Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Gu Jin took Gu Nancang's hand and walked in gracefully. When she came in, several lines of sight were immediately gathered on her body.

From her face to her temperament, she is not inferior to Gu Mingzhu and Gu ran, or even more delicate than Gu ran.

The man who just said he wanted to dismiss Gu Jin did not reduce his momentum, but became more arrogant.

"Do you know what politeness is to let so many elders wait for you

Gu Nancang is just about to open his mouth. Gu Jin gently pulls Gu Nancang's hand, saying that she can handle this matter.

"My grandfather told me it was seven o'clock. Now it's only 6.50, and it's ten minutes to go. I'm not late.

I didn't expect you to come so early. If I knew, I would come earlier. "

Gu Jin's polite and polite reply is impeccable.

"No, everyone wants to see you earlier, miss. Come and do it." The people who open their mouth are from the old man school, and their words are much more polite.

Gu Jin didn't sit down yet. A man with similar eyebrows and eyes said: "wait a minute, this girl has no origin. Now it can't be regarded as the second miss."

On this day, Gu Jin was familiar with the affairs of his family, and his appearance was also familiar to him.

She should have called her uncle. Gu Mingzhu is so hard to deal with, let alone them.

"Uncle, she is my sister. Can I cheat?" Gu Nancang opened his mouth directly.

"Nancang, of course, my uncle doesn't mean that you cheat people. It's just that this worldly liar is rampant. I'm also afraid that you will be cheated. If you are cheated by someone with a heart, the gain will be more than the loss."

"as like as two peas, not one family does not enter one family, uncle's tone is similar to Pearl cousin.

Since you don't believe me, you can make an identification on the spot. I believe my uncle has already been ready.

Let's open the window and tell the truth. If the identification result is that I'm really brother Nancang's sister, those who suspected me before would apologize to me! "

"Make an apology if you apologize. I want to see where you got out of it, and dare to pretend to be the daughter of our family.

If you are not, I will sue you to court for fraud immediately! You should know how long you're going to get for fraud.

So, little girl, I would like to advise you that if you leave now, it will be too late, so as not to step down after the identification results come out. "

Gu Jin chuckled, "real gold is not afraid of fire. I am the blood of my family. What am I afraid of?

It's just to prevent your people from cheating. How about we do the identification together? "


Gu Mingzhu and Gu ran thought Gu Jin would refuse, but who knows she answered so positively. Is she really a family member?

Since everyone had doubts about Gu Jin, they did not go around the Bush and went directly to the subject of identification.

Gu Jin and Gu Nancang began to do brother and sister identification. They had the same father and mother, so there was no mistake in the identification results.

Mr. Gu came out to play a roundabout, "well, the identification results still need to wait for a while to come out. We eat first. We haven't been so busy for a long time."

Although everyone was laughing and talking during the dinner, Gu Jin knew it very well. In fact, their thoughts were on the identification results.

After a meal, the results on both sides have come out.

Han Chen first handed over the printed results, "this is the identification results, two people are really brothers and sisters."

Gu Mingzhu looked at the doctor they brought, "Dr. Li, what's your identification result?"

With the result of identification in his hand, Dr. Li looked at Gu Mingzhu carefully and said, "they are brothers and sisters." josei

Gu Jin mouth up, "now the evidence has come out, you still have any doubts?"

"Since you are Gu Jin, where have you been these years? Why didn't you come back early, but at this time? "

Gu Jin truthfully replied: "I'm afraid this is about to ask my mother. I was adopted by other people since I was a child. As for my life experience, I just learned about it recently."

"Yes, I have been looking for jin'er's whereabouts all these years, but there is only one clue. There is a butterfly birthmark on jin'er's waist.

Because the birthmark in the waist is very difficult to find, this time I came back to find her by accident, only to recognize her

People in the field, you look at me and I look at you. Originally, we didn't believe it. Until the identification results came out, we all had no words to say.

"The first uncle, the second uncle, the two cousins, and all of you who were here said I was unworthy. What else can I say now? According to the agreement, you should apologize to me. "

Su Jinxi sat down on the chair and looked at them with a smile.

"Pearl, raer, don't apologize to the second lady." The old man spoke coldly.

"I'm sorry, cousin. We didn't mean to." Gu Mingzhu had to apologize."It's all family, I can understand." Gu Jin is modest and generous from the beginning to the end, which makes people unable to pick out any mistakes.

