they will definitely deal with it severely.

Besides, fighting is prohibited in the city, so fellow Taoists have no chance. "

Wang Hong heard what the stall owner said. Although he was calm on the surface, there was a storm in his heart.

The Human Race and the Monster Race are still allies, so what happened to the Hezhou Continent?

Is it different because Hezhou mainland lacks communication with other continents? But the possibility of this reason is very low, and there is definitely something else hidden.

Another point, the fact that the human race and the demon race are allies is also worth deliberating.

Only when we face a common enemy can we form an ally, otherwise this alliance is just a joke.

Wang Hong suppressed the doubts in his heart, and did not repeat the routine for the time being. If you talk too much, you will be wrong. There will be opportunities to clarify these things in the future.

After visiting these small shops, Wang Hong decided to go to some big shops in Linhai City. The small shops represent the most common level, and the top big shops represent the highest level here.

Asked passers-by, and soon found out the locations of the largest commercial firms in Linhai City.

At a crossroad, a tall building stands in the middle, with a plaque of Zhongzhou Commercial Bank hanging on the gate.

It is said that this firm is a Zhongzhou faction, and its branches are all over most of the mainland in the Little Metaverse, so its strength can be imagined.

Wang Hong walked into the door of the store, and was immediately greeted by a tall maid. This maid was trained in Qi, with a beautiful appearance and elegant manners.

"May I ask what you need, senior?" the maid Yingying asked with a salute.

"This is the first time I've come to your firm, I don't know much about it yet, I want to take a look around first!"

"Good seniors, please do as you please!" After saluting again, the maid gave Wang Hong a general introduction to the layout inside, and then stepped aside on her own.

Wang Hong wandered casually on the first floor. Although the maid stepped back, she kept an eye on him from afar, keeping a distance that was neither too far nor too close to ensure that she would be there as soon as Wang Hong needed anything.

According to the maid's introduction, the items on this floor are all first-order items. Although Wang Hong is an expensive Nascent Soul cultivator, he still read it from beginning to end.

Then I went to the second floor, and looked at it for a long time before going up to the third floor.

The flow of people on the third floor suddenly became thinner, and the products displayed were also much less.josei

The products on the third floor are all third-order spiritual objects, and Wang Hong carefully examined them one by one.

Just a variety of magic weapons, a shelf is filled, which is a big deal that Wang Hong has never seen before.

In order to gather magic weapons for his subordinates, he tried his best.

The quality of these magic weapons varies from good to bad, but none of them are cheap, and the price of the worst magic weapons is hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones.

In addition, third-tier refining materials, alchemy materials, formation materials, talisman-making materials and other materials are for sale.

"What's the price of this Xuanyuan heavy magnetism?" Wang Hong stared at a piece of black ore for a long time before asking.

Hearing his inquiry, the maid who was in charge of receiving him before hurriedly turned over.

"Hello senior, the price of this Xuanyuan heavy magnet is calculated by weight, and the price is one middle-grade spirit stone per thousand catties."

Thanks to Tangjian 123, Gale is taking off, a Wensheng, 201802***4341 for the tip!

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