Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

Nangong Mo cold face, line of sight in the face of all people balk, "no one said it, or, the special police group will be there soon."

Jian Yun opened his lips several times, and he wondered how the man who loved Li Ting became his fiancee in a twinkling of an eye.

Because of the large number of people here, he didn't talk much. He just watched from a distance and asked her again when he had the opportunity.

Feeling his eyes, Gu Jin looks at him. Gu Jin's eyes are opposite to him. The man doesn't speak, but his eyes are full of curiosity and exploration.

Jian Yun also feels strange, why her eyes seem not to know themselves the same.

Nangong Xun's line of sight is like an accurate scanner. After investigating Gu Jin's past, he naturally knows the relationship between Gu Jin and Hua Qing.

From the perspective of motivation, no one here is more motivated than Hua Qing.

"Come here." Nangong Xun's eyes are fixed on Huaqing.

Hua Qing was watched by the man's cold eyes, subconsciously felt the danger.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you? "

"You don't have the right to know who I am." Nangong Xun has a kind of coldness without anger and self-esteem.

Nangong Xun only a cold eye to sweep away, his assistant Qin Feng will go directly to Huaqing. josei

"Miss, please cooperate. We just want to know the situation."

"Why don't you call them so many people here? You're going to call me? " Hua Qing is very dissatisfied.

"Everyone will come to understand the situation. This way, please. By the way, let your assistant join us."

The blue moon looks guilty at first, and now her heart is beating faster.

Hua Qing takes a look at Gu Jin. Their eyes are opposite. Gu Jin doesn't like this woman at first sight.

This is a kind of human feeling. When she saw Nangong Xun for the first time, she was strange, and Nangong Mo was kind.

When Nangong Xun looked back at Gu Jin, he was obviously gentle, "let's go."


Originally, he reached out to hold Gu Jin. Gu Jin avoided his hand as if he didn't feel it.

She didn't hate this man, but subconsciously she rejected his touch, and even instinctively some wanted to escape, as if she should never have done so.

Will someone feel sad when they see it? She thought about it carefully, but she couldn't remember who would be sad.

Several people arrived at the room where Nangong Mo usually rested. Although Gu Jin lost his memory, others did not.

Why are there so many people in the audience? They are the first to find this woman, and they don't like her at first.

It shows that 90% of the people who hurt themselves are this woman. Otherwise, how did the needle come from?

"Where were you before it happened?" Nangong Mo does not beat around the bush.

Hua Qing had already thought out his words, "I'm resting in the dressing room. Two stylists and makeup artists can testify to me. They are outside now. Do you want to call in?"

There should be witnesses to see her relaxed posture.

"And you?"

This assistant is not an honest and responsible person. It is not necessarily Hua Qing who does this kind of thing. It is also possible for this assistant to do it.

Blue moon is usually arrogant in front of other people, but now the people in front of her are big people.

A Nangong Mo is enough to make her afraid. There is also a strange man who has never met. Looking at him, I feel terrible.

When asked about herself, blue moon first looks at Hua Qing. Hua Qing is the actor with stronger psychological quality.

"See what I do, what the director asks you, you can answer truthfully, don't talk nonsense." There is a strong sense of threat in the language.

"You go out and she stays." Nangong Xun, who is more observant, discovers the problem at a glance.

Hua Qing is an actor who can cover up his emotions. Others may not have this ability.

"She's my assistant. Are you going to play hard while I'm away?" Hua Qing is not a simple role.

"The law will not wrongly punish any good person or wrongly judge a bad person. We just want to ask some things clearly." Nangong Mo has a good attitude.

"In short, you can ask here what you want to ask. I will not leave." Hua Qing knows that blue moon has been restless. If she leaves, she will show her true colors.

Nangong Xun is holding his chin with one hand. He seldom talks, but every speech is an absolute command.

"Get her out of here." Simple four words, without any hesitation.

With his assistant and he is also the same style of people, a few steps to Huaqing, a cold face, "Miss Hua, please."

"What if I don't go?" Hua Qing is tough. If blue moon tells the truth, it will be over.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take extraordinary measures." Finish saying Qin Feng unexpectedly a hand to carry up Hua Qing.Gu Jin was stunned. This means It's very special.

"You let me down! You are not a policeman. Why interrogate me! Let go of me

Let Huaqing fight and kick, Qin Feng carries Huaqing out of the door, from the beginning to the end of the expression has not changed.

There is no Hua Qing present, blue moon subconsciously pharyngeal saliva, "what do you really want to ask? I also have alibi. "

Nangong Xun looked at her coldly, "your eyes are lying."

"I don't have one."

"I'm not very patient. I don't take the normal way to achieve my goal."

Blue moon on the pair of purple double pupil, purple should be a romantic incomparable color, like lavender.

However, at the moment, the pupil of this man reminds her of some kind of cold crystal without any emotion.

"You, what do you mean?" LAN Yue is already nervous.

Nangong Xun suddenly took out his mobile phone, even Nangong Mo didn't understand what his brother was going to do.

From Nangong Xun's work style before, he knew one thing very well, but Nangong Xun had many inhuman means.

Look at him sitting here with a plan in mind, I think he has already checked the matter very clearly.

Even if it is not clear, he must have the means to force blue moon to admit.

So I just need to watch the play well and wait for the result. Big brother, one top two.

"It doesn't matter. Lanyue, formerly known as Zhao Fanglan, entered the assistant industry after graduating from high school because she liked to pursue stars.

I've been with four stars, and the last one is Hua Qing, who is your current master. "

Blue moon's head is full of sweat. I didn't expect that the man who had never met would investigate her so clearly!

"You investigate me!"

"My fiancee has been so wronged, do you think I'm a freeloader?" Nangong smoked cold hum and then said.

"Your family condition is ordinary, your parents are not in good health, and you have a brother who is studying in high school It's him, isn't it

Nangong Xun pulls out the photos of her brother at school. Lanyue always knows that rich people can cover the sky by themselves when they do things. However, it is something she never thought about.

"He's my brother, so what?"

"No, it's just that two hours ago, there was a sudden increase of 200000 transfers in your account. I'm more curious about how a little assistant of you suddenly has so much money?"

Hearing that the blue moon has hair on his back, this man has already investigated here.

Hua Qing is not using my account, but if you dig deep, there will be some clues.

Sure enough, this man is the last cruel role, she coldly looked at him, "this is the money others lent me. My parents are not in good health and need treatment."

"Blue moon, I said, I don't have the patience to go around with you.

You and I know who did this. Hua Qing is the only one who has a grudge with my fiancee.

Instead of wasting time on sophistry, I can promise you some conditions.

As long as you tell the truth, I can give you 500000 yuan for your brother to go to school and cure your parents.

If you are worried that you will not be able to get along in this business after betraying the owner, this is not a big problem. Naturally, I can make you quit. "

Nangong Mo was convinced by his big brother's means. He collected the information of blue moon in such a short time.

As long as she tells the truth, Hua Qing will be finished. This is much faster than asking her questions one by one.

Sure enough, Nangong family is now so powerful that it is inseparable from Nangong Mo's means. Fortunately, he did not choose to be the enemy!

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