The eldest uncle and the second uncle looked at each other, and they also said, "jin'er, although you are a person who cares for your family, the matter of inheritance right remains to be discussed.

Today, since everyone is here, I will say that Mingzhu and Ran'er were born and grew up at home.

Their words, deeds and behaviors are studied according to the standards of their heirs.

Now jin'er is back, and the family care industry is all over the world. If the inheritance right is handed over to her, in case of a mess, who will bear the responsibility?

My personal meaning is that the inheritor should be selected from Mingzhu and raer. As for jin'er, he can learn slowly at home.

What do you think of handing over the right of inheritance to her when she has the strength in the future? "

"That's a good idea. The old man is old enough to have a rest.

Let them help with their affairs first, and wait until jin'er matures. "

Gu Jin of course knew that once the right of inheritance was handed over, it would never be taken back.

This proposal is fair on the surface, but it is actually a trap for her.

Gu Nan Cang frowned and was obviously dissatisfied.

Gu Jin had expected this result for a long time, so he was not surprised.

"Uncle, I've just been looking back home for a day, and you have never contacted me, so you have directly denied me."

"So you think you can take care of your family?" My uncle didn't believe it.

"To be honest, my major in university is finance, and my score has always been among the best.

Of course, you must say that the school is different from the actual situation. I am lack of experience.

Unfortunately, I worked as an administrative assistant in a well-known large company in China, and also handled several billion large orders.

Although the experience is not as good as the two cousins, people are born and can't speak. They all need to grow up after the day.

I hope you can give me this opportunity. I'm sure I won't let you down. "

Gu Jin's words are very sincere, many people tend to Gu Jin.

Gu Mingzhu thought she was a wild girl, but she had a foundation.

Gu ran turned his eyes, took Gu Jin's hand with a smile and said, "cousin, after listening to your resume, you can see that you are a very good person.

We are a family, I will not say two words, my cousin pearl and I have been working in the company for two years.

We know more about the company than you do. My grandfather's health is getting worse every day. We really want to lighten the burden on my grandfather... "

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. This position should have been hers.

My health is not good, and it is not so bad. I believe jin'er will not let us down! "

"Grandfather, we are all your granddaughters. Why are you so partial?"

"That is, grandfather, you would rather believe a granddaughter who just came back, than a granddaughter who has been with you for so many years?"

Both of them pointed out the injustice of the old man one after another, and the other people present also expressed their wishes.

Everybody you say a word, I say a word, express their views one after another.

Gu Jin was not in a hurry, just like watching a play. She didn't speak until the noise was almost the same.

"How about this? You give me a year to study and grow. If I still can't meet the standard of being the successor of my family after one year, I will voluntarily give up the position of successor."

Gu Jin said this sentence, and all the people present at the scene brightened up. "Second miss, you said it yourself."

"Of course, but I have a condition to prevent you from deliberately raising standards.

A year later, I will compete with my two cousins fairly. If anyone wins, he will be the successor of the family. Is that good? "

Both Gu Mingzhu and Gu ran don't believe how powerful Gu Jin can be in a year. After all, they have received rigorous training since childhood.

"I agree. In a year's time, we'll compete fairly. Can you agree, cousin pearl?"

"I have no opinion. What about the other elders?"

Everyone agreed, but Gu Nancang and the old man had some worries.

"Jin'er, is a year too tight?"

The other two people are afraid of her repentance, "a good year is a year."

"Don't worry, two cousins. I didn't go back on my word. Let's take one year. Please give us a witness."

The big uncle was even more afraid of the old man's repentance, and said directly: "after a year, no matter who wins, you can't go back on your word."

The old man saw these as if seeking power and usurping the throne, and his eyes were cold.

"Never go back! If anyone wins, I will transfer my share coefficient to her! "

The other people are surprised, all shares? This means that the winner is not only the successor, but also the largest shareholder of the board.Gu Mingzhu and Gu Ran's ambition was impetuous. "Grandfather, everyone can listen to me. When you speak, you should count your words."

"Naturally, my word is up to me. This year, the company's affairs are temporarily handled by Nancang."

"Well, that's settled."

Everyone was satisfied with the result, but Gu Nancang was worried. Could Gu Jin win in only one year?

In the previous three years when he had been in private with Gu Jinding, who knew that Gu Jin temporarily changed his mind.

Gu Jin just wants to go back to see a person earlier. A year seems to be too long.

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